History of the Virgin Our Lady of Solitude
The Virgin of Solitude or as Our Lady of Solitude is also known, is another of the many invocations of the Virgin Mary, which are specifically venerated by the Catholic Church and by all its faithful believers. If you want to know more about the Virgen de la Soledad, be sure to read the post, it will interest you.
Virgin of Solitude
Our Lady of Solitude, as already mentioned at the beginning of the post, is one of the many invocations of the Virgin Mary, respectively, among many more that may exist, such as the Virgin of Fatima, the Mystic Rose.
They are all named virgins including the virgin of solitude from the moment they appear in a specific city or place they play a very important role, since they change the lives of the people who are in charge of filling their message and were chosen to observe their apparitions and in this way manage to create a community of faithful believers that persist to the present day.
The Virgin of Solitude is closely related to all the suffering that she came to suffer, Mary mother of Jesus when he is imprisoned and crucified and through this event Mary is left totally alone and full of sadness for how she had to see her son die crucified loved.
The virgin of solitude does not make her first appearance as in the case of other virgins, who appear before someone with a great bright light, and this is by the work and grace of God. It can be rescued that at the moment they make her appearance they transmit a great message of love and salvation for all humanity and those who receive it have the task of communicating and preaching the received message.
The first appearance, so to speak, of the Virgen de la Soledad is very characteristic since her image arrives surprisingly in a box that was transported by a mule, which then dies respectively.
The Virgen de la Soledad is usually venerated and worshiped in many countries, some of which we can name are; Venezuela and Mexico, it should be noted that there are many more, but those named are the most prominent. As our Lady of Soledad had already mentioned, she mentions or represents all the pain and suffering that our mother Mary experienced at the time her son was crucified and dies on the cross of Calvary for each and every one of us, but This way her mother is left alone, sad and disconsolate.
As indicated in the previous paragraph, one of the countries where the Virgen de la Soledad is highly venerated is precisely Venezuela, in this way it can be mentioned that the image found in the church of San Francisco located specifically in Caracas, was donated a few years ago. already many years by; Dr. Don Juan de Corro and his wife, Mrs. Felipa de Ponte.
They took the task of sending the image from Spain, which is an exact replica of the image of our lady of solitude which is venerated, in the convent of Victoria of the court of Madrid, in this way to them commissioning the image they proceed to assemble it respectively and bring it from Spain to Venezuela respectively.
However, during the trip, those in charge of bringing the image are surprised by a great storm on the high seas, which forces them to have to throw the cargo that contained the image into the sea so that the trip could continue in another way, since it had to arrive on time.
However, it is achieved since on the exact day and time it arrives at the shores of Naiguatá where the order was awaited by some of Don Juan’s servants to take it to their hacienda respectively.
On March 17, 1654, a deed is signed where the image is delivered to the convent, under the conditions that were written on the calf of this Caracas convent on page 67. This image is currently venerated in the church of San Francisco in Caracas- Venezuela and is greatly adored by all his faithful believers who come to pray and glorify him.
As is known, in the 1620s a muleteer took his mules through the well-known streets of Oaxaca towards a neighboring town. The muleteer is surprised to see that one of his mules is carrying a very large box that was not his, a situation that he does not miss much, however, he continues on his way with all of his mules.
Once the muleteer reaches his destination, which was the town of the Hermitage of San Sebastián, the mule, already tired of the great weight it carries, collapses and falls down, the muleteer tries to lift his mule, but has no success. that, the mule was exhausted by the weight of the big box.
The muleteer was very afraid of being accused of theft by the authorities since the box that the mule was carrying did not belong to him and he knew it, and before being accused of having stolen its contents he proceeded to call the authorities himself so that They proceeded to open the box and discover its contents. Once the police arrive where the muleteer was and proceed to mysteriously lift the box at that precise moment the mule falls dead.
The officers, very surprised by everything that happened and with great curiosity, decide to open the box to verify its contents, when they open it and see that it was inside, they realize that it contained an image of the beautiful virgin of solitude and was accompanied by a crucifix with a sign. what did he say; “The Virgin of the Cross”.
With the fact that the bishop of the time in the town called Bartolomé Bojórqueza, orders the prompt construction of a great sanctuary that will be in honor of the Virgen de la Soledad where all his faithful believers and devotees can attend to venerate her always.
