The childhood and hidden life of Jesus of Nazareth
We know very little about Jesus about his personal life and what friends he had during his childhood. Except for the episode that occurred at the age of 12, when he got lost in Jerusalem and appeared in the temple, there are no other details. In this article we will show you first-hand everything related to the hidden life of Jesus, childhood, the mysteries, summary and much more, do not stop reading it, it will be useful to you.
The childhood and hidden life of Jesus of Nazareth
Very little is disclosed about that stage of Jesus, what did he want to be when he grew up? Did he like to play with other children his age? As everyone knows, Jesus had a mother and father here on earth, for that reason we are going to focus initially on how the events unfolded before his birth. We will make a journey through the mysteries that are related in the gospel about the hidden life of Jesus, long before his birth.
The Annunciation of the Angel to Mary
Of the future mother who would carry in her womb nothing more, and nothing less than Jesus, nothing was known, except that she lived in Nazareth. She was a complete stranger, she could go unnoticed in the eyes of men, but God had already pinned her hopes on her so that she would be part of this great history of humanity.
Biography of Maria
Mary’s parents were from the tribe of Judah, which was one of the twelve tribes of Israel, descended from the patriarch Judah, who was the fourth son of Jacob. The names of her parents were Joaquín and Ana. María, from a very young age, frequents the Temple, where she learns different traditions, in addition to the Holy Scripture, with such commitment and dedication that it was not very usual for it to be this way in the women of Israelites. .
As a teenager, Mary feels God’s call, asking her very clearly to remain a virgin for love of Him and His purpose. It is through her, her abiding connection to God in prayer, that she is able to stay aloof from marriage and pregnancy. It was not something fortuitous that she lived that way, God wanted her way of life to be exactly like that, he prepared her so that her love would be with a complete heart and total dedication, for her work.
What God had planned
At the time of her thirteenth birthday, and according to the customs, her parents stipulate the dowries, so that María could marry the best possible suitor. Of all the matchmakers of the tribe, the only one who met the conditions of the family to marry Maria, is a young man named José. A hard-working, simple, honest and respectful boy of the word of God.
God’s plans continue their course, and now will be the time for Joseph to become part of his work, so that he will be responsible for taking care of Mary. Through the marriage union, which will be counted forever in the hidden life of Jesus.
The Angel’s Announcement
Already agreed on the wedding between Mary and Joseph, having passed very little time, an event occurs that marks the pinnacle of all history. While Mary was immersed in prayer, she was unexpectedly visited by the Angel Gabriel and told her: “Rejoice, full of grace, that the Lord is with you”, she was shocked to hear those words, and she was thinking about what this expression would mean. ”.
In the book of Luke, such an event can be appreciated more precisely:
The sixth month was passing, and the angel Gabriel was sent by God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth, to visit a virgin who was going to marry a man named Joseph, a descendant of David. The name of that virgin was Mary. Entering where she was, he told her:
I salute you, you are very lucky! The Lord is with you.
Maria was shocked by those words and wondered what kind of revelation this would be. Then the angel said to him:
Don’t be afraid, Maria! Because you have found favor with God. I let you know that you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a son, whom you will name Jesus. He will become great, and they will call him the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. He will also reign over the descendants of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.
Then Mary said to the angel:
But how can this be possible? I don’t know a man.
To which the Angel replied: the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will cover you with its shadow, for which the Holy Being that you will give birth to will also be called the Son of God. I also tell you that your relative Elizabeth has conceived a son in her adulthood, and this is the sixth month of pregnancy, even though she is barren. Since nothing is impossible for God.
Then Mary said:
It is I, a servant of the Lord; comply with me according to your word.
And then the Angel disappeared.
Luke 1:26-38
Mary’s Visit
In the episode where the Angel makes the announcement to Mary that her relative Elizabeth is expecting a child and is six months pregnant, being quite old, it is a demonstration of the greatness of God. It is no secret to Mary that Elizabeth could not conceive children.
The joy that Mary feels in her heart is so great, and full of kindness and charity, she decides to undertake a trip to visit her and share with her that tremendous happiness. It is relevant for the purposes of God, that these two women remain in communion, so that the coming events unfold.
Moved by the Holy Spirit, it is the reason why Mary undertakes a journey, to visit her relative Elizabeth. She wants to show her great joy, help her on the day of her delivery, show her support, charity and love.
Elizabeth’s greeting
And then she embarks on the road to the mountains of Judea, her journey along those roads is as if God himself were walking hand in hand with her, among men, accompanied by a blessed mother.
The journey to Judea is long, and upon reaching the town, he entered the house of Zacarias, giving Elizabeth an effusive greeting. When Mary spoke to Elizabeth, the child she was carrying in her womb jumped for joy, being bathed in the Holy Spirit, and he exclaimed aloud, saying:
“ Blessed are you among all women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Why is this granted to me, that the mother of my Lord come to me?
Because as soon as the voice of your greeting reached my ears, my baby has jumped for joy in my womb.
And blessed is she who believed, because everything will be done, as what was told her from the Lord.
Luke 1:42-45
The entire meeting passes in complete joy. Contentment, for the arrival of Maria, such a dear relative. She is euphoric to know and understand that she will have valuable help at the time of delivery and after it, that it will not be an easy time. But, the greatest joy is knowing that her joy is born in the Holy Spirit and intoxicates Elizabeth’s heart. Elizabeth is very happy, because her son also jumps for joy in her womb, since it is the presence of God himself.
There is also a lot of tranquility and contentment in Mary, because she knows that she is loved by her family and especially loved and satisfied by God. When María sees Isabel’s great satisfaction, her soul expands and reveals her most intimate feelings.
Mary, a very humble woman
This woman chosen by God among many others, is undoubtedly a creature that does not harbor any malice in her heart and does not want protagonism either. She remains attached to the divine plan of God. Demonstration of that humility, we find it in the following passage.
Then Mary said:
“My soul magnifies the Lord; and my spirit will rejoice in God my Savior. Because he has seen the lowliness of his servant; since I, from now on, will be called blessed by all generations. For he has greatly blessed me the Most High; Holy is his name, and his mercy is known from generation to generation, to those who fear him.
He did great things with his arm; she scattered the smugs at the thought of his hearts. She removed the mighty from their thrones, and glorified the humble. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he has sent away empty.
He helped Israel his servant, remembering the mercy of which he spoke to our fathers, towards Abraham and his descendants forever “.
Luke 1:46-55
The words flow from his lips like water, from a well of abundant reserve. He has spent endless hours, dedicated to meditation, and has been able to understand everything, with the divine help of the Holy Spirit. She meditatively observes how small her being is, but, in addition, it denotes that everything that God has worked in her, are as big as the universe itself. She is able to see the salvation of men, the fall of sin crushed by the grace of God.
Hidden life of Jesus: Joseph is put to the test
In the stories of the hidden life of Jesus, it is said that when Joseph woke up after being visited by the angel, he fulfilled what the Lord had ordered him, and received his wife Mary.
Joseph’s dilemma
Mary, in addition to fulfilling the holy will of God, to which she gives herself body and soul. In the same way, she is exposed to innumerable tests like the ones she had to endure, such as the episode of doubts, which José went through at a certain moment.
Everything goes on as normal, until María returns from visiting her cousin Isabel. The signs of her pregnancy are quite marked, and José is aware of this fact.
