Effective prayer to subdue a proud man
You are looking for a sentence to subdue a proud man . In this post you will find effective prayers so that you can dominate that proud man, quickly and easily. Do not stop reading it as it can help you to dominate your man and leave pride aside.
Prayer to subdue a proud man
You want to dominate that proud and stubborn man so that he apologizes and returns to you like a meek lamb, say this powerful prayer with great devotion and you will see how you dominate him, easily and quickly. You need to repeat the same prayer three days in a row and you will see that before the third day he will return:
Pomba Gira, I more than anyone know of your power and your strength, today I come to you to ask you earnestly for my man (say your man’s name), to think of me (say your name) 24 hours a day. That he does not have eyes for another woman in this life that is not me.
His only woman, the one who loves him like no one (say your name), who just wants to hear my voice, who just wants me to talk to her. May he think all day of making me his wife. I ask you that every moment that we are away his nostalgia and his desire to see me increases much more, that he be jealous of any man who can approach me because the mere idea of seeing me in someone else’s arms disturbs him immensely.
I ask you to repent for having lost me and that now you want to recover me, but to marry me (say your name), that (say the name of your man) when he comes to me that he be affectionate, loving, chivalrous and dedicated. Just think of conquering me again and making me happy for the rest of our lives.
That my man (say his name) does not turn to look at another woman other than me, that he only has eyes for me (say your name), that only I (say your name) be the only woman in his life and his great love. That his only purpose in wanting to recover me is to make me his wife for life, amen, amen, it’s already done, amen.
My queen trusted in you, that (say her name) look for me (say your name) desperate and crazy in love for me, I ask you to be very passionate and loving, I implore you beloved queen that (say her name) that he be alone for me, and that I be the woman and the love of his life forever. Hail pomp turn, queen of the 7 crossroads, I trust in your strength and power, if you grant me the favor I need I will spread it in every corner of this world because you are my great queen and I know you will attend to my request.
Hail pomp turns queen of the 7 crossroads and all of her phalanx, bring me (say his name) as my husband, immediately. Just as the rooster sings, the donkey neighs, the countryside plays, the goat berra. Let (say his name) walk behind me (say your name).
That just as the sun appears, the rain falls, so will he be dominated by me. He will be imprisoned under my left foot. (Say his name) with two I see you, with three I catch you (repeat his name), I ask you, my guardian angel, (say his name again) to walk behind me, crawling and madly in love .
My queen, I beg you that he only feels desire for me, that he cannot feel desire for any other woman other than me. May he want to fulfill all my whims and attend to all my wills, may he never make me suffer again or let me go from his side. I implore you that I (say your name) always be the woman who is in his thoughts and that at no time stop thinking of me.
Queen that when he looks for me to return with him, he apologizes and from now on be a man; tender, loving and very romantic, that because of the immense love he has for me feel great jealousy of any man who is close to me and is filled with fear with the sole idea of losing me. So be it and so it will be by the power of San Cipriano, so be it and so it is already.
(Say his name) you will live behind me like a meek lamb, bowed down and humiliated, in this way we will have a solid relationship and we will be more united. We will get married and live happily ever after alone, he and I, my beloved, I ask this of the power of the three black souls that San Cipriano watches over.
Blessed Saint Cipriano, let no one bother us that the enemies move away, so it will be and so it is done. Queen Pompa tour of the 7 skirts, I implore you to tie (say her name) to me, that you only have eyes for me, that your thoughts are only for me as well as your heart, that you take me as your wife and your wife to lifetime.
I beg you that (say his name) never leave me, and that at all times he looks for me and desires me, that only with me he feels pleasure, so be it and so it is done.
My pomp queen turns that man misses me like no one else, that he goes crazy with desire and desire to see me and hold me in his arms. Hail pomp tour queen of the 7 crossroads, she infinitely trusted you and your power. I know that you will fulfill my wish and in less than a rooster sings my man will be before me humiliated and begging for forgiveness and to be loved again.
So be it and so this fact. Amen
Pray an Our Father and a Hail Mary with great faith.
