Prayer to Sanctify the Day Correctly
You like to be within the Catholic religion and you pray every day, then you will love this article, since it will show you the Powerful Prayer to Sanctify the Day Correctly.
Prayer to Sanctify the Day
Whenever we wake up it is highly recommended to be able to make a prayer to sanctify the day, when doing this we will thank God for giving them the opportunity to have another day in their lives and thus help them guide each step that is carried out throughout. the day and keep away all those bad people who seek to hurt you. Keep in mind that even if you are not devout, it does not mean that you should not make a prayer to start the day to feel comfortable and blessed with God and the Saints, since they are the ones who will take care of you, the prayer that should be made for being able to sanctify our day is:
“Almighty Lord, you give me your company in every moment of my life in this world. I have to go out and earn a living every day and I need you by my side to feel protected.
That is why I entrust myself to you this morning, I entrust my life and my day so that everything goes well. I know that with you everything will turn out as I wish and evil will not stand in my way on this day.
You are my engine and the only one who can make good and happy moments exist today. That’s why I ask you not to abandon me, I want to hold your hand and never let go, stay in this (say the day of the week) I beg you not to leave me alone because without you I am not strong.
Guide my day along the path of good, along your path of wisdom to make it a great day, I know you will always be there to protect me, because you are My Father and I am your faithful deer that follows you. Amen”
Prayer to Start the Day
Within what it is to start a perfect day, a prayer should be made in the morning to achieve all the goals that are planned for that day, not to mention that it is a moment where the mantle of God surrounds us to be invisible to those things. evil of life, a particular prayer to start the day is:
“Lord, in the silence of this day that begins, I come to ask you for peace, prudence, strength. Today I want to look at the world with eyes full of love, be patient, understanding, sweet and prudent. See above appearances your children as you see them yourself and thus see nothing but good in each of them. Close my eyes to all slander, keep my tongue in all evil, may only charitable thoughts remain in my spirit, may I be benevolent and joyful, may all who come near me feel your presence. Redress me from You, Lord, and that throughout this day I radiate you.”
Prayer to Have a Blessed Day
So far today, in general, grandmothers or mothers who have children always pray for them when they have an act or a new job so that their day is blessed and they have all the doors open, so they perform the following prayer to give him protection and encouragement:
“My God, infinite thanks I give you for allowing me to see a new day today,
I ask you Lord bless this beautiful day
Make our faith stronger, fill my heart with you
I love you with all my strength, do not forsake me
Hear my prayers, my voice, give strength to my will, purify my heart and sanctify my soul.
Lord protect me, favor me, take care of me, guide me
Lead me not into temptation, deliver me from people
that they want to hurt me, keep away the danger and evil,
Eliminate negative thoughts from my mind, give strength to my soul
and force my spirit make me a generous, humble, fair, equitable and honest being.
My God, I believe in you, you are my defender, enlighten my understanding, strengthen my will,
clarify my heart and sanctify my soul.
Lord I am full of you, I feel your great mercy Thank you I give you for everything you have given me
Always guide me on the right path.
My God, I am your servant, your humble servant I ask you on this day protect my family
Take care of us and deliver us from all evil, I thank you Lord, for all the opportunities
that you have given me, thank you for your infinite love and your blessing
On this beautiful day we praise you and implore you my God to intercede
for all men, forgive their sins of thought, word and deed
That they repent and take a constriction test
For the salvation of their souls and be close to you
My God, I believe in you, strengthen my faith, give me peace of mind Lord. Amen.
Prayer to Ask for Protection
Within the world the most devout in religion usually say a prayer to have protection and ask for protection from their loved ones every day of their lives and thus feel calm when going out to the street either to buy or to work so that these are not seen by people with bad intentions. The prayer to perform is as follows:
“Most High God of all creation. Infallible truth in whom I believe. Infinite clemency in whom I hope. Immense kindness to whom I love above all things and to whom I regret having offended. I thank you for having created, redeemed, baptized, and preserved me; and for all the benefits you have done me so far. I offer you all the thoughts, words, deeds and sufferings of this day with the intention of earning your indulgences and applying them for the souls in purgatory.
