Powerful prayer of despair to attract a man
The prayer of despair consists of a prayer that is generally made in order to attract and retain the desired person, made with great faith towards the spirit of despair, the objectives can be achieved, know how to do it by reading the following article.
prayer of despair
When some people reach a point where the solution to their problems becomes very difficult, especially those of a sentimental nature, and at the same time they are in a more balanced spiritual search, they can immediately establish and consider performing the prayer of despair, which consists of a beautiful prayer where a request is made in most cases, to attract and retain the desired person.
Although there are various prayers of this type, most women are interested in performing them, trusting in their effectiveness and power. We will describe various prayers and teach you how to perform them, since there are various forms and types.
Performing the prayer of despair implies a commitment, it is established in order to get out of the momentary relationship and seek the ideal commitment for life, that is why the importance of seeking the indicated prayer, which will allow you to attract and keep by your side that person you want so much.
What is it done for?
Fundamentally believers think that it helps them to have dominion and control over any other person of the opposite sex, prayer can invoke various saints of the Catholic Church, such as Santa Marta and San Marcos but above all the holy spirit, it is believed which is very effective when done with faith.
The spirit of despair grants grace through God, it is effective especially for people who are in love and the other person does not pay attention to them and does not reciprocate, so that they seek to change the feelings of the desired person.
In this sense, the prayer to the spirit of despair is very effective for people who are very much in love with someone and he does not reciprocate what you want is for him to fall in love with you, as was said before, the prayer achieves the desired effect.
Other uses
This same prayer also serves to distance people who are causing problems in the family, work or social environment, the energy and power of prayer neutralizes the action of the other person, definitively moving away from our side, calming their emotions and feelings, which It allows you to return to the previous tranquility.
Some think that suggestion is what makes the effect on the person, that is why the security and firmness in which the prayer is made allows to establish the size of its effect, only trust and have a lot of faith are the main elements for the achievement. Of the objective.
It is also used to dominate the person you want to surrender at your feet, so that without pressuring them you can do what you want, it is even said that it can even bend your character if the person is of a strong behavior.
Tying up a person allows establishing emotional stability for many years, hence the importance of making the prayer of despair establishing for what specific purpose it is desired, the spiritual tools granted by the creator allow the believer to be given what is requested, through this prayer of despair
Let’s see below the various prayers that are presented taking into account the type of specific situation of each person, you must establish which of them is the one you need and always be aware of the indications.
so that he returns regretful
The prayer of despair so that he returns repentant, consists of a beautiful request for love that can be made any day of the week, it is recommended at the time of starting it to light a yellow candle and mark it with the name of the desired person
Try to mark the candle with a small gourd and place only the name of the person very carefully, concentrate and find a quiet place free of noise so that you can pray quietly, let’s see:
“By the power and authority of God’s divine presence, I ask and pray that (person’s name) feel desperate to see me every day, that you have no peace without hearing from me. Divine presence of God I ask you through this prayer of despair that (name of the person) does not feel peace if he is not well with me, I ask you to break and cut all the distances between us.
“I ask you, oh Lord, that in the shortest possible time my suffering ends by bringing (say the name of the person) repentant to my feet, that not one more day pass without being by my side. He trusted you that you listen to my pleas and I ask you to forgive me if at any time I fail him, that he feels desperate to see me today and always. Amen.”
thought sentence
This prayer of praise and request to the Holy Spirit allows you to establish that the thoughts of the other person are directed towards you, look for a quiet and alone place, you can also go to your nearest religious center, church or chapel where you can calmly carry it out.
In the name of God I invoke you, Spirit of Dominion, Restless Spirit, Spirit of Despair, I conjure you to help me dominate, to Disturb and despair the 5 senses, thought, judgment and will of (name of the person) , for me who called me (you say your name).
