Learn how to pray for a mother who has lost a child
Not all human beings are capable of facing or overcoming the loss of a loved one easily. In the next post you will learn more about the Prayer for a mother who has lost a child and you will help or support whoever needs it.
prayer for a mother
God, you who gave your son so that we and our young people
We can overcome this world.
We realize you suffered when it was delivered
and that you feel sadness for each of the barbarities
committed by men, particularly in your name.
You know and understand the agony that is felt.
You know better than anyone how to comfort parents.
Lift their hearts to you and fill them with your tranquility.
His understanding goes beyond our human vision, however,
Give them the information and confidence to persevere even through what they can’t get.
Give them the opportunity to know that you are always God.
Help them remember that their longing is for a life that will never
can be truly overlooked.
My life is in turmoil sir, still, I worship God.
The request of the world is strange
and I can’t successfully get it back to the way it was.
God, Lord, you know the torment that is in my heart constantly,
and you know why: my son has died,
how could it be conceivable that my dear son is gone?
The only one who thought with such concern in any ailment,
who I held close to my heart and promised to treat as long as I could remember,
he’s not here to deal with it.
It hurts me deeply that I wasn’t ready
to assure this child that I adore with all my being
of a death that seems so irrational.
Give me a chance to feel quiet.
Give me a chance to take a deep breath.
Stay with me in this deep and shifting agony.
Currently I carry this darkness with me
in my mind and in my heart, consistently.
It is my weight and my partner.
Dear Christ, there is definitely not a lonely moment
of my life, in which this misfortune
not be so deeply etched in my brain and heart,
whether in the middle of a work day or in those sultry
instant moments of agony in the desolate darkness.
Let me appreciate all that we go through together on an ongoing basis.
Let me treasure those memories and discover exhilaration in them.
Help me manage my feelings and emotions.
They don’t have the faintest idea what to say.
They stagger and look away when they see me.
I know you would “prefer not to remember me”, however,
in general they do not understand that the memory is consistent with me.
Show me, Lord.
Reveal to me what you need me to do with this.
What is he expected to gain from this kind of agony?
What are you calling me?
Open my battered heart and guide me to comfort and harmony.
No one but you can give me the harmony I need.
Give me the opportunity to feel your quality in my life.
In the name of Jesus, amen.
God who provides strength and comfort
Some 2,000 years ago, the biblical essayist Paul said that Jehovah is “the God who gives perseverance and comfort” (Romans 15:5). Since the Bible assures us that Jehovah never shows signs of change for quite some time, we can be sure that he continues to encourage all who serve him.
Furthermore, the Holy Scriptures show us that Jehovah provides comfort in different ways. What are some of them; He energizes people who ask God for help, urges genuine Christians to comfort their brothers in trust, and furthermore, in his Word, the Bible, compelling stories that are especially comforting for people who mourn the death of a child. How about we take a look at these three different forms of comfort individually:
Jehovah himself heard
Ruler David composed the accompaniment about our Creator: “Trust in him constantly, kind fellows. Before him you pour out your heart. God is a refuge for us” (Psalm 62:8). For what reason did he have such confidence in God?
Allow David himself to react. Alluding to himself, he declared: “This burdened man called, and Jehovah himself listened. Moreover, from every one of his troubles he saved him” (Psalm 34:6)
In all the disturbing circumstances in which he lived, David day after day approached Jehovah for help, and Jehovah constantly helped him. He knew for a fact that God would energize him and help him persevere.
Each person, and even more so parents, must remember that Jehovah will help them in those instant hours of anguish, as he did with David, and that they can approach the incomparable “aroma of petition” with the certainty that he will allow his grace and comfort. in them.
William, referred to in the article, commented: “I often have the inclination that I can never live without my son again, and I ask Jehovah to ease my torment. Overall, I’m invigorated by mental toughness and I keep fighting.”
“If you also confidently plead with Jehovah, the Supreme Being of the universe, he will continue to comfort you, because he has guaranteed you: “I, Jehovah your God, have your hand, which makes you know: ‘Do not lose heart. I will certainly help you’” (Isaiah 41:13).
Help from good friends
Although the facts show that people who have lost someone need time to grieve alone and organize their reflections, it is not a good idea to stay away from any organization for a long time. As stated in Proverbs 18:1, “he who breaks away” could be hurt.
Consequently, people who find themselves in this tragic circumstance must take into account not to fall into the trap of separating themselves from others.