Since this sanctuary opened its doors, it has been one of the most visited places in the city of Oaxaca by thousands of men and women. In it, you can not only appreciate the image of the virgin, but also the immense rock where the mule dies, as well as also the box where the virgin was transported and found along with the crucifix.
Every December 18 is celebrated the day of the Virgin of Solitude, which is the patron saint of Oaxaca respectively, every year the Oaxacans carry out religious festivities, as well as great patron saint festivities in honor of the virgin so that during these days they feel the great devotion and fervor that all the people and their faithful believers have towards her.
Meaning of the virgin of solitude
The Virgin of Solitude, as well as the Virgin of Juquila, represent an infinite motherhood, since they were chosen to accompany our Lord Jesus Christ in his death and resurrection. It should be noted that Mary suffers from her son’s loneliness at the time he was abandoned by his so-called twelve disciples, since they all flee and Christ suffers an ordeal, when he was crucified his mother was able to experience her loneliness with the cry she exclaimed and in which it says; My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?
The true meaning of the virgin of solitude refers to what is in the holy scriptures, to which its faithful fulfillment was given and it was given as it is written respectively, it is important to remember that the love of our mother is immense and is present everywhere and will always be willing to help anyone who needs it in any situation that arises.
It is also important to mention that the virgin of solitude represents the man when he totally refuses to accept Christ in his life as the only savior, it is there that she comes as a representation of all those mothers who search tirelessly for their children within their solitude as well as than the Virgin of Loreto.
The virgin of solitude in her invocation of the Virgin Mary, means the love of a mother, hope, the triumph of her son after everything he had to suffer and die crucified, he was resurrected and in this way is glorified by the father.
Prayer to the Virgin of Solitude
Thousands of faithful believers come to the Virgin of Solitude through prayer to ask her to intercede for them in any situation they may be experiencing, they pray confidently and full of faith that they will not listen and will come to their aid to help them and attend to any request that their children and faithful believers of their love and kindness have, then you will know a beautiful prayer to the virgin of solitude:
Most worthy Mother of God, who standing next to the Cross of Jesus, your Son, saw him full of sorrow, pain, agonize and die, remaining alone and helpless, with no more relief than bitterness, and without more company than torments.
My soul wants to participate, my sorrowful Virgin, in your sorrows and afflictions, so that I may accompany you all my life in the just feeling of the death of your dear Son. Allow me, oh lonely Mother, to assist you continuously in such bitter Solitude, feeling what you feel, and crying what you cry.
Instill in my chest, oh Mother of true love, a burning charity to love your Divine Son, who died crucified for my love; and grant me the favor I ask in this prayer, for the glory of God, his honor and benefit of my soul.Amen.
Prayer in desperate cases
Blessed Virgin Mother of the Savior of the World, Mother of the Supreme Redeemer, Merciful Queen, Lady of Angels and Archangels, My Mother and Patron, Virgin of Solitude, Protection of all of us who request your favor, remedying the needs of the afflicted who invoke you.
I, (say the name) I bow before your presence and I recline at your feet Imploring your patronage for: (The request is made)
Hoping you hear my plea And grace us with your blessing for the achievement, Remedy and consolation for our soul.We also ask you, Sweetest Virgin of Solitude, That you give us the strength to serve and venerate you. I thank you, Pious Virgin, for your infinite kindness in obtaining this favor for me, for greater honor, glory and my benefit, and with the grace of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.
Lord, in your hands I leave each of my works today, please guide my actions and help me achieve my purposes, keep the ill-intentioned enemy away from my life and allow me to advance along paths of joy and blessing.
My life and my greatest desires are under your care, because I trust you, I trust your promises and because I know that you have to keep your word in my life, Amen.
Miraculous prayer to the Virgin of Solitude
Mary, mother of Jesus: we have just accompanied you at the funeral of your son; we have contemplated your pain before the passion and the cross; we have imagined the tearing of the separation from the son; We see your way to solitude.
We already know that that ended in overflowing joy, virgin of solitude and that you now participate in the resurrected life. But we remain in the dark: our faith is poor; our pains are still stubborn; our burials, our loneliness… they hurt us deep down.
Will you, our Lady of Solitude, accompany us?
We need, Mother, your strength:
to care for our sick; to love and accompany the elderly; to give encouragement to those who fight for a better world. We have many solitudes, many silences:
Much unrequited love; virgin of solitude, many efforts in the void, unaccompanied boys and girls, parents who believe it is useless to have had children and educators who suspect they are wasting their time.
young people who cannot respond to the impulse of life, without work, without cultural horizon, addicted with no way out. active priests accompanied by misunderstanding; without a living community that shares his missionary task.
