History of the Virgin of Juquila prayer, miracles and more
The Virgin of Juquila is also known as the Immaculate Virgin of Juquila, or Our Lady of Juquila, it is one of the many representations of our mother Mary that can be found within the Catholic religion, if you want to know more about her stay in the article and you will know everything you need.
Virgin of Juquila
Our Lady of Juquila, as she is also called, is known for being the patron saint of Mexico, such a characteristic and beautiful Virgin arrives in the Aztec country with her presence to bless and care for them, from that moment the thousands of inhabitants of said country have become her faithful believers and in the form of honor worship her through patron saint festivities in her name.
The history of the Virgin of Juquila begins in Mexico when a Friar arrives from Spain, named Jordán de Santa Catalina and he himself brought the image of the Virgin to Mexico.
Our Lady of the Immaculate Juquila, as this virgin is also usually named, is one of the many invocations of the clean and pure Virgin Mary, the name given to her originates from a town in Mexico that bears the same name as the virgin, respectively. Marian devotion to this virgin is immense, in fact there is a sanctuary dedicated specifically to her, it is located in the city of Santa Catarina Juquila, Oaxaca state.
Every December 8, respectively, the day of our Immaculate Lady of Juquila is celebrated, to honor and worship through typical music of the town, traditional dances and great celebrations full of colors in her name, in order to thank so much kindness and love towards her people. and all his faithful believers.
Oaxaca is one of the 30 states of Mexico, however, this particular state is characterized by its cultural variety, since there are around 16 ethnic groups which are responsible for providing a great distinction and color to the state, In addition to the great sanctuary to the Virgin of Juquila since it is an invocation of the Virgin Mary, immensely venerated in this state by the vast majority of its inhabitants, to say that all its inhabitants respectively.
The first image that is displayed of this virgin characteristic dates back to the 16th century to be more specific in the year 1552, when Jordán de Santa Catalina, a Dominican friar, arrived in Mexico with a small carved image which was the virgin of Juquila. .
The friar gives a young man the image that he brought with him from Spain which measured about 30 cm respectively, the young man had served the friar for some time and proceeded to return to his town Amialtepec, since the young man arrives at the town with the The same image is immensely revered since the image was very popular among the places since they commented that if they made any request, she would fulfill them.
In this way, the image was quoted with great fame among the entire town, respectively, until reaching thousands of men and women who became its faithful than believers, thanks to the favors received.
The city that we all know today under the name of Santa Catarina de Juquila was founded respectively in the year 1272, so it is known according to what is written in ancient texts. The first inhabitants of this community came from a region known as Mixtecs, these people respectively settle or settle on the banks of a fairly mighty river where it provided them with good development due to its extensive amount of water, in this way what is now known as Juquila begins to be populated.
For the year 1725 this community had a great importance of a religious-tourist nature, in this way it is granted the category of municipal seat and political district. According to the history known by ancient characters and certain writings, Juquila was the jurisdiction of Vasallaje Tututepec.
With the arrival of the friar Jordán de Santa Catalina to this town mentioned above, he occupies the services of one of the many humble peasants of the town, however he educates this young man religiously while he was at his services for a certain time.
Given that the time has come for Fray Jordán to return to his country of origin, that is, Spain, he wanted to pay the peasant to repay him for all the time he was at his service and how good and humble he was with him and his services were of great value. help for the fray, he decides how to pay to give him an image that he brought with him from his trip, which was nothing more and nothing less than an image of the Immaculate Conception which had been carved in Spain respectively.
When he gives the image to the peasant, he warns him that he must always venerate it just as he had taught him before, the peasant takes the image very grateful to the fray and places it in his shack.
As is known, the peasant’s shack suffered a serious fire and it was only reduced to ashes, but with the peculiarity that the image of the virgin only presented some light burns respectively, a fact that nobody explained how it happened, from this moment they are awarded various miracles, which were named in nearby towns and in this way the inhabitants of Juquila organize themselves to transfer the image of the virgin to these neighboring towns so that they can venerate it in the same way that they did.
After this organization of the inhabitants of this town to transfer the Virgin to other towns and that they be part of their Marian devotion, the birth of a large religious population of faithful believers and devotees of the Virgin of Juquila begins with it. After this religious town begins, a sanctuary for the virgin is built, which currently still exists to continue venerating and honoring her and in this way every December 8, respectively, festivities and religious acts are celebrated in her name. .