Proverbs 17:17 says: “A genuine friend shows himself a friend, and he is a brother conceived for when there is distress.” Lucy, also mentioned as an example in this article, found the honesty of these words as she drew comfort from a few ‘genuine peers’ at the point where her son passed away.
She commented: “The visits of the brothers from the meeting were an incredible help, although here and there they revealed little to us. A colleague visited me when I was alone at home, because I realized that I would cry and I did it with her. Another considered me constantly to cheer me up. There were also families who welcomed us to eat at their home, and to this day they continue to do so.”
It should be noted that the profound moment that parents feel when one of their children dies does not effectively disappear. (See: The Bible )
In either case, you will find extraordinary comfort in asking for and organizing genuine companions. Many parents who have lost a child feel that Jehovah is close to them. In fact, Jehovah “is repairing those left behind, and is wrapping up his wounds” (Psalm 147:3).
Bible stories and experiences
Despite the plea and the great companions, the composed Word of God is a source of comfort for people who mourn the death of a young person. It contains stories that demonstrate that Jesus has both the desire and the ability to eradicate the torment of mothers who have lost their children. These beads are very comforting. How about we see two of them?
From the Gospel of Luke, chapter 7 describes what happened when Jesus encountered a memorial service parade as he left the city of Nain. They would cover the son of a widow, his unmarried son. Section 13 says: “When the Lord saw her, he ended up being soft on her and said, ‘Stop crying.'”
For what reason did Jesus advise this mother to stop crying? Since he realized that his resistance was going to end. The story continues like this: “Jesus approached and contacted the box, and the people who transported him stopped, and he said:
‘Young man, I tell you: get up!’ And the dead man sat down and began to speak, and offered him to his mother” (Luke 7:14, 15). Right at that moment, her mother definitely started crying once more, but this time with happiness. (See: The Bible and Divorce )
In another event, a man named Jairus approached Jesus and asked him to help his 12-year-old girl, who was really sick. Not long after, when the news came that the young woman had passed away, Jairus was saddened. In any case, Jesus told him:
“Fear not, practice trust so to speak.” Touching base at the family home, Jesus entered where the young woman lay. He grabbed her hand and said, “Young man, I’m letting you know: Get up!” Immediately, the young lady woke up and walked out.
How did the parents respond? “They were close to them with extraordinary joy.” Hugging his little girl, Jairo and his partner were overjoyed. Perhaps they were imagining that it would be different (Mark 5: 22-24, 35-43).
These essential biblical sections show mothers that they can shake up their expectations in restoration. Jesus guaranteed: “The hour is coming when all those in the graves will hear his voice and be raised up” (John 5:28, 29). (See: New Testament )
Jehovah’s reason is for his Son Jesus Christ to bring people who have died back to life. A large number of children will “hear his voice” when he says, “Get up!” And they will be reunited with their family. At that time, like Jairus and his wife, his parents will be “crazy with incredible joy.”
In case you have lost a boy or a girl, remember that Jehovah can turn your agony into joy through revival. To capitalize on this wonderful expectation, do as the psalmist asked: “Try to discover Jehovah and his love.
Search his face continuously. Consider his brilliant deeds that he has done, the supernatural happenings of him” (Psalm 105:4, 5) So to speak, serve the genuine God, Jehovah, and love him as the best thing that ever happened to you.
What will happen if you “seek to find out Jehovah”? Today he will get quality by going to God, he will be improved by his Christian brothers who value him, and his spirit will be lifted by examining the Word of God. In any case, that’s not all. Sooner than later, he will have the option to witness the wonders of God.
The lady who lost two young men
Kehinde and Bintu are Christians of Nigerian origin. Two descendants of this marriage died in a car accident.
Despite the fact that these parents continue to endure in light of their horrible misfortune, their trust in Jehovah supports them and they continue to pass on the Bible’s message of salvation to their neighbors.
The tranquility and quality of Kehinde and Bintu have not gone unnoticed. For example, a lady in the network, Mrs. Ukoli, told one of Bintu’s colleagues: “Introduce me to the lady who lost two young men immediately, she is still lecturing on the message of the Bible. I need to realize what drives him invigorates him.”
When Bintu touched base at Mrs. Ukoli’s house, she said, “I need to know why you keep lecturing about the God who executed his children. She took my lonely little girl, and from that moment on I would prefer not to know anything about God.”
Bintu used the Bible to clarify the motivation behind why people die and the premise we have to trust our friends and family to rise (Acts 24:15; Romans 5:12).
