Summary of Amoris Laetitia an Apostolic Exhortation

Summary of Amoris Laetitia an Apostolic Exhortation

The article that we are going to develop next deals with a topic that may possibly seem strange to some or that may have never heard of the term that we are going to develop here. This is about: Summary of Amoris Laetitia. We invite you to learn more about him.

Summary of Amoris Laetitia

It is a 264-page document by Pope Francis himself, on post-synodal reflection, which is divided into several chapters through which Pope Francis defines it as the future letter for the coming decades.

What is it about?

The document consists of nine chapters, being in its entirety a document, as we said, of 264 pages, long and somewhat difficult to understand. This document deals with the joy of love, it is also considered a reflection or teaching of Pope Francis as a means of guidance and teaching for families.

In the document “ Amoris Laetitia Summary ” the Pope concludes the progress of two chapters on the family. In the first chapter, a number of biblical quotes are given; in the second, a projection is made on the situation and in the third chapter the subject of the family vocation is dealt with.

In another order of ideas in the fourth and fifth chapters, the love between spouses is especially detailed. In the sixth he deals with pastoral visions; the seventh chapter is about the education of children and the eighth, which we think may be the most controversial, consists of the recommendations on the integration of the divorce of people who marry again.

Love, symbol of the intimate realities of God

In the first chapter, the Holy Father refers to the fact that “the Bible is inhabited by families, descendants, love stories and family problems.” The “couple that feels love and creates life is the real living “sculpture”; not that of gold, a stone to which the Decalogue refers and which it absolutely prohibits, capable of discovering the creator and savior God.

From the foregoing, we can say that fruitful love manages to be characteristic of private realities of God.

Individualism and demographic decline

The second chapter deals with the topic of family challenges. The danger can be presented on the desperate individualism “that allows the ideology of a person who only believes in his own thoughts in an absolute way to be maintained”. Pope Francis himself makes an alarm call regarding the demographic subtraction, due to the anti-natalist mind and boosted by policies of the world of reproductive health.

It also reminds us that the Church absolutely rejects the participation of the State in the defense of contraception, sterilization and even beyond abortion. All these measures considered unacceptable even where there is an increase in the birth rate, all sponsored by countries where there are low-rate births of children.


In the same way, Pope Francis points out that when there is an absence of decent or correct housing, the formalization of a certain relationship may be postponed. He also determines that “family and home are two aspects that are claimed jointly.”

For this reason, family rights must be taken into account, and not only individual rights. The family can be said to be a blessing that cannot be dispensed with, however we must protect it in every aspect.

child exploitation

This is an issue that is considered of great importance since the sexual exploitation of children is usually one of the most serious and perverse truths of the society in which we live. There are minors in street situations; these mostly suffer from violence, wars and even established crime.

Another important issue that is established is the sexual abuse of children; this becomes even more serious, as Pope Francis denounces in the Summary of Amoris Laeititia. In it, this issue is treated as serious since it happens in places where children must be protected, such as in families and schools, societies and even Christian institutions.

Misery, euthanasia and other plagues

For Pope Francis there are serious threats to the world and among them he calls euthanasia and assisted suicide. He later makes a reflection on the family situation that is mired in misery or punished by limitations of life, which they face in a painful way.

It also deals with the subject of vice referred to drug addiction; which is the cause of suffering for many families and in most cases culminates in their destruction. In the same way it occurs with alcohol problems in the person, gambling, and other vices.

Do not weaken the family

When the family is weakened, this is not favorable for society, on the contrary, it harms the maturity process of the subjects, the acceptance of community values ​​and the evolution of cities and towns. Likewise, in the same way, Pope Francis points out that the union in a unique and invariable way between male and female does not occur clearly and that it fulfills an absolute social function.

Unlike the previous unions in relation to people of the same sex, marriage is not accepted without further ado.

Uterus rental, infibulation, violence

In relation to this topic in paragraph 54 of the Summary of Amoris Laetitia; Pope Francis points out the rights of women; and also points out that the act of violence applied to women, as well as the mistreatment of families, is inconceivable; and equally still forms of slavery that are considered degradation and not masculine force as is sometimes made to appear.

These acts of violence suffered by women both physically, verbally and sexually are against the nature of the marriage union. Pope Francis also mentions infibulation, which is nothing more than the very serious genital mutilation of women, applied in certain cultures.

Also in the lack of equality regarding decent jobs and places where decisions are made. It also recalls the methodology of renting the womb or the commercialism and instrumentalization of the woman’s body today and its cultures.

