Novena to the Virgen del Carmen for Home Protection
The Novena to the Virgen del Carmen is one of the most effective prayers today, for this reason each of its devotees perform it with great faith, in the following article you will learn how to make each of these important prayers.
Novena to the Virgen del Carmen
Next, a series of prayers to perform each day of the novena, these prayers are usually considered effective, for this reason it is ideal to do them the days before the festivity whose dates correspond to July 7 to 15.
Act of Contrition for Every Day
Almighty God creator of heaven and earth, my Lord, on this day I approach your holy and beautiful presence, to ask you to fill my whole being with your mercy, my God I give you glory and honor, I praise you with all my soul and with all my heart, only you are great and sublime I adore you.
My Lord Jesus I recognize that I need your valuable help, only you have the power to change all circumstances, today I voluntarily ask you to forgive each one of my sins, your word teaches me that you are faithful and just to forgive, that is why I beg you to hear my prayer
O great God and my Lord; I trust in you, thank you for your infinite mercy, thank you my Lord Jesus for removing everything bad from my life, thank you again for forgiving my sins and giving me your favor to move forward, continue to fill my being with your love, may your goodness be manifested in all time
I also beg you my Lord to help me feel compassion, that every day my heart is more sensitive to your presence and can please you in spirit and in truth, help me my beloved Jesus to give my best at all times, to serve you from the heart and that in my life only your perfect will be done, that you clean my paths and guide me at all times.
Purify my soul oh God, fill me with your presence, that through these prayers I may be in communion with you, Lord direct this sincere intercession, give me your divine grace so that this Novena may be received by you, so be it Amen.
Opening Prayer for Every Day
Oh God!!! Great and sublime I surrender to you, Holy Virgin Mary, you who are considered by each of your faithful devotees as the most pious that exists, I beg you to intercede for me and to free me at all times from all stumbling blocks.
Holy Mother, you who are faithful Protector of all those who wear your sacred Scapular; show on this day, your compassion, that your dear Son be providing my life with the forgiveness of my sins and give me salvation.
You, powerful Virgin Mary, are a sign of love and kindness, a source that supplies each one of the needs of your devotees, I beg you on this day to bring peace to my soul, and to free me from all affliction, provide me with divine grace to overcome all obstacles and with your help obtain victory at all times, may my life be full of the well-being that I long for.
Great Lady, once again I thank you for your infinite mercy, allow your intercession to help your faithful advance, that at all times the reverence and respect that you deserve be shown, continue to direct each one of the steps of those who seek you with sincerity and love.
(It is recommended to pray 3 Hail Marys).
Closing Prayer for Every Day
O most holy Virgin of Carmen; your faithful devotees we thank you for each of the favors granted, we ask you on this day to continue filling our lives with love and humility, help us at all times to be under the protection of your holy Scapular, that each of the believers who with passion and sincerity they seek you to remain in unity, we beg you to continue providing our lives with the wisdom that we so much need in these difficult times, bless us and that we may be strengthened at all times.
Great and powerful lady, on this occasion with humility we present to you each one of the needs of the Holy Pope, and of each one of the Catholic Church that are constituted to promote love and faith, we also come to you to ask you to Help our nation with your power, may peace be manifested in every corner of the world, and may harmony and unity increase in the lives of all those who heed your call.
Blessed Virgin, we beg you to bring hope to our lives, that every day you allow us to advance along the path of good and that you help us with each of our needs as well as those of our friends and family. We also ask you to intercede before the throne of God so that he hears the cry of his faithful devotees and that salvation comes to the lives of all those who desire a change, that the almighty, great and sublime Lord may offer them help soon.
Oh beloved Jesus Christ manifest yourself and bring a deep and sincere repentance to the lives of all those who need you, only you are true and you can free the world from perdition, remove their blindfolds and fill us with your divine light, that they can listen your voice and recognize that only you are eternal life.
First day
This novena to the Virgen del Carmen should begin with the act of contrition and prayer, in this way excellent results are obtained and what is desired is received.
Oh! kind Virgin of Mount Carmel, Holy Mary, on this day we approach with respect and humility to offer you our immense gratitude through this prayer, we ask you to help each one of your faithful devotees, you who are great in mercy and who gave the world to your dear Son Jesus, so that through his sacrifice everyone who believes can receive eternal salvation and be free from damnation.
