The Novena to the Virgen del Carmen: What is it and how do you pray?
If you like the readings of the Catholic religion, I invite you to continue reading this article, since here we will be showing you how to make the Novena to the Virgen del Carmen , and many more things, which we hope will be to your liking.
Novena to the Virgen del Carmen
This novena consists of first making an act of contrition for every day of the novena, after which nine prayers are made, which will be repeated as many times as the person wishes, below we will show you how it is constituted.
act of contrition for every day
«My God and my Lord, prostrated before your Sovereign Majesty, with all my being, with all my soul and all my heart I adore you, I confess, I bless, I praise and I glorify» this begins with this beautiful prayer to thus begin at ninths. «I acknowledge you by my God and my Lord; In You I believe, in You I hope and in You I trust. You have to forgive me my faults and give your grace and perseverance in it, and the glory that you have offered to those who persevere in your love».
Here he thanks God and entrusts the new being to his right hand, so that he may keep him always during all his days of rest.
Prayer to start each day
This act always begins with the same sentence which is:
«Oh Virgin Mary, Mother of God and Mother also of sinners, and special Protector of those who wear your sacred Scapular; for which his divine Majesty magnified you, choosing you to be his true Mother, I beg you to obtain from your dear Son the forgiveness of my sins, the amendment of my life, the salvation of my soul, the remedy for my needs, the consolation of my afflictions and the special grace that I ask for in this Novena, if it is convenient for your greater honor and glory, and for the good of my soul: that I, Lady, make use of your powerful intercession to achieve it, and I would like to have the spirit of all the angels , holy and righteous in order to be able to praise you worthily; and uniting my voices with their affections, I greet you a thousand times, saying: (In this part three prayers are made to the Virgin Mary)».
Prayer for every day to end
At the end of each novena day, a prayer is also said:
«Holy Virgin of Carmen; I wish that everyone without exception be sheltered under the protective shadow of your holy Scapular, that everyone be united to You, my Mother, by the close and loving ties of this your beloved Badge. O beauty of Carmel! Look at us prostrate reverently before your sacred image, and grant us your loving protection benign.
“I recommend to you the needs of our Most Holy Father, the Pope, and those of the Catholic Church, our Mother, as well as those of my nation and those of the whole world, my own and those of my relatives and friends. Look with compassionate eyes at so many poor sinners, heretics and schismatics how they offend your divine Son, and how many infidels moan in the darkness of paganism. May everyone convert and love you, my Mother, as I wish to love you now and for all eternity. So be it”.
prayer day 1
Oh! Virgin of Mount Carmel, Holy Mary, who was figured in that little cloud that the great Prophet of God, Elijah, saw rise from the sea, and with its rain copiously fertilized the earth, signifying the purest fecundity with which you gave the world to your beloved Son Jesus. , for the universal remedy of our souls: I beg you, Lady, to obtain from your majesty copious rains of aid, so that my soul bears abundant fruits of virtues and good works, so that by serving you with perfection in this life, I deserve to enjoy you in the eternal. Thus, Lady, I humbly beg you, saying La Salve»
prayer day 2
Oh! Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Holy Mary, because of your unique love for the Carmelites, you favored them with your familiar treatment and sweet talks, enlightening them with the lights of your teaching and example that they happily enjoyed. I beg you, Lady, to assist me with special protection, reaching me from your blessed Son Jesus light to know his infinite goodness and love him with all my soul; to know my faults and mourn them to know how I should behave in order to serve him with all perfection; and so that my treatment and conversation are always for your greatest honor and glory and the edification of my neighbors. So, Madam, I humbly beg you”, saying a Hail Mary.
prayer day 3
Oh! Virgen del Carmen, Most Holy Mary, who deigned to accept with singular love the filial gift of the Carmelites, who among all mortals were the first to build a temple in your honor on Mount Carmel, where they fervently attended to give you worship and praise. I beg you, Lady, grant me that my soul be a living temple of the Majesty of God, adorned with all the virtues, where He dwells always loved, adored and praised by me, without ever being occupied by the disorderly affections of the temporal and earthly things» .
