The Holy Five Minutes of the Holy Spirit What Does It Mean?
For most people religious life is extremely important, belief in the Holy Spirit is usually one of them that happens to be in the lives of Christians of respect and fervor. In this article we will talk about the five minutes of the Holy Spirit ; We invite the reader to learn more about it.
The five minutes of the Holy Spirit
Regarding this theme of the five minutes of the Holy Spirit, we can say that it is very gratifying and beautiful in relation to the journey through the lives of the saints, so that we can understand and feel what the Holy Spirit does in the lives of each of the human beings, and how it works in each life and achieves the necessary changes so that people achieve a happy life and achieve spiritual elevation. In this case we can remember what the Holy Spirit did in the life of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
After the battle that arose in defense of Pamplona, the great Ignacio was wounded. At that moment the Holy Spirit knew how to take advantage of the situation and do his work. From the moment that Ignatius of Loyola rested, he dedicated himself to reading and such an event made him learn more about the life of Jesus Christ through reading and also about the lives of some saints.
All of which caused the flame to light up in his heart and the fervent dedication to the Lord arose. In the place where the altar of the Virgin of Montserrat was located, he placed his sword and began the pilgrimage dressed as a beggar. After some time he managed to reach the spiritual depth that was an expression of the spiritual exercises.
After his training, he was ordained as a priest, forming a small group with evangelizing intentions. From this moment the fruitful Society of Jesus was born. Both his works and those of his Company are numerous. When Ignatius of Loyola died in 1556, the Company had already branched out to India and Japan.
All with great joy and creativity of evangelization. Regarding this, the Church is usually very grateful to him in relation to the task of evangelization.
The last years of his life were spent enjoying many mystical experiences, characterized by great tenderness and mystical joy, which are often reflected in his daily life. Ignatius of Loyola’s thought, God has to be the beginning and the foundation of everything.
For this reason, the most important thing in the life of every Christian is to accept that love governs our life and was created to adore, love and serve God the Father. This must be accepted with sincerity and being clear that it is possible to leave everything and deliver it to the end, without regret. In such a way that the life of Ignatius of Loyola was consecrated to the search for the glory of God, and the works that he did were directed around this.
Let us ask the Holy Spirit that the life of each one of us be lived without mediocrity, that it serve for our deep transformation and make us live in absolute dedication and depth. We ourselves could not do anything on our own, however the Holy Spirit can if we cooperate with him.
What is it about?
The daily reflections have been taken from the book “The Five Minutes of the Holy Spirit”, by the author, the Catholic priest Víctor Manuel Fernández. The author leads us in these daily minutes so that we open our hearts to the Spirit of God and perceive the strength of his consolation.
Exactly what will you receive?
In this community you will find daily a meditation or a prayer that is dedicated to the Holy Spirit. We propose to the reader that after reading, we stay for a few minutes in reflection before the presence of the Lord so that he can do his work in our inner part, in this way and day by day we can try to open our hearts to the “sweet guest of the soul”.
So that?
If our intention is that every day we try to give a place in our lives to the Holy Spirit, we will give him a small collaboration so that our lives are transformed. In this way, in moments of darkness we will have hope and light, in a cold moment the fire will light up a little more, and joy will resurface in our lives.
We want to invite the reader to go hand in hand with the Holy Spirit, and walk together along the path in order to achieve the greatest glory of that God who loves each of his children unconditionally and for our own benefit of the holiness.
Prayer of assistance to the Holy Spirit
“Come Holy Spirit. Today is one more day, I want to live it as if it were the last, or the only one.
I do not want to lose or waste this wonderful gift of life, I do not want to waste this wonderful gift of love.
Grant me the grace and opportunity to spend a good day, enduring with total patience the difficulties, limitations, setbacks and also fully enjoying each lived and pleasant experience, recognizing the nobleness of each human being and discovering your presence at all times.
I cry out to you Holy Spirit so that my problems are not so distressing, pains, unforeseen situations. Help me to learn the positive of everything I experience daily. Grant me in the same way the opportunity to adapt in a noble way to everything, in order to continue the path in hope and calm. Come Holy Spirit, and give me a good day. Amen”.
some reflections
Next, we will present some reflections that we can make in an intimate moment with the Holy Spirit, so that it enters us, helps us and grants us protection, we pass them on to determine:
At this point I stop for a moment to breathe. I just am and I breathe. I put all my attention only on my breathing, on the air that enters and leaves me. And so he let me be and abandoned me.
