Prayer to the Lonely Soul to despair a man
In this article we will talk about the Prayer to the Soul Alone , who it is and a bit of its history. This soul has a quite picturesque origin because she rejected Jesus Christ in life, then in death she begged him for mercy, if you are interested in knowing more we invite you to continue reading.
History of the Anima Sola
Within the Catholic religion there are many myths and also beliefs, among those is the legend of the Ánima Sola, this is based on a woman who lived in the city of Jerusalem, at the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, this rejection of the Lord out of fear to the Jews who were at the site to retaliate against her.
As this woman was afraid and ashamed of Jesus Christ, her punishment was to suffer for all eternity, in other words, she suffered for being helpless and was also confined to purgatory. In Latin America this figure enjoys great popularity, there are prayers such as Oración al Ánima Sola de Amarre or Oración al Ánima Sola para el amor .
Although it is true that she was not a bad woman in life, her sin was to be ashamed of the Lord, in addition, she did not support him when she was on the cross, that is why she was condemned not only to wander as a soul in pain, she will also be in total loneliness, this because he abandoned Jesus when he could have helped him. She was part of a group of pious women who were known to help those condemned to the cross.
This group of women had the task of assisting these condemned, cleaning their blood and giving them water to drink, the thing is that just the day that Jesus Christ was crucified she was assigned to assist them, but she only cleaned and gave them both a drink. criminals, she ignored Jesus Christ because she was afraid that the Jews would take reprisals and therefore she was ashamed of Jesus Christ.
As a result of everything that happened, when she was sentenced to purgatory, she was put in chains and has a thirst that can never be quenched, which is why in the images she is usually seen chained and burning in fire, a punishment equivalent to the sin attributed to her. .
The Anima Sola is not associated as a saint of any church, it is unknown where the belief that she will hear prayers and intercede to fulfill miracles was born. This entity must be taken care of, the reason is that it is not only used for miracles, but also for malevolent purposes, in this sense it is important to understand that when asking for something, it is necessary to have defined what is expected to be achieved, if there is a league of feelings prayers will not work.
Those who have prayed and asked the Anima Sola for a favor report that this entity is to be feared, the reason is that if a favor is asked of it and a promise is made, it must be fully fulfilled, otherwise it will retaliate against those that they refuse to pay what they initially offered, in this sense it is understandable because you have to be honest when agreeing with it.
It is said that regardless of the situation you are going through, how adverse it is, whether it is about sentimental problems, love or health, she will listen and support you, you just have to have an honest heart and the willingness to pay what was offered. In this article we will put other prayers associated with it.
Prayer to the Lonely Soul to despair a man
Oh, poor Ánima Sola, you, lonely soul, depressed and discarded, the most hopeless of all, you know better than anyone what I’m going through, right now I plant my faith in you, help me not to be like you. Force (In this part of the prayer goes the name of the person to whom the prayer is directed) to come kneeling before me, enter his mind and do not allow him to leave it, so that he does not have peace, not even eating, neither sleeping, nor drinking, let him feel empty away from me.
Anima Sola, I trust in you, as my protector I invoke you, tie up (In this part of the prayer goes the name of the person to whom the prayer is directed) Calm him down, tame him, make him highlight my charms, show him that without me you can live in peace. (In this part of the prayer goes the name of the person to whom the prayer is directed)
I conjure you, you will not be able to have pleasure in this world, if it is not with the woman you are dealing with, that woman protected by Jesus Christ. Ánima Sola, the two of us are helpless, between the two of us we accompany each other.
Listen to my prayers, you more than anyone must understand that my only way out is in you, you cannot forsake me at this time. If he approaches me like a beast, he will tame and calm down, if he dares to betray me, may the soul destroy his strength and tie his hands. So it shall be, so I proclaim. Amen.
As can be seen in this sentence, the soul alone is a sad and lonely entity, in this sense it is understandable because it is assumed that she will understand the person who turns to her for comfort or help. Based on her experience when she rejected Jesus Christ (it should be noted that he was in a spiritual sense and not as a couple) and then, in death, she looked for him begging him to rescue her.
The lonely soul is asked not only to make the person we love look for us, but also to lower their guard, that is, to change their attitude if they are aggressive, but they are also asked to torment the person so that they feel that life without he who prays is not worth it. Whoever conjures this entity is consciously decreeing that the person to whom the prayer is directed will be unhappy and will suffer pain until the feelings do not correspond.
The soul alone is asked for help because she understands the desperation that a person can feel, she is asked for her protection because she was helpless, therefore, she understands that feeling and relieves it in people, also to calm the heart of the people to whom the prayer is directed, since it is desired to avoid unnecessary violence.
This prayer must be prayed for seven continuous days, the person who resorts to the prayer must have faith that his prayer will be heard, it is also important that he understands that his intentions are important, in other words, if he intends to cause pain then the prayer will be ineffective, the soul alone only attends to the prayers of a person who feels desperate and wants love, it will not attend to the prayers of someone who hopes to cause pain to another.
Prayer to the Lonely Soul for financial problems
My Lord Jesus Christ, my Creator and Redeemer, the only remedy for our souls and heavenly good for the souls in Purgatory, who for your love came down to earth to give your life to redeem us so we could enjoy your glory, I humbly offer you these prayers and supplications so that, united with your merits, you help yourselves to take out of purgatory the loneliest soul, the one that is most abandoned, loneliest, and it is my will to offer them as many times as necessary to satisfy you, until that poor Anima Sola is left free of her sorrows and torments. Oh my beloved Jesus! now, in these times of great need, kindly listen to my pleas.
