Powerful Prayer for a Healthy Pregnancy, Meet Her
Pregnancy is the most beautiful act that a woman can feel and it is a gift from God himself for each woman who experiences it. In this article we will give a gift to all those mothers about the prayer for a happy and healthy pregnancy.
prayer for pregnancy
Pregnancy is, as we said, the most beautiful stage in which the woman has the possibility of carrying a new life in her womb, which is a gift from divinity itself.
Through this period, a number of changes take place in women, typical of that moment of 9 beautiful months of gestation. However, in some women there are some symptoms such as hormonal changes, which produce changes in her mood, often making her feel afraid that everything will turn out well, anguish, nerves.
However, at this stage, God himself also gives them a prayer for a healthy pregnancy, they must profess great faith in God and this is of great help since they feel calmer, sure of their condition and hopeful that everything will turn out very well. .
Prayer has always been defined as the communication we have intimately with God himself. For this reason, through prayer we can both thank God and ask him for any situation we are going through at any stage of our lives.
Moreover, the pregnant woman has the prayer tool for pregnancy by means of or through which she can overcome any difficulty that she is presenting both at the beginning or during the stage of her pregnancy, trusting and always having faith in Jesus Christ himself that it will be so.
Prayer for a full and happy pregnancy
Whatever the situation of difficulty that the woman is going through during pregnancy, she can entrust herself to God through prayer, a healthy and happy pregnancy, and through her own faith, make that moment of sweet expectation pleasant, pleasant, peaceful. and hopeful.
During this time you can pray a prayer for pregnant women so that you face anguish, worry and difficult times with great faith and trust in God.
The prayer for high-risk pregnancy is also valid , at those times when difficult or risky cases usually occur, as its name suggests in pregnant women.
Below we share the prayer for pregnant women , which we suggest be done with great faith and trust both in God himself who is the one who grants new life within the womb, as well as in our own Mother the Virgin Mary who is a symbol of the Universal Mother of humanity.
Prayer for pregnancy to the Virgin Mary
Through the special prayer to the Virgin Mary, the woman can ask herself for protection not only for herself but for the baby that is about to come into the world.
This prayer calls us to equally recognize the Virgin Mary as the girl from Nazareth chosen by God himself to carry in her immaculate womb the Savior of the entire world, and she in a submissive, noble and humble attitude accepted at that moment, that beautiful responsibility. given by God himself.
This should encourage all pregnant women to have faith in her and carry the pregnancy process with love and calm, trusting fully in her divine will, since if you are in God’s hands everything will be fine.
Pregnancy prayer to pray with great faith
Not only should pregnant women or those who plan to have a child make prayers of petitions, since we should thank God only for the fact that we have already conceived a new life in our womb.
Pregnant women will raise prayers to the Lord to thank him and express all the love in their hearts to this new creature. There are many protection prayers from God, the Virgin Mary and the Saints themselves for a happy pregnancy.
There are two patron saints of the Catholic Church considered protectors of pregnant women, they are San Ramón Nonato and Nuestra Señora de la Dulce Espera. Through the patron saints they can achieve a pleasant and peaceful pregnancy.
Virgin of the Sweet Wait
The origin of the Virgen de la Dulce Espera dates back to gospel passages, in which different moments of the Virgin’s pregnancy period are observed, this period begins during the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to the Virgin.
Moment that occurs since they went to the census opportunity making a stop in Jerusalem which ends in Bethlehem itself with the birth of Jesus. In the same way, this image of the Virgen de la Dulce Espera is observed at the time of her visit on the occasion that María visits her cousin Isabella, who was also pregnant at that time with Juan the Baptist.
This is a Marian invocation associated with Advent or waiting for the Nativity of Jesus Christ. Likewise, this veneration of the Virgin is associated with pregnant women, this in turn has a prayer for pregnancy that pregnant women can raise to ask her for the protection of the child in her womb.
There is also a prayer of this figure of the Virgin for women who are not yet pregnant for various reasons, usually invoke the Virgin to ask her to help them get pregnant.
For this reason, the figure of the Virgen de la Dulce Espera is respected and seen by pregnant women as a permanent identification with that important moment such as being a mother or leading a new life in the womb.
That is why women cling in that blessed moment of their lives to the figure of this blessed Mother of God helping them and enlightening them in those nine months of happiness that each one of them lives in that phase of her life.
The Archangel Gabriel is also known as the patron saint of pregnant women, since he was in charge of the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary herself.
The prayer for the pregnancy of San Ramón Nonato, a well-known Saint of protection also for pregnant women, is a very tender prayer since she mentions the gratitude to God for granting that weak and vulnerable little boy, as the prayer itself says in its content. .
It is also a prayer that gives thanks because the Lord has entrusted the life of that little one to that future mother, welcoming him, as one day the mother of each one of them also carried them in her womb.
Pregnancy prayer in baby’s life
Pregnancy is considered a miracle granted by love itself. Through the prayer of pregnancy to give thanks, it means that gratitude is offered to life itself and to God Himself for that great miracle granted.
During pregnancy, the future mother can entrust herself to divine protection through the prayer of pregnant women in a special way for a healthy and full pregnancy.
