Find out all about the prayer of faith, a prayer that opens hearts
People in difficult situations seek hope in the Supreme Being for a solution to their problems. In this post we will talk about the prayer of faith that allows us to open hearts and give the peace and calm that is needed. We will present some examples and point out some details of interest about this prayer and about faith.
the prayer of faith
The accelerated reality that we currently live in makes us go through circumstances in which we feel down, disappointed and hopeless. We find ourselves lost and out of breath and without any incentive to continue fighting.
However, it is in those precise moments when we should ask the most and trust God to encourage us and not give up.
We must approach God, as well as his Son Jesus and the Blessed Mother Virgin Mary, who will fill us again with hope, through the Holy Spirit.
We must feed on faith to continue on the path that God has outlined for us with optimism.
Now, what is faith?
- In religious terms, it is one of the three theological virtues of Christian doctrine, which consists of believing in the Word of God and in the Church.
- It is also, in a more generalized concept, the belief and hope that each person has about the presence of a superior being, by which a set of religious principles and norms of social and individual behavior are followed, which regulate the essential aspects of their life.
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From there we can deduce, then, that a prayer of faith is asking God or a supreme being to grant a favor, according to the promises that he gave as a superior entity based on the established principles of that belief.
In the Christian faith, this promise is based on trust in the Holy Father, who encourages us to ask him, because he will grant it.
That is why we must simply trust and have faith in God the Father, as confirmed by the book of Acts in 11:1, when it tells us that faith comes from the certainty of something that is expected to arrive, having the conviction that it will be so, even when it is not seen.
We must strengthen faith, that wonderful virtue that the Blessed Sacrament has given us so that we can always live with optimism, with new energy and not lose our way.
For this we can use the following prayers of faith, which can be a source of inspiration for those in need to strengthen their faith.
faith prayer examples
We hope that the following examples will serve those people who are searching for more appropriate and sincere words to address God, according to their need.
Prayer 1 – Strengthen faith
Oh Loving Father!
I come to you at this time of uncertainty and confusion.
Lord, help me to be a more conscientious and dedicated believer in yours. Give me the right tools so that I realize my weaknesses and limitations and learn to improve.
Guide me, Most Holy Lord, to strengthen my faith, to follow in your footsteps and be able to reach your Heavenly home, being the honest, humble person and servant of your precepts that you want me to be.
I know that You, in your infinite mercy, can guide me in what I should do to please you. I am weak and I allow myself to be tempted by the evil intentions of the devil, who lurks in all the places that I am accustomed to frequenting due to my obligations as a citizen.
Help me, my Lord, do not allow me to deviate from your Holy Words and prevent, Beloved Father, from going down the wrong path of perdition!
Strengthen my character and my principles to be brave enough and not give in to the inevitable difficulties of life.
I want to be as humble as your Son Jesus Christ so that I can carry my cross every day and discover that without you I will never be able to do it.
Cover me with your Holy Mantle of Blessings so that when the tests come to me in which I must make your Word prevail against the temptations of the evil one, I can respond properly according to your will.
I know that they are tests that you send me, not punishment, but as an opportunity to be able to show my love to you. You know me and I know that the words with which I address you do not matter, but the attitude of my heart.
O Loving Father! I want to be consistent with the faith I profess and I know that with Your Holy Guide I will achieve it, because You illuminate my path.
I will be a better Christian and, therefore, a better person who is more understanding with others, more humane and kind. So I can be a better servant of you and thus give peace and joy in the midst of those around me.
Thank you! You know I need you, take control of my life. I open the door of my heart for you to help me and I receive you as my Lord and Savior.Amen.
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Prayer 2 – For my house and my family
Lord, with humility I offer you my house and my family so that you may dwell in it forever and allow us to continue conducting ourselves according to your divine precepts.
We are humble and honest people, who have always found peace and help in you whenever we have needed it.