We beg you, great lady, to provide help to all those who need your favor and protection. We also ask you to provide their lives with fruits worthy of you, that they be full of virtues and good works, that they can offer their services to God in excellence with dedication and love, allows them to receive the peace they seek so much.
We also ask you, Most Holy Virgin, to intercede before the throne of God the father and creator of heaven and earth, so that each one of the faithful believers can feel true compassion for all those who are lost and without hope, and that the Almighty God may restore their lives. O great Lady, we humbly ask you, saying: Hail, Queen and Mother of Mercy.
Second Day
Before beginning with the prayer of the 2nd day of the Novena to the Virgen del Carmen, the beginning prayer must be performed and then we begin with the prayer of day 2.
Oh! Holy and sublime Virgin of Mount Carmel, you who are full of love and mercy, who gave your mercy to each one of the Carmelites, and who, in a special way, illuminated their paths, allowing them to achieve great wisdom.
Continue in this time showing the value of your teachings through faith and that in this way your faithful devotees can be directed along the path of good, we also ask you to fill us with special protection.
We ask with great humility that your blessed Son Jesus, be the light that brings understanding to our lives and breaks all darkness with his power, that we may know his infinite goodness and value the great sacrifice he made for all humanity on the cross of Calvary, that we can receive the salvation that he has for us and also love and serve him with all our being.
Almighty God, I beg you to understand how my behavior should be, since I want to please you and serve you with all my being, that’s why I beg you to shape my life, teach me to seek your presence I beg you to listen to my cry, saying from the heart: Hail, Queen and Mother of Mercy, Amen.
Ask for the particular grace that you want to achieve in this Novena. Finish with a final prayer.
third day
First you must begin with the prayer of the act of contrition and with the opening prayer.
Oh! Virgen del Carmen, you who tend to be very good and kind, Most Holy Mary, you who came to lovingly receive the filial gift of the Carmelites, who among all the so-called mortals were the first to build in your honor a temple located on Mount Carmel, where the fervent came to give you excellent worship and praise.
I beg you, oh Lady, I ask you to reach me and that my soul be the living temple of the Majesty of God, adorned with all the virtues, where he dwells at all times, beloved, who is adored and praised by me, without Never again will affections occupy you that are disorderly of the temporal and the terrain. So, Lady, I beg you on this day in a humble way, telling you: Hail, Queen and Mother of Mercy. Amen.
Ask for the particular grace that you want to achieve in this Novena. Finish with a final prayer.
fourth day
First of all, before beginning the prayer of the 4th day, the prayer of the act of contrition must first be prayed and then the prayer.
Oh! Virgen del Carmen, Holy Mary Most Holy, that in order to show your very special love to the Carmelites, you came to honor them with the sweet name of your children and also of your brothers, encouraging their great confidence with such a singular favor, so that they would be in post to seek in you, as in the loving Mother, in the remedy, in the consolation and also in the protection in all their needs and even their afflictions, moving them to imitate your greatest and loftiest virtues.
I beg you, oh Lady, to look at me, as a loving Mother and reach me with your grace to be able to imitate you, in such a way that I can worthily be called your son in the same way, and that my name may be inscribed in the book of the predestination of the children of the Almighty God and brother of my beloved Lord Jesus Christ. So Lady, I humbly ask you, saying: Hail, Queen and Mother of Mercy, Amen.
Ask for the particular grace that you want to achieve in this Novena. Finish with a final prayer.
Fifth Day
Like two days, it first begins with the prayer of contrition and the initial prayer. Once these 2 prayers are finished, the prayer of the 5th day begins, which is as follows:
Oh! Holy Virgin of Mount Carmel, you Most Holy Mary, who in order to defend the Carmelites, your children, when they were trying to extinguish the sacred Religion of Mount Carmel, showing at all times the immense love and singular predilection with which you come to protect them, you, oh Virgin, sent the Supreme Pontiff, named Honorius III, to receive them kindly and confirm their institute, giving him as the great sign that this was always your will and that of your Holy and divine Son, the sudden death of the 2 which especially contradicted her.
I beg you, oh my Lady, to defend me from all my enemies of soul and also the enemies of my body, so that with great stillness and peace I can live at all times in the holy service of your God and yours. So, my Lady, I ask you on this day very humbly, and I say: Hail, Queen and Mother of Mercy, Amen.
