The Social Importance and Role of the Family
In this article we will develop a topic of great importance for society and current issues; We will talk about the importance of the family in relation to the social and daily aspect of life. We invite you to learn more about it.
importance of family
As a family we can define it as the fundamental nucleus of society. The family is projected and developed through the union of the consanguinity kinship of each of its members.
The family has its beginning from the stage of childhood through coexistence, achieving with this experience that both men and women learn values and skills that serve their personal development and thus manage to form a solid family with great principles.
The family is strengthened according to the teachings or knowledge acquired from the main figures such as the father and mother; and also of people who are within this social environment. This makes us see the importance of the family in society .
The main knowledge of both parents will be the model that will determine the strengthening of equality as well as the essential characteristics of communication with the community or society.
Likewise, the bonds of union that exist in terms of the process and development of the personality will be of the utmost importance. Therefore, we can express and see what is the importance of the family as a society.
The family and its impact on education
In relation to this issue, it becomes of vital importance since it is in the heart of the home that values and attitudes are instilled in relation to the formation of the human being for daily life.
We can say that the individual, despite having some learning both with friends, at work and at school, this is self-taught. For all that we have exposed we can see the importance of the family in the educational process , as well as the daily life of the human being.
Likewise, we must determine that it is in the most direct way that the human being instructs himself and manages to apply certain attitudes, rules and hobbies in his life that will make him grow as an important part of society and the family where he lives.
In relation to the learning that the individual acquires, two characteristics are denoted: what enhances the spirit and what affects it negatively.
Affective dimension and coexistence
In all families there are motivations or affections that are deeply respected and valued. If family love exists, we should not doubt that respect and harmony will exist.
Within families, from time to time, feelings such as envy and resentment and other harmful elements that cause problems such as confrontations and internal conflicts tend to appear.
Living together becomes one of the common problems of families, especially in the process of growing children and the criticism of parents towards them.
In this area, the family has two main characteristics that the individual must bear in mind, such as: the family’s protection of the baby that has just been born, its care, protection; Likewise, and through all these elements, the adequate growth of the human being is achieved.
Likewise, within the family, teachings are given regarding how to lead a healthy life, healthy in all aspects.
This is and will always be this way in any case, whether it is the human or another living being, since if there is abandonment and there is no care and protection from dangerous situations, there will be no survival in any way.
Protection and care in individuals must be given until the age of adulthood and will be carried out by the parents of the individual; as of adulthood, he will fend for himself; this may occur between the ages of 16 and 18, however this will depend on the country.
There is another family factor in terms of communication with other subjects, this aspect will later allow the adaptation of the individual to society in relation to other individuals.
In relation to the newborn baby there must be a certain time in which the baby realizes that his mother is a different individual from him; and it is at that very moment the important role of the father, slowly helping the baby to understand that he is part of something bigger.
Why is family group related to survival?
Regarding this point and for a better understanding of it, we must ask the following question: what would happen to an infant if it is abandoned, by nature as in a city? The answer to this question is that if this act happens and does not receive prompt attention, the infant will die or there will be no survival.
In the same way it happens with animals, and in this it is seen how the family is a key and fundamental piece since it has the function of receiving us when we come into the world and in turn is the means for individuals to obtain attention and care that without they would be totally defenseless beings.
As for care, protection and love, it can be assumed by direct, biological relatives and in the same way and if there is an absence of the first, these obligations can be assumed by the most direct relatives, mainly if there is an absence of direct relatives as a parent. and mother.
In these cases, the people who assume the protection are known by the family term, which should always be there in the most critical and supportive moments of the life of the human being.
personal history
As for the path or trajectory of the human being, it begins with the growth of beings within the family nucleus itself.
When a psychologist treats a certain patient, it is necessary for him to make contact with each of the relatives of the individual who is in treatment or observation, since the doctor as such must have special knowledge of the role of each of the members of the family. of the patient.
Similarly, when there are problems with a particular student, the teacher will seek ways to talk with the student’s parents. Likewise, we can responsibly say that one’s own personality and attitudes are going to be related to the type of coexistence that is created with the family.
The authoritarian model has weakened in recent decades
According to history and the passage of time, the figure of the father is related to the will and imposition of his models before the children and the partner with whom he lives. This well-known attitude of authoritarianism has been decreasing over time and currently there is dialogue regarding decision-making within the family group.
In some cases, the situation may arise in which the children want to impose their own ideas capriciously and in this way they do what they want at their convenience, without any authority whatsoever.
Regarding this, the democratic idea must exist and be respected as a positive requirement. All this should lead us to reflect on the importance of the family in these times.
More data of interest
Thoughts may come to us regarding the idea of the family of union through marriage between a man and a woman, with one or more children. Although this is usually the most common and traditional of the models; there is a variety of family structures which are admitted. Despite the characteristics of each of them, they present elements in a unified way.
Some processes have changed and currently there are same-sex couples, but determining the guidelines of the family, and trying to be equal in terms of rights.
This type of unions between men and women of the same sex occurs in several countries, however the same custom has been gradually increasing, often becoming accepted.
When the ties are strong between people or the consanguinity union, it is determined by the love between them and this is the only feeling that moves the family.