Look how many are the graces that we need, with all truth it can be said that our needs are continuous. Now, Lord, Son of the Most High, we seek for your Divine Majesty, intercessors that you love exceedingly, like the Anima Sola, as committed to our favor as she is pleasing to your eyes.
From the depths of his prison, he presents our economic and labor shortcomings asking you for the necessary graces so that they can be remedied promptly. Look at us, then, with eyes of mercy and heed the prayer that she, your servant, brings to you on our behalf, and give us comfort for your goodness and mercy.
And you, oh blessed Anima Sola! the most abandoned of the cemetery, that you suffer pain and torment in purgatory, but that you are listened to by God and his Son, and soon you will enjoy the glory with Them, reach me of the Divine Mercy, the remedy of these urgent needs that so much afflict and cause despair and that I wish are resolved satisfactorily: (In this part of the prayer, what is expected to be achieved through prayer is asked with faith) Ánima Sola, thank you for listening and attending to my prayers, I will keep you in my prayers , to make your torment shorter.
Oh Jesus Christ, our protector, I place my obedient faith in you, welcome these prayers and extend your Powerful Hand to us, bless our lives and homes with an abundance of material and spiritual goods and make us receive everything we have requested. So be it.
Pray the Creed, and three Our Fathers and three Glories for the eternal rest of the souls in Purgatory. Make the prayer and the prayers with great faith for three days in a row and light a white candle each day until it is consumed.
In this prayer, the soul alone is asked to intercede directly with Jesus Christ (this could be ironic considering her story) for us, you can see how she asks to help those souls (The people who are praying) that they feel desperate or sad, this because she feels identified because it is her situation.
If you read the prayer deeply and quite calmly, you can see how she intercedes for us before Jesus Christ with a secondary intention, that her sin be forgiven, therefore, she highlights all the time that she helps people as calling attention God to notice your actions.
Later she makes an analogy between the ordeal she suffers, with the economic difficulties of the one who performs the prayer, in this way she compares her punishment for her sin with the shortcomings we ask for, showing that we can deserve the kindness of the Most High. There are those who believe that her interest is to help people with their requests and then be with God the father and Jesus.
Whoever makes use of this prayer is also helping to lower the sentence that this entity suffered at the time, therefore, God and Jesus are also mentioned a lot in the prayer to make them aware of the help that the Anima is exerting in our lives. This prayer is accompanied by a ritual, this could be considered as an offering to all those who suffer in purgatory, also to the Soul.
Prayer to the Lonely Soul to tie
Oh blessed soul alone, oh soul of the sun also of earth, you are the soul alone of Heaven and evil, oh glorious, today I turn to you in need of your grace, I find myself praying praying this prayer, I do it with all my heart and soul.
I ask you, anima Sola, that (In this part of the prayer goes the name of the person for whom you are praying) love me and love me as much as I love him/her, put me in your heart and do not allow me to take out, make me present in each of your senses, so that only for me you feel love, tenderness, peace, also trust, in addition to being loyal to me, and wanting my whole being because I (your full name goes in this part of the sentence) am for him/her
Please encourage her alone to come to me (in this part of the prayer goes the name of the person for whom she is praying) totally in love, to feel an immense sexual desire for me and for no one else, that every thought she has during your day be addressed to me, that you do not feel happy if you are not with me, that you come (In this part of the prayer goes the name of the person for whom you are praying) totally in love with me, that I am (In this part of the prayer part of the sentence goes your full name).
Animate alone I am pleading and I desperately ask you to come to me (In this part of the prayer goes the name of the person for whom you are praying) dominated, desperate for love towards me (In this part of the prayer goes your full name) I know that I will make him happy, that every loving thought he has is for me, that the body he desires is mine, that of no one else, that he only finds peace and happiness with me.
May each of his senses lead him to me, may he be madly in love with me (your full name is in this part of the sentence) may he not be able to live without me, may all his love be for me, I ask you on my knees blessed anima alone, I am desperate I want him tied up next to me and I know that, with your help, I will manage to tie him up.
I know that you will listen to me, soul alone, and that you will tie him to me so that I can be happy, I know that you will eliminate from his mind any image that he has of another person, bring him to me so that I can dominate him (In this part of the sentence your full name) I promise you if you listen to my prayer and carry out my request I will be devoted to you and I will pray every Monday for two months for you to achieve eternal glory. Amen
In this prayer you can clearly see how this entity is asked to intercede for us with the person for whom we are praying, the request is basically that that person feel for us the same love that we feel, also that we become everything for that person.
You can see how that person is asked to come with desires for us and nothing else, it is also asked that they have a strong carnal desire and that they never get us out of their head. In this prayer, the more desperate the one who carries it out, the better for the Ánima Sola.
In this prayer, the person who is asking for the mooring is committed to making the person for whom he is praying happy, but he also acquires it as if it were a possession. The delivery is almost so total and absolute that we will be the only thing in his life, in fact, you can see how he is asked to erase from his mind any person who may interest him so that he only sees us.
Finally, you can see how the one who performs the prayer makes a promise, that is, he offers to pay tribute, pray to him and intercede before God the Father and Jesus Christ so that the punishment and torment that he suffers disappear and he can be accepted in heaven. that is, obtain eternal glory, this is where you have to be careful, because whoever makes a promise and does not keep it will suffer serious consequences.
Last conclusions
After reading all the prayers to the Anima Sola, we can see how this entity has the ability to grant certain miracles to those who pray to it, however, it does so with the intention of mitigating its own sin and probably reaching a position next to God. Father and of Jesus.
There are people who pray for good and people who pray for evil, the truth is that no prayer will be heard if it is a prayer that is not defined, therefore you have to be careful with what you ask for, what you promise and with what intentions we ask this entity.
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