I offer this spell to the Holy Guardian Angel of (name of the person), for the holy day on which he was born, which is the (the person’s date of birth is said) for the day he was baptized, for the day in which he will die.” “Grant me a spirit of dominion, a restless spirit, a spirit of despair that (name of the person) cannot be, nor live in peace, that he cannot eat, sleep, drink, or walk without thinking put on me that my name is (your name), until desperate (at) my feet come to a stop, surrendered with love, interest and desire to see me, desperate to have me, attracted by my sex, offering me his.
“Wishful, repentant and humble, speaking to me with kisses and caresses, crawling at my feet, pleading and meek, being his owner for me and for me, I call you (name of the person), in the name of the spirit of despair.
“Come. Come spirit of despair, I call on you to take possession of the five senses of (name of the person), subjugated (a) to my will and that you dedicate your faith, your love and your will to me alone.”
“! O ruling spirit! With your Divine power that God has given you, make (name of the person) be dominated in body and soul by me; that he cannot be calm for a moment until he is dominated in body and soul and that he cannot look at anyone but me, that his love and affection be only for me, that he needs my presence wherever he is , that he cannot be calm without me.”
“Dominant Spirit, dominate my enemies with your Divine Power that God has given you. With two I see you, with three I tie you, I drink your blood and I break your heart, Christ be worth me and give me peace.”
“Come (name of the person), dominated (a) in body, thought and will, you can no longer look at anyone but me, your love and affection are only for me, my presence is attractive to you, my gaze suggest, my voice dominates you, my eyes blind you and my will is yours, Amen.”
Prayer for communication
This prayer of despair establishes granting the will of the person in order to hire the person who performs it, it is very strong and has good effects when done with faith, it seeks to implement thoughts in the person so that they always think of you and try to call you .
Do it twice a week and do not allow yourself to be interrupted when doing it, you can find a quiet and alone place, the request is made to San Cipriano who always listens to his faithful.
“Oh mighty Saint Cipriano, who is on high, who sees everything and that nothing happens in this earthly sphere without your consent, I ask you on my knees and with my hand on my heart that (name of the person you want to call you) call me in a short time, that you do not stop thinking about me.”
“Oh mighty Saint Cyprian who sees my anxiety, my suffering heals any sense of uneasiness in me and allow me (name of your loved one) to see through my eyes, to hear through my ears and not to be able to think of anyone. other than me.”
“Oh powerful Saint Cipriano, grant me the power to enter the mind of (name of your loved one) so that he does not have peace of mind if he does not speak to me, that only his wishes to speak be with me, that they do not call him or call anyone who does not be me.”
“I ask for your help and your compassion, Miraculous Saint Cyprian. I kneel before you today and every day for my wish to come true I ask you, so be it, Amen.”
Prayer to solve a problem
As we had said before, the prayer of despair not only serves to attract the loved one, tie her to you, and transform her emotions and feelings, in many cases it is even requested through San Antonio, when adversity is at its maximum. point.
“Spirit of despair! we come to you to solve this great problem that I have, I put all my faith and trust that you are going to bring (name of the person) before me, listen to my pleas, I ask you with all my heart for your prompt help, do call me right now. But already!”
Powerful spirit that penetrates the thought of (name of the person), intercede to get what I want and I want it very much, that memories invade your mind, of the happy moments we spent together, your heart beats intensely for me and that there is no room for another person.”
“Don’t look at anyone else or think of anyone else, just me. Restless spirit, I want your dreams to belong only to me, keep me in your mind always, 24 hours a day, get away from (Name the person) who is the cause of our problem, return home, repentant and sorry for having done what he did, I will forgive him.”
“I am willing to forget if you return to our home and return to being happy as we were before, that all this happened, spirit of despair, bring it to me. Amen.”
prayer to despair
It is considered effective and powerful, in a matter of minutes the other person feels desperate and will look for a way to establish contact with you, do not stop doing it if you feel that they have the opportunity to attract that person.
If you do it during the full moon period, the effect will be stronger, since during the other lunar phases they allow you to maintain the effect, acquire that energy so that the despair of the other person keeps you close. At each beginning of a sentence, you must say the name of the person.