Married priests hoping to revive the ministry; received from the Spirit, but buried and impeded by ecclesiastical law, the sick without hope, only accompanied by the silence of nonsense, the elderly stored in asylums without a soul, Christian communities without a pastor, without a Eucharist, without life and who cannot decide anything, or organize their charisms, in clerical silence
Give us, Lady full of loneliness tonight, your presence, your consolation, your comforting love. virgin of solitude that, at least, we never lack your hope:
the secret hope that that Good Friday afternoon burned in your pierced heart: “my son’s life is in the hands of God, of the Father whom he loved so much”; hope in the Spirit who has the ability to resurrect the dead: to lift the heart numb from routine and fatigue; of raising prophets in the midst of the legal and oppressive desert; to open paths closed by tyranny and submission.
May this hope, Lady of Solitude, always be with us, until the end of our lives, when you, our Lady, close our eyes for this life and open them for the risen life. Amen.
alternative sentence
OH sweetest Mother of mine, Virgin of Solitude! Humbly prostrated before your miraculous image, I come to remove the sorrows
and sorrows of my afflicted heart.
You know how to understand better than anyone, my needs and afflictions. You are the Mother of God you can alleviate them, You are the Mother of men you want to remedy them, You who cry so much, wipe my tears. You who suffered so much alleviate my pains
You who dressed so sad and desolate dissipate my sadness, look at me with your eyes full of sweetness listen to my pleading prayers
and grant me the special grace that I ask of you in this prayer, if it suits for the glory of God and the good of my soul, or that your divine will be fulfilled. Amen. (3 Our Fathers, Hail Mary and Glories are prayed, making the request).Sorrowful Virgin Mary of Solitude. Advocate of the sad and sick, You, who with the sword in your chest, attract every human heart to contemplate the love of your mercy, I come to you, very confident of finding a well of sweet consolation for my sorrows and sufferings. Help me overcome the temptations of this world, and in my loneliness be a happy company that enlightens my understanding and will; for the merit of your pain, grant me what I ask of you in this prayer, if it is to be for your greatest honor and glory, and good for my soul. Amen.
Accompany this powerful prayer for the Virgin of Solitude, with 3 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary and a Glory respectively at the end after that you must give infinite thanks to the Virgin of Solitude for the favors received.
Here we present the novenas so that you are clear about how you should do it to our virgin of solitude:
First day
Act of contrition : Most Pure Virgin Mary, afflicted Mother of God, I am sorry, I am sorry, Lady, with all my heart I am sorry for having offended your Son Jesus Christ, my true God, in whom I believe, in whom I hope, and whom I love above all things. It also weighs me, afflicted Mother, to have been with my faults the cause of such great sorrows, as you suffered in your bitter Solitude.
I firmly propose, my Mother and Lady, to never sin again, and to alleviate our sorrows with the amendment of my life. Oh Mother of my soul! Oh Lady of my heart! I humbly beseech you, you offered your Son, my God, his most holy Passion and Death, and the immense pains of your sad Solitude, in satisfaction of all my sins.
Just as I beg you, so I trust in your great kindness, you will reach me with your infinite mercy, forgiveness of my sins, grace to never offend you again, and fervent devotion to always serve you, most painful Lady, in the Mystery of your painful Solitude. , until keeping you company in the Glory of the Resurrection, where you live and reign forever and ever.Amen.
First prayer: Most Worthy Mother of God, standing next to the Cross of Jesus your Only Begotten Son, you saw Him suffer, agonize and die, remaining alone and helpless, with no relief other than bitterness, and no more company than torments.
Participate my soul, oh sorrowful Virgin, in your sorrows and afflictions, so that it may accompany you all my life in the just feeling of the death of your dear Son.
Allow me, oh solitary Tortola, to continually assist you in such bitter Solitude, feeling what you feel, and crying what you cry. Infused in my chest, oh Mother of true love, a burning charity to love your Divine Son, who died crucified for my love; and grant me the favor I ask in this Novena, for the glory of God, your honor and benefit of my soul.Amen.
At the end of the first prayer, three Hail Marys are prayed.
