The Prayer to Saint Alejo to Attract Love
For the Prayer to Saint Alejo , we find a series of prayers that can be useful to ward off people who have bad intentions or who can be toxic to anyone. In the following article we will know everything about how to perform this kind of prayer.
Prayers to Saint Alejo
The most difficult moments that come to overwhelm people’s lives on a daily basis usually come to pass either because of our own fault or also because of other people’s causes, which promptly do not know how to deal with them. San Alejo is usually used by thousands of parishioners to ask him for help, either asking to remove or separate a person from our side.
If you need to get to ask San Alejo to help you, you must perform these Prayers to San Alejo to ward off bad people who are toxic in your life and thus be able to live in peace.
Prayer for Miracle Cures
«You who come to have the power to get away from all the evil that usually surrounds the chosen ones of the Lord, I ask you please to remove from my life (At this moment you are going to say the name of the person you want me to away) I ask you to truly move away, oh Saint Alejo, (At this moment he is going to say the name of the person he wants me to move away) from his path and from his life so that he does not hurt me anymore.
I ask you, San Alejo, that, in the same way as he came to life (At this moment he is going to say the name of the person he wants me to move away from) likewise, he walks away and withdraws from the life of (At this moment he is going to say the name of the person you want me to push away).
That they cannot share anything with each other, that they cannot be together, neither at the dining table, nor sitting in a chair, nor living together in the living room, nor lying down in bed without feeling rejection, disgust and disgust, and above all I ask you to They cannot be together in privacy.
San Alejo separate them definitively. Great Saint Alejo as a miraculous saint, I beg you to grant my request as soon as possible, and that my husband (a) return and that he return home with his family. Amen”.
Important note :
After making this prayer, you should pray about 3 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary and 3 Glory. Besides, you should also repeat these prayers for about 5 days in a row, without interrupting any of them, since if you don’t do it this way, you won’t get the desired effect.
Prayer to Saint Alejo to Ask for Help
O mighty Saint Alejo! I ask you to help me in these moments that are so disturbing in my life, that you get to move away immediately (At this moment he is going to say the name of the person he wants me to move away) so that he cannot get closer in any time of the day to (At this point you are going to say the name of the person you want me to push away), since you have taken it upon yourself to interrupt my love relationship over the course of the last few months.
Clarify the ideas of my spouse so that for the good of all we can reach a fair agreement, where neither of the two nor the relatives involved are affected, because the events that occurred do not allow me to live in peace.
Blessed Saint Alejo, I need you to put all your efforts to remove (At this moment he is going to say the name of the person he wants me to remove) from our lives, since he is destroying her little by little. Enlighten my partner to see the mistakes he is making and also see all the damage he is leaving around him.
Every morning when I wake up, I want and need (At this moment he is going to say the name of the person he wants me to take away) to be by my side, not out of obligation, but rather for the delivery of an eternal love, which I swear in front of the altar of the most holy creator. In this way you can also help him find the peace he has been anxiously seeking for several days. Amen.
Once this Prayer is made, you should pray about 5 Our Father, 5 Hail Mary and also 5 Glory.
Who was Saint Alexius
San Alejo became a saint highly venerated by the Orthodox Church and also by the Catholic Church, his story was told and spread in the eleventh century in a beautiful poem entitled “Vie de Saint Alexis” which translated into various languages in the Middle Ages.
It is even said that he married a woman and during their wedding night she convinced him and agreed to renounce the marriage and that he dedicate his life to his faith. From that moment he lived teaching catechism to children. Before dying, San Alejo came to confess to his parents that he had come to reject his marriage to consecrate himself and dedicate himself to God.
Prayer to Saint Alejo to Definitely Separate and Keep Two People Away
Oh glorious Saint Alejo, you who at all times have the great power to ward off all the evil that surrounds our Lord’s chosen ones, I beg you immensely to ward off… (At this moment he is going to say the name of the person you want me to get away) from… (At this moment you are going to say the name of the other person you want me to get away from) from your life and your path, so that you will never ever get to be together!
Blessed Saint Alejo, I thank you for coming to listen to each of my pleas and attend to my lament, in return for your great power and in gratitude for your granted favor, I promise to reach out to spread your prayer if you allow my family to be here again united and separate and move away (At this moment you are going to say the name of the person you want to separate to move away) and never enter our lives again.
Why pray a Prayer to San Alejo?
There are many people with bad energies who sometimes try to put barriers in our way of life. Perhaps many of them are not truly aware of what they are doing or the damage they are causing us, such as:
- Bad mood
- Negative Behavior etc.
The Saints can come to intercede for each of the faithful and help us make our lives much simpler. For this reason, we beg you to guide us along the way and to make people better humans.
The prayers to San Alejo to separate lovers have become one of the most popular for love, to ward off bad people or to separate. That is why it is recommended to entrust yourself to him.
Prayer of Saint Alejo for Love
San Alejo, you who achieve everything and who are omnipresent and sincere enough to distinguish my soul and know that my person lacks love. My partner has abandoned me and replaced me. Make the connection between them cease to exist, make them move away from each other and separate. Amen.
This is one of the main prayers to San Alejo for Love .
Prayer to San Alejo to Ward Off Enemies or Envy
Saint Alejo, you who are so pious, you who have the ability to ward off evil, keep away (At this moment he is going to say the name of the person he wants to separate) from (At this moment he is going to say the name of the person who wants them to separate away) make him go away forever and ever, please I ask you.
Saint Alejo, with your power, protect (At this moment he is going to say the name of the people he wants to separate from) from (At this moment he is going to say the name of the person he wants to separate from) and any damage they can do. Protect him from evil witchcraft and magic spells that can be cast against him or her. Amen.