In the book of Matthew chapter 1, verses 18 to 21, the birth of Jesus is related:
“When his mother Mary was united in marriage with Joseph, and long before that union was consummated, she was found to have conceived of the Holy Spirit.
José, who was a fair husband, and did not want to publicly discredit her, secretly wanted to leave her.
angel revelation
And while he was thinking about that, at that precise moment, an angel of God appeared to him in a dream and said: Joseph, who are the son of David, do not be afraid to receive Mary your wife, because what she carries in her womb, was begotten by the Holy Spirit.
She will give birth to a son, and by name you shall call him Jesus, for he will come to save his people from their sins.”
Matthew 1:18-21
The moral integrity of Mary, for Joseph there is no doubt. Rather it is a matter of feeling surprised, given the fact that something divine has happened in her life and he still does not know what it is. He is aware of Mary’s untimely trip to see Elizabeth, for him it is no secret that Elizabeth, being sterile, became pregnant; he is a witness to the joyful face of Mary, and how her life passes in prayer.
But he is concerned that he does not know everything, that he barely knows a fragment of all this great work. He senses that something great and holy is happening, but he feels that he is not worthy of being part of such a great work. He meditates on the possibility of completely getting away from everything, on the idea that he will be disowned by everyone. But he also considers abandoning Maria and her child.
Mission and obedience of Joseph
Given the anguish that overwhelmed Joseph for not fully knowing God’s plans, he is given light in such a surprising way about everything that was God’s work. He is made to know that the word became flesh, that his wife Mary is part of this beautiful planning and that she will be the mother of the son of God, of whom he will be the Savior of the world and of the people of Israel. .
They make her understand the reasons why Elizabeth will give birth to a son being so old, and that this son will have a place in history, as the ancestor of the Messiah Savior. And that he, Joseph, will become before the eyes of men, and in his heart, as the father of that Son, who is only the Son of God. It is entrusted to him to be the one who guards the honor of Mary and her son Jesus hers.
God assigns him the task of becoming the man who lives with the wife of the Holy Spirit, who is also his wife, and with the Only Begotten Son of God. This passage is also part of the little-told story of the hidden life of Jesus.
Jesus’ birth
In the stories of the hidden life of Jesus, we must highlight the events that occur when the child is born, and it is he who will come to open the divine paths of the earth
Six months passed after the truth was revealed to Joseph, which were of great joy for Mary and Joseph. The announcements of the were that the Messiah had to be born in Bethlehem, the city of David; but Mary and Joseph, as was their custom, decide to leave it in the hands of God, who is ultimately the one who guides them as the Father that he is.
Emperor Caesar Augustus signed a decree in which everyone had to be registered. And by the time the news of the registration in the city of Bethlehem arrives, the baby Jesus is about to be born, and they go to the city of David. With which the fulfillment of the Scriptures begins.
“It happened that, in those days, an edict was promulgated by Augustus Caesar, that everyone had to register.
This first census was made while Quirinius was governor of Syria. And they all went to be registered, each one to their respective locality. And Joseph went from Galilee, from the city of Nazareth, to Judea, to the city of David, which is called Bethlehem, because he was of the house and family of David; to be registered with Mary his wife, married to him, who was pregnant.
And it happened that while they were there, the day of delivery arrived. And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in sheets, and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inns.”
Luke 2:1-7
The birth
The fact that Mary and Joseph could reach Bethlehem, long before the birth of Jesus, was not an easy task. In the town they could not find an inn, so that she could give birth, and this worried them very much. But, even so, they felt confident, since they were used to being guided by the hand of God, and thus fulfill their plans.
In his tireless search, José manages to find a cave that is reserved for animals. Having no other options, they decide to go in and set it up for the night. It is in this place, and on that blessed night, that he arrives in this world, the one that years later will become the Light of all men.
Mary is overjoyed at the birth of her son, the Son of God. It was a birth without detriment to her physique, with the greatest joy. She takes in her arms that little child, helpless like any of the other newborn children, who does not say a word, but is the word itself that comes to the rescue of this world.
The spectators
For God it was very important that there were witnesses to this special event, in the history of the hidden life of Jesus. And who better than some shepherds, to witness this event with their clean and pure hearts.
Very close to the place of the great event, there were some shepherds who slept in the open, while they took turns to watch over the flock during the night. Unexpectedly, an angel of the Lord revealed himself to them, and they were permeated by the glory of the Lord, filling them with great fear.
The words of this angel were: Do not be afraid, since I have come to announce a pleasant and joyful news, which will also be for everyone in the town, and that is that today, in the town of David, our Savior and Lord has been born; and this will serve as a sign “You will find a child who is wrapped in swaddling clothes and is found sleeping in a manger. Out of nowhere appeared to them, next to the angel a crowd of the heavenly host, praising God saying:
“Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to men of good will”
Luke 2:14
shepherds journey
After this event, and the angels having gone to heaven, the shepherds told each other that they should go to Bethlehem, and see with their own eyes, this event that has just happened, in which the Lord had manifested. And they set out in haste, and found Mary, Joseph, and the child lying in his manger.
When they arrived and saw him, they were able to realize everything that the angel had announced to them, regarding this child. The shepherds related what the angel told them, and all those who listened attentively were amazed at everything the shepherds told them. All the stories, María was treasuring them in the depths of her heart.
“And the humble shepherds returned home, and as they did so, they went on glorifying and praising God, for every thing they had heard and seen, just as it had been told them.”
Luke 2:20
other visitors
In addition to the shepherds, other characters find out about the news of the birth of the baby in Bethlehem, as can be seen in the stories of the hidden life of Jesus. Among those are the Magi from the East, who came asking, Where is the king of all the Jews, who has been born? Since we have seen his star shine in the East, and we decided to set out on a journey to come and worship him.
When this news reached Herod’s ears, he was greatly disturbed. To learn more about the fact, he had all the chief priests and scribes of the city gather together to question them and find out the exact place where the Messiah had been born. He managed to find out that it was in Bethlehem of Judah, and that it was thus written by the Prophets.
“But you, Bethlehem Ephratah, little to be among the thousands of Judah, from you will come the one who will be ruler in Israel; and the origins of it are from ancient times, from the days of eternity.”
Micah 5:2
the news spreads
The event of the birth of Jesus also reaches the ears of the intellectuals, and through them, to all of Jerusalem. The doctors of the Law are also informed, and they give a wealth of details to Herod, but they never go to Bethlehem, since this event matters little to them, or they do not give it much credit.
Herod forges in the interior of his heart, many conspiracies to get rid of the baby Jesus. Everything goes very calmly, and the signs of affection are very great for María and José; and the angels are overjoyed at it. But evil already shows its claws, because it is still very strong and its roots have spread beyond its trunk.
gifts to jesus
Herod secretly called the Magi so that they would inform them of the precise moment in which the star of Bethlehem was seen in the East. Once he got what he wanted, he entrusted them to visit them in Bethlehem, with the following mission:
Go and find out all the details regarding the child; and when they find him, they must notify me so that I can also go to adore him. The Magi, after hearing the king, set out to travel to Bethlehem. And the star that they had seen in the East, always remained in front of them, until it stopped exactly on the place where the child had been born.