“To you spirit of despair that manages to put anyone at your feet I beg you and ask you please. (Name of the person) go crazy with love for me, that ((Name of the person) cry for me, suffer for me, that he sees me everywhere that he dreams of me, that I be the only thought when sleeping and when he wakes up despair a lot for me and look for me to ask me for forgiveness and love to be able to be happy.
“To you spirit of despair that you will grant me everything I ask of you, I thank you that my loved one is going crazy for me. Amen”
Perform this prayer 3 times a week and you will see that the results will be the most interesting, where the mastery of the other person’s spirit will be complete.
Prayer to control the other person
It is considered very effective as long as you do it with great hope, submission will allow you to maintain it for the rest of your life, always based on the rules of God’s love, this control allows you to open the other person’s feelings towards you.
It should be done only on Sundays, if you go to mass after the religious service, spend about 15 minutes, if you cannot do it in the Church, do it at home between nine and thirty at night.
If you do it at home, write the name of the person on a small sheet of paper with red ink, then at the end of the prayer, burn the paper and spread the ashes in the wind. The sentence is as follows.
“With the sacred power of San Marcos bravo de León I (your full name) come to you to help me dominate (name of the person).” “
“With the sacred power of San Marcos Bravo de León, he froze with ice floes any thought of (name of person) in another woman or man.”
“With the sacred power of San Marcos Bravo de León, who managed to evade dragons, subdue your enemies and beasts, help me subdue the character and will of (name of the person) so that he/she is surrendered to me in a short time.”
“With the sacred power of San Marcos Bravo de León for the power that was given to you by our Lord, interfere for me (your full name) before the spirit of (name of the person) so that he bends his pride, so that he may be my servant. in love.”
“With the sacred power of San Marcos Bravo de León, you who dominated the beast, dominate (name of the person) for me, so that he loves me, and surrenders to my wishes.”
“Oh most powerful Saint Mark, Bravo de León, grant me the power to tame (name of person) from head to foot. Amen.”
Prayer to solve a problem
As we had said before, the prayer of despair not only serves to attract the loved one, tie her to you, and transform her emotions and feelings, in many cases it is even requested through San Antonio, when adversity is at its maximum. point.
“Spirit of despair! we come to you to solve this great problem that I have, I put all my faith and trust that you are going to bring (name of the person) before me, listen to my pleas, I ask you with all my heart for your prompt help, do call me right now. But already!”
“Powerful spirit that penetrates the thought of (name of the person), intercede to get what I want and I want it very much, that memories invade your mind, of the happy moments we spent together, your heart beats intensely for me and that you don’t there is room for another person.”
“Don’t look at anyone else or think of anyone else, just me. Restless spirit, I want your dreams to belong only to me, keep me in your mind always, 24 hours a day, get away from (Name the person) who is the cause of our problem, return home, repentant and sorry for having done what he did, I will forgive him.”
“I am willing to forget if you return to our home and return to being happy as we were before, that all this happened, spirit of despair, bring it to me. Amen.”
prayer to despair
It is considered effective and powerful, in a matter of minutes the other person feels desperate and will look for a way to establish contact with you, do not stop doing it if you feel that they have the opportunity to attract that person.
If you do it during the full moon period, the effect will be stronger, since during the other lunar phases they allow you to maintain the effect, acquire that energy so that the despair of the other person keeps you close. At each beginning of a sentence, you must say the name of the person.
“To you spirit of despair that manages to put anyone at your feet I beg you and ask you please. (Name of the person) go crazy with love for me, that ((Name of the person) cry for me, suffer for me, that he sees me everywhere that he dreams of me, that I be the only thought when sleeping and when he wakes up despair a lot for me and look for me to ask me for forgiveness and love to be able to be happy.
“To you spirit of despair that you will grant me everything I ask of you, I thank you that my loved one is going crazy for me. Amen”
Perform this prayer 3 times a week and you will see that the results will be the most interesting, where the mastery of the other person’s spirit will be complete.
