Prayer to Santa Marta for the love that does not want to arrive
Prayer to Santa Marta for love , consists of a beautiful prayer that Catholic believers use in order to achieve the attraction of a person from the sentimental point of view. Learn how to do it by reading the following article.
Prayer to Santa Marta for love
The way to attract a love to the life of a person can be achieved by using with great faith and devotions the prayer to Santa Marta for love, many believers trust this Saint, who is considered Patron Saint of impossible cases, the home and of the cooks, however, are venerated in order to obtain many favors, she is asked for sentimental situations.
Also called the “Lady of love” this virgin helps people enormously by giving them strength and help to solve the most complicated love cases, if you want to find a love that shares your emotions with you for the rest of your life, make one of the prayers that we show in this article.
for a difficult love
We recommend you make the following prayer with great devotion and faith, seek concentration and do not lose hope while you do it, Santa Marta protects and cares for her faithful, the following prayer to Santa Marta for a difficult love says as follows:
“Oh, my lady, Blessed Virgin, my holy Martha, before you I kneel for the clemency of your mercy and protection. I ask for your shelter, as proof of my love for you. In your name I light this candle, to honor tribute to my lady. Always be my consolation in times of hardship, in the same way that you had the happy opportunity to have given shelter to our Lord Jesus in your humble room.”
“Today, I beg you to be the interceptor of my life and the interceptor of my family, so that we always have God present in our hearts, and at all times we find a solution to our anguish, which distresses us so much in melancholy moments.
“I ask you please, that you have divine mercy on me, towards mine and towards the task that with great faith I intend to ask you, that I so much need a solution to it. (In this part the request is named with a strong and firm voice)
“Holy Martha, I implore you to help me, to be my ally and by your side I can succeed in the face of all the loving adversities that go through my life without compassion. The name of the almighty Lord. Amen.”
To get the person you want
Believers come to Santa Marta with the need to solve sentimental problems, the trust they place in her is enormous, miracles of marital union and return of conjugal coexistence are attributed to her, let’s see a prayer raised to get the desired person.
It is important to know that you must do the prayer and the short prayers for nine days in a row, since it is very similar to the novena to Saint Martha for love in each one, light a candle after finishing the prayer, you must not turn it off until she consume, when placing the candle you must say:
“Holy Martha, my saint, give me your protection, keep me in your heart. I entrust myself to your protection, to resort to your strength, and, in proof of my affection, I offer you this candle that I will dedicate to you for 9 consecutive days, I beg you to give me hope and a solution to my problems, that I will call you every day with my prayer and I will put a new candle for you. Santa Marta help me for the love of God”
“Holy Martha, for the holy love you had, I beg you to attend to my pleas, I ask you for help so that the person I love is by my side forever, and that nothing and no one can separate us; I beg you to grant me that (Say the name of the person you want to attract). He just wants to be with me, that his heart and love are only for me.
“May your acts, purposes, intentions and words be directed only at me, that your five senses are placed on me, that your thoughts and love only belong to me. Santa Marta listen to my wishes.”
“Oh, glorious and blessed Santa Marta, I invoke you at this time and at this moment, so that just as you defeated the beasts that you have at your feet, so I can overcome and dominate the living spirit, judgment, thought and will of… (The person is named again), Thus, Mother Santa Marta, grant me that… (Again the name of the person), I cannot be, nor live, nor feel, until at my feet it does not come to give, that it does not feel nothing for anyone other than me”
“Holy Martha Virgin, who entered the mountain and tamed the beasts, so I want you to help me tame the living spirit, feeling, judgment, thought and will of… (Name of the person), and just as in this kabbalistic spell it tied up so you help me tie him up next to me so that he is with me and only belongs to me, like me……. I just want to belong to him-her because of the great love and dedication I feel.”
“Thank you Santa Marta, thank you for your clemency, I know that you will help me in what I ask of you, I will be forever grateful to you and I will not stop keeping you in mind, you will always be in my heart and prayers. Amen. “
We proceed to the end then pray three Our Fathers and Glory.
It should be taken into account that each prayer of Santa Marta to attract love must be filled with a lot of hope and faith, the requests to God should not be considered a whim of the person, they must be related to real and noble feelings, loaded with good faith. , is the only way for the request to come true.
Prayers cannot be used to harm, so that it is impossible to get a prayer to Santa Marta to separate , because the gifts of this sata are not willing to establish adversity or uncomfortable situations, the Church does not allow the use of prayers and prayers. prayers based on will harm other people,
God establishes the doctrine of doing good and for that he gave the human being a series of virtues which must be practiced through prayer. People must be isolated and brought to the truth of God so that they learn to live in Jesus, actions of this type go against the principles of God and the Church.