Each Virgin has its history from the moment of its first appearance in the various countries, as indicated by the stories that are usually told about each virgin, such as the appearance of the Virgin of Guadalupe to Juan Diego, who was a man of very humble and faithful believer who had the important task of preaching and carrying the message of the appearance of the virgin before his eyes. That is why it is important to highlight that the Virgin of Juquila is not the exception to her, she has her own story of how her adoration and veneration began.
Within the history of the Virgin of Juquila, it is important to highlight that several aspects of her story are very different from the rest of the other invocations that the most pure Virgin Mary has, since her image does not appear to her by the work and grace of God. no person, nor does she ask that they build a chapel with her name to be venerated, in her history or appearance, so to speak, is very filmic since her image reaches Mexican lands respectively and in this way the locals realize how miraculous that is begin to venerate and honor her.
As previously mentioned in the section, the Virgin arrives in Mexican lands in the year 1552 in the hands of Friar Jordán de Santa Catalina, who came from Spain to Oaxaca and carried an image of the most pure Virgin Mary that he carried. between his hands from his country of origin and that was carved there respectively, this image is given to a humble man who was at his service for a certain time, since he felt that he should repay what the humble peasant did for him .
Therefore, he had no money to pay him, so he decides to give him the image of the Virgin, so that in this way he would always venerate her and have it within reach of his eyes, a very special request that the friar made to the man.
For the year 1633, a priest from the town of Juquila named Jacinto Escudero, makes the image of the virgin that was still in the peasant’s house be transferred to the town church, so the image that the friar gave him is known. gift to the peasant was approximately 30 cm. Both the inhabitants of the town and the inhabitants of the neighboring town had heard of the existence of the image respectively, therefore, they were participants in tourist visits to observe the image of the Virgin.
It is presumed that the change or transfer of the image to the church is sought, since the visits of the faithful were increasing day by day.
The Indians of that time had the custom of burning the grass so that it dries very well and in this way use it as food for the cows and other animals, one day while they were burning the grass there was a lot of wind or air which made the flames of fire were directed specifically towards what was the town.
It should be noted that it was not very large, so the Indians had to run away from the place and proceed to observe from afar, to be more specific under some mountains, as the fire ravaged their houses and their belongings and therefore everything was destroyed.
At the end of the fire and once the flames are completely extinguished, the Indians make the decision to return to the town very disconsolate to go home and thus be able to check that they were saved from the flames, once they went home to verify They go through the town and when they get to where the virgin was and they realize something extremely extraordinary, such as the fact that the virgin was completely intact after the fire, her dress and her hair were in perfect condition, the only thing that got to deteriorate a little was the face of the image of the virgin of Juquila.
Once the image was found by the Indians after the situation that occurred with the fire in question, they proceeded to restore the image or rather the face of the virgin who was the only thing affected in the middle of the town fire, but the restoration it was impossible the situation that arose was as if the virgin herself did not want her face to be restored and have it new and neat, in this way they came to the conclusion that everything that happened was a miracle of the virgin and therefore she did not want a new face, neat and white, that is why the face of the virgin was left just as it was found black as a result of the fire.
After what happened, the image of the Virgin of Juquila is transferred, however, some mysterious and quite confusing events occur, and that is that after the Virgin is transferred, it disappears and little by work and grace appears again in Amialtepec, situation that generates many questions; Did the virgin miraculously appreciate again in the village? She was she stolen and moved there again? In this way, the community prefers to leave the questions aside and only stay with the new and that is that the virgin miraculously appeared there.
The priest of the town makes the decision to go look for the image to return it to its place, however, days later the event occurs again, the image disappears and appears in the other place, a situation that occurs three consecutive times since the priest directs you to look for the image again, to return it to its place.
After these events that occurred three times in the year 1719, the bishop proceeded to sign an edict transferring the virgin to Juquila definitively, and since then in the town named above the virgin is honored and venerated immensely by all the locals, they are faithful devotees to the virgin named Juquila as the town that adopted her as her own and that she chose to make divine presence eternally.