Powerful spell to dominate a difficult man
If to complement the effective prayer to dominate a proud man, you want to perform a powerful spell for greater effectiveness, then I will show you, step by step, how to perform a couple of spells to dominate your man quickly and without much complication
- moon shaped necklace
- pot or jar
- Cinnamon powder
- honey
To perform this powerful spell, the first thing you should do is get a moon-shaped necklace, wash it very well, then place the necklace inside the pot or jar and add the cinnamon and honey. Cover the jar very well and you must repeat the following words:
“Enchanted moon, of dreams, ma’am. Make (your man’s name) only have eyes for me from now on. With honey, I hold up (your man’s name); with the sweetness and with the cinnamon, I hold up (your man’s name), all with the warmth of my heart. So be it and so be it… Amen
Leave the necklace overnight inside the bottle and place it in a safe place, the next morning you should remove the necklace from the bottle, wash it very well and place it inside the bag, until the wish you requested ends up coming true. With respect to the rest of the contents of the jar, you should throw it away.
With sugar
- sugar
- a red candle
- Incense
- White paper
- peppercorn
To start with this spell the first thing to do is; On the sheet of paper write the name of the man you want to dominate, in addition to his name and place it inside a red circle. On the back of the page you should write the following: “Love me as I love you, our love will unite us forever”.
You must place the paper with the names facing up and inside the red circle, you must place a little sugar and pepper. Followed by this you must fold the paper, light the red candle and pass the previously folded paper through the fire.
Once the paper was consumed, the ashes will be taken with great care and scattered whispering the spell again: “Love me as I love you, our love will unite us forever.”
With this powerful spell the man will come to you like a meek lamb, crawling and begging and imploring your love, you will awaken his most sensitive side and only you will be in his thoughts and in his heart.
Candle spell to tame a proud man
If your man has decided to end the relationship and tells you that he no longer loves you, and since you know that your love is of a strong character and you want to dominate him so that he does not end you. Cast a candle spell on him to break him down and knead his character and pride. The first thing you must do to start this spell is go to the front door of your house and then light a white candle on the left side.
Then with your left hand you are going to touch the floor 7 times, on the side where the candle is lit and you are going to repeat the following phrase: o Guardian Angel, bring this person (say his name) to the door of my house, that this person has no peace, until he comes looking for me and asks me for forgiveness and comes back to me.
After you finish saying this short prayer, you should hit your left hand 7 times again on the ground, and 7 times you should call your shoulder’s guardian angel. You must repeat this spell 7 times, without missing a day. Always mentalizing and imagining that this man comes back to you humiliated and asking for forgiveness.
You must keep in mind that there is no specific time for the spell and it must be one candle per day.
Prayer of San Cipriano for the mooring To A Proud Man
If you want to tie that proud and arrogant man, I bring you a powerful tie for which you will only need a white candle and repeat the prayer that I will indicate below for 3 days in a row.
“By the powers of Saint Cipriano and of the three souls that Saint Cipriano watches over, (his name), will now come after me (Your name), he will come crawling and enamored full of love; of desire to come back and ask me for forgiveness for feeling and to ask me in courtship and later in marriage as quickly as possible.
San Cipriano you will have that power so that he forgets and once and for all any other woman who may be in his head and assume me again and declare himself for everyone to see or know.
San Cipriano distances (his name), from any other woman, that he looks for me at all times, today and now, wanting to be by my side, that he has the certainty that I am the perfect woman for him, that (his name ), cannot live without me and that (your name), always have my image in your thoughts at all times. Now wherever he is and with whom he is, he will look for me because the thought of him is in me. And when he goes to bed he dreams of me and when he wakes up he thinks of me and wants me, when he eats he thinks of me, when he steps on he thinks of me, in all the moments of his life he thinks of me.
That he wants to see me, feel my smell, touch me with love, that (his name), wants to hug me, kiss me, take care of me, protect me, love me 24 hours a day, making him love me more and feel pleasure just by hearing my voice. San Cipriano make (his name of him), feel for me (Your name), an unusual desire, as he never felt for another person and he will never feel.
That only with me he feels pleasure, that he feels desire only for me and that his body only belongs to me, that he only has peace if it is right with me. I thank you San Cipriano for working on my behalf and I am going to divulge your name in payment for taming (his name), and bringing him in love, affectionate, defeated, dedicated and faithful, full of desire to my arms.