What is the gift of Christian knowledge and wisdom?
The gift of science is what we know as the gift of speech or the gift of knowledge, which gives it a certain divinity. If you want to learn all about the gift of science, what scripture and theology say about it, the gifts of the holy spirit and much more, you can’t stop reading this article.
gift of science
Science gift explained in a simple way is the ability to know something about a person or an event without anyone having told us. Then we could say that it is a divine gift.
Also, the gift of science could be defined as a word of science or knowledge, which is how many other bibles have it. Knowledge, why? Because we know something that no one has told us. We can see it clearly and feel it in our spirit.
Now, the next logical question would be, is that gift still valid today? There is a group of orthodox believers who say no, because they are sensationalists and understand that those “supernatural” gifts ceased for the Church and that they will not appear again and we will enter glory.
Also, there is another group of people who are not completely sensationalist but are extremely cautious in thinking when a gift like this might or might not manifest.
It would be extremely difficult to say that any of us has the gift of science to “predict” the lives or events of other people. The truth is that many believe that these gifts are part of a past that will never return.
These “gifts” remained in the time of the apostles and apostolic authority, although in some contexts it might be possible. For example, perhaps, after long moments of prayer, God could grant us some kind of knowledge, an “impulse”, that allows us to become aware of some problem or situation that calms us or another.
Human beings are not infallible, so instead of affirming such a fact or circumstance, we can simply say that in our minds or our hearts there is a feeling that leads us despite the fact that a specific circumstance may be occurring.
For example, that a married couple has a problem and the wife or husband is not telling the whole truth, but if this were to happen then it would be a word of science and not a gift of science.
What happens today is that if someone claims to have the gift of science, people automatically line up to have their future “predicted” (palm reading, horoscope reading, among others) and that is what people commonly known as Gift of Science .
They believe and speak of this gift of science as if it were at the service of humanity. This could then be applied from the context of biblical counseling and there would be more particular cases than in the rows of people who want their future predicted.
It is really quite difficult to define or affirm that someone may or may not possess said gift, because for example, a person may have an experience where they “receive information” about a specific circumstance, however, after this a year or a whole week may pass. life and never experience anything like that again, then does that person have the gift or not?
The gift as a “special ability”, supernatural, conferred at a certain time by God is for his Church more than for people who call themselves “healers”, “seers” or for those who claim to have the gift of science.
We cannot deny the fact that God can sometimes use some people in very specific moments, because he understands that this specific case requires certain special assistance and from that sense if it could be said that this gift “exists”.
But what we cannot affirm is that the gift of knowledge as experienced by the Church or the disciples is very different. We must understand that when we experience something like this it depends mostly on the sovereignty of God and not on us as humans as “special gifts”.
Holy Scripture
Jn 1, 47; Lk 5, 21-22; 7, 39 s tells us that Jesus knows each and every one of the men, he knows them like the palm of his hand and knows perfectly our desires, doubts, fears, joys and weaknesses that live in our minds and hearts, because this he knew all men not only on the outside, but also on the inside and did not need additional information from anyone (Jn 2, 24-25).
It is no secret to any Christian that the Holy Spirit grants us an inexplicable clarity, allowing us then to understand some truths and things of God in the world, his work. This cannot generate doubts about God and his perfect way to work.
God is never wrong and when he requires some of his children so that a truth is known, he will not hesitate to work through him to achieve his will, just as he did through his only begotten son Jesus and his disciples.
Mark 11, 2-6; 14, 12-21. 27-30 tells us that Jesus, anointed with the grace of the Holy Spirit, was able to visualize and perfectly understand what he had come to this world for, what the father’s will was, and he was even able to know (and accept) the future of many, his mission. of salvation, as would be his process until his resurrection, death, and finally, ascension.
Beyond Jesus being a teacher, it is the grace of the Holy Spirit who shares with us information sent by God, to multiply it and fulfill a purpose, but it has nothing to do with us being a kind of “enlightened being” with supernatural gifts.
Jesus had a powerful gift of science , therefore, in Jn 16:4 he announces that when the time has come, remember all the teachings that he has given you and do not be afraid because God will always be with each one of them.
Perhaps, he would no longer be physically in this world, but he would always live in each of the hearts of his disciples and of everyone who believed in him and in the word of God.
1 Cor 2, 16 tells us clearly that those men steeped in the grace of the Holy Spirit will possess this gift of science, and will be able, like Jesus, to learn about issues, circumstances and problems of others, because the Holy Spirit will have announced it and It will allow you to see through the eyes of Jesus.
When a Christian man discovers the gift of science, he is amazed at such beauty and understands that God lives in each of his creations, he understands the immensity of God the Father and realities that he never considered from this new and clear perspective.
When a man discovers the gift of science, he also understands that his life is ephemeral, and that this gift that has been granted him by God through the grace of the Holy Spirit is not to feel like a superior being and boast, but rather it is given to help others, improve himself and surrender to the father as a sinner.
To understand that life is only one, and that it is also ephemeral, changing, and unpredictable. Because the fact of being able to visualize a future event does not mean that this cannot be modified.
In the Holy Bible, we can find many testimonies about our sins as human beings, but also, as the one where science allows others to be guided, learn from the word of God and follow his path, his example and his life.
1 Cor 7,29.31 Jesus tells us that the time we have to enjoy this life and it is short, we do not know when our last day will be on this plane, therefore, it is important to take advantage of every moment and develop our potential, be as happy as we can, love ourselves and others with all our mind and heart.
2 Cor 4,18 invites us to focus not on what is visible to our eyes, but on what is invisible, since that is where we will find happiness, joy and eternity.