Later, Ms. Ukoli stated: “I thought that when someone dies it is because God takes them away, but now I know the reality”. Requesting to familiarize herself with God’s guarantees, she consented to reflect on the Bible with the rest of my brothers.
“I need help, but I have no idea how”
The disappearance of a young person is a horrendous blow for mothers and relatives. The family partners sensibly need to help them, energize them, but they may feel uncomfortable, because they are reluctant to declare or achieve something that makes the circumstance greater for them.
We should see some recommendations for people who think: “I need help, but I have no idea how.”
❖ Don’t stay away from family members, thinking you won’t know what to say or do. Only your quality will strengthen them. Express your warmth with a hug and a genuine “I’m heartbroken.”
Are you afraid that if you start crying you will be significantly more discouraged? The Bible says, “Weep with those who weep” (Romans 12:15). Your tears will reveal that you sympathize with your torment, and that will comfort you.
❖ Take the activity. Could you prepare something for the family to eat, wash the dishes that you have accumulated or make some requests? Keep a strategic distance from the remark “If I can help you with anything, let me know,” on the grounds that regardless of whether it’s authentically finished, those words, as a rule, convey the possibility that one is too busy. to even think of helping.
Rather ask them, “How could I help you now?”, and then do what they tell you. In any case, he does not enter any private part of the house or interfere in anything that does not belong to him.
❖ Don’t say, “I know how you feel”. Each individual responds differently to the death of a friend or family member. Furthermore, regardless of whether he has also lost a young man, he cannot accurately know how that family feels.
❖ Continue to do what you can for the families of the deceased, it will be a while before your life returns to being typical. Usually from the beginning everyone will help, however, that is not enough. Meet your needs for the next few months.
Steps to deal with a loss
Death and birth are part of the characteristic cycle of every human being and are the two main guarantees we have throughout our daily lives. Be that as it may, the passing of a child is the most notably terrible bad dream for parents, with which one finds out how to live, respectively.
The torment of this misfortune does not fade, despite the fact that it tends to change and incorporate after a while. (See: Old Testament )
Without forgetting that there are no plans, rules or schedules, in light of the fact that each case is exceptional and has its own procedure and musicality, clarifies Tew Bunnag, creator of the Vinyana Association, committed to leading seminars on support of another world during death and mourning.
People who lose a friend or family member, for this situation, go through a process of mourning or adjustment that restores the individual and family parity broken by death and is represented in three stages: misery, misfortune and combination.
If the young man or child is sick and death is expected, the mourning of the parents begins from the moment this situation is known. At the moment when the child passes suddenly and out of nowhere, there is a daze that increases the confusion and misery of the relatives.
In both cases, “deep support, of a general or non-denominational nature, by an individual with training and experience about feelings, family conflicts and the mourning that is created around the death of a child is useful in these minute problems. Tew Bunnag clarifies.
“A particular preparation is essential to help venture into each part of the path of death and pain tuned in and respecting, which excludes advice or expressions, since nothing can be done, time will recover”, says Vicente Arraez .
Each mourning for the death of a child is unique and individual
Each father and mother will mourn the disappearance of their child in an exceptional and distinctive way, however, there are some instructions, for example, those incorporated in the guide to mourning relatives, suggested by the Spanish Society of Palliative Care (SECPAL) , with instructions that Vicente Arraez and Tew Bunnag comment on and complete, including:
To recognize
One of the first things advised in these cases is to recognize that grief will come and take as long as it takes for each individual. This experience satisfies the ability to adapt to the loss of the child and maintain the passionate bond with the deceased individual, thus being good with the daily reality of the parents.
Grief also leaves room for minutes to regain contentment, smile or happiness despite new encounters in life and should be allowed without guilt.
ask for help
Secondly, it is recommended that you ask for help to experience grief if necessary. In death, as in everyday life, the path is made by walking and if, in this adventure of the experience of the disappearance of a young person, mothers feel that they need competent help, why not ask for it?
Allow yourself, without accusing yourself, to experience the feelings and emotions that are consistently shown in these cases, for example, problems, alarms, weaknesses, outrages, or even the feeling of relief of the death of your child when you translate in this way. It does not hold progressively after a long illness.
stay out
Stay away from lies about having more children. In the event that the child requests data on her circumstance, what will happen or will he ask questions such as: “am I going to die?” The message can be adjusted to match her age or ask her, what’s stressing you out? to wake him up to investigate and express his own feelings about it. Everything can be approached from authenticity, love and empathy.
