Virgin Prayer of St. John Our Lady
In the following article you will find everything related to the Virgin of San Juan Prayer , we will also teach you the prayers for each day of the Novena to the Virgin of San Juan, which you can perform every day you can and especially the days before of its festivity, as you will also have the opportunity to meet and even learn the prayer for a difficult and impossible request to the miraculous Virgin of San Juan los Lagos.
Prayer for a difficult, impossible request
The Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos, is well known worldwide due to the miracles that she has favored through the Prayer to the Virgin of San Juan , they have been very diverse and varied over the years, the miracles that she has granted, just after we have honored her, she will give us her warm and affectionate love of Mother, which is like a means of help for us and our various problems that arise in daily life, since she will bring us the tranquility and peace that we need so much in those moments.
Prayer to the Blessed Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos
“My beloved Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos,
Blessed Virgin Mary sovereign,
worthy empress of heaven and earth
that in your venerable Image of Saint John
with your beautiful ivory face and tender hands on your chest,
you dry our tears and heal our ills;
You, my conquering Virgin, are the one who “steals our hearts”,
You fill us with benefits and distribute your miracles to us,
and, as a blessed protective Mother, you fill us with Your love,
wrap us Great Lady in your cozy bluish mantle
and help us to obtain the mercies of the Most High!
Lady Sanjuanita de los Lagos, I give you my heart;
How can I not praise and venerate you if you give everything,
how can I not love you if you fill us with heavenly treasures
Because of your virtues and merits you get everything from God.
Oh blessed Mater Immaculata, pray for us,
and by your pure conception and matchless charity,
ask the Lord for forgiveness for my faults and sins.
My Lady of Saint John, Virgin and heavenly dove,
powerful mediatrix between the Father and us,
in your hands I put the pain that afflicts my heart
In your hands I leave my anguish and pain,
and with humility and hope I trust and hope in your help.
Blessed Mother of Saint John,
I know that all those who arrive before your Sacred Image
full of faith, humility and confidence to ask you for favors and help
they are always listened to and cared for with maternal care
For this I beg you, my beloved Virgin,
that today you also kindly welcome my cries
and welcome my prayers,
Well, I have faith that in these times of need
You will be my great consolation and hope.
I place my trust in you, make me see your generous kindness
and fill me with happiness that makes my heart happy
now suffering and broken by pain and problems;
to you Blessed Mother full of love
I pay tribute to you and ask for your mediation in this difficult situation
which for me, in my weakness, is impossible to remedy:
(make the request here with infinite confidence).
Virgin is Saint John, the sweetest and most exquisite flower,
generous protective mother of your children,
You who are the effective remedy in all needs
and so many miracles works in our favor,
do not leave me without relief and strengthen me in my hopes,
ask to be helped in my difficulties and problems
and never abandon me in the face of adversity,
fill me with blessings, keep me away from what can harm me
watch my ways, enlighten me and accompany me in this life
and take me by the hand before your Son Jesus Christ.
So be it.
Blessed Virgin, my mother of Saint John
for your unparalleled purity and beauty,
cover us with your mantle
give us peace and well-being.
Pray seven Hail Marys, Our Father and Glory Be.
Make the prayer and prayers nine days in a row.
Novena to the Virgin of San Juan de Los Lagos
San Juan de los Lagos is a city located in the State of Jalisco, Mexico, which is currently located the small image of the Virgin Mary under the invocation of the Virgin of San Juan de los Lagos, where she is venerated with much fervor in the sanctuary of said city since said miraculous figure represents the Immaculate Conception.
This is visited daily by faithful believers, since it is a tradition that is more than 100 years old, it is the second most visited in Mexico, just after the Virgin of Guadalupe, by millions of pilgrims each year from different places. of the world, being generally visited by devotees from the United States, Latin America and Europe.
As this Virgin is so internationally recognized, it has become the main promoter of tourism in the region. It is estimated that the attendance is approximately 7 million pilgrims, and during the Candelaria festival the number of people who visit it can reach more than 2 million people, hence a Novena is dedicated to venerate this solemnity. . It should be said that this Novena can be performed as many times as you wish, but the days prior to the same festivity must be done in a special way, as will be seen below.
We begin the Novena by making the Sign of the Cross…, we continue with the Our Father Prayer and the Act of Contrition.
«Oh Most Pure Virgin, admirable Mother of God, advocate of sinners and Queen of angels!»
