The Protection Prayers in Psalm 91
The Prayers of Psalm 91, constitute a powerful Biblical verse that is found in the word of God which mentions the great terrors and difficulties that are going to occur on earth, however, it mentions the kind of protection that God offers to all his children who follow his commandments and statutes. In the following article we will know everything about the Psalm 91 Night Prayers and how to make a prayer based on it.
Psalm 91 Prayer
This becomes the Bible Verse that speaks about God’s protection over his people, who when they are in the midst of great difficulty or are going through various problems can be confident that God will always be by their side. , that there is nothing impossible for him or her and that putting all their trust in God, nothing and no one is going to harm them.
Psalm 91 Guided Prayer, He Who Dwells in the Shelter of the Most High
For those who do not know Psalm 91, here we present the complete chapter in the New International Version of the Word of God. He himself says thus:
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High welcomes himself in the shadow of the Almighty. I say to the Lord: “You are my refuge, my fortress, the God in whom I trust.” Only he can free you from the hunter’s traps and deadly plagues, for he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will find refuge. His truth of him will be your shield and your stronghold!
You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that lurks in the shadows, nor the plague that destroys at noon. A thousand may fall to your left, and ten thousand to your right, but it will not affect you. You will only have to open your eyes wide, to see the wicked receive what they deserve.
Since you have put the Lord for your refuge, the Most High for your protection, no evil will befall you, no calamity will come to your home. For he will order his angels to watch over you in all your ways. With their own hands they will lift you up so that you do not trip over any stone.
You will crush the lion and the viper; you will trample beasts and serpents! «I will deliver him, because he welcomes me; I will protect him, because he knows my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in moments of anguish; I will free him and fill him with honors. I will fill him with many years of life and I will make him enjoy my salvation». Amen.
The Most Powerful Prayer in the Universe
If you find yourself confused, scared, afraid for your future, that everything goes wrong, and you feel as if some kind of curse is weighing on your head? You are sad, you find yourself without money to be able to face bills or debts. Do not worry, this great powerful prayer is the one that can be very helpful if you do it with great Faith, we assure you that you will feel the Power of God, who Can Do Everything in Him.
So at this time we have grabbed what is Psalm 91 of Protection for excellence to be able to perform this kind of powerful prayer. This great Powerful Psalm is the one that speaks directly to the Heart, because you need it, so God is going to speak to you through this verse.
God never abandons any of his Children, he must only turn to God, no matter how long he stayed away, unbelieving, from him because he thought that his was not going to have any kind of solution. At this moment you cannot see the solution to his problem, however, God does have it for you, since for God Nothing Impossible exists.
In God all his children are safe and very confident, because he is the one who takes care of those who love him, and this same promise can be found in the different biblical passages and especially can be found in the book of Psalm 91. In In this psalm, God’s protection is activated when each of the verses of the Bible is pronounced with great Faith, in spirit, feeling what the Presence of God is.
Therefore, we recommend that you receive the Lord God today, and we assure you that you will inherit the promises that God has only for all your children, and no matter what happens, you can be fully confident and calm in the. This powerful Prayer comes to be created by Universal Prosperity from Psalm 91.
Guided Powerful Prayer Exercise, Psalm 91 – Relaxation
All kinds of anxiety can be delivered into the hands of God at this very moment. So you can take about 3 deep breaths, then inhale and exhale through your nose. As long as he is doing this, you can quiet his mind.
The first thing you should do after breathing is to meditate on the word of God, start by meditating on verse 91 of the book of Psalms, so you think about each of the promises that God makes to you in that same passage. see what God is offering to each of his children who do things according to their hearts.
Once you spend a good time on this, you can feel how you find peace inside, how you are full of joy, joy, happiness, the presence of God and how something is completely surrounding you. We can call this the Presence of God over your life.
psalm 91 catholic
The previous psalm is the one that gets to focus on dealing with each of life’s difficulties, however, the emphasis in this same psalm is on the dangers of life. The anonymous author (although many think that it was Moses who wrote it and others say that it was King David) comes to warn about the many hidden traps, in addition to deadly plagues, night terrors and the arrows of the day, he even makes mention of whether people are tripping over rocks and facing off against lions and snakes.
However, in light of terrorist attacks, snipers, reckless drivers, various new diseases, and especially Saturday night handguns, it is the contemporary scene that can be just as dangerous as it is today. be described in Psalm 91.
The saints who abide in Christ cannot avoid having to face the various dangers that are unknown, however, they cannot escape from the evil consequences. For example, Moses, King David and the Apostle Paul, and also a great multitude of other servants of God were the ones who faced great danger when they came to fulfill the will of God, and the Lord saw them pass.