The unique thought of the “gender” ideology

In the Summary of Amoris Laetitia there are some lines of it dedicated to “gender”, referring to the thought that does not accept the difference and natural concordance of man and woman”, shows “a society without distinction of sex, and undoes the anthropological background family.

Such thoughts lead to educational projects and legislative norms that encourage personal identity and affective privacy; absolutely detached from the biological complexity between men and women”.

Regarding this, the Supreme Pontiff points out that it is alarming that some thoughts of this nature try to respond to certain aspirations that are often understandable, and try to adapt as a single idea to even the education of children.

No to the “factory” of children

Likewise, there is anguish over the issue of manipulating the generative act”, apart from the “relationship between man and woman; For this reason, paternity and maternity are usually modifiable truths and others that are not, are basically characterized by the wishes of individuals or couples. Pope Francis advises us that we should not fall into the sin of evading God the Father.

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Regarding the third chapter on the exhortation, the Supreme Pontiff determines the opinion of his predecessors in that marriage will not be seen as a social convention, it is a gift for both people since it sanctifies them; it is also a real “vocation”.

Therefore, when two people decide to get married and start a family; such a decision must be a consequence of vocational thoughts. The couple’s love is ready for fertility. Likewise, the education of the children shall be the full obligation and right of the parents.

instructions on love

Chapter four is one of the most current; In it, the Pope proposes an extension of Saint Paul’s hymn to charity, extracting from it concrete information for married couples. He invites them to mutual patience, without the spirit of thinking that their relationships are perfect; neither will they have an egocentric attitude of one of the two.

It also encourages them to be kind and to serve others without limitations, without expecting anything in return, only to give and serve. Without guests in the same way to stay out of envy and pride or take an attitude of self-praise since those who truly love do not talk about themselves.

Likewise, he invites them to be humble instead of arrogant, to be kind, noble, to distance themselves from criticism of others or their mistakes. In the same way, it invites spouses to end the day with family peace, forgiving faults, speaking well to each other, demonstrating the virtues of the other and the good side of him, despite the fact that they may have mistakes.

To trust each other without taking possession and respecting each other’s space. You are invited to observe the other and remember the happiest moments in life that cause feelings of well-being in others.

message to young people

Likewise, in the Summary of Amoris Laetitia, a part is addressed to young people, which deals with the commitment to all of love, it is determined that marriage must be something thought through, it cannot be something rushed, but neither should it be expected to be indefinite time to do it. The feeling of commitment to the other person is always played to be a risk or it can be a bet. We must give ourselves the due time and understand the position of the other, listen to his opinions.

Discussions between couples are often due to serious situations; however, it can also be the case that they are minor issues, which do not transcend more than where they have to be; the way of saying them is what generally affects the relationship of couples.

Sexuality, “wonderful gift”

Regarding the subject of desires, emotions and feelings, they are an important part of the mutual bond of marriage. Pope Francis cites the opinion of Benedict XVI, where it is taught that the Church does not reject eros, on the contrary, it declares a fight against deviation, which is a reason for dehumanization.

God himself made sexuality as a gift for all the creatures created by him. St. John Paul II always rejected the idea about the knowledge that the Church implies as negativity to the value of sex in man; or that she accepts it only for the need to reproduce and increase humanity.

Such a need between couples should not be a reason for contempt. We must not ignore that sometimes the subject of sex loses personality and is full of pathologies, becoming the cause of self-affirmation, as well as selfish acceptance of one’s own desires or instincts.

Pope Francis exhorts us that the act between married couples in an imposed way should not be considered a real act of love. This ideology must be totally discarded and equally all aspects of sexual submission.

embrace life

In chapter number five, the family is remembered as a sphere of generation and apart as a host of life. Pope Francis’ opinion determines whether a child is born in undesirable conditions; the family as parents or other members of the same, must guarantee acceptance as a gift or gift from God the Father.

There is a motto about large families: “a joy for the Church”, this should not make us forget that it is a positive warning, Saint John Paul II said: the fact of responsible parenthood should not be seen in an unlimited way”. Pope Francis reminds us of the importance that the child feels that they are waiting for him.

Children love each other for the mere fact of being children, not for how beautiful or for any other quality that they may present; just for being a son. Nor can it be said that he loves himself because he is similar to us in thoughts or that he embodies our desires.

The Pope addresses all pregnant women: “That child deserves your joy. Don’t let fears, worries, other people’s comments or problems turn off that happiness of being God’s instrument to bring new life to the world”.