Today I present myself to you so that you come to my house and continue to strengthen the faith that we profess in it and help us to ward off the evil one from our home.
Oh Lord Jesus heed my call for protection! You know that demonic beings are always on the lookout to capture and try to lead us astray from the path of God.
Therefore, I ask you for Divine Protection for my family, especially for my three adolescent children, who are still in the process of forming their character and can easily fall prey to bad influences.
I implore you, your infinite goodness, to lead them along the path of good, to advise them and not to abandon them at any time, they are weak and need your wise word and encouragement. Make them always worship you and follow you!
I fervently pray and hope that the light of your Holy Word envelops them in your Divine Clarity and illuminates their steps. Make them always utter words and hymns of praise and gratitude for the blessings you pour out on them.
Make my children learn in this my humble home to know you and walk your paths, for your Glory.
I also turn to you, so that in your immense greatness, you strengthen us as parents so that we can give the best example to our children and instill in them moral values of honesty and respect and above all religious principles that you left us, when you were with us, in As for how to act to be a good Christian.
You know my family and you know that you are always in our hearts, in every moment of the daily routine and especially when we pray together.
I also ask you, always Beloved Lord Jesus, to provide us with the economic and health resources to subsist and satisfy our basic needs for both my children and my beloved wife, a fervent devotee of the Holy Mother of God, and my parents, consecrated to the Most Holy and Almighty Lord God.
Bless, Lord, my house, which is an enclosure consecrated to you. Allow, oh Lord, that the flame of family love for you remain always lit every day.
Let those who enter the threshold of this house feel that it is the abode of the Lord God, a house of peace, love and fervor to Christ Jesus. Make love always grow, that it does not diminish between us and produce the divine fruits that you and your Holy Father expect.
That under this roof only words of faith and love are pronounced and that the voice be raised only to give blessings and speak well of those who come to our home, where they always receive friendship, affection and comfort.
Oh always Beloved Jesus! Bless the health of each one of us, the house, our assets, our livelihood and each of the projects we undertake. Make them prosper for the Glory of God!
May we always do in it our daily prayers to your throne of grace, in which we implore your support and support that we need.
We want to be a testimony of the immense love you have for us, for which we thank you infinitely, Beloved Jesus.
This is a prayer of faith, in which, although I ask you for material things, I mainly ask you to reaffirm our faith in you, in your heavenly father and in the most holy ever-virgin Mary.
That is the priority of my prayer today to you, because by having firm faith in God, everything else is earned and guaranteed.
Grateful and eternally consecrated to you, my great Lord!Amen.
Prayer 3 – Thanks
Holy Father, here I am before you!
But this time, I’m not doing it to ask you for something. I do it because I am happy, because of the blessings you pour out on me and for that today I want to thank you.
First of all, I want to thank you because you love me, and that is enough for me to follow you and ensure that everyone who interacts with me does the same.
You are great and wonderful, my well Beloved Lord, for all the goods you grant us every time we humbly and fervently ask you.
I am happy and grateful, my God, you are present in my life, in each one of my activities, in my home, in my work, in the street, in every moment that I implore you because I need you and you come to my aid.
I want to thank you for simply lighting up my life with your blessed presence in my abode. I thank you, infinitely, because you are my strength in those moments of fainting of my soul.
I also want to thank you, my Holy God, for being my comfort when there are anguishes in my heart. You comfort me from my sorrows and you make me fill me again with joy for living and continuing to be your Son.
You are so special to me, you are my wealth in my poverty. You take away my hardships and fill my being with joy. You have given me the opportunity to serve you, my God, and I have also been able to serve my family.
I have been able to provide her with everything she needs, duly satisfying her needs, all thanks to your divine intercession so that I could receive the income I required.
I am happy and grateful that you are my unconditional support in times of difficulty, but also in times of joy.
I thank you, Holy God, because You are my Father, my brother, my friend, my savior, the faithful companion in my heart, because you are my everything.