Prayer to control the other person
It is considered very effective as long as you do it with great hope, submission will allow you to maintain it for the rest of your life, always based on the rules of God’s love, this control allows you to open the other person’s feelings towards you.
It should be done only on Sundays, if you go to mass do it after the religious service, spend about 15 minutes, if you cannot do it in the Church, do it at home between nine and thirty at night.
If you do it at home, write the name of the person on a small sheet of paper with red ink, then at the end of their prayer, burn the paper and spread the ashes to the wind. The sentence is as follows.
“With the sacred power of San Marcos bravo de León I (your full name) come to you to help me dominate (name of the person).” “
“With the sacred power of San Marcos Bravo de León, he froze with ice floes any thought of (name of person) in another woman or man.”
“With the sacred power of San Marcos Bravo de León, who managed to evade dragons, subdue your enemies and beasts, help me subdue the character and will of (name of the person) so that he/she is surrendered to me in a short time.”
“With the sacred power of San Marcos Bravo de León for the power that was given to you by our Lord, interfere for me (your full name) before the spirit of (name of the person) so that he bends his pride, so that he may be my servant. in love.”
“With the sacred power of San Marcos Bravo de León, you who dominated the beast, dominate (name of the person) for me, so that he loves me, and surrenders to my wishes.”
“Oh most powerful Saint Mark, Bravo de León, grant me the power to tame (name of person) from head to foot. Amen.”
Prayer for communication
This prayer establishes granting the will of the person in order to hire the person who performs it, it is very strong and has good effects when done with faith, it seeks to implement thoughts where every time they think of you they try to call you.
Do it twice a week and do not allow yourself to be interrupted when doing it, you can find a quiet and alone place, the request is made to San Cipriano who always listens to his faithful.
“Oh mighty Saint Cipriano, who is on high, who sees everything and that nothing happens in this earthly sphere without your consent, I ask you on my knees and with my hand on my heart that (name of the person you want to call you) call me in a short time, that you do not stop thinking about me.”
“Oh mighty Saint Cyprian who sees my anxiety, my suffering heals any sense of uneasiness in me and allow me (name of your loved one) to see through my eyes, to hear through my ears and not to be able to think of anyone. other than me.”
“Oh powerful Saint Cipriano, grant me the power to enter the mind of (name of your loved one) so that he does not have peace of mind if he does not speak to me, that only his wishes to speak be with me, that they do not call him or call anyone who does not be me.”
“I ask for your help and your compassion, Miraculous Saint Cyprian. I kneel before you today and every day for my wish to come true I ask you, so be it, Amen.
Prayer to always be on your mind
Not only so that the person always wants to keep the thoughts on the person who requests them, but in order to try to look for it personally, perform the prayer any day of the week with great faith and hope, that doubts do not enter your heart.
“Powerful light that illuminates paths and paths of darkness at night, I ask you to illuminate the thoughts of (name of the person), so that my image and my name go through their labyrinths so that in dreams they see me as their great love and in their nightmares see me as their savior.”
“Great light that with your rays full of splendor the days I beg before you to shine in the eyes of (name of the person), so that he can only see my face, so that his desire increases to have me.”
“Burning beam of light burns (name of person)’s negative thoughts towards me. To you, the light of day that warms the mornings, burns in the heart of (full name of the person you want to think of you), so that he lets me enter his thoughts without problems, so that he can implant a life with me in his dreams. ”
“That the spark that gives your light can shine as strong as I will shine in the life of (name of the person) and can only smile thinking of me. Amen.”
At the end, cross yourself and just wait for the results, forget the request for the moment since with the prayer the spiritual message was sent and all that remains is for it to come true.
Prayer for return soon
This prayer of despair is immediate and fast, it is considered very strong and allows you to attract the desired person through the commission of the angels who will be the servants and bearers of the message to God in order to carry out the request.