In worship and the devotion that they offer to this image of the Virgin Mary under her invocation of the Virgin of Juquila, it is immense as already mentioned in previous lines, so much so that the Virgin has her own sanctuary that was built, in the city of Santa Catalina- state of Oaxaca Mexico, the feast of the Virgin of Juquila takes place every December 8 and are great celebrations that her faithful devotees do in her honor
Description of the Virgin of Juquila
The images of the Virgin of Juquila, as well as that of other virgins, which we can name as an example the Virgin of the Mystic Rose, can be seen on their faces that have a very deep look and at the same time disconsolate. The look of both virgins inspires great purity and blessings. All the so-called Marians, who are those people who adore and will see the Virgin Mary, are all aware of her history of suffering and all that she had to go through and the pain that she experienced for her beloved son.
The face of the Virgin of Juquila is not very white, but neither is it a very dark or black color, in this way the Virgin also wears a dress, which is made up of many colors, on many occasions her clothing is been compared with the dress of the Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre, since they comment that both dresses are very similar.
According to collected data it was possible to know that the height of the virgin is approximately 30 centimeters, and has a thickness of approximately 4 centimeters, the tunic that carries the image of the Virgin of Juquila falls through the mantle of the virgin respectively and the The same goes off from the shoulders of the image until it reaches the left arm and in this area specifically it becomes a little third.
The Virgin of Juquila is usually easily differentiated from the other virgins by her image, she has very long black hair which extends along her dress, the hands of the Virgin in her image are always represented as unity which gives the feeling that he is praying.
The image of the Virgin of Juquila is given various dresses, which are embroidered on many occasions by her devotees and as an offering to the favors received or also to honor her beauty, the image of the Virgin has a consecrated appearance of purity which is Very worthy of admiration for all the Marians who follow her, it is important to mention that the mantle that is placed on each virgin or saint will depend on the culture and belief of the country of origin of the saint or the country where they are located.
A clear example of this is that in movies where they talk about the life of Jesus Christ, all people are usually seen wearing the same clothing respectively, a tradition that is preserved in Jerusalem to the present day, the locals still retain the same cultures and their clothing. It is the same as that time when Jesus was on earth.
Both men and women wear the same style of dress, however it is important to note that many other countries its inhabitants usually wear similar clothing, but they do not share the same beliefs or the same God. The clothing of the Virgin of Juquila is well known and stands out for having a great dress, which is made up of a large number of colors that are very striking, her beautiful face is unmistakable and fills everyone with her presence.
Dresses of the Virgin of Juquila
As briefly mentioned in the previous point, the dresses of the Virgin of Juquila are of very striking and characteristic colors, each of her dresses demonstrates the great devotion that her faithful render to her, her beautiful dresses are full of faith and hope. Some of the colors that stand out in her dresses are; white which gives it a harmonious touch, blue, pink, etc.
The virgin’s dresses are each embroidered with a large number of precious stones, where the masses are in honor of her beauty and in gratitude for her great kindness and love that she shows to all her faithful believers.
Each of the dresses that has the image of the Virgin of Juquila are very similar to each other, what usually differentiates them are the colors of each one and their embroidery respectively or the amount of precious stones it may contain.
When a novena is being prayed to the Virgin of Juquila, it is customary for her dress to be changed daily and it is important to mention that the dresses not only of this Virgin but of all of them should not be of extravagant colors since this makes them lose their charm. of the sacred that inspire the images of the virgins respectively. A clear example of this is that the light pink color or white, gives a purer and more angelic touch to the image of the virgin, during the festivities the virgin is usually dressed in beautiful much more embroidered dresses to highlight the beauty of she.
Prayer to the Virgin of Juquila
Holy pure Virgin! Holy Virgin of Miraculous Juquila! Today I come before you with a small request, you who are a pious and beautiful being and who watch over all your faithful servants.
We offer, pious Mother, relief and love with your immense mercy; she takes away the regrets and the bad decisions we have made.
Cover me with your light! And with great faith I humbly ask you for three wishes: Make all those I love have health, love and that they do not suffer from economic problems, I beg you pious mother.
Miraculous Virgin, Mother of hopes; I give you my life, protect us and protect us from all evil.
This world that is full of sins and injustices; do not let anything tempt us and make us always be on the right path that you and God have prepared for us.
Mother Juquila, protect all the pilgrims, protect their paths; she watches over the most needy and those who have nothing to eat.
Eternally hold our hand, and never let us fall. Amen.
