Full moon spells to fall in love quickly
You want to fall in love with that man or that woman that you want so much to have by your side and you no longer know what else to do so that this pure and sincere love is reciprocated, this time we will talk to you about the powerful and effective moon spells. Do not stop reading the post.
moon spells
The full moon spells for love are very popular and powerful, since these spells help us to be able to fall in love with that man or that woman who is the love of our life and that we so much want to be by our side, but also these spells They also help us to strengthen our relationship if we already have a partner and thus achieve a solid relationship that stays together and lasts a lifetime.
It is very important to keep in mind that for a love spell to work, there must be a true feeling on the part of one of the parties and if it belongs to both it will be much more effective since only the spell will serve to strengthen the feeling and not only to make grow in feeling in one of the so that he loves the other with the same strength and intensity that the other person loves.
If there is no true feeling and the spell is only performed on a whim or interest, it is important to note that the spells will not work even if they are tried over and over again, since the first ingredient, so to speak, for a love spell so be it with the full moon is that there is a feeling of true love.
Surely in most movies we can see that the moon symbolizes love, and it is not by chance, since the moon is a source of energy that flows over each one of us and that this source is ideal to ask for wishes on topics of love, since the full moon increases the effectiveness of these themes, for this reason most of the love rituals that are done with the moon must be executed with that lunar phase specifically, that is, with a full one for its infinite and effective power .
The moon is defined as a natural satellite of the earth, which is characterized as the fifth largest planet in the solar system, the moon is very important for the solar system since it exerts a flow that is important for many aspects of life : body, mood or emotion. For astrology the moon is of importance since it has a strong energy that is very powerful in the subject of love:
- Increase passion.
- We reach a deeper emotional level.
- Attract special people into our lives.
- Promotes sociability.
- Strengthens affective relationships.
- Romance emerges.
While the full moon phase lasts, the earth tends to get in the way and is usually aligned between the sun and the moon, in order to have total illumination, the moon for all human beings has a round and bright shape, the full moon emits for each of us strong energies that are specifically reflected in our thoughts, our emotions, feelings and desires.
For a moon spell to work perfectly it is of the utmost importance, sure to the letter each of the steps that are indicated in the rituals, so that through these spells it is possible to consolidate love with that person you love so much. and you want to have by your side. Below we will describe various spells pay attention to each of them:
full moon spells for love
To perform a full moon spell for love, you will need a series of materials that are not very difficult to obtain and that after putting them all together you can make a powerful eternal love spell with the help of the full moon.
Upon obtaining all the materials that we are going to name in the following lines, you can proceed to perform the ritual following each of the indicated steps so that in this way the full moon helps to awaken in that other person a great feeling of love or unite more with your partner and that your love is eternal.
- 1 red candle
- 1 pink candle
- 1 piece of red cloth
- 1 red ribbon cut into 2 equal sections
- needles and thread
- Sugar
- A handful of herbs for love
- Rose or jasmine perfume
- lighter or matches
Step by Step:
Before starting the ritual, it is important to mention that this ritual is recommended to be performed on a Friday when the full moon phase is growing or completely full and, on the other hand, it is important that the ritual is performed at an hour when the moon full allows us to observe the sky without any problem:
Now if to start with the love spell with a full moon, the first thing to do is take the pink and red candles, and then proceed to sculpt it, our name and that of the loved one respectively.
It is important to mention that both candles have a meaning; the red candle means the passion that you have towards the loved one, and the pink candle means the most sentimental side of both, to continue with the spell both must be glued, that is, place one near the other and light them.
After gathering the candles and lighting them, you are going to take the fabric and you are going to sew a heart and with both candles lit you are going to place the fabric folded in two and with a piece of chalk you are going to draw a heart the size of the palm of your hand.
Then to cut the fabric folded in two so that two hearts come out, you are going to proceed to sew them both one with the other, the color of thread that you are going to use can be the color of your preference except black. You are going to sew the heart so that you leave a small opening where herbs and other elements can be inserted and remain inside the heart.
To continue with the ritual you are going to prepare you are going to prepare the herbs of love, you are going to introduce about 2 or 3 types of different herbs inside the heart, it is important to mention that the herbs that are most recommended to use for this type of rituals are: rose, apple blossom, lavender, vanilla, heather or catnip.
After you have chosen the 2 or 3 herbs that you are going to use, you are going to proceed to fill the heart and then you are going to take two pieces of red ribbon of the same size and you are going to proceed to tie a knot and while you are making the knot You will repeat the following words clearly and loudly:
“You and me together forever and ever, may what is yours be mine and what is mine be yours forever.”
You are going to proceed to introduce the knot of both ribbons inside the heart, and on the heart you are going to sprinkle a little sugar and in a strong and clear way you are going to say the following words:
“You and I will always walk hand in hand together.”
Then you will take the perfume of roses and inside the heart you will proceed to throw a few drops of perfume and while you do it, say the following words:
“You and I will be entirely united.”
To finish the spell you are going to proceed to sew the heart completely and in this way you are going to let the candles burn out little by little and you will let them both burn out in their entirety, then the residue that remains of the candle plus the heart You are going to place it in the light of the full moon all night of the lunar phase, so that the energies of love flow and your love is consolidated.
mooring with full moon
Being in a love relationship assumes a commitment to the other person, that is, to our partner, but in some cases it can happen that our relationship is affected and various doubts arise and that they appear throughout the relationship with our partner, to avoid this series of problems, it is ideal to make a love tie with a full moon since through this ritual loving bonds are created with the couple and in this way they will always be faithful.
