Novena to Santa Marta for Impossible Cases
The Novena to Santa Marta is one of the Prayers that Catholic believers mostly recite to ask for God’s favor for the most difficult moments of our lives. In the following article you will know everything related to this Santa.
Prayer or Novena to Santa Marta
The Novena prayers to Santa Marta, tend to be a prayer which is dedicated to a biblical character who came to have great importance for the history of the Bible since this woman is of great service, she came to host the same savior of humanity. So at this time we are going to teach you what a novena to Santa Marta is, which must be carried out for about 9 continuous days.
But first we are going to make a simple prayer to her and later we will know what the process is to make said novena to this saint with a big heart.
Oh Santa Marta you who were a pious woman, by the Lord Jesus Christ you became very esteemed; for being a virtuous, honest, sensitive person, and with a good heart because in your own house on 2 occasions the Lord Jesus came to stay, coming to show his mercy, and your sadness came to comfort.
Having come to die your brother Lazarus, Jesus wept bitterly, and raised his voice to heaven and asked the Almighty God for what he did a patent miracle. Which consists of the resurrection of Lazarus from the dead after about 3 days have passed since his death and being buried in a cave, and for which all the observant people come to be completely admired.
Santa Marta, daughter of God, today I ask you with all my heart that if you have come to hear my plea today, I request that you resolve my affliction and my difficulties. Amen.
act of contrition
My Lord Jesus, my redeemer on this day I repent of all my sins which I have committed to this day and that come to me in spite of all my heart because because of them I have come to offend the very God that He is so great, merciful, kind and loving.
I ask you my almighty God that through the Novena to Santa Marta or the Prayer to Santa Marta for Tuesdays you can help me to be forgiven of my sins and guilt that I feel in the depths of my heart.
Therefore, I promise you with all my heart not to sin again and I will trust that your great and infinite mercy will grant me complete forgiveness of all my sins and you will help me lead to Eternal Life. Amen.
Joys to the Glorious Santa Marta
Oh great Santa Marta, considered as the servant of the Lord Jesus, patron saint of many who comes to intercede for me, you are from an enlightened family, rich parents and the Lord Jesus Christ you came to serve, with a great will surrendered to him, and that only to him you came to consecrate your entire life as a slave of his love.
Oh Glorious Santa Marta, with a loving expression, the one that is truly constant was your sister Maria, the most loving and that you, oh Santa Marta, are an officious woman, when the traveler, the Divine Savior of our souls, came to stay.
Jesus came to cry for your brother Lazarus, who was already 3 days dead, however, Jesus prayed to the Father who is in Heaven and made Lazarus rise from the dead to bear witness to the power and love of God himself. . You are the patron saint who protects the faithful, that in the valleys of pain your believers tend to implore in your great favor.
Oh great Santa Marta, Santa Marta, the Holy Beloved before the eyes of the God of all goodness, all your believers require your clarity in the works and also in the tasks that are tired. Those who, in their desolate homes, no longer have a roof or love.
Oh great Santa Marta, you became the follower of Christ, of his footprints on the cross and you walked the most tortuous paths together with the mother of our savior who was in deep pain seeing her son carry a crown of thorns and with roses consoling Jesus at all times. Amen.
Prayers for Every Day
This is the prayer with which you are going to start at the beginning of each day before the Novena to Santa Marta, it consists of the following:
By the powerful sign of the Holy Cross…
And great and eternal Almighty God, for the unconditional and inexplicable love that you have for all your children, that you became a man descending from your immense glory simply to save our souls from eternal death, that by becoming a man you led a life of suffering, pain, humiliation and whipping because of our sins and transgressions.
That your immense love towards us took you to the cross of Calvary to break every act of curse that was contrary to us I ask you at this moment for that same suffering you had, and for your great and infinite love towards me that you forgive me of everything sin and offense towards the father who is seated on his great throne of which I truly repent with all my heart and that I promise that I will never commit or do in my life.
I ask your forgiveness, my Lord Jesus, oh my most high Lord, I ask for your complete help to never again commit the acts that I have come to commit, I ask that the Holy Spirit of God come upon my life and make me understand every day the true love you have for me and your purposes in my life.
So thanks to your grace and your favor I know that you can keep me straight for you from this moment on and that I wholeheartedly accept that you are the only lord and savior of my life. Amen.
(At this time you should try to confess and take communion during the Novena to Santa Marta). Now the Novena to Santa Marta begins day by day in the following way:
First day
Start with the initial prayer of every day to have the favor of God and the Lord Jesus Christ and also their direction on how the novena to Saint Martha should be performed. Then we will meditate on the love of God and how we have served him to fully please him.
The sentence
Oh holy Martha, patron saint of humble believers, who came to learn in a great way the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, your diligence has not diminished but, to tell the truth, you brought them together with the humility and meekness of your heart.
For the great grace that the Lord himself granted you, I ask you to intercede for me requesting love and grace in excess so that in this way I can serve him every day of my life and be able to enjoy it in the other. Amen.
After this prayer you can pray 3 Our Fathers, 1 Hail Mary, and 1 Glory Be for the souls in Purgatory. And you end with the prayer to the Holy Immaculate Virgin.