When they saw the star they were filled with great joy. To which they entered the house, and saw the child with Mary, his mother; they knelt down to worship him and then opened their chests, to offer him gifts, which consisted of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Already willing to regain strength from the fatigue of the trip, during their sleep they were warned that they should not return to Herod, and that he should return to his country using a different route.
“But being warned by revelation in a dream not to return to Herod, they returned to their country by another way.”
Matthew 2:12
Meaning of the gifts
The stories of the hidden life of Jesus What is known about the meaning of the gifts? The meaning of the presents of the Magi to Jesus: gold like that of a king, frankincense like that of the priests and myrrh whose meaning is immortality. The Magi know perfectly well who they are looking for.
This is the reason why they undertake such a long journey, and go through such complicated paths. For this, fatigue is not an impediment, because they will go to meet the king of the Jews, the one who came to rid the world of all his sins.
The star symbolizes the light that walks in the night. When she hides, she turns to those who keep the word of God. And their hearts are full, for the immense joy of having rediscovered the star, and being able to see the son of God in the arms of his Mother, to be able to adore him and thus return happily to his country, their souls filled with that light that he radiates. .
The purification in the Temple
The hidden life of Jesus, once completed the days of his purification as it is written and according to the Law of Moses, is taken to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.
Mary and Joseph go to the Temple for purification, a ritual where the mother must be present. The Holy Spirit manifests himself through an old man, and speaks to give the key to how to understand Jesus when he manifests himself in his public life
“And when the days of purification according to the Law of Moses were fulfilled, they took him to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord, as it is written in the Law of the Lord. That every firstborn male will be delivered to the Lord; and as an offering, a pair of turtle doves or an equal number of pigeons must be presented, as stipulated in the Law of the Lord”.
Luke 2:22-24
In Jerusalem lived a man named Simeon. He was a righteous and God-fearing man who awaited the consolation of Israel. With him was the Holy Spirit, from whom he had received the revelation that he would not die without first having seen the son of the Lord. That was how he approached the Temple moved by the Spirit. And when Joseph and Mary entered with the child Jesus in their arms, to comply with what the laws said about him. Simeon took him in his arms and blessed God with these words:
“Now Lord, let your servant go in peace, according to your word: because my eyes have already seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples: light that enlightens the Gentiles and glory to your people Israel ”.
Luke 2:29-32
Mary and Joseph were surprised by the words they just heard from Simeon. He blessed them, and told Mary that he had come into the world to end sin and resurrect the people of Israel.
“ And there lived a prophetess named Ana, this was the daughter of Phanuel, who belonged to the tribe of Asher. She was quite advanced in age, she had lived with her husband for seven years married, and after being widowed, she lived to be eighty-four years old. She always stayed close to the Temple, fasting and praying day and night. And when she was able to see that moment in the hidden life of Jesus, she did not stop praising God, and she spoke of him to all who desired the salvation of Jerusalem”
Luke 2: 36-38
Hidden life of Jesus in Nazareth
The time that passes during the stay of Jesus in Nazareth, from his birth to approximately thirty years of age, is what is known as the hidden life of Jesus.
The evangelists began to recount the life of Jesus, but they did so from the end, that is, they begin their stories from the resurrection. They continued their writing, recounting everything they had seen Jesus doing and the words he had said to them.
When the time comes to record in writing how Jesus’ childhood had passed, they realize that they actually knew very little about it. It is then that they see the need to turn to Mary, and ask her to provide the data and thus continue with the record of the hidden life of Jesus, they also had to interview many of the people who were by his side. And they had seen him grow up.
Information gathering
With this accumulation of information collected, it is how they were able to write down the life of Jesus, from his birth to thirty years of age, which is when Jesus leaves the family bosom to be baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan.
The evangelists, as they wrote the hidden life of Jesus, realized that Jesus, despite having been a man just like them, was someone very special. This is the reason why, in the gospels, those characteristics that made him stand out from the rest of the men are highlighted.
Thus, we find situations in the birth of Jesus that we will never find in the birth of another child. For example, the star over the portal in Bethlehem, the Magi who traveled a long way to worship him, all the angels who were sent by God to announce the pregnancy of Mary, tell the shepherds that the Messiah has already been born, and just like these, many more that is not typical that occurs in the delivery of a woman.
jesus and family
At this point in history, it is no secret to anyone that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, which is a town in Judea, in Israel. The full name is Jesus of Nazareth, and this is because, in ancient times, surnames were not used, instead, people used the name of the town where they were born as a surname, it is for this reason that Jesus adopts to that of Nazareth.
His parents had the name of María, his mother; and José that of her father. Her father had a job as a carpenter and Maria was in charge of the housework. The job of housewife, in those days was a very rough task, since there were tasks that required great effort and physical wear.
The social stratum where Jesus’ family is located is the lower middle class, and this is thanks to José’s carpenter trade and that he had his own carpentry. And Jesus belongs to the Jewish people, and he is considered as an heir of Abraham, Jacob and David.
The hidden life of Jesus, seen from the Gospel of Matthew
In Nazareth, what is known as the hidden life of the Lord will take place. All the inhabitants are unaware of all the events that have occurred.
The genealogy of Jesus
Matthew begins the writing of his gospel, characterizing each of the members that make up the family tree of Jesus. And with this he wants to make it clear that Jesus belongs to the people of Israel and that he is the Messiah that they have long awaited. Next, we mention the complete tree from which the life of Jesus, son of David and son of Abraham, emerges.
- Abraham fathered Isaac, Isaac fathered Jacob, and Jacob fathered Judah and all his brothers.
- Judah fathered Tamar, Perez and Zara; Fares to Esrom, and Esrom to Aram.
- Aram gave life to Aminadab, Aminadab to Nahshon, and the latter to Salmon.
- Salmon conceived Boaz with Rahab, Boaz fathered Obed by Ruth, and Obed fathered Jesse.
- Jesse fathered King David, and King David gave birth to Solomon, whose wife was Uriah.
- Solomon conceived Rehoboam, Rehoboam conceived Abijah, and Abijah conceived Asa.
- Asa fathered Jehoshaphat, Jehoshaphat fathered Joram, and Joram fathered Uzziah.
- Uzziah fathered Jotham, Jotham fathered Ahaz, and Ahaz fathered Hezekiah.
- Hezekiah gave life to Manasseh, Manasseh to Amon, and Amon to Josiah.
- Josiah fathered Jeconiah and all his brothers, at the time of the exile to Babylon.
- After the exile to Babylon, Jechonias procreated Shealtiel, and Shealtiel Zerubbabel.
- Zerubbabel fathered Abiud, Abiud fathered Eliakim, and Eliakim fathered Azor.
- Azor gave life to Zadok, Zadok to Aquim, and Aquim to Eliud.
- Eliud fathered Eleazar, Eleazar fathered Mattan, Mattan fathered Jacob.
- Jacob gave life to Joseph, who became the husband of Mary, from whom Jesus, called the Christ, was born.
And so in this way, it is that all the generations from Abraham to David were fourteen; from David to the Babylonian exile, there were also fourteen generations, and the same number of generations, from the Babylonian exile to Christ.
birth of the messiah
It is Mateo who affirms that María would remain pregnant, even without having consummated her marriage with José. With this statement he gives recognition to the fact that said pregnancy is the work and action of the Holy Spirit.
The fact that it is José, who decides the name of the child who will soon see the light, is an indication that he acts as a selfless father and that he fully accepts the mission that has been placed under his responsibility, for its faithful fulfillment.
