Do you know where God is? Find out here
Most believers have at some point wondered where God is. This is related to the belief in his existence and therefore also in the presence that the Lord has in our lives. Regularly, doubts about where he is are combined with complex moments, where terrible events take center stage in our lives. It is at that moment when the conclusions and the encounter with God is related to the truth of what we believe is involved in our lives.
Where is God?
According to the Bible God lives with us, the important thing about these words is if you really believe that the Bible is true. If so, then you are aware that the word of God and his presence are part of our lives, we only need to seek him in the way he wants to connect with us, it is a matter of feeling his presence that guides us. God will always give us the best place to seek his presence.
The main evidence that relates to God is that of creation, it is he who made the heavens and the earth, the evidence of this can be seen everywhere. The heavens count with the glory of the Lord and all the firmament that we observe announces the work that he carried out with his hands.
God has always wanted us to be aware that He exists and that we always see Him in everything He has created. According to the Bible, God has always wanted us to see him, because he always reveals himself to us, seeking our salvation, always seeking his justice.
The presence of the Lord is found within his creation and this is explained by his word. All the scriptures recorded in the Bible, in one way or another, are inspired by God and are useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and instructing justice.
God wants so much that we have the opportunity to know him, that is why he took the form of a human through his only son and savior Jesus Christ. Well, in this way he stimulated us to a new era of God, where love between brothers prevailed.
We as his children must cling to God and stimulate ourselves through the actions he performs with us, thus stripping us of all evil and opening our hearts to the life he has for us.
Jesus is the same God who created the universe. Without God, therefore, nothing would be achieved in this life, the Lord is our Creator, the Father who knows everything, full of grace and truth to give us. We can see God through the personality of Jesus on earth.
Jesus had the mission to help us understand the Lord, with the objective that we understand that God understands every thought and action that we execute. On the other hand John indicates that no one ever saw God, his word was represented in his son. Jesus revealed his existence and the truth that God has for us.
How can we relate?
God always looks from a distance. He is a divine eminence. However, the Bible tells us that God is close to us. In addition to this, Jesus tells us that by praying we manage to open our hearts and find where God is.
Our Lord longs to forgive us. What is indicated in the sacred scriptures. God is constantly watching and offering us the forgiveness of our sins, until the end of time. (Do not stop knowing how to maintain a communion with God )
According to the scriptures, our Creator does not want people to get lost on the path of evil. Rather he wants all of us to be saved. That is why our Father sent Jesus to earth, in order to be saved.
On the other hand, Jesus taught us that we must earn God’s favor, because his favor is a gift, which allows us to relate. That allows us to be saved people. The Lord wants us to admit our problems and needs, which is generated through the confession of our sins, which allows a forgiveness.
We must help others
After knowing how to find God from our hearts, we must help other people to find the Lord. This is accomplished by following the pattern of teaching that Jesus left us when he passed through the earth.
This is generated by opening the hearts of those who want to help through the Holy Spirit. This is the best way to be with God in his kingdom. When it is filled by the Spirit we are able to understand and know where God is.
So this means that the moment we confess our sins we receive God’s forgiveness and by accepting the gift of our salvation, we find the Lord in our soul, making sure we are okay.
When the Holy Spirit lives within us, the nature of God overcomes any negative element that can be related to us. It is in this way that we can achieve where God is, as believers. (You are interested in knowing about prayer asking God for help )
Where is God when we are hurt?
God reigns over the nations through his throne from heaven. Although the Bible indicates that the Lord is omnipresent, that he is everywhere, God is only in heaven.
Since the beginning of time, God has spread over the earth, from its origins, when it was empty and even disorderly. It was the Lord with his power who filled the world with his creations. That is why his presence continues on earth, demonstrating his glory.
However, in the moments when we are in the presence of painful situations, we do not find God because we do not let him in, which leads to the evil of satan dominating our lives.
That is why we must understand that God is with us, interacting in each special moment in which we are with them. For this reason, we must always open our hearts to the Lord.
