Origin of the serenity prayer, complete
The serenity prayer or also known as the serenity prayer, if you want to know more about this prayer and everything that surrounds it, continue reading the post. Since here you will find; what is the prayer its origin and much more that may interest you on this subject.
serenity prayer
If you find yourself going through a very difficult situation that has totally robbed you of peace and serenity, don’t worry, below you will find a beautiful prayer of complete serenity that can help you in this difficult situation, you just need a lot of faith and fervor at the time of perform and have the full security and confidence that it is very magical and miraculous, you will see:
God, give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
Courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting difficulties as the path to peace;
Accepting, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I yield to His will;
May I be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next. Amen.
Origin and meaning of the serenity prayer
As far as the beautiful and interesting prayer of serenity is known, it was written by an American theologian of German origin named Reinhold Niebuhr in 1943. This prayer itself plays a fundamental role for those people who are in search of peace and serenity in his life.
If you find yourself going through a situation of anguish, despair, agitation or uncertainty due to some difficult situation that you are going through in your life, you can be sure that this prayer is very effective and also this prayer is somehow associated with the 12-step programs offering strength and calm while pursuing a more stable life.
By starting with the prayer each of those words is fully accepting that God exists and that only he is the only one who can really generate the peace we need and whatever the situation we are going through or however difficult it may be, he and only he is the only one who has the power and strength that we need.
Within the bible there is a verse written that makes us understand that the peace that God can give us exceeds all the limits of human understanding; “And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7).
It is not only reciting the prayer, but it is important to let the Peace of God enter; enter our mind, our heart, and our soul. And in this way to be able to find that supreme peace that we are looking for so much and in this way to be able to challenge the most severe circumstances of life.
The serenity prayer speaks mainly of acceptance, wisdom and the value that it can have to ask God our Lord for everything we need and only he can grant us, in this way it can be mentioned that through this prayer we are surrendering to him so that he can listen to us and come to our aid.
But we can also mention that this prayer is made to reinforce that we must always have our trust in God, so that through it we can manage to fix things that we usually have no control over and only he can help us. And in this way he can control the suffering and situations that we are going through, the only thing we must keep in mind is that we must always trust him and live one day at a time and enjoy it to the fullest.
How to put this prayer into practice?
The serenity prayer was written in 1943, as mentioned above, on a Sunday, during the Second World War, in this way this prayer can be put into practice in any situation, but especially at some point when we are going through some situation. very difficult and that we need to solve to find all that peace and serenity that we are looking for so much, since some situation has not totally stolen them and through this prayer we can find it.
Since each word contained in it helps us to expel everything that we carry inside, and to find what we are looking for so much, which is the peace and serenity that we need.
Peter 4:12 says “do not be surprised at the fire of trial that has come upon you, as if something strange were happening to you.
Jeremiah 29:11 says, “For I know the thoughts that I think about you, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you the end you expect.” And in Hebrews 13:5, God says that he will never leave us or forsake us. It is never a long time… He is always there for us if we come to Him.