In any case, we must remember that children live their own pace in a less difficult and more normal route than adults, in light of the fact that they have less bias and experience regarding the matter.
Impotence or audacity are two options to fire the young man who died. At the moment when parents find themselves in the horrible and confusing circumstance of saying goodbye to their dying ones, legitimacy may be the most conscious approach to saying goodbye.
Tolerating everything that comes from the heart, for example, tears and bitterness, could be an option, but it is also about mental strength by showing the strength to accompany the child in his last steps of life or when he has already left this world.
It is incredible how human beings are capable of withstanding such an enormous degree of discouragement and sadness, even so, there comes a time when certain situations become unsustainable. It is there when the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit intervene to comfort.
Collect and remember the child’s heritage with an activity in his respect that is maintained over time. Thinking about what my son could have done in this life if he hadn’t died?
The scope of conceivable results can be extremely wide, from volunteering to help certain social causes to working together with a non-profit affiliation. Continuing with that inheritance, associated with the spirit of the child expired by the parents, can help coordinate the mourning for misfortune.
Circumstances that may occur around the death of a child
Mothers can find various sensations and encounters when their child, even after death. Some of them could be family feuds due to different perspectives on how best to handle heartbreak, some people need to discuss it and who leans towards it as well.
Impermanent physical sensations related to the stage of grief can also be displayed, ranging from: rest, disturbing influences, exhaustion, lack of vitality, extreme sensitivity to shock, or a tight feeling in the throat and chest.
Furthermore, the feelings that may briefly arise when a child dies are fluctuating and individual. Some of them can be: misery, guilt, indignation, blockage, tension or lack of attention.
The disappearance of a child as a profound and changing experience
The disappearance of a friend or family member, for this situation a child, can be agonizing but also transformative, as in one of the cases that Vicente Arraez and Tew Bunnag let us know, who have gone with children at death, just like their families.
“Illness and death can give us an association with our deep part beyond the physical body, as because of a small child with an inherent infection and what was going to happen. Her mother wished for her recovery, until one day she called me and revealed that she had understood that her son was talking to her through her eyes and that an extraordinary association was formed. between the two
The mother understood that the opportunity had come to expel her son’s respirator and say goodbye. The moment that minute came, in total tranquility, those who were with them, we felt a vitality around a great harmony, love and empathy “.
“By the time the last snapshots of a son’s life come through, you see in their faces that they achieve an incredible stillness and deep harmony that didn’t exist, no matter what torment they’ve experienced. As a rule it happens that they experience scenes, for example, that their grandfather has come to visit them, regardless of whether he is dead.
Furthermore, it is that in death, as in birth, mysterious wonders are produced through reason, which should not be discarded or legitimized, on the grounds that we then lose the profitable enigma that these minutes of transformation offer us.”
The disappearance of a child leaves a shred of torment that will be etched forever in the hearts of his parents. A part of them leaves with their child as the future perpetually changes…they lose their physical closeness, as well as all their fantasies, adventures and desires that were at the top of the priority list before they were conceived. (See: New Life in Christ )
It is that this step conflicts with the common order of life. In this way, his demise leads him to experience a profound indispensable emergence in which all the philosophical and otherworldly standards and valuable framework that have guided him up to that point remain in control.
Parents wonder if life will be a good breath as they wonder, “How am I going to endure the agony of his absence?” Anger clings to them like a tropical storm that needs to devastate everything in its path, at which point God, the Specialists, their accomplices, and even themselves become targets of assault, as they could not have kept a strategic distance from this. step.
Obviously, each parent will face this duel on a path totally close to home, relying on their family ancestry, past bouts of misery, and the bond that connected them to their child. It is conceivable that this takes on intricate relational pressures that influence partner congruence…feelings well up in full as discomfort arises and guilt surges with uneven power.
In any case, his torment is as deep as all things considered for his accomplice, only the person in question faces it and communicates it in unexpected ways. Providing each relative with the space they need to mourn is just as important as being tolerant with each other to build spaces of correspondence where it is conceivable to talk freely about their feelings.
In this sense, we can recognize some strong adaptation systems that will allow you to experience this conceivable grief to work with a friend, another bond that depends on the adoration and the wonderful minutes you have shared together. Is it safe to say you’re ready? Be sure to carefully read this article that we have put together for you so that you can understand that you are not alone in this situation.
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