The presence of a mother…

Likewise, in the Summary of Amoris Laetitia, mention is made of the legitimacy and the desirability of women studying, working, and developing their own activities according to their abilities and goals. However, we cannot ignore the need of children for their mother, especially in the first years of life.

The phenomenon of the decrease of the mother in the child’s life, due to feminine qualities, is considered a high risk for society.

…and absent parents

In today’s daily life we ​​see the problem of the lack or absence of parents. Many times this happens because the parents themselves are so focused on themselves that they forget everything else including their own family; and for this reason he usually leaves his own children aside, both small and young.

In the same way, the presence of the father is affected due to the fact that the time he dedicates to the technological and communication media is increasing, since this is a source of absolute distraction.

yes to adoptions

The issue of adoption, as is known by all, is the possibility of achieving motherhood and fatherhood in couples who, unable to have children, want to profess a beautiful and generous love for a being who begins life little by little. In relation to this, Pope Francis s: that the legalization insistently achieves in the end the process of adoption paperwork.

Families at all times must be present as the nucleus that gives protection to society, and should not feel separated from others. God himself has given families the task through which the world comes to feel each person as a true brother. Likewise, this same feeling should be expressed towards the poor and suffering people.

The nucleus of the family should not exist away from it, referring to parents, cousins, uncles, as well as neighbors. Within many people in the nucleus of the family, they may have a particular situation that may require help in any way, or it may also be the need for gestures of love for suffering that they may be going through and need comfort or support.

Make the elderly feel at home

In relation to the subject of the elderly, the Summary of Amoris Laetitia tells us that we should encourage a sense of gratitude, love, appreciation, hospitality, sense of help that allow elderly people to be an important part of the society where they function. Pope Francis realized that proper care for the elderly is about the quality of civilization.

Likewise, the Summary of Amoris Laetitia also contains an idea so that we do not see the in-laws, mothers-in-law or other relatives of either of the two spouses as competition or invaders. Since they are often seen as enemies of the opposite spouse.

Families “active subjects” of the pastoral

In chapter six of the Summary of Amoris Laetitia a part is devoted to pastoral appearances. The Pope requests an interest in evangelization and catechesis from each family, apart from a true conversion of mission of the Church in general; so that it is not just a theoretical message and away from the difficulties of the family.

This family ministry should ensure that the Gospel corresponds to the intimate ideas of the people. Likewise, insistence is made on the need for more interdisciplinary teaching and not only on doctrine for those who are preparing for seminarians, and who deal with the difficult problems that families are going through today.

preparation for marriage

Regarding this issue, the Pope insists on the opinion that couples who want to go to marriage should have a greater intervention in the community. All existing Churches in each of the localities must determine how to do it.

With this practice of initiation to marriage they will be able to provide the requirements that are necessary for this sacrament of marriage to be well done; and in this way they will be able to receive it with the best intentions and firmly start family life.

However, we cannot forget the wonderful instruments of popular pastoral care, an example of this is the celebration of Valentine’s Day, which is used in some countries by the commercial side, rather than the creativity of the shepherds themselves.

What this sense of preparation is all about is that problems of risks or differences between one and the other are known; and for this reason it can be concluded that it is not entirely reasonable to bet on such a relationship and thus avoid a possible failure in the future that could generate major problems.

 “Too focused on preparations”

“The future preparation for the sacrament of marriage usually lies in the preparations such as the party, clothes, invitations, variety of situations and details that what they achieve is that the budget, joy and energy are consumed. The couple to be married will usually arrive exhausted at the time of marriage.

For this reason, in the Summary of Amoris Laetitia, the following is advised: “Dear couple: “Have the will to be different, do not allow society and the consumption of appearances to devour you. Besides, they must understand and assume the sacrament of marriage as the path to maturity, without having very high curiosities regarding life as a couple.

Yes to “Humanae vitae”

Pope Francis also asks again and again to review the encyclical of Paul VI as well as the “Familiaris consortio” of Pope Saint John Paul II, which states: “to neutralize the mentality generally hostile to life”.

Advice to young spouses

On this subject, the Supreme Pontiff gives some advice on customary rituals. It is convenient to kiss in the morning, give each other the blessing, wait patiently for the other before arriving, go out together and also share daily household chores. It is also good to get out of the routine by celebrating with the family and sharing the various pleasant experiences.

crises are fixed

With proper help and the reconciling help of grace, most marital problems come to an end properly. When we forgive and are forgiven, it is a full experience that must prevail in family life. This requires the collaboration of friends and family; and often the help of a professional.