«You see here prostrated at your feet the greatest of sinners, because the God of Majesty whom you conceived, gave birth and created with so much love, now in heaven his incomparable beauty fills you with supreme glory, has snatched the attentions of all the saints and angels, who trembling in his presence do not cease to love him, I dared, a vile worm, to despise such immense beauty for a little nothing that is sin».
«Condolences, Lady, of my ingratitude, and I propose to die before sinning, and I trust in your most loving bowels of pious Mother, you reach me the joy of the effective grace in which I will persevere until death. Amen”
Prayer for every day:
Deign, Holy Virgin, that your servant praise you and say: Hail Mary, Hail candid dove. Brilliant star bird. Bird of light exceedingly beautiful, Bird of the seraphim, song, Bird of the cherubim, hymn, Bird of joy for the human race. Well, you are so powerful, Lady, the forgiveness of sins reach us».
prayer of the day
Once the prayer of each day is performed, it begins with the Prayer corresponding to each day of the week.
first day
Oh! Immaculate and always blessed, unique and incomparable Virgin Mary. Madre de Dios, your very pleasant temple. Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, door to the Kingdom of Heaven and source of light, for whom, after God, lives the whole orb of the earth; tilt oh! Mother of mercy, those your most pure eyes towards my soul; look at her, Lady made in the image and likeness of God, now so old because of my faults, so moth-eaten by appetites, so undone by passions; commiserate Lady of its ruin and reach of God Our Lord that just like your holy image, for being your image, His majesty wanted it to be renewed by the hands of angels, my soul by the cares of grace, also granting me what I ask of you in this ninth, if it is for the glory of his divine majesty and the good of my soul. Amen”.
Second day
«Oh Immaculate and always blessed, singular and incomparable Virgin Mary, Mother of God, your very pleasant Temple, tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, door of the kingdom of heaven, source of light for whom after God lives the whole orb of the earth come back to me, oh sovereign mother! Those, your merciful eyes, pity me, I am one of those who having eyes do not see. And since you are divine, give me the light I desire so as not to stumble over the world’s deceptions, so as not to fall into the snares of the devil or perish in the precipices of the flesh, and if the favor I ask of you in this novena suits me and is of the please God, grant it to me and if not, give me perfect resignation in the divine will. Amen”.
Third day
Oh! Immaculate and always blessed, singular and incomparable Virgin Mary, Mother of God, very pleasant temple of hers, tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, door of the sovereign medical kingdom of heaven, for whom after God lives the whole orb of the earth, bow down Oh! Mother, the eyes of your merciful to this patient conceived in frailties and miseries, full of ailments in the soul and body, I come to you to heal, to you who are the pool of Siloam, who heal paralytics and who are the Jordan for the lepers, oil for the wounded, generous wine for the weak, charity for the sad, consolation for the afflicted, comforting for the faint-hearted, antidote for the mortal, poison and general medicine and medicine for all the sick, heal me Lady, of all my internal and external illnesses, and also grant me the favor that I ask of you in this novena if it is to be a remedy for my salvation, and if not, grant me whatever is most pleasing to God Our Lord. Amen”.
Fourth day
«Oh Immaculate and always blessed, singular and incomparable Virgin Mary, Mother of God, your temple, Tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, door of the kingdom of heaven for whom after God lives the whole orb of the earth, bow down Oh! Mother of mercy, the eyes of your mercy to my unworthy prayers, which cry out to your mercy. I know well Lady that I deserved to be discarded and treated like a dog, like another Cananea, by Christ your divine Son, because of my grave faults I have been worse than a brute. But You, most pious Mother, who do not disdain favoring even these, deign to obtain for me from His majesty the grace, to seem like a crumb of the Eucharistic bread that you prepared in the warmth of the Holy Spirit in your most pure womb, for our health and eternal life. ; If the favor requested in this novena leads to this end, grant it to me, and if not, let whatever pleases the divine be done. Amen”.
Fifth day
Oh! Immaculate and always blessed, singular and incomparable Virgin Mary, Mother of God, her temple, tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, gate of heaven for whom after God lives the whole orb of the earth, bow down Oh! Mother of mercy, those brilliant stars, your merciful eyes. Look at me Lady, who shipwrecked the bitter waters of work, fought against the wind of temptations and the waves of illnesses, having no other hope than in You, that as a benign star you have to help me so that I do not perish. Reach me, Lady, that with the soft breath of grace in the nave of the Holy Church, I walk safely to the heavenly homeland, and if the favor that I ask of you in this novena leads to this end, grant it to me to greater honor and glory of God and well Of my soul. Amen”.