Now you must ask for the particular grace you want in order to get what you want in this Novena. Finish with a final prayer.
Sixth day
Like two days, it first begins with the prayer of contrition and the initial prayer. Once these 2 prayers are finished, the prayer of the 6th day begins, which is as follows:
Oh! Holy Virgin of Mount Carmel, you great Blessed Mary, who, in order to point out the Carmelites as your special children, enriched them with the very unique garment of the holy scapular of the Virgin of Mount Carmel , associating in it the many graces and many favors for those who devoutly dress it and come to fulfill their most holy obligations, try at all times to live in a way that imitates your greatest virtues, as a sign that they are your children.
I beg you, oh my Lady, that you reach me with the grace to be able to live forever as one of the true Christians and brother in being able to be a great lover of the holy scapular, so that I can deserve and achieve the fruits of this beautiful devotion. What do I do to you? So, my Lady, I ask you with all my heart and very humbly, I tell you: Hail, Queen and Mother of Mercy, Amen.
You must ask for the very particular grace that you want in order to obtain it in this Novena. Finally it ends with the closing prayer.
day seven
First of all, before beginning the prayer of the 7th day, the prayer of the act of contrition must first be prayed and then the initial prayer. Once both prayers have been made, then the 7th prayer of the Novena to the Virgen del Carmen begins, which says as follows:
Oh! Virgen del Carmen, Holy Mary Most Holy, that in your holy Scapular you came to give those who devoutly wear it, a great and firm shield so that they could defend themselves from all the dangers that lie in wait for them in this world and from the many snares of the devil, coming to accredit this truth with so many and with such unique miracles.
I ask and beg of you, oh my Lady, that you be my greatest strong and powerful defense in this mortal life, so that in all the tribulations that I suffer and in the many dangers I can find security, and in the temptations I come out victorious. , obtaining at all times your special assistance to be able to achieve it. So, my Lady, I ask you on this day very humbly, and telling you: Hail, Queen and Mother of Mercy, Amen.
You must ask for the very particular grace that you want in order to obtain it in this Novena. Finally it ends with the closing prayer.
Eighth Day
First of all, before beginning the prayer of the 8th day, the prayer of the act of contrition must first be prayed and then the initial prayer. Once both prayers have been made, then the 8th prayer of the Novena to the Virgen del Carmen begins, which says as follows:
Oh! Great Virgin of Mount Carmel, Holy Mary, you who exercise your great and special protection at the hour of death towards all those who devoutly tend to wear your holy scapular, so that they can achieve, through true penance, get out of this life in God’s grace and to be able to get rid of the pains of hell.
I ask you, my Lady, to assist me, protect me and also console me at the hour of my death, and that you finally reach me with your true penance, which is perfect as contrition for all my sins, lit with the love of God and burning with great desire to see and enjoy him, so that my soul may not always be lost or condemned, but rather go safely to the eternal happiness of glory. So, my Lady, I humbly ask you and I say: Hail, Queen and Mother of Mercy, Amen.
You must ask for the very particular grace that you want in order to obtain it in this Novena. Finally it ends with the closing prayer.
day ninth
First of all, before beginning the prayer of the 9th day, the prayer of the act of contrition must first be prayed and then the initial prayer. Once both prayers have been made, then the 9th prayer of the Novena to the Virgen del Carmen begins, which says as follows:
Oh! Great Virgin of Mount Carmel, Holy Mary, reaching out to extend your love to the Carmelites, even after death, as a most pious holy Mother of those who wear your holy scapular, who consoles their souls, when they are in Purgatory. , and with your prayers you manage to get them out of all those pains as soon as possible, to be able to go and enjoy the grace and happiness of God, our Lord, in his greatest glory.
I ask you, my Lady, that you truly reach me with your divine Majesty which complies with the obligations of being a true Christian and with the devotion of the holy scapular, in such a way that I achieve this very unique favor. So, Lady, I ask you, I implore you very humbly, saying: Hail, Queen and Mother of Mercy, Amen.
You must ask for the very particular grace that you want in order to obtain it in this Novena. Finally it ends with the closing prayer.
Once the 9 days of the novena to the Virgen del Carmen have finished, within a very short period of time, the Virgin will grant what they have been asking for so much during those 9 days of prayer, you just have to have faith in her and so it will be.