Never use children as “hostages”

This issue is treated by Pope Francis in the same way and he asks divorcing parents never to use their children as hostages. The separation is synonymous with a test that must be faced, but without including the children and that they pay the consequences of the parents. Nor is it correct that they are used as hostages between one spouse and another.

The children must develop in a positive way, that they listen to speak well of their two parents, both spouses must speak well of each other before the child. Pope Francis also accepts that divorce is an evil, and shares that it is synonymous with alarm at all times.

homosexuality in family

This issue is often not easy to handle within the family since it is not feasible to have a person with homosexual characteristics, since neither parents nor children accept it easily. Regarding this issue, Pope Francis determines that people will be respected whatever their ideology in sex; and will not be subjected to any type of unfair discrimination.

Otherwise, it is sought that it be respected among the number of people who share this ideology and that they can count on due help so that they can see the will of God fulfilled in their lives. And the Pope also insists that unions between people with homosexual ideologies should not be differentiated from marriages.

The “sting” of death

The Pope also deals with the importance of supporting families when they lose a loved one or are in mourning, since these people must be helped to rediscover the reality that losing a family member hurts but we still have a mission to fulfill and that such a situation of mourning does not do well to keep it present in our lives for a long period and also prolong the suffering.

Who guides our children?

The seventh chapter deals with the issue of raising children. Regarding this issue, the Pope invites us to ask ourselves: who are the people who are in charge of giving him entertainment, and who have the power to get into his room through television reception screens or other technological means, who are responsible for managing their free time. You have to constantly be on the lookout for them.

Likewise, parents are responsible for preparing them to face various difficult situations such as aggression, drug addiction, etc. When the father is obsessed with knowing where his son is and in this way controls his actions, with this he seeks to dominate the space of his own son.

So, as a consequence, it will not prepare you properly to face risky situations in your life or great challenges. Unlike the aforementioned, measures must be taken in order to apply processes of maturity of their free time such as training, growth of their own autonomy.

How to educate?

In relation to this topic we can determine that in terms of the moral formation of children, it must be exercised “intuitively”, so that the child has the possibility of discovering the importance of the principles, values ​​and norms in his life, in a accordingly and not as a compulsory imposition.

Currently there are two factors that affect the lives of families such as anxiety and technological rush. It should be kept in mind that it is not to prohibit technological games to the child, rather it is about getting them to acquire the sense of differentiation of logical situations and not apply the sense of rush in the different areas of their lives.

The danger of “technological autism”

This issue is of the utmost importance since today technology has taken the lead but in a way that can even be considered harmful and it happens that many times when we are sharing moments like food, each person is totally focused on their mobile phone , or in the same way, one of the spouses is overcome by sleep while waiting for the other, who spends hours in front of any electronic device.

Likewise, the consequences or risks of these technologies are present, which have covered the market in all areas of people’s lives, including children and adolescents as a primary factor, who are converted due to this into apathetic young people, completely disconnected. of reality.

This phenomenon that we call “technological autism” easily places their own intentions of meddling in their private lives with selfish intentions.” The warning states that sexual education must have a healthy modesty and also educate the most vulnerable such as children, in that men must also help in household activities.

To end the topic it is important that at all times the children see that their parents take prayer as something important in their lives, so that they can take the same religious course that is so important for the life of any Christian.

What’s New in the Amoris Laetitia Summary Warning

The Summary of Amoris Laetitia is based on a long history of knowledge of the Church as well as a deep experience of is based on a long history of Church teaching and a very intense experience of the Synod. It is founded on the ancient and the modern.

Therefore, the novelty is referred to the attitude of accompanying. The family today leads a somewhat complex life, this is the thought shared by both Pope Francis and his predecessors.

In this sense, the Church and its ministers must remain closer to people regardless of the situation they live in or if they are far from the Church itself.

At all times they must be accompanied, integrated and understood mainly by people who have suffering. The Summary of Amoris Laetitia is not just a text, it is closely linked to people’s difficult situations.

The title as such suggests the content of the full text. It reminds us frequently and accurately of the beauty of family life, even if there are difficulties within it.

Likewise, Pope Francis eloquently points out how to create a family, and establishes it as being part of the divine dream or plan, united to God itself in order not to feel alone at any time.

Why is such a long document? Is it useful for Catholics or just experts?

Pope Francis shows at the beginning that no one should be in a hurry to read the Summary of Amoris Laetitia, and everyone should try to understand the text that applies to the specific needs of their life.