Second prayer : Oh Mother, the most disconsolate of all the mothers in the world, who upon seeing your Son on the bloody wood of the Cross, received in your soul such a great pain, when the love with which you loved him was great: we beg you Lady, because of this immense pain that you felt in such a painful Mystery, you achieve for us a true love of God, and a firm abhorrence of the vanities of the world.
Turn your merciful eyes, and look at those who the love and service of His Divine Majesty aspire to more perfection.
Remedy the sick: assist those who are in the throes of death; pay attention to everyone, and especially to those of us who use ourselves in the exercise of this Novena, to offer in the Mystery of your Most Holy Solitude, and then kiss your feet for eternities in Heaven.Amen.
Praise be to the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar, memory of the Passion and Death of our Redeemer Jesus Christ, and the most painful Solitude of the Most Holy Mary, our Lady, conceived without stain of original sin in the first instant of her natural being.Amen.
Blessed be your purity and eternally so, because a whole God recreates himself in such graceful beauty. To You heavenly Princess, Holy Virgin Mary, I offer you on this day: soul, life and heart. Look at me with compassion don’t leave me, my mother.Amen.
Joys to Our Lady of Solitude:
Please and for pity grant us this day, be our north and guide your sad Solitude.
In your pure conception that bloody sword that Simeon predicted was already premeditated; and then joy and affliction virgin of the solitude we celebrate, dispense: be our north.
Already in the Temple, pure Virgin, you began to be alone with which you anticipated your sadness and bitterness; and since man seeks what afflicted you to cry; be our north
Elizabeth your beloved cousin, when your praise formed, greets you, and announced you alone and disconsolate; and if the soul is flooded with joy and sorrow: be our north.
When he was born, oh pure Mother! Your Son, cried the luck of leaving you for his death in Solitude and bitterness: move our tenderness, and do, Virgin without equal; be our north
Virgin of solitude the blood that shed her sacred Circumcision, and on the Cross was venerated, in Soledad she left you; and then we see suffered to redeem the mortal: be our north.
Herod stained the stole of bloody innocence and Pilate tore it, leaving you in sad absence; do your great clemency, let us ask in such a lance: be our north.
Your Son to Egypt you took achieving his company, and in his death pious Virgin, lonely you wept for him: Great rigor strong contrast!
And when meditating your sorrow: be our north.
When your Son lost at the entrance of the temple, great Soledad I contemplate that in the set you suffered: for all that you suffered giving our souls peace: be our north, virgin of solitude
In the sacred Passion of your Son, pure Mother, bitterness flooded your heart with pain, getting rid of the dragon that constantly surrounds us: be our north.
In his sepulcher and his death, which caused fierce rigor, of loneliness and pain you cried the hard luck; and then to pity you, our desire is effective: be our north.
Second day:
To begin the first thing we must do is say the Act of Contrition
First prayer : Oh most faithful heart, of the Virgin Mary, Tabernacle of God, and Throne, of his divine love!
O loving heart, crowned with thorns, and crucified with anguish!
Oh tender heart, of the purest Virgin, that when my Redeemer’s chest was broken with the blow of that cruel lance, which opened the door to our salvation in our crucified deceased, you were severely wounded, and pierced with sorrow!
I offer you to the Eternal Father as a Sacrifice of pain, as a precious gift of love, so that as a reward he grants me for your love and pain, that my heart be wounded and broken with true pain, and perfect contrition, for my sins, light and I am right to make a good confession of all of them, and the grace that I ask for in this Novena, for the glory of His Divine Majesty, your honor, and my benefit.Amen.
At the end of the first prayer, three Hail Marys are prayed.
Second prayer: Most sad Lady, that after your Only Begotten Son died, our most sweet Jesus on the outrageous wood of the Cross, holding your heart, and with your eyes fixed on the crucified deceased, you saw his divine chest break, and open his precious heart to the blow of a lance, blood and water coming out of the wound for our remedy and leaving that door open for our refuge.
Hear, afflicted Queen, our prayers, and for the great sorrow that in this pitiful Mystery wounded your tender heart so painfully, give us great sorrow for having offended God, for being who he is, and a perfect abhorrence of guilt.
Convert to His Majesty all the sinners of the world, and protect all the Christian Faithful, particularly those of us who venerate your pitiful Solitude with the devotion of this Novena, to achieve your protection in this life, and accompany you in Glory.Amen.
