Prayer to get the job you dream of
The prayer to get a job is a powerful prayer that many devotees of the Catholic religion use in order to get a good, stable and prosperous job, in this article we will teach you how to do it.
prayer for work
One of the situations that has dignified man since his birth is to earn bread to feed himself, as the centuries have passed, work has become the necessary instrument for the survival of the human being on earth.
Work in today’s society has many facets, and consists of offering and giving physical and mental effort in exchange for financial compensation, there are limitations in all its thousands of varieties and today’s society cannot satisfy all men and women alike.
Hence, the need to get a good job is a form of motivation in people, also not having it contributes to creating problems in people, that is why we tell you in this article as through a prayer to ask the heavenly father how to get a good job.
This prayer to get a desired job is very simple and it is suggested to do it in a quiet and lonely place where no one can disturb you, the prayer goes like this:
Jesus, eternal heavenly father, you are my guide and strength, I praise you my savior, you have here your son who has sinned, but who adores you, You are praised for your love, your eternal goodness and the security you give us.
“Father, for you everything is possible and you can do everything. Because your grace is immense and you never abandon me, and in moments of agony never let go of my hand. Because I know that from your hand, I will fear nothing and I will lack nothing, I beg you to relieve my worries, I beg you, I ask you to attend to my request, relieve my pain and my burden.
“Father, my beloved risen Jesus, look at my needs and help me to bear them, I beg you for a new job, my father, because I know your plans are perfect, but I feel cornered, I come to you to make my job request, I need that I work to support my family.”
“May it be a job that pleases me and fills me as a person, my God, thank you for your love and kindness, thank you for loving me and forgiving me all my sins, I believe in you, Amen.”
This prayer is one of many that can be made to apply for a job, there are various ways to make this prayer and even accompany it with small offerings and lighting a candle.
How is prayer done?
First, the person must have the conviction and faith that this request will help him without hesitation to get what he wants, he must locate a quiet place, free of noise and that nobody can disturb him during the process of realization, he can do it in the morning or before bedtime.
The prayer to get a job should be done several times a week and always start by making the sign of the cross, then pray an Our Father and start with the respective prayer, to finish it is recommended to make a Creed, in order to strengthen our conviction, that this plea will reach God and help us get the job we so badly need.
The prayer can be addressed to the Holy Trinity, to the Holy Spirit, to Jesus Christ and to God, but if you are devoted to a saint or virgin, do not hesitate to make your request as a good devout Christian.
When the prayer to find a job is addressed to the Holy Spirit, it is important that it begins in the following way:
“Holy Spirit, The sign of love of the Supreme Being and his only begotten son, Jesus, You, who illuminate the world with your resplendent light and your unconditional love, test my request that, with great humility and simplicity, I made in your name. ”
You can vary the phrase Holy Spirit by the saint of devotion or by the word Jesus, in any case it depends on the person and their spiritual conviction, remember that it is important to always do it with great faith and understand that the grace of the heavenly Lord will be listening to us when we surrender to his goodness.