However, in the book of Hebrews 11:36 he comes to warn us that “other” great men of God were tortured and also martyred, however, their faith lasted the same until death. But in general, walking with the Lord is what helps us to be able to detect and also come to avoid various problems, and it is better to have to suffer in the will of God than to invite problems through disobedience. to the will of God, you can see this in the book of 1 Peter 2:18-25. This is known as Psalm 91 of the Catholic Bible .
What is Psalm 91 for?
Reading the book of Psalms in the 91st chapter of God’s Scripture becomes foundational for all of the many important changes that occur in your life. Speaking of the power of the psalms and also of their explanation, I can assure him that reading them or simply listening to them every day can make a big difference in all kinds of events in his life.
On several occasions you have wondered what Psalm 91 is for, so we can tell you in the following lines what you need for your life, which can be found in this Biblical verse of the word of God.
Faith In God – The Hidden Life
The most important part of the life of every believer is the part that only God can observe, the “hidden life” of fellowship and worship that comes to symbolize what is the Holy of Holies in the Jewish sanctuary (Book of Exodus 25 :18-22). Almighty God is our eternal refuge and our strength. He is the one who hides us so he can help us and then sends us back so he can serve him during the struggles of this life. The author of the book of psalm chapter 91 came to have about 2 “addresses” that are:
- His Store (verse 10)
- His Lord (verse 1:9)
The safest place in the whole world becomes a shadow, and if this is the shadow of Almighty God. Through the Lord Jesus Christ we can find greater security and satisfaction under the wings of the so-called cherubim in the Holy of Holies 36:7-8.
The Peace of God – Life Protected [Psalm]
When many people come to practice what is “the hidden life” (Life of prayer or intimacy with God) they are not alone, because God meets each one of them and comes to compensate for the insufficiencies that they have. This paragraph is the one that emphasizes that a person should not be afraid because the Lord and each of his angels (some of them who are assigned) watch over each child of God.
In the ancient Near East, getting to travel was a very dangerous thing, only unless the person was protected by some guards who were armed. The term “Terror of the night” is the one that could simply mean “the fear of the dark” and also of what can happen in the dark.
The water and all the food that are contaminated, apart from the lack of sanitary measures in a correct way, for what they facilitated the class of contraction of all the diseases in the course of the day or at night, although “ the destruction that destroys at noon” could come to refer to the types of effects that are produced by the burning rays of the sun.
Verses 7-8 of the Prayer of Protection Psalm 91
It can be read as a kind of description of a battle. They can have a kind of relationship directly with the promises of the covenant that God came to make to the people of Israel, which can be found in the book of Leviticus 26:8 and also in Deuteronomy 32:30.
With their own eyes, the people of Israel saw the pain of each of the Egyptians for their firstborn who died on the night of Passover, book of Exodus 12:29-30, and also got to see the army of the Egyptians as they came to die on the shore of the Red Sea in the book of Exodus 14:26-31, however, no harm came to the people of Israel.
The angel of God was always before them to be able to prepare the way and also guide their way, this can be seen in the book of Exodus 23:20. Satan even quoted part of verses 11 and 12 when he was tempting the Lord Jesus in the desert (Matthew 4:6), and the Lord simply answered him with Deuteronomy 6:16.
If the Father had come to order Jesus to jump from the pinnacle of the temple, then the angels would have come to take care of the Lord Jesus at all times, however, jumping without the command of the Father is what would have been a kind of presumption, and not of faith, and that would come to be what is said to tempt the Father.
Love of God – The Satisfied Life
The Lord spoke to him and also announced what he would do for each one of his people who loved him with all their hearts and all those who recognized him with obedient lives. The word in its translation of “love” is not the usual one, but one that comes to mean “cling, cling, stick, be passionate.”
It is used in the book of Deuteronomy 7:7 and in chapter 10:15 for the love that Jehovah himself has for his people Israel. You can also see the book of John 14:21-24. Among some of his blessings will be deliverance and also protection (“put him on high”), prayer that is answered, companionship in the most difficult times, honor, as well as contentment, and long life.
Salvation comes to be mentioned at the end of the psalm which can mean help and deliverance in the course of life, as in chapter 50 verse 23, or the joy of seeing what the glory of God is after a lifetime. long and satisfying.
For the Jewish people, living a long life and being able to see their children, grandchildren and even great-grandchildren was the ultimate blessing in life. Like Father Abraham, they wanted to die at a good old age and always “full of years” (Book of Genesis 25:8), which means “a full life”. One thing is usually that doctors add years to their lives, however, another is when God is the one who adds life to our years and makes that life truly worthwhile.
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