Prayer to raise the Child God
Prayer to raise the Child God is a beautiful prayer, which, not only will we share with you in this article, but we will also show you the true meaning that is hidden behind it. If you want to find out, we invite you to read this article carefully.
Prayer to raise the Child God
Prayer to raise the Child of God is a prayer that is born from our hearts, it must be recited with great faith and offered to the Child of God, to the Father’s son, to the Messiah who has just been born, so that he may inhabit our hearts and become an example of innocence, humility, love and obedience to the Father.
The ideal time to recite this Prayer to raise the Child of God is when the Child of God is lying in the manger or when his day is celebrated in your country.
Oh, beloved and most holy Child Jesus, to you, who are the fruit of the Lord of your Beloved and Holy Virgin Mary, I ask you, as Son of God, to intercede for me and my family, so that you protect, keep united and away from everything. evil, from those who want to harm us or from the evil one who wants us to attack each other.
With this Prayer to raise up the Child God , I implore you to help me perceive the world through your eyes, that is, in an innocent, pure way, without evil or bad intentions.
Your divinity and purity inspire me, beloved Child Jesus, to serve others, to forgive them when they offend me, to love them with all my mind, intelligence and heart, just as you have shown us.
This Prayer to raise up the Child of God is dedicated to you, little child Jesus, because you show me that although a child needs care, love and attention, he can be strong in other ways, and even an example of inspiration for others.
At times, as a child, I have felt small, weak, and unable to be useful, help me discover my purpose in this life and how important I can become.
Allow, as a child, not to be judged or not taken into account, because I also have a lot to contribute and say.
I know that sometimes I lose my mind and I get carried away by my passions, but I swear to you, that I do not do it maliciously, I beg you, with this Prayer to raise up the Child God , that you help me and grant me the strength that I need in those moments to act intelligently.
Beloved Child Jesus, I want to take care of you, be faithful to you, protect you with the delicacy you deserve and love you unconditionally through our brothers, through those less fortunate, who represent you with humility.
Every time I help others, the sick, the less fortunate, every time I offer my word of encouragement or a helping hand, I am loving you, Child Jesus, and I do not do it out of recognition, I do it because it comes from my heart. .
This prayer to the child god is also to ask you to get up and show your power and glory, so that you fill us with blessings and lull us with your love.
Your birth represents hope and relief for us, because the Son of God was born with the body of a man, the Messiah that everyone spoke of and who will give his life to save us and allow us to enjoy eternal life with him, God the Father and the Virgin Mary.
To you, beloved Jesus, who is an example of faith, devotion and love for God, an example of obedience, dedication and service, to you who are peace and joy, I ask you, that when you wake up you protect my children, guide them always by the good way and make them good men and women.
With this prayer to raise up the Child of God, I want to thank you for listening to me and loving me in the way that only you know how to do it. I thank you for forgiving my sins and because your coming to this world is a sign of faith, hope and love of God towards us.
We can recite this Prayer to raise the Child Jesus daily when we get up, before going to sleep or when our heart feels like it.
Prayer to the Divine Child Jesus
Prayer to the child Jesus : Oh, beloved Child God, with all my love I give you my complete thanks and devotion. At your feet I prostrate, because you are the owner of my life and the owner of my heart, you and only you Child God.
My tender adored Child, I want to thank you for overflowing my heart with hope, mercy and the greatest and purest love that I have ever experienced.
Today, I offer you this Prayer to lift up the Child God to ask you to pour out your blessings on each of us who believe in you, to fill our lives with prosperity, love, abundance, generosity and service.
I give myself to you dear Child Jesus and I place myself at your entire disposal, to love you and serve you all my life, so that you work in me according to your will, I want to be an obedient servant just like your mother Mary was, I also give myself to you in body, mind and spirit.
I want to consecrate my life to you, make myself worthy of your image and likeness, act wisely and learn to forgive when I am offended, just as you did with others.
Baby Jesus, take care of me, protect me and keep me away from all evil. Be my comfort as a Christian and my strength in the face of any injustice or difficult moment in my life. In your hands, I put my peace of mind (make our request with faith).
Our Father who art in heaven… You who know all our torments, grant us peace and relief to our hearts.
Hail Mary, full of grace… I know I don’t deserve your love, much less your forgiveness, but I thank you for loving me and forgiving me in spite of it.
Glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit… There is no creature in the world that can say that they have come to you and have not received your help, you are a great Child of God. With much faith and hope I ask you (repeat our request). So be it.
Pray the Creed, Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be.
Pray this Prayer to raise the Child Jesus with great faith and for three consecutive days.
Short prayer to the Child God
Prayer of the Child of God : Beloved Child of God, I ask that with your innocence, kindness and unconditional love you cover me every day and keep me away from all evil. Help me, so that I learn to recognize my mistakes, assume my responsibilities and also accept my setbacks as lessons that will lead me to grow and learn.
I ask you not to abandon me in my moments of difficulty, and I promise you that every time I have a moment of joy I will not forget you and I will pray to you with all my faith. Be my light, illuminate my path, that I am willing to follow it with pleasure.
Prayer of admiration to the child Jesus
I ask you to help me keep my heart and soul in peace through this prayer to raise up the Child of God . By your name and the power of the Father, I will get up every time I fall.
You can recite this short prayer daily or take time to pause your routine and pray with faith to the Child.
Prayer of admiration to the child Jesus
Dear Father, I want to thank you for sending us the Child Jesus to forgive our sins, his innocent face, only generates happiness and joy in our hearts.
His presence and his kindness towards humanity is a beautiful gift that we accept with joy and makes us feel blessed. I ask you to protect each of your children, especially the children because, just like you, they are our hope.
Wherever you are, peace reigns and breathes in the air. Console us with your tears, and help us to heal with divinity and love. Bless us when I don’t have the strength to get up, heal my illnesses and I will follow your path with faith, devotion and obedience.
I know that I am not worthy of your love or your forgiveness, but I ask you, on my knees and with my heart in my hands, that you allow me to love, serve, adore and glorify you every day until I draw my last breath.
Prayer to the Child God to ask for favors
Beloved child, I offer you this Prayer to lift up the Child God to ask you to grant me the favor that I ask of you today, I know that you always grant miracles to those of us who believe in you and praise you Lord.
With all the faith of my spirit, I beg you, Child Jesus, not to abandon me, to allow me to follow you as an example of humility. Today, I beg you for your help, so that you allow me to clearly see the solution to this problem.
Prayer to the Child God in the name of joy
Beloved God, I offer you this Prayer to raise up the Child God so that you may dwell in my humble home, that you cover him with your love and goodness. Thank you for your love and mercy. Thank you for illuminating the whole earth with your light and joy.
Having you in our life is just feeling inspiration, you are like a rainbow, you give color and hope to everything. You teach us with humility and innocence that we can have the will to stay away from sin and everything that causes us harm.