prayer day 4
Oh! Virgin of Mount Carmel, Holy Mary, who to show your very special love to the Carmelites honored them with the sweet name of your children and brothers, encouraging their trust with such singular favor, to seek in you, as in a loving Mother, the remedy, the consolation and protection in all their needs and afflictions, moving to the imitation of your exalted virtues. I beg you, Lady, look at me, as a loving Mother and obtain for me the grace to imitate you, so that I can worthily be called your son, and that my name be inscribed in the book of predestination of the children of God and brothers of my Lord Jesus Christ. So Madam, I humbly beg you, saying a Hail».
prayer day 5
Oh! Virgen del Carmen, Most Holy Mary, who to defend the Carmelites, your children, when they tried to extinguish the sacred Religion of Carmel, always showing the love and singular predilection with which you protect them, you sent the Supreme Pontiff, Honorius III, to receive them benignly and confirm its institute, giving it as a sign that this was your will and that of your divine Son, the sudden death of two who especially contradicted it. I beg you, Lady, defend me from all my enemies of soul and body, so that with quietude and peace I always live in the holy service of God and yours. Thus, Madam, I humbly beg you, saying a Hail».
prayer day 6
Oh! Virgin of Mount Carmel, Holy Mary, who to mark the Carmelites as your special children, you enriched them with the unique garment of the holy scapular, linking in it so many graces and favors for those who devoutly wear it and fulfilling their obligations, seek to live so that by imitating your virtues, they show that they are your children. I beg you, Lady, obtain for me the grace to always live as a true Christian and lover of the holy scapular, so that I deserve to achieve the fruits of this beautiful devotion. Thus, Madam, I beg you humbly, saying: God save you».
prayer day 7
Oh! Virgin of Mount Carmel, Holy Mary, who in your holy Scapular gave to those who devoutly wear it, a firm shield to defend themselves from all the dangers of this world and from the snares of the devil, accrediting this truth with so many and so unique miracles. I beg you, Lady, to be my powerful defense in this mortal life, so that in all tribulations and dangers I find security, and in temptations come out victorious, always achieving your special assistance to achieve it. Thus, Madam, I humbly beseech you, saying: God save you.”
prayer day 8
Oh! Virgin of Mount Carmel, Holy Mary, who exercise your special protection at the hour of death for those who devoutly wear your holy scapular, so that through true penance they may leave this life in the grace of God and free themselves from the pains of hell. I beg you, Lady, to assist me, protect and console me at the hour of my death, and obtain for me true penance, perfect contrition for all my sins, burning love of God and an ardent desire to see and enjoy him, so that my soul does not perish. nor condemn, but go safely to the eternal happiness of glory. Thus, Madam, I beg you humbly, saying: God save you».
prayer day 9
Oh! Virgin of Mount Carmel, Most Holy Mary, extending your love to the Carmelites, even after death, as the most pious Mother of those who wear your holy scapular, you comfort their souls when they are in Purgatory, and with your prayers you get them out as soon as possible. those pains, to go to enjoy God, our Lord, in glory. I beg you, Lady, reach me from the divine Majesty of him, I fulfill the obligations of a Christian and the devotion of the holy scapular, so that I achieve this most unique favor. Thus, Madam, I humbly beg you, saying: pray three Hail Marys».
All these prayers are always done carrying the beautiful scapular of the Virgen del Carmen .
Book of the Virgin of Carmen
The work of the Virgen del Carmen was written in 1952. Its objective was to fill the peoples with wisdom, to minimize the astral beliefs of sorcerers and witches whose plan was to cause harm to third parties, through fornication, sacrifices, witchcraft, among others. many bad things, which they used for their sorceries. La Virgen del Carmen emerges as a part to give comfort to a suffering people, a novel that is recommended for that group of wise and knowledgeable people, whether they are scientific, teaching doctors or a general community.