(make request)
I thank you, beloved Virgin of Juquila, for the favors received.Amen.
for difficult cases
If you are going through a difficult situation, then we will describe a powerful prayer for the Virgin of Juquila, which you must perform for 9 consecutive days, the prayer must be performed with great faith and fervor to the Virgin and in this way she will come to the aid in the face of the difficult situation you are experiencing:
Dearest and pious Virgin of Juquila, Mother of our faith, mother of our ways, protect us from all evil. You as a Celestial being, if you see that we hesitate or get out of the path that God has prepared for us, guide us and extend your hand so as not to fall.
Holy Mother, protect the pilgrims and watch over their safety at all times; take pity on those less fortunate and who have nothing to give. Shelter us and deliver us from all mortal sin. Grant us: (request or make requests)
Beloved Lady of Juquila, fill me with your light and take away all impure thoughts;
Oh mother of Heaven and of our beloved God! you who with your pious soul take care of the helpless, miracle worker.
Patroncita Juquila, watchman of the sick and who extends her hands to the most needy. You who protect from bad company and deliver from all evil; you who never leave aside in that moment of darkness, I implore you to listen to my requests
that so humbly and with faith I bring you: (requests again), to madame Señora de Juquila. Patron Saint of the homeless, and Mother of our path.
Protect us from all evil, this world that is full of sins and mistreatment, tuck me in and let us fall.
Oh pious Mother, protect all your faithful followers, be our guardian and watch over all those who do not have. Be our guide at all times. I thank you Virgin of Juquila
for the favors received.Amen.
For work
If things at your job are not going very well and you are at risk of being fired, you can ask the Virgin of Juquila with great faith to help keep your job and that day by day your skills improve there and you can find the promotion that you want so much, if instead you need to find a job, you can also go to the Virgin of Juquila through prayer, she will listen to your pleas:
Oh Holy Virgin of Juquila! intercede for all the problems I have, intercede in my work and in my family, so that all problems go away and abundance comes into our lives.
I beg you that the problems go away, as well as the difficulties and the envy of those who only wish evil.
I ask that I can move forward and that my quality of life is increased, as well as health and patience to be able to handle daily problems.
I promise to always be faithful, and express my gratitude every day for the favors granted.Amen.
For business
Pious Mother Juquila, you who are an attentive and merciful heavenly being, I come to you today as a loyal servant, begging abundance for myself and my loved ones, in the company we want to start.
You, as an understanding Mother, know that in a family nucleus it is not only summarized to parents and children, but that we are all as servants of your immense mercy.
I implore you to listen to my wishes, that we never lack money to live honestly; That is why today I come to offer you this prayer so that you can surround us with abundance.
I implore you to protect the business of (say the names of the people for whom you ask) and that those I love never lack anything; I am grateful for the help provided every day and the union we have in each awakening, without you nothing would be possible.
Thank you for the favors granted.Amen.
For the family
Dear Father, take care of our house and fill it with your light.
Bless us and keep away all the bad things that want to hurt us.
Drive away selfishness, bad intentions and feed us to be better.
Give us forgiveness for the sins committed, do not abandon us and accompany us on the good path you have prepared for us.
May each day our family be worthy of your sacrifice; May every night the family be full of loving feelings.
Protect all marriages, that every day any misunderstanding be illuminated with your wisdom.
With your immense power, guide our children; Give us the patience to guide and educate them in the best way.
May our love be a reason to be proud ; that every day we do our best and that every day we can count on your presence.Amen.
For the love
Virgin of Juquila! I beg you to guide me with those miraculous eyes, make me walk with the path that the great Lord has prepared for me. Give me your mouth so I can pray correctly; so that my pleas can be heard by you and our Almighty God.
You, who are a miracle worker, who on this occasion ask for your love and understanding; Give me the strength to get up every day and be worthy of the sacrifice of your Holy Son. May the path be much easier and may I wake up every day with a smile and understanding to others.
Extend your arms to remove laziness, give me the opportunity to show devotion to you and your Son Jesus every day.
You who are always with me in good and bad times, I thank you Holy Virgin of Juquila! for your eternal love and for not letting me fall; Give me the strength in these dark moments that I am going through, that all the people around me only have good intentions. Take pity on all the innocent prisoners, those who require your wise advice.
Your miracle speaker! Protect us eternally from all evil, and be our guardian in all the decisions we make every day; never let us fall
I give you my eternal love and infinite thanks for the dedicated love you have given me and all those I treasure.
Your beautiful mother, we come to venerate you with immense love, we thank you for the favors granted.Amen.