Sixth Day
Oh! Immaculate and always blessed, singular and incomparable Virgin Mary, Mother of God, her temple, tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, gate of heaven for whom after God lives the whole orb of the earth, bow down Oh! Mother of Mercy those your divine eyes to this unworthy servant who burns in anger, burns in flames of concupiscence and burns in fathoms of appetite. Have mercy, Lady of me, and make sure that among such cruel flames they do not consume me, before I remain so purified, without stain of guilt, that burned only in the fire of divine love, I walk safely in the heavenly homeland, where I hope to achieve through your intercession , eternal blessedness, and if for this purpose leads the grace that I ask of you in this novena, grant it to me to greater honor of his divine majesty. Amen”.
Seventh Day
Oh! Immaculate and always blessed, unique and incomparable Virgin Mary, Mother of God, her temple, tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, door to the kingdom of heaven for whom the whole orb of the earth lives after God, bow down Oh! Mother of the most beautiful love, the flames of that volcano from your charitable heart to mine, so that its heat burns, its activity is animated and its gentle thunder awakens from the dream in which the three enemies intend to steal the living temple of God that is my soul. Oh! Lady, do not allow it, see that in it is the treasure of the most pure blood of your kind Son Jesus, see that it is the same that you liberally gave him in the incarnation, so that he would pour it in torrents on the cross to our happiness; remember Lady, that then with unspeakable pain, you accepted to be the mother of men, and these, at the head of the most pure apostle Saint John, are your children and slaves, obliged from that hour to love and serve you, whose obligation, Lady, and if for this purpose you lead what I ask of you in this novena, obtain it for me from your Majesty to greater honor and his glory, and profit of my soul. Amen”.
Eighth day
Oh! Immaculate and always blessed, unique and incomparable Virgin Mary, Mother of God, her temple, tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, door to the kingdom of heaven for whom the whole orb of the earth lives after God, bow down Oh! Mother of mercy, those your most resplendent eyes to me, sinner, make Lady that your miraculous rays of light tilt and illuminate my soul so that registering my conscience and the most hidden of my faults, horrified by my ugliness, I try to clean it with a good confession and wash with tears of constriction, do not allow, admirable mother, I leave your presence without the achievement of this joy, without the richness of this grace and if what I ask of you in this novena leads to this end, grant it to greater glory of God and yours. Amen”.
ninth day
Oh! Immaculate and always blessed, singular and incomparable Virgin Mary, Mother of God, your very pleasant temple, tabernacle of the Holy Spirit, door of the kingdom of heaven, medical sovereign, bow down Oh! Mother of mercy, the eyes of your mercy to my unworthy prayers, which cry out to your mercy. Have mercy, Lady of me, and make sure that among such cruel flames they do not consume me, before I remain so purified, without stain of guilt, that burned only in the fire of divine love, I walk safely in the heavenly homeland. Lady and if for this purpose you lead what I ask you in this novena, obtain it from her Majesty to greater honor and glory of hers, and profit of my soul. Amen”.
“A great portent appeared in the sky, a woman clothed with the sun, the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars.”
First Quaternary:
My Lady of Saint John, Virgin and Heavenly Dove. R/ defend my mother, those who pray your crown.
Well, you protect us as much as a true Mother. R/ Make us bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
An Our Father, four Hail Marys and a Glory Be.
Second Quaternary:
My Lady of San Juan… (Same as the first quaternary)
Third Quaternary:
My Lady of San Juan… (Like the first and second, ending with the prayer and offering that follow)
Prayer that Saint Augustine composed to honor the Blessed Virgin
“Remember, O pious Virgin Mary! That it has never been heard that anyone, who took refuge in you and asked for help and protection, has been abandoned. I animated with such sweet confidence, I come to you oh! Mother of the Divine Word, despise my pleas, but deign, propitious, to see me and favor me. Amen”.
To culminate, the offering is made to the Sovereign Empress of heaven and Lady of the universe, and if you wish, you can offer her three Our Fathers and twelve Hail Marys, the latter only for the faithful believers, so that she fills them with her virtues and strengths and/or also request thanks to our Lady of heaven.