Those who come from the East
The wise men of the East came from a very distant country. To worship the Messiah, despite the fact that his religion and culture had no similarities with the Jewish culture, and believe that Jesus was worthy of knowing and being worshiped.
It is through this story that Matthew wants to express that Jesus comes into the world to save all human beings, without excluding those who are not the children and inhabitants of Israel. This event is known by the name of Epiphany, which means that it is a manifestation of God before men.
Herod’s persecution and flight to Egypt
Very different from what happened with the wise men of the East, Herod, who was the king of the Jews, does not feel safe with the birth of Jesus, who has just been born. Such a situation leads to Joseph and Mary having to flee with their family to Egypt and the deaths of innocent children.
An angel appears to José in a dream, to let him know of the danger, that they run as a family.
Joseph interrupts Mary’s dream to let her know something urgent: an angel of God has just revealed himself to her in a dream and has told her:
“Get up, grab the child and his mother, and flee immediately to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you, because Herod ordered all the children to be found to kill him”
Matthew 2:13
In this way, it is like José, María and Jesús undertake the flight that same night. Such a fact happens just in time, because news reaches Herod that the astrologers have deceived him. He had asked them, after visiting the Messiah, to return to give him news about the child, but, instead, they went by other roads, heading to his country.
With which Herod enters an uncontrollable rage, and with the firm determination to finish off the baby Jesus, he instructs his army to kill all male children, whose ages were between two years or less, who lived in Bethlehem and surrounding areas.
stay in Egypt
Joseph and his family remain in Egypt for a long period after Herod’s death. After some time, an angel reveals himself to Joseph again in a dream and tells him:
“Now it is time for you to get up and take the child, along with his mother, and return to the land of Israel, since those who tried to take the child’s life have died”
Matthew 2:20
Upon being notified that they were no longer in any danger, José undertook the return trip, together with the family, to their country. With this action, another of what is prophesied in the Bible is fulfilled, in which it is stated that God would call his son from Egypt.
“When Israel was a boy, I loved him, and called my son out of Egypt.”
Hosea 11:1
Desiring to settle again in a place close to his old residence, José ponders the possibility of returning with his family to Judea, possibly very close to Bethlehem. But news reaches him that Archelaus, who is the son of the evil Herod, is currently the king of Judea.
He gives up that idea, because through another dream, God lets him know that they are in danger of going to live there. Then, together with Mary, they decide to head further north to settle in the Galilee city of Nazareth, far removed from the center of Judaism. Jesus grows there and another of what is prophesied is fulfilled.
“And he stayed to live in a city called Nazareth. Thus was fulfilled what had been said through the prophets: “He will be called a Nazarene”
Matthew 2:23
Hidden life of Jesus, from the perspective of Luke
As the Holy Scriptures are about a very personal appreciation of the events that occurred, each one of the evangelists captured on paper, how they lived next to Jesus. And Lucas is no exception to this rule.
The birth of John the Baptist and Jesus is announced
In the book of Luke, parallel events are presented that are referred to John the Baptist and Jesus. In this way, he is making very clear the close relationship between John and Jesus. He is John the Baptist, the last of the Old Testament prophets, and his mission is to announce the arrival of a Messiah, of a Redeemer. On the contrary, Jesus is the Messiah they have waited for so long, the savior. It is through Jesus that the stage of salvation begins.
Lucas, in his story of annunciation, gives a leading role to Mary, it is she who speaks directly with the envoy of God, and accepts in a good way, the mission that has been entrusted to her. In this way, the evangelist wishes to make known the importance that Mary has in all of salvation history.
Mary’s visit to Elizabeth
The opportunity for Mary and Elizabeth to meet again is also an opportunity for the meeting of their two unborn children. Where Juan shows his affection, kicking and jumping in the womb of his mother Isabel. From this fact, John lets know the superiority of Jesus.
Elizabeth extols Mary, with words almost identical to those said by the angel, when she makes the annunciation. To which Mary, she responds with a beautiful poem, through which she gives thanks to God, because in her the promises announced in the Old Testament are fulfilled.
The birth of John the Baptist and Jesus
Luke, when he describes the birth of Jesus, is very insistent on the fact that it took place in the city of Bethlehem. And in this way, he intends to make clear the close relationship between Jesus and David, who was also born in Bethlehem.
With the story of the shepherds, Luke intends to point out that Jesus becomes closer to all dispossessed human beings, simple of heart and with a good soul.
circumcision and presentation
They are Simeon and Anna, two worthy representatives of the Jewish people, and they recognize Jesus as their Savior, not only for Israel, but for all peoples, when he is presented in the temple by Mary and Joseph.
With the facts of the circumcision and his presentation in the temple, it is an indication that Jesus accepts the precepts of the Jewish law. It is through this narrative that Luke hints at the mission for which Jesus has come to this world, and it is none other than to fulfill the will of his father, his God.
Neither Mary nor Joseph had given him instructions through the Angel to obviate the requirements of the Jewish Law, regarding newborns and those who have given birth. That is why eight days after the birth occurred, they carry out the circumcision ceremony and forty days later, with the purification of the mother and the presentation of the first-born in the Temple:
“After eight days, they circumcised the child and gave him the name of Jesus, a name that the angel had indicated before his mother became pregnant.
In the same way, when the day arrived in which, according to the Law of Moses, they had to carry out the rite of purification, they took the Child to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord.
Luke 2:21-22
Public life of Jesus
The period from the age of thirty to the moment of his death is known as the Public Life of Jesus. This is because it is the moment when Jesus made himself known and began to preach the words of truth, and heard the truth from the rest of men.
This period of public life of Jesus, even being imbued within the stories of the hidden life of Jesus, is of great historical importance, since it is known of his magnanimous personality, and of everything that God had planned for humanity through of the.
The public life of Jesus takes place in three moments. The reason for this subdivision is due to the need to more easily understand the history of the hidden life of Jesus. Next, the Biblical events unfold.
The baptism
Jesus appears publicly near the Jordan River, and he does so together with John the Baptist. Jesus appeared there like any other Israelite, and it was for nothing else, but to be baptized. Given this fact, Juan was very surprised, and tried to persuade him. The group of believers who were in the place wondered, is not the Messiah that we wait so much? For this reason, it was not necessary for him to convert.
Despite this, Jesus was very insistent with this action, because for Him, being baptized had a very special meaning. Which was, to be able to express publicly, to fulfill the task that God the Father had entrusted to him.
“Juan tried to persuade him. He said to him: “I am the one who requires to be baptized by you, and do you come to me?”
“Jesus answered him: Let it be so this time, since it is good that we comply in this way with everything that is fair.” Then Juan stopped stopping him.
Matthew 3:14-15
Other biblical passages
Thus, when he enters the world, he says: “’You did not want sacrifices or offerings, but you prepared a body for me. You approved neither burnt offerings nor sin offerings.” So I said, ‘Look, I have come, and in the book it is written about me, that your will be done, O God.’”
Hebrews 10:5-7
I didn’t even know about him, but the one who entrusted me to baptize with water told me: “You will know who is the one who baptizes with the Holy Spirit, when you see that the spirit descends and rests on him”.
John 1:33
And as soon as Jesus was baptized, he came out of the water, and at that precise moment the heavens opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending in the form of a dove and coming on Jesus.