Although the Summary of Amoris Laetitia is about and is essential reading for priests, prelates, and bishops; It is equally indicated for any person who is linked to family ministry. It is often important for Catholic Christians to understand the great contribution that the Church makes to staying close to everyone.

As an example of this, already married couples will be interested in what Chapter IV deals with “love in marriage”, as well as Chapter V, “love that becomes fruitful” and finally Chapter VII, “strengthening marriage”. The education of children”.

Pope Francis likewise seeks to support Christian couples in the sense that they remain faithful and patient and also encourages them to be a sign of mercy, at a time when the family is lacking in joy and peace.

People who read the Abstract of Amoris Laetitia will be in for a great surprise and will be able to realize the specificity of the document itself. Pope Francis, with the heart of a shepherd, enters simply but deeply into the daily situations of family life.

There is a controversy on the subject of divorce of people, and it is that it deals specifically with the case of divorced people who have remarried, and touches on the issue of whether they can receive communion?; Regarding this issue, the Summary of Amoris Laetitia does not pronounce itself. Why?.

The Synod determined that the differences between losers and winners are not profitable. The positive is to offer a deep look at family life, marriage and the people of God, who, striving to live his true vocation, assume difficult and complex situations.

In Chapter VIII, on “accompanying, thinking about and including fragility”, he points out how the general rules are not applied rigidly to each problem in question. For this reason, it is essential to bear in mind the complexity of each scenario.

Pope Francis assumes that we must feel challenged in relation to Chapter VIII on the call to pastors and figures of the prelate who make a life of supporting families; to listen to all the people who may have a feeling of being hurt by one or another situation; and they must help her perceive the love of God the Father. A word that is repeated frequently in the Summary of Amoris Laetitia is “discernment”.

What does discernment mean for Pope Francis?

It is a frequent process of the possibility of surrendering to the Word of God itself, which is the specific light of the daily life of Christians. The thought leads us directly to be humble and docile in Spirit. It also encourages us to act through love to be applied in specific situations that are experienced.

In the same way, the Pope exhorts pastors and faithful to think meticulously about each situation they experience. The priest or pastoral figure who is actively collaborating to help people in the growth of the spirit, it is clear that there are no easy or generalized rules; as well as no simple or quick exceptions.

Thought or discernment can never be far from the demands of the truth and charity of the Gospel, nor from the education and traditions or customs of the Church. It takes inner humility and the search for the true will of the Creator.

There are many Catholics who are currently divorced. And they have remarried in a civil manner and work for things to go as well as possible, as well as educating their children in the Church.

What does the Summary of Amoris Laetitia offer?

The Summary of Amoris Laetitia grants a guarantee that both the Church and its ministers are aware of them and of any situation they may be going through. The Summary of Amoris Laetitia seeks that we all understand that we are an integral part of the Church; that they are not out of power to receive communion.

However, they cannot yet fully participate in the life of the sacraments of the Church, they are invited to be active members of the life of the community.

The typical concept of the Summary of Amoris Laetitia is completeness. It is the duty of the pastoral members to obtain the help of people in special situations and take part in them and integrate themselves into the life of the community.

People in a certain situation of irregularity must receive due attention in a special way. In the Summary of Amoris Laetitia, the following is determined: “helping parents to heal their wounds, as well as supporting them in a spiritual way, is equally good for their children, since they require the family face of the Church that serves of support during a difficult experience.

If there was a time when the Synod offered a novel and extensive application of the theme of homosexuals in the Church, the Summary of Amoris Laetitia around this offers very little.

Regarding this, the education of the Church itself is usually very decisive: marriage is between a man and a woman, homosexual unions are not compared to the sacrament of Christian marriage.

In relation to the above, we must take into account and learn to imitate the love of God before each one of our brothers. “The Church attributes the actions of the Lord Jesus, who, showing that he is a love without limits, offers it to all his children without distinction of any kind.”

The Summary of Amoris Laetitia places its center on the theme of marriage and the family, however it also deals with a theme addressed to certain people who are those who are not married; such as: single mothers and fathers, widows or widowers, single men or women, all have family ties.

All people have the characteristic of being a son or daughter; we all have a certain family history, we also have love ties with other relatives and the world in general has friends in difficult situations that are lived in the daily walk.

The Summary of Amoris Laetitia is a text that offers hope in abundance to each person who needs it at a certain moment in their life. It is not about strict rules or sentences, we just have to comply with them in a pleasant way.

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