Blessed be your purity and eternally so, because a whole God recreates himself in such graceful beauty. To You heavenly Princess, Holy Virgin Mary, I offer you on this day: soul, life and heart. Look at me with compassion don’t leave me, my mother.Amen.
Proceed to recite the joys to Our Lady of Solitude
Third day
To begin the first thing we must do is say the Act of Contrition
First prayer: O Queen of Heaven, Treasure of afflictions, that after having adored with tender devotion, and kissed with devout tenderness the crown, thorns and nails of Jesus, you lovingly received at the foot of the Cross his pitiful body already deceased in your painful chest, and maternal lap, contemplating the fatal ruin that sin had made in that sacred Temple of the divinity:
Offer, my Mother, to the Eternal Father that Divine corpse, covered with blood and sores, so that through that pleasant sacrifice, He may grant me light so that I may know the malice and ugliness of mortal sin, which was the cause of such bloody destruction in your precious son; and together grant me a firm resolution to never sin again, with the benefit that I ask in this Novena, for your glory, and for the good of my soul.Amen.
At the end of the first prayer, three Hail Marys are prayed.
Second prayer: Sorrowful Virgin, and Mother the most forsaken, that when you looked with attentive eyes at the deceased body of your Son, so wounded and injured, in your virginal arms, you were left extremely anguished in terrible Solitude.
We beg, Lady, for such a great sorrow, that you do not forsake us. Have pity, most pious Mother, of all the nations of the earth. Turn your merciful eyes to those who are in mortal sin. Propitiously favor the Faithful Departed, and all the living who inhabit this valley of tears, particularly those of us who serve you with the devotion of this Novena, to love you endlessly in Heaven.
Blessed be your purity and eternally so, because a whole God recreates himself in such graceful beauty. To You heavenly Princess, Holy Virgin Mary, I offer you on this day: soul, life and heart. Look at me with compassion don’t leave me, my mother.Amen.
Proceed to recite the joys to Our Lady of Solitude
Day four
To begin the first thing we must do is say the Act of Contrition
First prayer: Oh Virgin the most Holy, and Mother the most afflicted, that over the bitter Loneliness that you suffered externally for the death of your son, you were internally hurt with greater and more terrible Loneliness when you saw buried in the tomb:
I beg you, oh Most Prudent Virgin, that because of how much your loving heart felt this absence and loneliness, intercede for me to our Lord, so that he never forsake me, nor let me separate from his Divine Majesty, but grant me a great appreciation of his Divine presence, and that I continually bring it present in my heart, from where he communicates his grace to me, and favors me with what I request in this Novena, for his greatest glory, your honor and my good.Amen.
At the end of the first prayer, three Hail Marys are prayed.
Second prayer : O Queen of Martyrs, suffering before the affliction of seeing your Son dead, now the pain of mourning him buried and absent has increased: for this imponderable pain we ask you, anguished Lady, grant us a living faith, and great veneration for the Royal presence of our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, and perfect disposition to receive him in Holy Communion.
May they patronize the orphaned, homeless, and afflicted. May you remedy everyone in their spiritual and temporal needs, especially those of us who venerate the Mystery of your Solitude with the practice of this Novena, for your greatest devotion, and our eternal good.
Blessed be your purity and eternally so, because a whole God recreates himself in such graceful beauty. To You heavenly Princess, Holy Virgin Mary, I offer you on this day: soul, life and heart. Look at me with compassion don’t leave me, my mother.Amen.
Proceed to recite the joys to Our Lady of Solitude
Day five
To begin the first thing we must do is say the Act of Contrition
First prayer: Oh Mary, sea of bitterness, who walking from the tomb of Christ to the city of Jerusalem alone without the light of your eyes, you found on Mount Calvary the sacred Tree of the Cross, and you helped him with deep reverence, you hugged him between your arms with firm resignation, renewing in your chest the feeling of the Passion and Death of your Son, and the sorrow and pain of your Loneliness.
I humbly beg you, Lady of my life, to get me from your Son Jesus a great estimate of his Most Holy Cross, so that with it he embraces me in persevering love, suffering with resignation and conformity all the adversities and work that are offered to me along the way. of Heaven, and together grant me what I seek in this Novena, for your holy service, glory of your name, and profit of my soul.Amen.