So we must keep in mind that if we believe in Jesus, God is with us, he is with us. That is why we keep in mind that God will always be with us.
If you are a believer you will know that God is in front of you, inviting you to his lap, attracting you to his love and mercy that allows the grace of his miracles.
Difficult moments
Whenever we have difficult and painful moments we ask ourselves where God is, this is precisely because there are attacks of doubt, which often lead us to fall into the hands of evil.
That is to say that in those dark moments we feel abandoned by God because in the midst of despair we are not able to open our hearts to where the Lord is. (See more about: story of Jesus )
However, when we decide to open our hearts to God and understand that truly the Lord does not separate from us, because he wants to offer us love, because we are the ones who take care of separating from him and succumb to evil and darkness.
God must be glorified, concentrating on his grace and divinity. Well, even though we don’t feel his presence in the midst of the pain we are going through. We need to keep thinking about his presence. He will never be able to forsake us and leave us behind. Well, he he will always be for us and he will always be motivated to achieve what he loves.
Trust in God
We must maintain our trust in God, guided by the fact that he does not lie to us. He never changes, he has a glorious truthful and blessed word. We should not then be discouraged by difficult moments, because we know that God always remains with us and when we allow it as believers.
We as his children live under faith, because every word that comes from the mouth of God, generates hope in us, in turn allows us to see and perceive facts that keep us a life full of light and harmony.
When we trust in God, we understand that thanks to him we live achieving moments full of harmony, which glorifies our lives eternally, in order to reach the kingdom of God. (Learn more about prayer for the brothers )
Trust in the Lord also allows us to overcome any type of suffering that we may experience. That is why we must put our eyes on what is not seen, not focus on what is seen.
We must know then that as children of God, we know and must believe that every difficult moment is temporary in our lives. For what is not seen is truly eternal, for it is blessed by God.
The word of God generates confidence in us, because he is constantly doing actions that work together to improve the lives of believers, to whom God wants to give love. This in turn allows us to understand the purpose that the Lord desires for us.
We do not always easily see the positive actions that God does for us, this is really because we are not able to trust from the heart and therefore it makes it more difficult for us to know where he is. Whenever we trust, we understand where the Lord is, which allows us to see our life with clarity.
life with god
Our lives have nuances that reflect the love that God has for us. It is the Lord who makes our lives attractive, who allows us to act according to his will, which is really the right one. (Be sure to learn more about faith in God )
He is our main guide, we only need to open our hearts to his will, which in turn allows our lives to become blessed and glorious. So we must understand that we must take God with us, because he is our hand of support and trust.
Our hearts must know with certainty that the Lord never abandons us, even in the moments when it seems that we do not have much strength and strength. It is precisely there that we must demonstrate our trust, which allows us to understand that God is always with us, generating power and perfection in our lives.
God loves you and has a plan for you.
According to the sacred writings of the bible, God loves the world and the human being, because it was He who created them. That is why he was able to give his only begotten son as a sacrifice. In order to get our sins released if we repent and do not repeat them in our lives.
Thanks to Jesus, everyone began to believe and know what God truly wants us to do for him and for our lives. What allows us to have an eternal life in the promised kingdom.
Jesus came to earth with the mission of giving us a life full of abundance and blessings. What brings with it a complete life, full of purposes focused on the will of God.
We are sinners and we are separated from God
All human beings have done things or have thought about doing actions that are focused on elements of evil. These actions are called by the sacred scriptures as sin. (See: New Testament )
So, we have to declare ourselves as sinful beings, who are deprived of the glory that God has for humanity. That is why the consequence of ending this is repentance, because sin generates a life and death full of evil, which causes our spirit to move away from God.
God sent his son to die for your sins
Jesus came to earth to die for us, because in this way he allowed us to live eternally just like him, because with this we can snatch from our lives all the bad that may exist,
The Lord demonstrates his love for us through this event, because we died as sinners, without any opportunity to be in the kingdom of God, which is why Jesus dies on the cross for us.