John 3:16
provocations in the desert
After Jesus is baptized by John, he prepares to make a retreat for a long period of time, in the desert. He dedicated a large part of the days to fasting and giving himself in prayer. Being in the fulfillment of his retirement, he is tempted three times.
But the temptation to have abundant material resources, to have a lot of power and the ambition to be recognized, do not detract from the possibility of fulfilling his mission.
Leaning on his faith, he recognizes that by giving in or giving in to these temptations, he would be setting aside his task, and failing to fulfill the will of the Father. For this reason he rejects them, and makes the determination to choose three paths, which will guide him through his long journey. These paths are that of poverty, of serving others, and of being a man full of humility. And this is how the hidden life of Jesus continues to be an enigma, even in our times.
first temptation
Then Jesus, guided by the Spirit, prepared to make his retreat, in the desert where he was tempted by the Devil. He kept a fast of forty days, with his forty nights and at the end of that time he felt hungry. To which the Devil approached him and said: “If you really are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread.” And He answered: “It is written: that man does not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.”
second temptation
Then the Devil took him to the Holy City, where he placed him on the roof of the temple and told him: “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself into the void, since it is already written: that he has commanded his angels about you; and they will carry you on his palms so that your foot will not stumble on the stone.” To which Jesus replied: “It is also written: It is not permitted to put the Lord your God to the test.”
last temptation
Finally, the Devil took Jesus to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and said to him: “All this will be yours, if you bow down before me, and worship me.” And Jesus’ answer was: “Get away from me, Satan! For thus it is written: You shall worship the Lord your God, you shall serve him only.” At that moment the Devil left, and some angels came to serve him.
Matthew 4:1-11
The kingdom of God is announced
Jesus, like every good son of Israel, was educated by Mary and Joseph, following the custom of transmitting to the following generations, that there would be a kingdom of God or the reign of God. It was an idea that everyone harbored in his mind and in his heart; especially Jesus, that as his faith and his communication with his Father grew closer, the idea became clearer and clearer.
For Jesus, the ability to preach was innate and he did it with such originality that he was the only Jewish prophet to affirm with total conviction that the reign of God, which had been announced so much, and the salvation that was implicit, was not a simple promise, rather it was a reality that would soon come true. And that it was through him that it would materialize. So you can read, in the story of the hidden life of Jesus.
Signs in the synagogue of Nazareth
“Jesus returned to Galilee guided by the Holy Spirit, and his glory spread throughout the region. He went preaching in his synagogues, and was praised by all. He arrived at Nazareth, the place where he had been educated and raised and, according to the customs, he had to enter the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and he went to do the reading.
They gave him the book of the prophet Isaiah and when he opened it, he found the passage where it says the following: “The Spirit of the Lord rests on me, because I have been marked with sacred oil, to be the bearer of good news, to the poor I have been brought to proclaim the release of the captives and give sight to all the blind. Also to bring freedom to the oppressed and proclaim a year of grace from the Lord”.
He closed the book, and handed it to the minister, and then sat down. In the synagogue all those present had their eyes fixed on him. To which Jesus, he began to tell them: “This that I just read to you and you heard, has been fulfilled today.” And all who were present bore witness to him and were spellbound at the gracious words that came from his mouth.”
(Luke 4, 14-22)
the shock
That Saturday in the synagogue, with those words, Jesus caused great commotion in all the attendees. Some, who were actually very few, really believed in it and were able to accept it. While a large majority, they did not give any credence to his words. However, the great weight and power of those words gained ground among believers, because God was there, and through him, wonderful changes were brought about in each of the people, and in the rest of the world.
For Jesus it was known, and in this way he transmitted it, that, through his words and how he acted, he still did not represent the full expression of the reign of God, but he was emphatic, in showing in them and with them, that he was himself the Father God. That he, with his saving love, acted in the world, and his mission, of those who saw and listened to him, was to open and expand his hearts, to nest and welcome him, to begin to live in a new way. .
All the activities in which Jesus participated are at the service of the kingdom of God, and everything revolves around that, from there. Everything is subject to the idea of the arrival of the Kingdom of God, everything absorbs its unity, its essence and greatness, from that certainty of the Kingdom.
Intentions in the words of Jesus
Since time immemorial, the words of Jesus had the intention of transmitting to his generation, and to future generations, that all human beings of all times and all nations open their hearts and lives and consecrate them to God. , and to his infinite goodness. Assuming in our daily behavior, what He aspires from us, which is nothing else, that we love him deeply, and that, just as we love him from the depths of our hearts, we are capable of loving our neighbor.
On the other hand, Jesus expressed in his preaching that the Christian faith cannot be internalized, as a simple acceptance from the theoretical, but rather, we must be active seekers of the kingdom of God, throughout the world. As Jesus said to his disciples:
“Seek first the Kingdom of God and all its justice, and everything else will come as a complement to that”
Matthew 6:33
The soon coming of the kingdom of God is announced, in the stories of the hidden life of Jesus, it tells us that it is already near, and that, moreover, it is among us. This constitutes excellent news, because, after all, it is the kingdom of God, the constitution on this earthly plane, of the materialization of salvation, which had been promised us so much, when the Messiah arrived to the people of the.
Jesus names those who will be his first disciples, Simon, who is actually called Peter, his brother Andrew, also among them are James, John, and one of his brothers. But with the passing of time, and as the number of followers increased, twelve disciples had to be appointed to help him.
And in their company, he dedicated himself to traveling from town to town, and the surrounding villages, to announce the arrival of the kingdom of God, as some Hebrew prophets had done before him.
“The law and the prophets were until John; since then the kingdom of God is announced, and everyone strives to enter it.”
Luke 16:16
Jesus reveals that God is his Father
In a passage from the story of the hidden life of Jesus, in which he is accused by a group of Jews for disobeying the law of the Sabbath, and also for having cured a sick man on that day, he tells them:
“My father is still working at this time, that’s why I’m still working too”
John 5:17
Actually, Jesus has not disobeyed the law that God has given about the Sabbath day. On the contrary, when he preaches and heals the sick any day of the week, he is doing good deeds, just like his Father. That is why Jesus works with good every day.
The Jews gathered in front of Jesus erroneously conclude that he is not respectful of what is stipulated in the Sabbath law, in addition to feeling offended because he has said that God is his Father and, for them, that is blasphemy. But Jesus is not frightened by what they have said, and offers details of the close relationship he has with God.
“ Because the Father who loves the Son, and teaches him all the things that he himself does. He will also teach you much greater works than these, so that you will be amazed”
John 5:20
Hidden Life of Jesus: Giver of Life
According to what was written by John in chapter 5, verses 21 to 24. The Father is the one who gives life. From this there are facts that show that in the past, God invested grace in some of his servants, so that they could resurrect other people. This is how both the Father and the Son can resurrect the dead and give them life.
“Just as the Father raises the dead and gives them life, in the same way the Son will give life to those he loves.”
Since the Father judges no one, but that power was given to the Son, so that everyone honors the Son, in the same way, in which they honor the Father. And he who does not honor the Son will not be honoring the Father who sent him.”
“It is very true, and I tell you: He who listens to my word, and believes the one who sent me, has eternal life; and he will not come into condemnation, but he has passed from death to life.”