In a sweet and loving way, he eliminated and pushed aside any thoughts, memories, images that appear and I return to focus serenely only on the breath. I stop only to enjoy the existence that becomes a gift of great value.
In this way and giving myself, I allow the birth of a feeling of positivity and gratitude, as well as true peace. Keeping in mind that in spite of everything, existence and life are worth it. It is much better than not being. This present is wonderful. Thanks thanks.
I allow the Holy Spirit to grow within me upward and give me that feeling of gratitude and sweet sensation.
Other data of interest
There are several frequent forms of expulsion of the Holy Spirit from our lives; and one of the most frequent ways is when we express nostalgia according to the time that is passing, due to the life that is getting out of hand, and because of the passage of youth that is also moving away or that has already passed and there is no return time.
Also with the passage of time we wear out and there are certain things that we can no longer live. We feel pain and there are thoughts that we have lost or wasted our time and the opportunities to be happy, and we also feel fear that time will continue to pass and that we will cry for the one that we have not known how to live.
Many times we forget that there are many ways of living that help time and its passage not be destructive or make us lose vitality. There are ways of life that, with the passage of time, allow it to become a process of ever greater enrichment, the path to a full life, a guide to a youth that is increasingly full of internal vitality.
For a tree, for a wine, for a precious pearl, when time passes imminent wear is not considered weakening, on the contrary, it is maturity that allows improvement and enrichment makes them stronger. It is the same with the spirit of man. Regarding this, Saint Paul himself said: “when our exterior man is falling apart, our interior man is being renewed day after day”.
The sentence is considered a dialogue; however, to be able to pray, it is important and necessary that the same individual discovers that he is close to someone who knows him, who listens to him, who attends to everything that he may be feeling, and that what is said is perfectly understood.
For this reason we must remember that the Holy Spirit is an energy that heals us and does us a lot of good. It is about someone greater and more powerful who is able to profess a love for everyone in a perfect way.
He calls us by our own name, he recognizes us perfectly, because he is God, and he has infinite intelligence, an ability to perfectly understand absolutely everything, with nothing escaping his attention. For this reason, it is not possible for us to hide anything from him, neither feelings, plans, secrets; since the Psalm says:
“Lord, you encourage me and you know me… When the word has not yet reached my tongue, you already know it completely… And if I ask the darkness to cover me, and the night to surround me, for you no shadow is dark and the night is as clear as the day.
We cannot ask the Holy Spirit to know us, to enter our thoughts, it is not possible to push him away so that he ignores us something, it is not possible to hide anything from him; we can’t even constantly hide from it; because he knows everything that happens to us, he knows our fears, he knows what we are talking about.
For this reason, when we go to tell him something, he knows perfectly what exactly we are talking about, we should not feel any fear, nor should we make an effort so that our words are fair and perfect in terms of explanation. It will be enough for us to tell him, since he knows it better than we do.
Currently we have the need for the world to change. However, at the same time we know that the path never brings us the perfection of the goal. Therefore, we must calmly accept that this life does not end up giving us everything we expect from it, and we will only be able to enjoy the small achievements even if they are not all fulfilled.
In this way the poor experience it in a special way, and in this way they feel free from the most terrible weight, the anguished self-demand of achieving in this world the impossible ideal in terms of perfect happiness, or of an insurmountable time.
Through hope, the Church is considered «the true youth of the world», since it «possesses what makes the strength and charm of youth: the ability to rejoice with what is started, to give itself gratuitously, to renew oneself, to start again towards new experiences» (this is the Message to the youth of Vatican II).
The Holy Spirit drives us, and also makes us walk towards a worthy future, it does not lead us like puppets or dolls, on the contrary it gives us motivations for decision making, it makes us use our own talents, virtues, to work together to have a better future, the search for justice and solidarity.
However knowing that the perfect is in heaven, where all the good things that have been achieved are found, and even more than that. For all this, the Holy Spirit always seeks and works in terms of hope in eternal life, reminding us that we were not made only for this earth.
When we enter the presence of the Holy Spirit it is to achieve that for a moment he is the only important one. That produces a different and superior charm in relation to any other desire, a joy that many times the believers themselves shy away from.
The time of prayer can become an empty and superficial time, it can also become a time to think about our own problems, we plan situations, we imagine how we can solve some difficulty in our lives. We search for ourselves. However, at that moment we do not meet the Lord. That still isn’t usually him going into the presence of the Holy Ghost.