“Army of Angels, Archangels and Cherubs come to your aid so that my loved one returns to my side, I ask that with their power they unite me and (name of person) again. Sanctified in your name all the love I have for (name person). You are going to give yourself two blessings and you are going to put your mind blank and you are going to repeat.”
“By the power of the army of angels, archangels and cherubim I want him to return with his head down for leaving me, to be sorry for not giving me the love I deserve, to show him the way to my home so he can not leave me side never.”
“And you’re going to end up giving yourself another two blessings and repeating. In the name of the angels (personal name), return to me amen. “
Like any prayer of this type, establish a quiet and undisturbed place where you can be in connection with God and the angels, then finish by crossing yourself and always thanking God for giving you life.
Prayer to catch a quick love
Sometimes there are people whose sentimental life has not been very successful, for years they have tried to maintain a relationship and failure has knocked on their door, time has passed and they see that opportunities are running out…
In those cases, the suggestion is to make this prayer, where the arrival of that person who has been around the world so much but who never knew of the existence of the other person is quickly sought.
With this prayer you try to make love for life arrive immediately and quickly, directly invoking God who is the supreme being who can do everything. If your case is that way, we recommend doing it as soon as possible:
“Oh God who listens to my words and knows my desires, I ask you to put in my life the woman I desire so much, under your glory, I do not want adventures, I want love, like the one you give us.”
“Listen to my words and bring to my bed a love that fills my life and my heart with blessing, that feels your grace when you are with me. Oh God that you are on high and you see everything, listen to my pleas, he gave me as an adam a woman / man with whom to share.
“I want your grace made flesh and bone by my side, I want a new reason to live, listen to my words Lord and bring me a partner. I want love and trusting in you I hope it arrives soon. Amen.”
At the end, develop a visualization of how that person should be, you can also do them before, but it is important to imagine yourself next to the person you are going to love, how is their character, behavior and feelings.
Prayer of dominion to San Marcos de León
It is important to make this prayer when separation traits begin to be observed in the relationship, it is important to dedicate it to San Marcos de León who was a great devotee and visionary of the Christian faith, his power to intercede before God is relevant, that is why it is recommended use that powerful spiritual energy.
“Mighty Saint Marcos de León, you who hear my pleas, I ask you to attract (name of the couple), in 10 minutes or less, I want him to turn around and look for me desperately and not have eyes for anyone other than me. .”
“Oh San Marcos de León, break barriers and distances between your heart and mine, make her or him come back soon or call me immediately. Oh Saint Marcos de León with this prayer to dominate (name of the couple) I ask you to return with much love to give me, that you cannot be anywhere without me, that you feel desperation to be by my side.
“Mighty Saint Marcos de León, make him call me and ask me for forgiveness, look for me and despair for me before the day ends. And that’s it! This is the Dominion Prayer and I despair the strongest and most powerful lion saint you can do.”
Spirit of Despair
Considered the most powerful prayer of the spirit of despair , it is dedicated exclusively for praise and requests to the spirit of despair, which is a spiritual energy that is dedicated to correcting in people the problems that arise and have reached the limit.
When the person considers that the solution to a problem does not exist, a state of anxiety is established in his mind, at that moment the spirit of despair intervenes who, through prayer, balances the spiritual energies and resolves the respective adversities.
The prayer of despair allows everyone to perform spiritual actions that balance thoughts and manage to attract the right person, we see how it is done.
.” Spirit of despair , you who know and know the desires of my heart and my thoughts, I call on you so that today, you help me with my request, I want to despair (name of the person) so that he feels the enormous need to see me .”
“Spirit of despair I do not want to suffer anymore, I ask you that wherever this (name of the person) wants to see me again, to listen to me and hear from me. I make this prayer to you with devotion so that you do me the requested favor Oh spirit of despair listen to my pleas.
“I thank you in advance for the favor you grant me and I promise to pray for 7 more nights after I see the result. Thank you spirit of despair, so be it. Amen”.