John 5:21-24
Jesus is aware that, despite having an extraordinary authority, he recognizes and makes it very clear that he is inferior to God, and this is evident when he expresses that he cannot do anything by his will, he simply complies with the will of God. his father.
“I can’t do anything for myself; as I hear, so I judge; and my judgment is just, because I do not seek my will, but the will of the one who sent me, that of the Father”.
John 5:30
For all the above, it is that the Jews had no excuses to reject Jesus, since, in the scriptures, they had the living testimony, referring to Jesus. That, if for a moment they believed in the word of Moses, they would also believe in him, since it was Moses who wrote about Jesus.
“Because if you believed Moses, you would believe me, because he wrote about me. But if you do not believe his writings, how can you believe my words?”
John 5:46-47
The hidden life of Jesus becomes public
When Jesus makes the leap to the public arena, a controversy is created around him. Initially, he gained many followers, but as the days went by, reactions against him began to flourish.
The Pharisees and the Doctors of the Law did not agree very much with the interpretation that Jesus was making around the Jewish laws, especially the one that mentioned the Sabbath law. Another aspect that caused concern was that it forgives sins, without demanding compliance with what is established as penance in the Law.
Passion, death and burial
From the beginning when it became public that Jesus is the Messiah they had long awaited, he was a man whose peers did not really understand the purpose of his mission. Many of the villagers felt that they had been cheated, since they expected miracles and Jesus only asked for conversion of heart.
Even by his own disciples, he was misunderstood. For example, Peter, he could not understand, much less accept, the idea that the Son of God had to die crucified, in addition to being betrayed by Judas.
The Jewish authorities that constituted the Sanhedrin or Supreme National Religious Council, saw a latent danger in Jesus, for all their institutions, especially because of his attacks on the temple in Jerusalem.
All this accumulation of adverse situations to the hidden life of Jesus, was propitiating the creation of a climate, which did not favor the cause of the Messiah at all. That became much more tense, as a result of his arrival in Jerusalem, for the celebration of the Passover festivities. It was then that the Sanhedrin decided that they should take matters into their own hands and annihilate Jesus.
Jesus was aware of the adverse reaction that all his activities produced, and he sensed that he was already sentenced to death. On countless occasions, he pointed it out to all of his disciples. But, even so, this was not a reason for him to change the message, much less his works. On the contrary, he believed that death was part of the mission that his Father had given him.
He tried to give meaning to his death, which was already approaching him, Jesus said that, through his death, he would be giving life to others, that was the reward for all his work.
“Truly, truly, I say to you, that if the grain of wheat does not fall to the ground and die, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
He who loves his life will lose it; and whoever hates his life in this world, he will keep it for eternal life.
If anyone serves me, follow me; and where I am, there also my servant will be. If anyone serves me, my Father will honor him.”
John 12:24-26
When announcing Jesus announced his death, he is also talking about his resurrection, since he trusts that his Father will not allow this whole process of work to end with his death, since this would have been, giving reason to those who wanted his death.
Last Supper and Eucharist
On the morning of Thursday, Jesus called aside his two favorite disciples, who were Peter and John, and ordered them to go to Jerusalem, saying:
“Go and prepare the Passover for us to eat”
Luke 22:8
With these instructions, Peter and John hurriedly left Bethany and ran to Jerusalem to organize everything necessary for the feast. Arriving in Jerusalem, they found the place, according to what Jesus had requested. Preparations were many for the celebration of this banquet.
At sunset, Jesus arrived at the place of celebration, and sat down at the table with his twelve apostles. This occasion was to celebrate among themselves, so there were no other diners. The site destined for the meeting was located on the top of Mount Zion, a place that, to this day, is still venerated.
Many still wonder what was the real reason why Jesus resorted to this mysterious tactic of sending the two disciples to find the place where he wanted the Passover meal to be held.
Well, the answer is very simple, he wanted at all costs that Judas knew in advance, the place of the meeting. If he had known beforehand, he would report it to the chief priests during the day; and very likely, they would have captured him before the scheduled time, prior to the legacy and donation of generous love, which he wanted to make to his Church, through the celebration of the Holy Eucharist.
Hidden life of Jesus: The hour of arrest has come
Once the celebration of the dinner was over, the disciples went out to tour the town, while Jesus remained praying. Thinking that his Father’s will would soon be done, late at night and while the disciples slept, Jesus was arrested, and they all fled.
the trial
Jesus was subjected to two trials, one was religious and the other was political.
religious judgment
Once arrested, Jesus is taken before the Sanhedrin, which is the highest religious authority of the Jewish people. This is presided over by the high priest. While there, they accuse him of having spoken against the temple. To such accusation, Jesus publicly acknowledged being the Messiah sent by God, in the eyes and criteria of the high priest, Jesus was blaspheming, and according to Jewish law, blasphemy is punishable by death. And this earned him to be sentenced to death immediately.
Once the religious trial was over, the Jewish authorities transferred Jesus to Pontius Pilate, who was the Roman governor. The reasons they argued for his presentation before the Roman authority were:
- They chose that it be the Roman authorities, and not them, who had to give answers to the people, for the death of Jesus.
- They wanted to ingratiate themselves with the Romans, since, by handing Jesus over to him, they recognized them as their political authority.
The trial before Pilate had another nuance, very different from the one that took place before the Sanhedrin. He is now accused of proclaiming himself the king of the Jews. And this is a very dangerous accusation, since they placed Jesus in a position of being a subject who is disturbing public order.
Pilate’s sentence was the sentence to die crucified, and this penalty was only intended for those highly dangerous criminals, and members of the lower social classes.
The hidden life of Jesus is public through the resurrection
A differentiation must be made with respect to what is reviving? And what is resuscitation?, since they are two completely different things. In the first place, we have to revive, it is what the body experiences when returning to life, in the same space and time. Like, for example, the catalepsy suffered by Saint Teresa of Jesus.
This condition is a disorder of the central nervous system. And it is characterized because the person suffers from a body paralysis, accompanied by a numbness of the muscles, which prevents him from making any type of movement.
This disorder for years has been known as. Apparent death, since there are known cases in which some people were buried alive in a state of catalepsy, and who were thought to have died.
And to resurrect is to continue living, but in a different way from our previous life. The theme of the resurrection is directly proportional to our faith in a Father God, who gives us life, and does not allow it to be lost.
the empty tomb
In the scenario of the resurrection of Jesus, the faith of the disciples was not what possible they spoke of the resurrection of the Messiah. On the contrary, it was the product of the real encounter with the risen Jesus, since they were able to see and touch him, despite his disbelief. Such an event raised the faith of the disciples, through the firm reality of his presence, through his resurrection.
Added to this conviction is the fact that Jesus’ tomb was empty, that is, they did not find his body. It is a point that cannot be seen in isolation, because some recent investigations want to show that the non-presence of the corpse inside the tomb does not mean that Jesus has risen. This fact may also be due to the fact that they were able to steal the body during the night, but it has no connection since the resurrection makes mention of the body, understood as referring to the person as a whole.
The fact of the empty tomb does not mean a starting point for us to believe in the resurrection of Jesus, since it admits a large number of interpretations. It was simply a sign or message from God, to prepare his disciples to receive the message of the resurrection.
Encounters with the Risen Jesus
The encounter of Jesus with his disciples, once resurrected, caused an unspeakable overflow of faith. It produced in them an assault of joy, peace and many desires to go out and announce to others what they had seen.