At the end of the first prayer, three Hail Marys are prayed.
second prayer: Most Holy Virgin, Mistress of the most perfect suffering, who in your most painful Solitude taught us the first to esteem and adore the Cross of Jesus Christ, and looking at this bloody Tree stripped of its Divine Fruit on the summit of Calvary, you received in your heart a further increase in sentence. Before, Lady, you had a great deal of relief looking at your beloved Jesus, although lifeless: but now, that neither alive nor dead appears to your eyes, already abandoned by his sweet presence, what consolation can you have? O sorrowful Queen, what a Cross of sorrows! What great loneliness!
We wish, then, anguished Lady, to relieve you of the Cross of your Solitude with patience in your work; and therefore we beseech you to give us great conformity in our needs and afflictions. That ye look kindly upon the Christian Captives, and upon all who are in affliction, temptation, or danger. May the love of the Crucified, and veneration of his Cross, spread throughout the world; And to those of us who adore you with this holy Novena, grant us, sweet Virgin, your protection, to achieve glory.Amen.
Blessed be your purity and eternally so, because a whole God recreates himself in such graceful beauty. To You heavenly Princess, Holy Virgin Mary, I offer you on this day: soul, life and heart. Look at me with compassion don’t leave me, my mother.Amen.
Proceed to recite the joys to Our Lady of Solitude
day six
To begin the first thing we must do is say the Act of Contrition
First prayer: Oh Mother the most loving, and the most helpless! Who can explain the pain that your heart felt considering the betrayal of the perverse Judas, the contempt that the wicked had to make of the Passion of your Most Holy Son, and the insults and offenses of sinners against his Majesty?
At your feet, Lady, today you have the greatest of all. I am, Sovereign Virgin, I am the one who so many times have sold Jesus Christ for an infamous taste, and I have despised because of my fault all that he has suffered for me. Condolences for the feeling and sorrow that I have caused you with this contempt. O Mother of God, shelter of my soul, for the Passion and Death of your Son, and for the sorrow and pain of your heart, intercede with your son, so that he forgives my sins, and looks at me with the eyes of mercy. .
Mercy, Most Holy Virgin, mercy, most pious Lady, grant me the gift of the holy fear of God, appreciation of the Passion and Death of my Redeemer, and what I request for this Novena, for your glory, your honor and my benefit.Amen.
At the end of the first prayer, three Hail Marys are prayed.
Second Prayer: Oh Loving Mother of sinners, and most sad Lady, that among the many pains that afflicted your most pure soul in your bitter Solitude, you felt so much the disastrous end of the unhappy and unfortunate Judas, and in his misfortune you wept bitterly the perdition of so many souls that by their sins distance themselves from the mercy of God; increase in our hearts.
Oh compassionate Virgin, trust in your love, so that no matter how troubled our souls are, they never stop coming to your loving presence; for in You, oh most merciful Mother, is all our remedy, our consolation and our security.
Look kindly on all sinners, instilling in their souls a great fear of God. Convert the heretics, and bring all the infidels to the Church guild. Protect everything, especially those of us who adore you in the Mystery of your Solitude with this devout Novena, to be yours eternally.Amen.
Blessed be your purity and eternally so, because a whole God recreates himself in such graceful beauty. To You heavenly Princess, Holy Virgin Mary, I offer you on this day: soul, life and heart. Look at me with compassion don’t leave me, my mother.Amen.
Proceed to recite the joys to Our Lady of Solitude
Seventh day
To begin the first thing we must do is say the Act of Contrition
First prayer: Afflicted Empress of Heaven and earth, that your heart is so wounded, looking at the cowardice of spirit and weakness of spirit with which the Apostles who had a greater obligation to your Son, and to your love owed the kindness of a Mother, left you alone and helpless in the greatest affliction: by virtue of this pain, put in my soul a true gratitude to the divine benefits, and the virtue of strength, to bravely overcome the temptations of my enemies, and mortify my disordered passions, and not deny what I claim in this Novena, for the glory of God, for your honor, and for my use.Amen.
At the end of the first prayer, three Hail Marys are prayed.
Second Prayer: Oh Mary, Sea of graces, and Comfort of the afflicted, who seeing the Disciples of the Lord fugitive and misguided, like sheep without a shepherd, to the notable detriment of their souls, you received them lovingly, and encouraged them compassionately, exercising in your Soledad the office of Mother, who with so much eagerness entrusted to you from the Cross our Redeemer Jesus Christ: we beg you, our Mother, do not allow in our hearts licentiousness and discouragement to serve God, and confess his most holy name in the sight of those who do not love.