This spectacular book refers to the fact that each individual is astral but that, to be so, it is necessary for the individual to form an astral body since it is luminous with a divine soul, but that soul needs the body to be protected, and to be able to form it’s. It is necessary for the person to have a clean mind and heart, a being different from all the rest, it cannot be common, it has to be totally different since, if the person is ordinary, that body is vaporous, dull and very vague, and that body does not take care of the soul.
The bible is the astral field, one of the many dimensions of our planet earth. There are biblical citations such as those related to the priesthood so that the Gnostics (it is a set of philosophical-religious syncretic currents that came to mimic Christianity in the first three centuries of our era) know what is required for that purpose. There is also a facsimile of a letter from an Archbishop of Antioquia, in which he states that reading the Bible, translated by Cipriano de Valera, does not imply sin.
Television and radio allow us to talk about transmission of thought and the gift of ubiquity, telepathy and projection at a distance. Through Chemistry it is taught that matter is transformed into energy, this allows us to teach the different humans to transmit the seed in light and fire. The Gnostics give the name RAM-IO to the Virgin Mary. We must love her as we do with the carnal mother. Through it we can disintegrate our defects that cause so much damage to our informants, (the senses).
One of the most important things was or is the prayer, “Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be your name, Your kingdom come, Lord, your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive our debts, just as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, deliver us from all evil. Amen”.
The prayer was taught by Our Lord Jesus and contains seven sacred petitions for the believers of the path to ask the Most High as a grace, it is commonly used to make different prayers to God and many Saints and Virgins. This book is a very beautiful work, for this reason we bring you a brief summary of this majestic work, which will fill and captivate you in a very impressive way, below:
The Virgen del Carmen is the Mother of the Divine Redeemer, this being the greatest mother of all time. Writers and poets define her as something greater than Michelangelo, for the faithful the Virgen del Carmen is that great daughter of light, the only exemplary woman, the most beautiful, the most generous, the wisest, who is a brunette With the eyes of the soul, the beautiful Virgen del Carmen is compared to diamonds, rubies and emeralds, thanks to such a similar beauty.
This spectacular Virgen del Carmen always walked through the African deserts, with a course to the land of Egypt, from so much walking and walking, this beautiful woman had all her clothes very worn, old and torn, and her dark face bathed in sweat , seemed to be even more tan product of so much sun that gave him. Within the human but spiritual senses one could only see a dark virgin woman burned by the desert sun, but to her spirit a humble prodigal appears, a beautiful woman of flesh and blood.
It should be mentioned that Mary took a vow of chastity in the temple in Jerusalem. Maria was Ana’s daughter, her mother took her to the temple so that she could make her vows. And Maria was one of the Vestals of the Temple. She was born into an aristocratic family, and before entering the temple as a Vestal, she had innumerable suitors and even had a rich and handsome lover who wanted to marry her, but Mary did not accept him, her heart only loved God.
The first years of his life were surrounded by all kinds of comforts. Tradition has it that Mary made carpets for the temple in Jerusalem and that those carpets turned into roses. Mary knew the secret Doctrine of the Tribe of Levi. This beautiful woman was educated in the august shadow of the gates of Jerusalem, among the nubile foliage of those oriental palm trees, in whose shadows the old camel drivers of the desert rest. Mary was initiated into the Mysteries of Egypt, she knew the wisdom of the Pharaohs, and drank from the Chalice of ancient Christianity, burned by the burning fire of the Eastern lands.
the annunciation
The annunciation tells us about that moment in which the Virgen del Carmen is visited by the angel who tells her some good news. In this second chapter, the book tells us when the Angel Gabriel went to the lands of Galilee, thanks to the ordering of our father, creator of heaven and earth. Which carried out a sexual act directed by the angels. At the end of the book you can see the doctrines of the seventy disciples, you can also see the teachings of Catholicism under the teaching of La Virgen del Carmen.