This event does not end with his death, because after that he achieves the resurrection, so Jesus is the only way we have to become part of the path of the Lord.
Jesus is the way to truth and eternal life, because no one reaches the Heavenly Father, because it is Jesus who offered to know how the Lord truly is.
Would you like to pray for God’s forgiveness?
There is nothing outside of repentance that leads us to achieve salvation. Well, we are saved by the grace that God has for us. Which in turn generates faith in each element related to the Lord and his son, the Savior.
It is important then to recognize our sinful condition. In addition to this, value the sacrifice of death that Jesus made for us. The best way to do this is through prayer, related to forgiveness.
Prayer is related to simply having a connection through conversation with God. He knows who you are, he knows you and he loves you. The most important thing for God is the attitude that we exercise from the heart. On the other hand, honesty is an important aspect that we must always keep in mind.
Prayer to know how to be with God
Dear Lord, you who are the creator, I implore you to forgive me, for I know that I am a sinner. I swear to you that my forgiveness will allow me to be able to turn from sin.
Your son Jesus died for sin and was resurrected to give us a much better life full of harmony and peace. I give you my life in this way, allow it to be controlled according to your will.
I invite you to enter my soul and with it my life. I trust your judgment my Lord, because you and your son are my saviors. Be my guide for the rest of my life, amen. (See: The Bible )
When do we need it?
In many cases, people find themselves in difficult situations in which they must find a way to solve it in order to have a much calmer life full of blessings.
Usually these problems are related to the loss of family, friends or employment. What often generates sadness and stress in people who are experiencing this event. It is precisely at that moment that they need God, to collaborate with us in the only way that will truly give us a good result.
The most common way to find it is through prayer, where the problem that is being suffered is focused on. It is recommended that you ask specifically what you want to fix the problem. God through his mercy. He is able to give us a signal that allows us to know what his will is and with it the solution to the problem.
God teaches about you
According to the Bible we are beings created in the image and likeness of the Lord, that is why he knows every aspect of our lives. In addition to this, it tells us that the best way to learn what the Creator wants for us is through meditation on his word.
God, on the other hand, is the only one capable of getting his people out of bad times and transferring them to his mercy. He only asks that we be able to repent of our sins and open our hearts to his will. This also in what teaches us how to know where God is.
Listen to what God wants for you
Jesus was the sign of God’s love for us, dying on the cross, to save us from our sins. Our Lord does not want us to walk the streets with hats in hand, seeking help from others to solve our problems. When he listens to us, he wants us to have faith in him, so that we can know where God is.
That is why we must connect with him and hear what Jesus says in order to teach us what God wants for us and thus how to have a prosperous life, full of love for our Father.
For this, we also have to think about elements that make our life positive and the best way to do it is by proclaiming the word that he left embodied in the sacred scriptures.
Confess what God declares about you
God knows everything about our life, however we as his children must confess before God, because in this way we maintain a much closer connection with himself.
The best way to do this is through meditation that allows us to hear directly what the Lord has to say about us. Praising God is part of the process of confession, which more quickly allows the indicated revelations produced by God to exist.
It is in this way that God reveals himself to us, showing before our eyes the solution to our difficulties and opening our hearts to know where God is. On the other hand, we have to be aware that he is the only one who helps us to face any difficulty through a divine plan.
So seek to communicate with the Lord, so that your life is full of blessings, in addition to that it allows you to be much stronger and capable of ending the problems that arise in life when the hand of Satan tries to end our lives. faith.
Faith moves mountains and is the one that will always lead our lives to good. That is why you should also ask for wisdom. On the other hand, when praying it is necessary to declare exactly what you want to live.
Sometimes, situations arise in which people want a quick response, without realizing that God’s time is the right one and the best time to live blessed by God. You must always look for the root of the problems to solve it and many times it is linked to the lack of a connection with God.
You must always apply to your life the correct point of view related to what Jesus has taught us. God wants our success, because that is why he gave his life to death in search of our sins being saved and our souls joining him in his kingdom.