Do not allow, my Father, to offend you. Deliver me from the temptations of the devil. Give me strength to flee from the occasions of sin and overcome my passions. Make me fulfill the purpose for which I am in the world, that I know your will, that I worry about the salvation of my soul and about doing good to my neighbor. May I live today as if it were the last of my life. So that I deserve to enjoy you in the eternal kingdom of glory.
I ask you for the merits of my Lord Jesus Christ and the intercession of my Mother, the ever-Virgin Mary, of my guardian angel, of Saint Joseph, of Saint(ta)…, and my other patrons and lawyers. Amen.”
Why is it important to keep the day holy?
We must bear in mind that everything that happens to us in our days will depend on the faith that we have in God, since he is the one who can sanctify each day and thus feel calm when walking.
What is the best time to pray this Prayer?
From what is going on in the history of Catholicism we can come to know that for many devotees it is very pleasant to pray, and that for them to give a few minutes to God can be at any time, be it morning, afternoon or night, not to mention that in the holy bible usually says that the best time to speak to our great Lord is at dawn.
prayers for the night
Although one prays at every moment, there are different prayers which are always performed at night long before going to sleep so that they are heard and thus sleep in peace with our souls and Jesus Christ. The prayers to be said at night are:
Prayer for Forgiveness
This prayer is usually done by devotees after having a long day, whether good or bad, they do it to ask for forgiveness for each sin they have committed or for those who acted in bad faith towards them, so when praying their soul can purify and rest comfortably without the guilt of something. The prayer to be performed is:
“O God, give me in this hour the grace to properly acknowledge my sins before you, and to truly repent of them. Erase from your book, Lord of mercy, my multiple actions committed against you. Forgive me for all distractions in prayer, my sins of omission, and my deliberate sins against conscience.
Give me light to see what I have to do, courage to undertake it and firmness to carry it out. May in all things advance in the work of sanctification, of the realization of your will; and that ultimately, by your mercy, I may reach the glory of your eternal Kingdom, through Jesus Christ our Lord.”
Prayer Before Bed
In general, being able to pray every night becomes important to be able to thank God for all the good and bad that could have happened to us during the day while protecting us from any problem, along with this, in addition to praying to our Lord, we are joined by the I pray to our Guardian Angel who gives us the strength to continue at all times. We pray this prayer before going to sleep, since we usually finish all our work and have enough time to talk with our protectors, so the prayer that is usually done is:
“Blessed Heavenly Father,
thank you I give you for another day of life for the air I breathe, for the peace that you give me
for always being by my side, my guide and my protective shield
I beg your salvation!
Blessed eternal father, I thank you for the strength that you give me
for allowing me to carry out my tasks to a happy end for lighting my path every day
I beg your address!
Blessed holy father, thank you I give you, for allowing me to be with my loved ones
for that gift of life that children are, that blessing that parents are,
for being my faithful companion
I beg your protection!
Blessed God of the Universe, thank you for my friends and co-workers,
with whom we interact day by day also for them and for them
I beg your salvation!
Blessed father of glory, I thank you for my home,
for this beautiful family, that you help me protect
so that we are united, in health and well-being
I beg your blessing, direction and protection!
Blessed beloved father, calm down I have to go to bed,
because trusting in you, my soul feels the peace that only you give me. Amen.”
Bedtime Prayer
Very few people do this last prayer, since they fall asleep due to fatigue, but those who do it can rest more calmly, it is peace knowing that they do not have to worry about bad dreams. The prayer that is performed is:
“O good God, make it so that while I sleep, my heart is vigilant: that I be preserved from all evil by your angels, whom you ordered to guard me in all my ways. I protest that while I will be given over to sleep, I would like to adore you in the way that your angels in heaven adore you, and since nature demands the rest of my fragile and miserable body, I offer you the adorations that the celestial spirits pay you, as well as the prayers, tears, mortifications and penances of all your servants who spend a large part of the night dedicated to these pious exercises.
Accept, my God, these offers and desires of my heart, so that day and night I do not cease to praise your holy name. I ask you, Lord, for this grace through the merits of the Sacred Heart of your most holy Son, my Redeemer and my Savior.”