Congregate those of all Nations in one Faith and in the same Catholic Religion. Assist all the Evangelical Ministers, and those who are employed throughout the world for the spiritual good of souls. Everyone experience your powerful protection, especially those of us with the respect of children who offer you this devout Novena, to obtain your protection, and adore you in Glory.
Blessed be your purity and eternally so, because a whole God recreates himself in such graceful beauty. To You heavenly Princess, Holy Virgin Mary, I offer you on this day: soul, life and heart. Look at me with compassion don’t leave me, my mother.Amen.
Proceed to recite the joys to Our Lady of Solitude.
day eight
To begin the first thing we must do is say the Act of Contrition
First prayer: Hail full of grace, Mary, sea of bitterness, that being Queen of the Angels, by divine disposition you were abandoned by all in your rigorous Solitude, leaving you without comfort in your greatest sadness, and in your greatest need without relief , afflicted and alone: I ask you, oh life of my soul, never allow me to separate from your presence, and grant me a clean and pure heart, so that I can worthily accompany and serve you all the days of my life.
Assist me with your grace, and do not deny me the favor that I seek in this holy Novena, for the glory of God, for the honor of your name, and for the benefit of my soul.Amen.
At the end of the first prayer, three Hail Marys are prayed.
Second prayer: Oh Blessed among all women, who loving the Angels of Heaven so much, and being so loved by all the Celestial Spirits, you lacked their assistance in the midst of your greatest helplessness, without anyone comforting or consoling your afflicted soul among so many anguishes, leaving you to suffer alone without relief, and closing Heaven to everything that could serve as consolation: we beg you, Queen and Mother, grant us a perfect love of yours, with which we pity your sorrow, and mourn your loneliness as children lovers of such a Mother, and loyal vassals of such a Queen. Give us your grace to abhor vice.
Comfort all those who are persecuted, downcast and despised. Increased the number of your devotees, and protect everyone, mainly those of us who venerate you with the devotion of this Novena, to be yours without end in Bliss.Amen.
Blessed be your purity and eternally so, because a whole God recreates himself in such graceful beauty. To You heavenly Princess, Holy Virgin Mary, I offer you on this day: soul, life and heart. Look at me with compassion don’t leave me, my mother.Amen.
Proceed to recite the joys to Our Lady of Solitude.
day nine
To begin the first thing we must do is say the Act of Contrition
First Prayer: Most Holy Mother of God. Solitary turtledove, Pure Dove, Phoenix of love, who alone in your retreat, renewing in your heart the memory of the Passion and Death of your Divine Son, grew so much in your soul the desire to enjoy his presence, and the feeling of considering him absent. , that put you the pain of so strong Solitude in the last extreme of life, without anything created that could serve you as relief in so much Solitude. What Seraphim Lady, will be able to reach your love? Or what Cherub will be able to explain your pain in this most holy Mystery?
I adore him and I love him, for him I beg you to obtain for me from your Son Jesus the gift of perseverance in his love and service, until I see him glorious, and the grace that I ask for in this Novena, for his glory, your honor and my usefulness. eternal.Amen.
At the end of the first prayer, three Hail Marys are prayed.
Second prayer: O Queen of Seraphim and Crown of Martyrs, who are as if crucified between earth and Heaven, without any relief coming from Heaven, nor is there anything on earth that can give you consolation, whose most holy soul , how much more enlightened, so much more on fire in love; and how much more loving, so much more painful, with such an extreme of Solitude, that by force of pain has put you in the last disposition for your greatest glory, which was the Resurrection of your Son: we beg you, Queen of Martyrs, that by so grown martyrdom grant us a firm and constant will to seek our only and highest Good, which is God.
May you give the Christian Faithful peace and harmony. To the Ecclesiastical and Secular Princes light and success so that they govern according to the spirit of the Catholic Church. Unite, Lady, all the Nations of the World in one faith, in one baptism, and in the same spirit of charity. And give us all your blessing, particularly those of us who have used ourselves in the devotion of this holy Novena, in veneration of the sorrows of your most holy Soledad, to keep you company in the joys of Glory.Amen.
Blessed be your purity and eternally so, because a whole God recreates himself in such graceful beauty. To You heavenly Princess, Holy Virgin Mary, I offer you on this day: soul, life and heart. Look at me with compassion don’t leave me, my mother.Amen.
Proceed to recite the joys to Our Lady of Solitude.