Virgin of Itatí: History and Marian devotion
The Virgin of Itatí is the patron saint of the province in Corrientes and has great devotion and faith on the part of her faithful. This Marian dedication is venerated in the city of Itatí. If you want to know more about her, her story and why her followers pray to her with such devotion, continue reading this article until the end.
Virgin of Itati
Virgin of Itatí : The Patron Saint of Corrientes (Argentina), she represents the mystery of her immaculate conception. She is made of wood from the region (timbo with a negal face). She stands approximately 1.26m tall, and stands with her hands together as if in prayer.
The image of the Virgin of Itatí has not always been as we know it now, before 1900 (the year of her coronation) she did not have the current clothing, nor was she in her dressing room, these have been later modifications to give it a sweeter and warmer.
There is no exact date of the beginning of the inclusion of the clothing of the Virgin of Itatí with which she is currently known, since it was a Spanish custom that later expanded and multiplied around the world, becoming a highly respected custom.
The Virgin of Itatí is represented by the Virgin with black hair and who is standing on a half moon, with a rosary that surrounds her beautiful and divine hands.
There is no doubt that the image of the Virgin of Itatí has an unparalleled beauty, and each person who knows her is captivated by her beauty. The sweetness reflected in her eyes and her dark complexion seem to look with love and sweetness, and her faithful affirm that asking her is to feel that she can really listen to us.
There is no person in the world who does not feel a great inexplicable peace or tranquility when they go to her and pray to her with fervor, devotion and faith.
The Virgin of Itatí is dressed in a beautiful blue mantle, with embroidered details in gold, and her head is covered with a white tunic, on which rests a crown with twelve stars that surround it.
On July 16, 1900, Doctor Paendo de Lastra y Gordillo, then Bishop of Panama, in the atrium of the Church of the Cross of Miracles in the city of Corrientes (Argentina), blessed the chapel of the Virgin of Itatí in his Vatican, like Pope Leo III.
On February 28, 1528, anchor in the lands of Cacique Yaguarón, the navigator Sebastián Gabatón, was the first Christian to arrive and explore Alto Paraná, who was very well received and supplied by the indigenous people of the Paraná coasts, where he later Itatí would be founded.
The port where he landed was later baptized as “Santa Ana” and near that place there was a hamlet called “Casas de Yaguarón”. The glorious Virgin of Itatí adopted from that moment the projection of those lands.
Our Lady of Itatí is also known as “The Queen of Civilization in the River Plate Basin” and is one of the oldest and most famous Marian images in the Argentine Republic.
The Sanctuary of the Virgin of Itatí is founded in the town of Itatí and dates back to colonial times on the banks of Alto Paraná, about 70 km from the city of Corrientes and the cult towards her has been uninterrupted since the year 1616.
The cacique, as leader of the region and his Indians were peaceful, so they received the Spanish in a good way, peacefully and hospitably.
It was not until the year 1528 that the Franciscans began their evangelical mission in the “Santa Ana” district, however, Marian devotion continued to prevail over this evangelical seed.
The port of Santa Ana was abandoned, although the date is inaccurate (for some it was in the year 1580, for others, in the year 1615), so Fray Luis de Bolaños founded it as “Pueblo de Indios de la Pura and Clean Conception of Our Lady of Itatí”.
Over the years, this place began to be known simply as “Itatí”, product of a reduction of the original name, and Fray Luis de Gamarra, a parish priest in the area, was the first to manifest the miracles of the Virgin . from Itati .
During Holy Week of the year 1624, the first apparition of the Virgin of Itatí took place, which remained for several days.
Fray Gamarra reported that she was as beautiful as he had never seen her before. These appearances continued to be frequent despite the years.
The number of healings and miracles that the faithful attribute to the Virgin of Itatí are countless, however, there is one that stands out above the rest.
In the year 1748, there was a raid that threatened to loot and destroy the town, however, when the Indians arrived at Itatí, a large ditch that appeared out of nowhere prevented their passage.
Before that unexpected event they withdrew, and the inhabitants immediately ran to the chapel to thank their patron saint for protecting them, this has been one of the most important miracles and remembered by its inhabitants.
Marian devotion
On July 16, 1900, the image of the Virgin of Itatí was crowned by Pope Leo XVIII himself and named Queen of Love and Queen of Paraná, and on April 23, 1918 she was proclaimed to the world as Patron and Protector. of Itati.
The Sanctuary of the Virgin of Itatí is considered one of the most important in America. Around two million faithful from all over the world go to the Basilica to attest to their devotion; His party is celebrated every July 9.
Prayer to the Virgin Itatí
Oh, beloved mother, I dedicate this Prayer to the Virgin Itatí to thank you for caring for your Guaraní people and their jungles, where you appeared for the first time. Thank you for always protecting us and listening to us with love.
I give all my humility, service and love to you, I give you everything I am and I ask you to wipe my tears, lull me to sleep with your mantle and accept me as your child.
You are the star of our morning beloved mother, as well as the moon and light in the midst of our darkness, guide us and take care of us always.