Second day
For the second day you are going to begin with the initial prayer of every day and later you are going to meditate on how you have come to watch over the honor of God. Then you start with the prayer.
The sentence
I ask you, oh sweet patron saint, to pray to God, so that we can be faithful in all the performance of our duties as Christians, and jealous in having to ensure the full honor of God and that way we can have a holy death after all this. . Amen.
After this prayer you can pray 3 Our Fathers, 1 Hail Mary, and 1 Glory Be for the souls in Purgatory. And we end with the prayer to the Holy Immaculate Virgin.
Third day
Start with the initial prayer of every day to have the favor of God and the Lord Jesus Christ and also their direction on how the novena to Saint Martha should be performed. Afterwards, they will meditate on something related to prayer.
The sentence
Holy and glorious Marta, for your diligence in what is prayer and sweet talks with our eternal God, I ask you to obtain from him the grace to be able to be fervent in what is our prayer and to be constant in the full exercise of The virtue. Amen,
Again after having made this prayer you can pray 3 Our Fathers, 1 Hail Mary, and 1 Glory for the souls in Purgatory. And you end with the prayer to the Holy Immaculate Virgin.
Fourth day
Start with the initial prayer of every day to have the favor of God and the Lord Jesus Christ and also their direction on how the novena to Saint Martha should be performed. Then he goes to meditate on something related to fasting and suffering.
The sentence
Oh Saint Martha, pray for us, great patron, that the same God of heaven may come to enlighten our understandings, and that he preserve us from all the false doctrines that are found in the whole world against the Catholic Church.
We want the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ, the same ones that you came to follow and that you want all your faithful believers to follow, to be given to us after the great sacrifices that you made, so that finally we all deserve the eternal glory of heaven. Amen.
Again after having made this prayer you can pray 3 Our Fathers, 1 Hail Mary, and 1 Glory for the souls in Purgatory. And you end with the prayer to the Holy Immaculate Virgin.
Fifth day
Begin with the initial prayer of every day to have the favor of God and the Lord Jesus Christ and also their direction on how the novena to Saint Martha should be performed. Then you will meditate on something that is related to love and charity with your neighbor.
The sentence
Great and kind patron saint of humble servants, the obedient disciple of the Lord Jesus, during your mortal life you came to practice the beautiful virtue of charity, now we ask you to pray for us before the Divine Master so that we may grant the grace to become charitable people towards all the destitute and needy of this world.
May he maximize to help all those who with poverty tend to be in danger of falling into the greatest and most serious sins that cause the loss of their souls for all eternity. Amen.
Again after having made this prayer you can pray 3 Our Fathers, 1 Hail Mary, and 1 Glory for the souls in Purgatory. And you end with the prayer to the Holy Immaculate Virgin.
Sixth day
Begin with the initial prayer of every day to have the favor of God and the Lord Jesus Christ and also their direction on how the novena to Saint Martha should be performed and to meditate on the humility of people.
The sentence
Oh saint and great patron saint of the humble, because of the enormous humility that you came to carry until you reached high perfection, we ask you to pray for all your believers before our Lord Jesus Christ so that he can grant us the very virtue of which many people, especially me. we need during our daily lives.
We hope from you that this grace so that at some point we can enjoy with you the same eternal beatitudes to which you arrived. Amen.
Again after having made this prayer you can pray 3 Our Fathers, 1 Hail Mary, and 1 Glory for the souls in Purgatory. And we end with the prayer to the Holy Immaculate Virgin.
Seventh day
Begin with the initial prayer of every day to have the favor of God and the Lord Jesus Christ and also their direction on how the novena to Saint Martha should be performed. Later you should meditate on Purity.
The sentence
We ask you to help us, Santa Marta, against all the snares of our enemies and also of the whole world and without leaving behind our flesh, and that you may obtain for us from God the eternal grace to become holy and pure men and women before him. We ask you to help us and help us; with you is that we want to come to reign in the kingdom of your Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.
Again after having made this prayer you can pray 3 Our Fathers, 1 Hail Mary, and 1 Glory for the souls in Purgatory. And you end with the prayer to the Holy Immaculate Virgin.
Eighth day
Begin with the initial prayer of every day to have the favor of God and the Lord Jesus Christ and also their direction on how the novena to Saint Martha should be performed. Then meditate on something that is related to the devotion to the Holy Virgin.
The sentence
Kind patron saint, Saint Martha, with great devotion you served our Lord Jesus Christ and also Mary your sister, and who at this moment find you in the glorious heavens with Jesus and his holy mother, please ask them to deign to grant us the enormous grace of final perseverance.
Ask them in the same way that before we reach the last sobs of life we can have a perfect sorrow for the sins we committed and a full repentance towards the love of God and that everything be according to his holy will. Amen.
Again after having made this prayer you can pray 3 Our Fathers, 1 Hail Mary, and 1 Glory for the souls in Purgatory. And we end with the prayer to the Holy Immaculate Virgin.
ninth day
Begin with the initial prayer of every day to have the favor of God and the Lord Jesus Christ and also their direction on how the novena to Saint Martha should be performed. Meditate on devotion to Saint Joseph.