When it is asserted that Jesus has risen, it does not mean that he was simply alive in the memory of the disciples, or that his message was still alive among them. To say that Jesus has risen, is affirming that he is alive forever, acting and making himself visible in the world. It is what is said in the hidden life of Jesus.
ascend to the sky
It cannot be affirmed that heaven is a place and for this reason, it cannot be above or below. What we call heaven is God’s world, and being in heaven is equal to affirming that we will be with God forever.
What the gospels contain, and that is what they want us to understand, by saying that he ascended to heaven, is that Jesus only appeared to his disciples for a time, and that these encounters will not be repeated again, and that Since then, the Messiah has been fully enjoying the divine life. That period of appearances had a beginning and an end. And so it is written in the accounts of the hidden life of Jesus.
“When the Lord Jesus finished speaking with his disciples, God took him up to heaven. There, Jesus sat in the place of honor, at the right side of God.
Mark 16:19
The crucifixion and death
Jesus was subjected to horrible and unthinkable torture, his executioners were harsh with his humanity, they whipped him, beat him, made fun of him, among other humiliations that poor Jesus had to endure. They crucified him outside the walls of Jerusalem, along with two other criminals. Many of his enemies gloried in Jesus’ suffering, and many of his followers saw him as a failure.
Jesus, before dying, gave Mary as mother to his beloved disciple, and he as son to Mary. From that moment on, Mary became the mother of all the disciples of Jesus.
Jesus, faithful to the will of his Father God, fulfilled everything that was written that would happen, and for this reason his death is an act of salvation for all humanity.
Way of the Cross
The way of the cross or viacrucis as it is also known, are the different events that Jesus suffered from the time he was arrested, until his crucifixion and subsequent burial. And it is contained in the story of the hidden life of Jesus.
For its representation, it consists of 14 different stations. In which the different experiences that Jesus had are narrated, on the way to his death and his subsequent resurrection.
It is the way of the cross is itself, a devotion to the sacrifice made by our Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary. First of all, to save our souls from an eternity away from him, through the way of the cross we can meditate on the passion of Christ. And at the same time, pray, pray and ask for forgiveness for each of our sins and offenses, confident that God will grant us forgiveness, through his Son.
The fourteen seasons are shown below:
The soldiers imprison Jesus on the Mount of Olives, condemning him to death. He is tried and sentenced at night, which was forbidden in Israel, which in itself presents such an act as an unfair trial.
Jesus carries the cross. Due to his weakening from blood loss, he was only able to carry one of the sticks, and not the entire cross.
Jesus had his first fall. As time passed, his strength was less, but the intention was that he would die on the cross. It was imperative for them that the people see it and be able to teach a lesson.
He meets his mother, Maria. Which was like the rest of the people, on both sides of the street.
A man named Simon of Cyrene offers to help Jesus carry the cross.
Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. It is not a fact, that it is known that it happened as it is told.
The Son of God suffers, his second fall.
The Messiah, comfort the women of Jerusalem. Telling them that they should not cry for him, but for themselves and for his children.
It happens for the third time, the fall of Jesus.
You strip the son of God of his garments, they subject him to the most severe of humiliations, which is to strip him naked in public.
is crucified
He dies on the cross, but before it happens he utters a few words, asking for water, because he is very thirsty.
The Lord is taken down from the cross.
He is taken to the holy sepulchre.
Theatrical work: The Way of the Cross
As part of the rescue of our religious values and in order to increase the love of young people for the story of the hidden life of Jesus, an extract of this painful event lived by Jesus is presented.
Next, a series of characters that intervene are presented, in the exemplification of the viacrucis. We suggest that for reasons of location or time they can be adapted to each need of the community. The important thing is that these teachings become widespread in our young people. And the stories of the hidden life of Jesus are made known.
It is important that costumes are used that are in tune with the work that will be performed, try to ensure that the spectators receive the visual impact, through the appropriate clothing.
Narrator: Judas, Pilate, Disciple #2, People #3, People #6, Jesus, High Priest, Centurion, People #1, People #4, People #7, Peter, Maid, Disciple #1, People #2, People # 5.
Narrator: On the first day of the unleavened bread, at the time the Passover lamb was being sacrificed, his disciples said to Jesus:
Disciple #1: Lord, where do you want us to go to prepare your Passover dinner?
Narrator: He sent two disciples saying:
Jesus: Go to the city, there you will find a man carrying a pitcher of water; you must follow him, and in the house that he enters, you will also do it, and you must say to the owner: “The Master asks: Where is the room in which I am going to eat the Passover with my disciples?” He will show you a large room upstairs, which is furnished with divans. They must prepare dinner there.
Narrator: The disciples left, and when they reached the city, they found what he had told them and prepared the Passover meal. When it was evening, Jesus arrived with the Twelve. As they were eating at table, Jesus said:
Jesus: I assure you that one of you is going to betray me, and it is one that is eating with me.
Narrator: They, stupefied, began to ask him one after another.
Disciple #2: Will it be me?
Narrator: Answered:
Jesus: He is one of the Twelve, the one who is dipping in the same fountain as me. The Son of God goes away, as it is written; but woe to him who will deliver the Son of God, it would be better for him not to have been born!
Narrator: And while they were eating, Jesus took a cake of bread, pronounced the blessing, broke it and gave it to them saying:
Jesus: This is my body.
Narrator: And taking a cup, he pronounced thanksgiving, gave it to them, and they all drank. And he told them:
Jesus: This is my blood, the blood of the covenant, which will be shed for all. I assure you that I will not drink the fruit of the vine again, until the day I drink the new wine in the Kingdom of God.
Narrator: After singing the psalm, they left for the Mount of Olives. Jesus told them:
Jesus: Everyone will fall, as it is written: “I will strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered.” But when I am resurrected, I will go before you to Galilee.
Narrator: Peter replied:
Pedro: Even if everyone falls, I don’t.
Narrator: Jesus replied:
Jesus: I assure you that today, tonight, and before the rooster crows twice, you will have denied me three times.
Narrator: But he kept insisting:
Peter: Lord, even if I have to die with you, I will not deny you.
Narrator: To which the others replied the same.
Visit to the Getsemaní farm
Narrator: And he said to his disciples:
Jesus: Sit with me here while I pray.
Narrator: He took Pedro, Santiago and Juan with him, and then he began to feel terror and anguish, and he told them:
Jesus: I’m dying of sadness, stay here pending.
Narrator: And moving away a little, he lay down on the ground asking that, if possible, that hour be away from Him; and she said:
Jesus: Abba! (Father): you can do everything, take that cup away from me. But not what I want, but what you want.
Narrator: When he returned, he found them asleep, he said to Pedro:
Jesus: Simon, are you sleeping? Couldn’t you stay awake for an hour? He watches and prays, so as not to fall into temptation; the spirit is determined, but the flesh is weak.
Narrator: Again he turned away and prayed repeating the same words. She came back, and found them asleep again, because their eyes were tired. And they didn’t know what to answer. He came back and told them:
Jesus: Now you can go to sleep and rest. Enough! The time has come; see that the Son of Man is going to be handed over into the hands of sinners. Get up, come on! The one who delivers me is near.
During the rehearsals, it is important that the most outstanding episodes of the hidden life of Jesus are highlighted.
