The Powerful and Miraculous Novena to Santa Marta
Through this article we will learn here everything about the powerful Novena to Santa Marta , we will also know how to perform it, the uses that this prayer has and how to use it in topics such as love.
Novena to Santa Marta
As its name says very well, the novena to Santa Marta are prayers that are made for 9 days, they change day after day, therefore, first the daily prayer is made, then the prayers separated by day, that is to say «day one”, “day two” etc. After the Novena to Santa Marta, a little about her prayers will be explained and then other prayers that also involve her will be placed.
Daily prayer of the Novena to Santa Marta
At this moment the request that we will make to Santa Marta is made. The Daily Prayer ends with the recitation of an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be.
First day of the Novena
Favored disciple of the Lord Jesus of Nazareth, Saint Martha, glorious virgin protector of who welcomes your protection and intercession before God Almighty; that hearing the praises towards the Lord Jesus about virginity as a very powerful virtue, you determined not to admit another husband, than the husband of the virgins, the Lord Jesus Christ whom you served with great care.
I implore Santa Marta your intercession so that the divine majesty grants me the particular favor that I now request, if it is convenient for the good and benefit of my soul and that animated by a sincere love for the Lord Jesus, be a servant to the example of Santa Marta, sanctifying all my occupations for the glory of almighty god. Amen.
Second day of the Novena
Favored disciple of the Lord Jesus of Nazareth, holy martha, glorious virgin, my patron saint and protector, you who strove to follow the Lord with so much care and love in your house in Betania that everything you did seemed little to you and you would have wanted everyone to men used their hands, feet, heart and all the senses and faculties in the service of the creator of the world who had become man.
I beg you, Santa Marta, to intercede before Almighty God so that the wonderful doctrine full of teachings for the spiritual life, that the Lord Jesus told you, enlighten me so that my service never makes me lose peace of heart. Amen.
Third day of the Novena
Favored disciple of Jesus Christ, Saint Martha, glorious virgin, my patron saint and protector, who, having fallen ill and died, your brother Lazarus, and having arrived at your house, Jesus, four days after burying your brother, moved the Lord of your tears and of your sister Mary, rewarded your loving trust by resurrecting your brother.
I beg you then, blessed Santa Marta, to mold and arrange my hardships and work with the necessary faith and trust so that it deserves to be remedied in the need that I ask of you in this novena. Amen.
fourth day of the novena
Favored disciple of Jesus Christ, Saint Martha, glorious virgin, my patron saint and protector, who constantly following in the footsteps of your divine redeemer and teacher did not want to lose sight of him, especially at the time of his passion, feeling and weeping bitterly at all his torments and insults until accompanying him with his mother Mary and Saint John on the cross.
I beg you, oh sweet saint, that through your intercession I obtain the heavenly graces that I need to confidently follow the paths of the Lord Jesus of Nazareth and to fix my spirit with faith in the contemplation of his painful passion so that in this way I can one day celebrate the triumphs of eternal glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fifth day of the Novena
Favored disciple of Jesus Christ, holy martha, glorious virgin, patron saint and my protector, who after having accompanied with pain the loneliness of the most holy virgin mary, seeing her divine son dead, bloodied and disfigured, in her loving arms, concurred with other pious faithful of the Lord to give him a pious burial with the greatest veneration.
I beg you powerful Santa Marta to reach me from the Lord Jesus Christ, that penetrated with true pain and repentance of my sins and that my requests be for greater service of God, reaching me with a meritorious conformity with his most holy will. Amen.
Sixth day of the Novena
Favored disciple of Jesus Christ, Saint Martha, glorious virgin, patron saint and protector of mine, who showed yourself kind and servant to the most holy Virgin Mary, hosting her in your house just like the Lord Jesus, I beg you, kind saint, that as so close to this divine queen and madam, incline your maternal heart and be the executor of all the designs that divine providence has for me.
I also implore you, Santa Marta, through your intercession, to achieve respect and love for God, love of work and good deeds, a taste for prayer, patience and wisdom. Amen.
Seventh day of the Novena
Favored disciple of Jesus Christ, Saint Martha, glorious virgin, patron saint and protector of mine, who deserved the great happiness and enjoyed the sweetest joy of being one of the first people who saw the Lord, after his triumphant resurrection, attending his instructions and receiving every day new graces and favors and after he ascended to heaven you did not leave the side of the most holy virgin mary, attending to her in all her needs as you did with her beloved son Jesus of Nazareth until the coming of the holy spirit.
I ask you, Saint Martha, that through your intercession I may be led by the power of the Holy Spirit in the light of the Gospel and glorify the mercy and generosity of God Almighty. Amen.
Eighth day of the Novena
Favored disciple of Jesus Christ, holy martha, glorious virgin, my patron saint and protector, who was persecuted by the Jews who seized all the property that you inherited with your brothers from your parents and who was exiled along with them and other faithful, servant disciples of the Lord Jesus; pretending that they would drown because of the fury of the winds and the waves of the sea, embarked on a ship without any masts or rudder, but being saved by divine providence, they arrived at the port of Marseilles, where you announced the faith of Jesus Christ, converting to many and working great wonders.