The sentence
Santa Marta, daughter of God since they find you in heaven and you know the great power of Saint Joseph, I ask you to beg this kind patriarch to achieve for us from our Lord Jesus Christ the grace to be able to live correctly and Christianly.
Always imitating in his poverty, in the fulfillment of all his mandates and teachings of God himself and also of our own obligations and through all this we achieve eternal life with him in heaven. Amen.
Again after having made this prayer you can pray 3 Our Fathers, 1 Hail Mary, and 1 Glory for the souls in Purgatory. And you end with the prayer to the Holy Immaculate Virgin.
In this way it is that you get to make a novena to Santa Marta day by day by following these steps you will be able to fulfill your or your request made to her.
Final prayer for every day
This is a prayer that should be made to the Immaculate Virgin:
O holy immaculate Virgin, saint of angels and saints, I ask you to turn your merciful eyes to us and to have compassion on all your believers who are sinners who turn to you for forgiveness.
You know very well oh saint, the great danger and threat that tends to surround us both our body and our soul, I ask you to help me and defend me until we can see the land of the blessed as free people amen. May the great Heart of Jesus be exalted and loved at all times and in all places. So I ask you at this time to be my help.
Prayer to Santa Marta in a Need
This is one of the prayers referred to Santa Marta for those moments of need which can be performed as a Dominating Santa Marta Prayer . The prayer is as follows:
Oh Santa Marta, miraculous Santa, I approach before your presence and your protection giving all of me for you, so that you please always help me during my tribulations, and in trials, and as a demonstration of my affection and full gratitude to you, I offer you at all times a full propagation of your devotion.
I ask you to console me during times of affliction and sorrow, I ask you for the great joy that came to rejoice your heart when you hosted the Savior of this world, our Lord Jesus Christ, in your house located in Betania.
I ask you to intercede for me at all times and also for my whole family so that we always come to keep in our hearts the God of Heaven who lives in his grace and rejecting all things that offend him; so that in this way our needs can be remedied and in a very special way this one that is currently afflicting me:
(At this time you are going to tell the Santa what your request is for her)
I implore you to help me overcome all difficulties with the strength with which you came to overcome yourself and by the same power of the Cross of Calvary that our Lord Jesus Christ gave you to the dragon that is surrendered before your feet. Amen.
9 Tuesday to Santa Marta For Very Difficult and Impossible Requests
This is a prayer that can be recited to Santa Marta for many things which have to be done during 9 Tuesdays This is a Prayer to Santa Marta for Love, for impossible cases, for difficult moments among many others that can be done by the person who comes to have faith that she will do it. You can even specially pray a novena to Santa Marta for love, something that seems unattainable, she will grant it to you.
Many believers of the Catholic religion tend to affirm the following:
“Anything you want to ask for, no matter how impossible it may seem, ask Santa Marta, who grants it no matter how difficult it is.”
So every Tuesday you must do it with great devotion and the prayer says as follows:
By the great sign of the Holy Cross, from all my enemies I ask you to free me Lord, God our father. In the mighty name of the Father, the Son and your Holy Spirit Amen.
Oh Santa Marta, the woman who humbly came to host the son of Almighty God in her house, I come before you, to be under your shelter and divine protection as a sign of my great gratitude at this moment I offer you this light which I am going to light during each Tuesday that you say this prayer (Now the candle is lit).
I ask you, oh saint of God, to help me and comfort all my sorrows, remove all my afflictions from me, that because of your great love my family and I can keep in our hearts the great love that God has with us and that he always be the Center of our life, and that at the same time we can see how our needs are resolved. O Saint Martha:
On this day I ask you to have great mercy on me, especially the favor that I am going to ask of you: (at this moment you are going to ask with immense faith and hope for what you want to achieve).
I ask you, Holy daughter of God, that you manage to overcome all my difficulties and problems that afflict me in the same way that you managed to defeat the dragon that stands before your feet. (At this time you are going to pray an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be). Once finished she begins to thank him:
Thank you Santa Marta for the favors that I am going to receive. Thank you Santa Marta for the favors that I am going to receive. Thank you Santa Marta for the favors that I am going to receive. Amen.
Note: This prayer must be performed continuously every Tuesday within a total of 9 Tuesdays. Every day, while you pray, you are going to light 1 candle, it can be of any kind of color, preferably red or green, and it has to be left on until it burns itself out. According to the believers of her, this Saint before reaching the 9 Tuesdays, she comes to grant what is being asked of her no matter how difficult it is.
Closing Prayer
This is a prayer that you can perform at the end of the novenas:
Santa Marta, Miraculous Santa, I am approaching you at this moment to be under your shelter and protection and as a token of my gratitude to you, I offer you that in your name I am going to turn on this light that I now turn on every Tuesday. (At this time he is going to light a candle.)
I ask you to console me in my sorrows and for the immense love you have and with the same grace as when you came to host the Lord Jesus in your house with your brothers Mary and Lazarus, I also ask you to intercede for me before the Lord God who is sitting on his great White Throne so that we can always keep God and the Lord Jesus Christ in our hearts as the only Lord and Savior of our lives.
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