Narrator: He was still speaking, when Judas appeared, and behind him, there were people with swords and clubs, who were ordered by the high priests, the lawyers and the elders. The traitor had given them a password, telling them:
Judas: Whoever I kiss, it’s him: catch him and take him well fastened.
Narrator: And as soon as he arrived, he approached him and said:
Jude: Master!
Narrator: And he planted a kiss on her cheek. They laid hands on him and seized him. But one of those present drew his sword from him, and with one blow cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest. Jesus spoke and said to them:
Jesus: Did they come to seize me with swords and clubs, like someone hunting a bandit? Daily I have been teaching them in the temple, and they did not stop me. But let the Scriptures be fulfilled.
Narrator: And they all abandoned him and fled. As it was written in the hidden life of Jesus.
Behind him, he was followed by a boy wrapped only in a sheet; and they also wanted to arrest him; but he slipped out of the sheet and escaped from them naked.
They brought Jesus to the house of the high priest, and all the high priests, the scribes, and the elders assembled. Pedro was following him from afar, until the interior of the courtyard of the high priest; and he sat with the servants near the fire to keep himself warm.
The high priests and the whole Sanhedrin tried to find a testimony against Jesus, to condemn him to death; and they couldn’t find it. For although many bore false witness against him, the testimonies were not enough. And some stood up and testified against him, saying:
People: #1: We have heard him say, “I will destroy this temple, built by men, and in three days I will build another not built by men.”
Narrator: But even in this the testimonies were not consistent.
The high priest stood in the middle and questioned Jesus:
High Priest: Have you nothing to answer? What are these charges brought against you?
Narrator: But he remained silent, giving no answer. The high priest questioned him again, asking:
High Priest: Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed God?
Narrator: Jesus replied:
Jesus: Yes, I am. And they will see that the Son of Man is seated at the right hand of the Almighty and that he comes from heaven.
Narrator: The high priest ripped open his robes saying:
High Priest: How much more witnesses are needed, have you heard? Such blasphemy, what do you say?
Narrator: And they all found him guilty, and sentenced him to death. Some spat on him, slapped him and said:
Town #2: Act like a prophet.
Narrator: And the servants slapped him.
the rooster sings
While Peter was sitting in the courtyard, a servant of the high priest came, and when she saw Peter warming his body, she looked at him intently and said:
Maid: You also spent time with Jesus the Nazarene.
Narrator: But he denied it saying:
Pedro: I don’t know, much less understand what you mean.
Narrator: He went out into the hall, and at that moment a rooster crowed.
The maid, seeing him, said again to those present:
Maid: He is one of them.
Narrator: And he went back to deny it again.
After a short time, those present also said to Pedro:
People # 3: It is very sure that you are one of them, because you are a Galilean.
Narrator: But he began to curse and swear:
Pedro: I don’t know this man, please what do you say.
Narrator: And immediately the rooster crowed a second time. Suddenly Peter remembered the words that Jesus had said to him: “Before the rooster crows twice, you will have denied me three times” and he began to cry.
The next day
Hardly was the next day, all the high priests, the elders, lawyers and the full Sanhedrin, elaborated the sentence; and, tying Jesus, they took him to Pilate, to hand him over. Pilate asked him:
Pilate: Are you the King of the Jews?
Narrator: He replied:
Jesus: It is you who says it.
Narrator: And the high priests accused him of many things. Pilate asked the question again:
Pilate: Don’t you answer anything? Listen how many things they accuse you of.
Narrator: Jesus didn’t answer any more, so Pilate was very surprised.
It was a custom that, due to the Easter festival, a prisoner used to be released, no matter which one the town chose. In jail, there was a man called Barrabás, who, along with the rioters, had committed a murder in the revolt. People went upstairs and began asking for the usual pardon. Pilate answered them:
Pilate: Do you want me to release the King of the Jews?
Narrator: Since he knew that the high priests had given it to him out of envy. But under the ropes, the high priests had agreed with a few, so that they would ask for the freedom of Barrabás.
Narrator: Pilate asked for the floor again and asked them:
Pilate: What do you want me to do with the one you call the King of the Jews?
Narrator: They shouted again:
People: We want you to crucify him.
Narrator: Pilate answered.
Pilate: And what harm has he done?
Narrator: Everyone screamed, louder.
People: Crucify him.
Narrator: And Pilate, as he had to fulfill his promise to the people, released Barabbas to them; and Jesus, after flogging him, handed him over to be crucified. The soldiers took him inside the palace, and gathered the whole company. Jesus was dressed in purple, they placed a crown of thorns, which they had braided, and they began to salute him:
People #4: Hail, King of the Jews!
Narrator: They hit him hard on the head, with a baton, they spat on him; and, bending their knees, they prostrated themselves before him.
Once they were done with the taunting, they stripped him of the purple garment, and put his clothes on him. And they took him out into the street to crucify him. And one who was passing, on his way back from the field, Simon of Cyrene, the father of Alexander and Rufus, was forced to carry the cross. As written in The Hidden Life of Jesus.
And they took Jesus to Golgotha or place of the Skull, and offered him wine with myrrh; but he did not accept it. They crucified him and divided his clothes, throwing them by lot, to see what each one took.
It was already mid-morning when they crucified him. And on the indictment sign he had written, “The King of the Jews.” Next to Jesus, they crucified two bandits, one to his right and one to his left. Thus the scripture was fulfilled that says: “They considered him as a criminal.”
All those who passed insulted him, shaking their heads, while saying:
People # 5: Come on, you who said you were going to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days, save yourself by coming down from the cross.
Narrator: The high priests also mocked him saying:
High Priest: Others he has saved, and yet he cannot save himself. That, if he is the Messiah, the king of Israel, he comes down from that cross now, so that we can see it and believe it.
Narrator: Those who were crucified with him also insulted him.
Next to the cross of Jesus were his mother, his mother’s sister Mary Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene. Jesus, being able to see his mother and close to the disciple he loved so much, said to his mother. Thus it is written in the hidden life of Jesus.
Jesus: Mother, there you have your son.
Narrator: Then the disciple said to him: Jesus. Here is your mother.
Narrator: And from that moment, the disciple received her in his house.
Once noon arrived, the entire area was left in darkness until mid-afternoon. And in the middle of the afternoon, Jesus cried out with a loud voice:
Jesus: My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Narrator: Some of those who were still in the place, hearing it, said:
Town #6: Look, he’s calling Elijah.
Narrator: And one of them ran and, dipping a sponge in vinegar, attached it to a stick, and gave him a drink saying:
People # 7: Leave, and let’s see if Elijah comes to take it down.
Narrator: And Jesus, giving a loud cry, expired.
The veil of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. The centurion, who was opposite, seeing how he had expired, said:
Centurion: Truly this man was the Son of God.
Narrator: When night fell, and since it was the day of preparation, that is, the eve of Saturday, Joseph of Arimathea arrived, who was a noble magistrate, who also awaited the Kingdom of God; decided, he went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Pilate was surprised that he was already dead; and, calling the centurion, he asked him if he had been dead for a long time.
Informed by the centurion, he granted the body to Joseph. He bought a sheet and proceeded to lower Jesus. He was wrapped in the sheet and his corpse was placed in a tomb, which had been hewn out of a rock, and as insurance of entry, he rolled a stone into the tomb. Like these stories that we have just seen, there are many more that speak of the hidden life of Jesus.