I beg you powerful Santa Marta, that through your intercession you reach me from the Lord the constancy and firmness that I need to accept with faith the persecutions, mockery and contempt, without ever ceasing to praise and bless Almighty God. Amen.
Ninth day of the Novena
Favored disciple of Jesus Christ, Saint Martha, glorious virgin, my patron saint and protector, moved by the tears of the residents of Tarascon and nearby towns in France, you freed them from evil armed with the banner of the Holy Cross and using holy water , you defeated the dragon of evil.
Then retiring to a desert with other maidens converted to Jesus Christ building a monastery. you gave testimony of constant prayer and good works until the moment of your death which was revealed to you by the divine master. I put myself in your hands with the confidence and security that you will intercede before almighty god, sure of reaching the solution to my request and your help and protection and forgiveness of my sins, through a sincere conversion and the eternal life to which I aspire, to accompany you in the glory of God. Amen.
Final prayer of the Novena to Santa Marta
My Saint, Saint Martha: I take refuge in your protection and shelter and as a proof of my affection, I offer you this light that I will turn on every Tuesday in your honor. Console me in my sorrows for the infinite joy you had by hosting the divine savior in your house, intercede for me and for my whole family so that we always keep God in our hearts and our needs are resolved.
I beg you to have infinite mercy for the favor I ask of you.
In this part we return to make the request that we have to Santa Marta with great faith.
And I beg you, my saint, to overcome my difficulties, as you overcame the dragon that you have at your feet. Amen.
Reflection and analysis of this Novena
This novena is made up of a daily beginning prayer, in which we can see that its purpose is to help us reinforce our request, this is motivated by the fact that we have to repeat it daily. This prayer begins by asking God the father directly so that through his divine intervention our desire may be fulfilled, then we can observe how he also asks Jesus Christ for a favor so that he intervenes for us.
First day
With the first day of prayer we can see how she now begins asking Santa Marta directly, it is interesting how through this prayer she mentions that she was part of the disciples of Jesus Christ, she also emphasizes that she will offer her protection to everyone who comes to her for support. The prayer of the first day ends with the request of Santa Marta so that she serves as an intermediary before God the father to fulfill our request.
Second day
On the second day of the novena you can see how we declare her our protector, it is her who we declare as our patron saint and we admire her devotion in blindly following Jesus Christ, she even received him at her house in Betania together with Mary, she also see how she, with her example, expected that all men and women would give their all to also faithfully follow Jesus Christ, in fact, it is seen that he left a life based on spirituality to Santa Marta.
Third day
Upon reaching the third day of the novena, it can be seen how mention is made of one of the most important moments in the public life of Jesus Christ, when Lazarus died and later Jesus revived him thanks to the faith and devotion that Santa Marta had for him and by God the Father.
Fourth day
With the fourth day of the novena it is seen that now there is no mention of the public life of Jesus when he performed miracles, now mention is made of his passion, in fact, it can be seen how it is clearly said that she accompanied Jesus in his ordeal carrying that heavy cross and never took his eyes off him.
Fifth day
During the fifth day of the novena you can see how it is said that Santa Marta was the one who accompanied the Virgin Mary, this after Jesus Christ was crucified, Santa Marta helped Maria to process the strong images of seeing her own son all bloodied and full of mortal wounds as a result of the cruel and inhuman torture he received.
Sixth day
Here it is narrated that after having helped Mary to process those crude images, she hosts her in her house just as she received Jesus while he was alive, this is how it can be seen that a very strong friendship was born between the two, all product of the support that Santa Marta represented for them.
Seventh day
At this point in the novena, it can be seen how she narrates that Santa Marta was there when the resurrection of Jesus was made public, in addition, she also received orders and instructions from him, thanks to the good service she rendered to Christ and his Mother in life, Santa Marta received divine grace throughout her life.
Eighth day
Almost at the end of the novena, it is narrated how Santa Marta was persecuted by the Jews, they looted and stripped her of all her earthly possessions, however, when she escaped and was persecuted by them, she did not have a bad heart, the Jews were close to perish due to They were on a rudderless ship, she worked a miracle so that they converted to the Christian faith.
ninth day
On the last day of her novena, she narrates the arrival of Santa Marta to many towns near Europe, that is where she began to purge the evil that was loose, in fact, it is said that she defeated a dragon, which is why in many of her representations she is seen with one at her feet, it is also said that she was one of the first to use holy water. She ends by saying that she spent her days in a church in the desert with some faithful Christians.
Prayer to Santa Tuesday of every Tuesday
For all those faithful devout Catholics who wish to pay tribute to Santa Marta in an appropriate way, there is also a prayer called Prayer to Santa Marta for Tuesdays which is performed weekly, it is used for any miracle. There are people who believe in it as a Novena to Santa Marta for Love , there are also other people who take refuge in it and named it as Novena to Santa Marta Dominadora . The prayer begins like this:
This prayer is called “Nine Tuesday to Santa Marta” because it is prayed every Tuesday, in it the use of a candle is applied, this according to some faithful serves as an offering. The most devout Catholics who very fervently comply with the prayer to Santa Marta have affirmed that their prayers have been heard and their requests fulfilled even before the Nine Tuesdays are fulfilled.