I also want to express to you through this prayer of faith your presence, my God. Eternal is gratitude for your kindness, justice, calm, truth and for being the water for my thirsty soul.
O my good Master! I thank you forever for having made me meet people with noble and good hearts, with whom I have been able not only to share moments of joy and well-being, but also activities in which we help those most in need and provide them with the basics so that can survive the day.
All these good-hearted people are my brothers in God, because thanks to your intercession, your words and teachings, we have been able to get along and achieve works for the pleasure of many, but above all for your Glory.
I am also grateful and happy for having allowed me to enjoy all the wonders you have created, nature in all its expressions and the well-intentioned human beings I have met throughout my life.
Thank you, Lord, for everything you have given me and for everything I have. You are great, magnanimous and powerful.
Lord, You always accompany me and guide me at all times, because you are my only Savior and that is why today I wanted to praise and adore you!Amen.
How to do it?
We have already seen that prayer is talking to God. However, we can say that there are many different types of “conversations” that we can have with God through the prayers of faith. Thus it is said that there is a prayer of faith:
- to ask for salvation
- To request a specific favor
- to strengthen faith
- To ward off bad influences
- To thank.
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However, it can be said that there is a prayer of faith of another kind. It is what has been called special faith. That is the faith that in 1 Corinthians 12:9 is called the great faith. This is said to be one of the spiritual gifts.
Now according to Smith Wigglesworth, a British evangelist who was influential in the early history of Pentecostalism, this faith can be said to be somewhat supernatural and you will often find that if you take a step of faith, using your own faith, that it is what he has as a Christian, when it runs out, that supernatural faith will be activated.
According to Wigglesworth, the reason many people don’t do that is because they don’t use what they naturally have first.
Let’s see some of the peculiarities of faith:
- Faith helps us at all times. In the different meetings and our relationships with family, friends and work.
- It is a trusted source.
- Spiritually it is like being born again aware of the gift granted by God
- It transforms us, therefore, it makes us more reflective, trusting, compassionate and merciful.
- It changes our character, because being the fruit we receive from the Holy Spirit, as Galatians says in 5:22-23, it gives us: joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, humility and self-control.
- We are more willing to serve:
- The word of the Lord
- Our brothers
- Ourselves, making us more worthy before God.
Faith is based on three fundamental pillars; namely:
- The Word of God, embodied in each of his teachings through the prophets and in the promises that God left us, such as: that he will always be with us, that he will give us eternal life and that he will always love us.
- The Work of Jesus, who bequeathed us in his preaching, in his messages, in his miracles, in his delivery on the cross to bear our sins.
- The testimony of the Holy Spirit. Thanks to his presence in each one of us, we can be certain that God lives and is watching over us.
Through the Holy Spirit, we act according to the will of the Father, we profess the faith and He makes us feel that He loves us as a true father. This is a testimony of faith.
This is how Romans 8:-16 expresses it to us when it says: ” The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.”
How to lead a life of faith?
To lead a life of faith, it is only necessary to be guided by some steps that we present below and that could serve as the basis for offering prayers of faith and taking them to people so that they open their hearts and also surrender to the Lord.
- Trust God’s promises.
- Publicly confess our faith in Christ.
- Invoke the Holy Spirit at all times.
- Allow the Holy Spirit to fill and control our lives.
- Obey the precepts that Christ taught us.
- Read the Bible, receive and practice its teachings.
- Attend the Christian Church customarily.
- Give testimonies to others of our faith in Christ.
- Establish a disciplined prayer life.
- Turn away from sin.
As we have already seen, the prayer of faith is one that comes from the heart with humility, honesty and respect for God. With it we can establish a personal relationship with God, without intermediaries, in which the only mediator is Jesus.
It is a personal encounter with God, connected to his mercy to please him, as expressed in Hebrews 11:6: “But without faith it is impossible to please God; For he who comes to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him.”