- Incense
- 2 red candles
- 1 red cloth bag
- 1 photo of your partner
- Wooden matches or lighter
Step by Step:
Before starting, it is important to mention that this spell must be performed with the full moon phase since the spell works in this phase of the moon.
To begin with the mooring ritual, the first thing to do is purify the environment of the place where the ritual is to be performed, to carry out this purification, what you must do is light an incense and then go making circles throughout the entire room the space where you are going to make the mooring.
After the purification of the environment has been completely completed, you will proceed to light the red candle and you will take a photograph of your partner and you will place it very close to the candle flame.
Then you are going to take the other red candle and you are going to light it and in your mind you are going to imagine the flame of that candle and that it symbolizes all the happy moments that the universe has in store for you to live your eternal love.
To continue with the ritual you are going to take the red cloth bag and you are going to place the photo of your partner inside and while you are performing this action simultaneously you are going to repeat the following words and you are going to repeat them three times: «In my life he has entered and my heart has tied, your heart I am going to catch by my side you will always be able to be, if it has to be that way it will be».
After you finish reciting the following words, you are going to let the candles burn out in their entirety and you are going to proceed to store this bag in your bedroom. someone else the spell will no longer work.
Ritual to attract love
This spell is ideal to attract the love of that person you love so much by your side who for some reason still does not realize what you feel towards her and what better way to attract her love than by lighting the flame of passion through a full moon love ritual. With this ritual you are going to ask the universe, but especially the full moon, for that loved one to come before you surrendered with love.
- 1 sheet of paper
- 1 black pen
- 3 red roses
- 1 small pink candle
- 1 quartz, ruby or red stone
- sandalwood incense
- Wood or phosphor matches
Step by Step:
To begin, the first thing you should do is write the qualities of that loved one, write only positive things since this is the only way that the universe can fulfill what you want and grant it to you with the fervor that you ask for.
After you have already written the qualities of your love, you are going to go to an outdoor area and you are going to proceed to purify the area, just as in the previous case, you are going to light an incense and with circles you are going to spread the smoke of the incense for several minutes. until the air in the place is all purified.
To continue with the procedure you are going to take the rose petals and you are going to offer them to the full moon and in this way you are going to exclaim the following words in a loud and clear voice: «Star of light and love, help me tonight, may my true love come to me to be truly happy, thank you I give you for your gifts. »
Then you are going to take the pink candle and you are going to light it and you must place it on a flat surface, you are going to place the stones next to the candle that you just lit and the petals that you previously offered to the moon are going to spread in a circle and while doing this with a loud and clear voice and always visualizing your happiness with this person, you will say the following words: «Come to me, listen to my call and feel my true love».
Spell of the three white flowers to do on a full moon
Like the previous spell, this ritual that we are going to describe below is ideal to bring the love of those people that we love so much that for some reason we are not reciprocated, but the full moon will help us with such a precise desire to obtain the love of that person. , pay close attention to each of the steps and perform the ritual to the letter and you will see how effective the ritual is.
- 1 photo of the loved one
- 1 white plate
- 3 white candles
- 1 orange blossom incense stick
- jasmine flowers
- carnation flowers
- orange blossom
It should be noted that if these types of flowers cannot be found, 3 white roses can be used for the ritual and it is also important to mention that the ritual must be performed on the night of Friday with a full moon.
Step by Step:
To begin with the ritual, the first thing you must do is take the plate and place the three candles so that they form a triangle, and in the middle of the triangle you are going to place the photo of the person you want to fall in love with and on it you are going to place flowers.
Then you are going to place the incense next to the plate with the candles so that the ashes of it fall on top of the plate, while you are lighting the incense you will always be thinking of that person you want to love you, you will take the lighter and the matches and while you visualize yourself with that person you are going to light the three candles and you are going to leave them lit during the full moon at night and in this way they are consumed.
Then in the morning you will take from the plate all that is left of the candles without wasting anything and you will bury it in a place where no one can find this spell and you will see that before the next full moon that person will gradually come to you swearing love to you
Spell with quartz to make a man fall in love in full moon phase
- 2 rose quartz
- a red bow
- A wooden bowl with mineral water
- a red candle
Step by Step:
The night of the full moon you are going to take a wooden bowl and you are going to put water in it and you are going to put it in a window so that wherever you place it you can perceive all the light of the full moon.
Then you are going to take the red ribbon and more to join the stones and you are going to place them inside the bowl with the water, next to the bowl if it is possible in a plate you are going to place the red candle and you are going to light it and leave there all night to be consumed also obtaining the light of the full moon.
The next morning you are going to take the stones together by the tape and the rest, that is, the bowl, you are going to place under your bed until its content evaporates, and the stones are going to be carried with you always and at all times You will always try to be close to that man so that the spell takes effect and the stones bring that man to your side by the power that keeps the moon.
If you do the ritual to the letter, rest assured that you will fall in love with that man you want so much to have by your side, trust in the power of the moon and you will see how he comes to you.