Through this prayer, God the Father is glorified for the fact of the great things he does in the life of the pregnant woman. She gives thanks and asks that she grant beautiful gifts from nature itself to that beautiful creature that grows in her womb.
High Risk Pregnancy Prayer
With this prayer God is asked for the necessary strength so that the mother achieves the miracle that her baby comes to the world healthy, that she enjoys good health, she is also grateful for the gift in the life of the mother of that baby, being able to hug him, see his face, raise him, etc.
When should a mother pray during her pregnancy?
In this answer we must say that there is no specific time for women to pray, since faith can manifest itself at any time that you want to have a direct connection with God.
However, there are some moments in the day that we could consider to do it and thereby raise the peace of mind of pregnant women.
When you wake up in the morning: it is the best time to say your prayers and talk to God, entrust your needs to him, and also give thanks to Our Lady so that the time of pregnancy becomes full and happy.
At the time of bathing: this is a good occasion to connect with the baby inside the womb. The woman should take advantage of that moment to feel carefree, relaxed and take advantage of that moment for a prayer.
When taking food: it is another time of the day considered beneficial to pray and ask that the child’s development be healthy, that he grow well without complications of any kind.
When sleeping: on this occasion of silence, peace and absolute tranquility it is good to give thanks for the day that ends and ask that you have a restful sleep where you recover hours of sleep and thus the next day have more energy and avoid worries.
This stage of pregnancy is considered full of emotion, joy for the couple of future parents of the baby on the way. It is always normal to feel anguish, fear, uncertainty, but with each of these prayers and faith, it is possible to achieve a happy, peaceful and full pregnancy.
Prayer for the pregnancy of the child in the womb
With this prayer the mother thanks the Heavenly Father for the formation of that new creature in her womb, likewise asking for power, glory so that it is full of light as the womb of the Virgin Mary was at the time of engendering Jesus himself. .
This prayer will be made by the mother addressed directly to our Lord Jesus Christ so that through his love, infinite mercy, grace may be poured out on the new creature in her womb.
Likewise, the mother turns to the Lord to remove any negativity that the child may have received or any rejection, including giving up abortion. And she asks herself to wash and cleanse herself of all contamination that comes from evil.
Lord remove any negative effects that I may have inherited consciously or unconsciously, likewise I reject any thought of abortion, if I did, I resign now! With all my heart.
Cleanse me of any possible inheritance or curse that may exist from our ancestors; any type of genetic disease or that has been transmitted by an infection; any type of deformity; all kinds of evil that my little one can acquire because of us, his parents. Cleanse my little creature with Your precious Blood and infuse it with Your Holy Spirit and Truth. From now on, I hand him over to you and consecrate him, asking you to grant him the gift of baptism through the Holy Spirit and that his life be prosperous for your infinite love.
Remove any negative effects that have to do with the occult, curses, spiritualism, prepared drinks or consecrated foods. I ask this of you since I am sure that it was your Holy Spirit who granted it to me and I also know that your Spirit is capable of achieving new things, that is why I beg you.
Virgin Mary and our mother come to me and teach me in the care of this son as you yourself cared for Jesus within your immaculate maternal womb. Send Beloved Father, to the angels, so that they mediate for this my adored son, before each person of the Holy Trinity.
Thank you, I give you Lord! for this beautiful baby.
Holy Spirit of God, thank you for filling this son with all graces.
I thank you my good Jesus, for protecting my son.
I give them all with the greatest confidence. May he serve to glorify and honor God the Father today and for eternity. So be it.
Pregnancy prayer to give thanks
In pregnancy, this prayer seeks for the mother to thank God for the very moment she finds out that she is going to be a mother. She through it seeks to be the collaborator of Jesus to carry in her womb with dignity and pride that being gifted by the divinity.
In it, the mother recognizes that God is capable of many wonderful works and miracles, she recognizes him as the only God who grants life. She also recognizes that it is a great responsibility that God gives her.
Apart from acknowledging all these things, it is equally directed both to Jesus Christ as direct protector as well as to his Most Holy Mother the Virgin Mary, also to the Guardian Angel of that beautiful unborn creature, so that they all listen to each of these prayers and May it be for the good of the new life that is to come.
Final advice for pregnant women
We already see in all the content of this article how once again Jesus shows us how he is the only owner of life as well as of miracles. And it is that He is the only one who gives the possibility for pregnant women to achieve the greatest beautiful gesture of love such as being a mother.
Since the beginning of time we see how God grants the miracle of life, the Virgin Mary herself being the one indicated for it by conceiving through the Holy Spirit the responsibility of bringing the Messiah into the world.
We hope that this article has been able to help, hope and reassure many pregnant women who currently have many doubts about the previous step of becoming a mother.
Likewise, we hope that they feel clearer and firmer regarding the faith that they must have in God at all times from the moment of the child’s conception, and to have God present as the only one capable of giving that tranquility, peace, hope and joy of those beautiful nine months that pregnancy lasts.
And even further after childbirth continue in the powerful hands of God the Father as well as of the Virgin Mary herself, who is the best example of a Mother selfless for her son, and keeping her in mind as a worthy example.