The visible is material goods, desiring power, pursuing things: money, fame, being ambitious, while the invisible is divinity, working on our own holiness, following God’s path, being good Christians, supporting our brothers , love our neighbor, among others.
Material things have an expiration date and do not add value to us as people or help us grow, on the contrary, the invisible, what we can only visualize with our willing hearts is eternal, it is part of our legacy, of those experiences that they enrich us and invite us to be a better version of ourselves every day.
Given this perspective of the gift of science, there is no contempt for the visible world or the creatures that inhabit it, on the contrary, it is an invitation to see beyond the obvious, or rather, to begin to detail everything what our heart can see but our eyes cannot.
It is also understanding that there is much that we do not understand because we constantly limit and sabotage ourselves, but if we acclaim and pray to God to allow us to understand with wisdom everything that he wants to transmit to us and we open our hearts to him, we become an instrument for him, who can listen to him more strongly and glorify him with much more enthusiasm and love.
When we understand that the gift of science is granted to those who are recognized by others as humble, kind and loving beings, that we must surrender to Almighty God, because his love and mercy accompany us in each of our difficulties.
When we understand that only God is in control of our lives, that only he can work through us, that if he wanted it he would manifest himself with such fullness that even the stars would disappear, then we would understand the love towards us and that he has created us. with a purpose, a mission, only that sometimes we turn a deaf ear or we deny it.
There will always be people who believe the sacraments, the faith or the holy scriptures are a farce, an attempt to manipulate human beings in the name of God with the intention of dominating others.
These, immersed in their ignorance, affirm that the word of God is abstract and that the only truth and reality is that which is shown to our others in a tangible way, that the only truth is that which we can explain scientifically and not from feelings or intuition.
There will always be people who do not have faith or do not believe in miracles, and in the freedom that God offers us that is fine for them, however, in general, these people who refuse to see beyond their eyes, feel empty They have thousands of shortcomings, not only material, but affective, they close themselves off from the possibility of seeing and perceiving the world in a different, more honest, kind and loving way.
These men, due to their self-imposed condition, lack all knowledge of God, his merciful love and his word, and due to their own folly they are incapable of recognizing in themselves their source, their origin, that they are made in the image and likeness of God. God, and if they allow it, they can perceive the world through their eyes (Wis 13,1).
The gift of science , on the other hand, allows us to visualize that invisible world and although many consider it “unreal” it is as real as our own existence.
The gift of knowledge gives a divine feeling to our condition as “strangers” and “pilgrims” in this here and now (1 Pe 2,11) since all our life and human experience is perceived as our “time of pilgrimage” (1.17).
Rm 1.20; + Wis 13,4-5 tells us that the power and divinity of God can be known by God’s creatures, as long as you are willing and with an open heart.
Phil 3:7-8 tells us that the apostle Paul sacrificed everything for the great love he felt towards his teacher and for God, who considered himself small before the immensity and power of God.
The gift of science allows Christian men to discover and appreciate the truth about the world that is revealed to them, freeing themselves from the blindfold that blinds the eyes of the ignorant, carnal men and those who deny the existence and the word of God. .
This blindfold can blind even the most virtuous men, even if it is to a lesser degree, and these are normally related to and conditioned by the circumstances, times and experiences that are lived in these modern times.
Getting lost is very simple, therefore, the gift of science gives us clarity in the face of so much uncertainty, speed and anguish.
Eph 4:12-14 tells us that Jesus invites us to live like children, who flow and let themselves be carried away, who do not question and only follow the doctrine, who do not allow themselves to be deceived by men, because their faith is greater than their Doubts.
He defines this as living in a “perfect” way, seeking our own holiness and getting closer to God every day.
On the other hand, the gift of science is a gift given by the Holy Spirit to the humble and willing to help others, not to those people who only seek to exalt themselves and obtain recognition and boast of their own knowledge and “enlightenment” according to them. .
Master Jesus did not have any academic studies, however, he was very knowledgeable about spiritual science, the word of God and many other things, which made people wonder where so much wisdom came from?
How could this man know so much if he had no study? If he was just a carpenter, who could provide him with such information? (Mk 6,2-3).
One of the most impressive things for the people who decided to always listen to Master Jesus was his ability to read his heart, both the ones that caused him joy and the one that anguished and generated concern. Jesus, he knew everything they had done and who they really were, how could he know this?
The answer is simpler than it seems, in reality, Jesus had this gift of knowledge that had been granted by his Father, the same Almighty and eternal God. The same gift of science that is given to the humble of heart. Jesus, with his wisdom teaches us:
That when he felt that the Holy Spirit had granted the gift not only to him but to the little and humble, and had hidden this from the scholars, he looked up to heaven and gave thanks to the Father (Lk 10:31).
The gift of knowledge is then, as expressed in Sth II-II,9 an apparently “supernatural” habit that is bestowed by the Holy Spirit by the grace of God as a gift to clarify his understanding of himself and how he perceives the world. world.
The Holy Spirit always judges us fairly and grants this gift of science to those who deserve it so that this person receives a lucidity beyond our understanding, becomes an instrument of God, a messenger of his word and glimpses of that world. invisible to others.
It is important to note that despite the fact that this man or these men can show an invisible world, not everyone will be able to perceive it, because just as the parables of Jesus were misunderstood for those who denied the power of God, likewise the invisible world will only become visible before humble eyes.
The gift of knowledge helps us to perfect faith as a virtue and provides us with new lights and knowledge with a divine tone.
Something that we must highlight is the fact that the gift of science should not be confused (nor is it the same) with natural science, that is, that science that knows certain things due to their natural causes, remote or proximate.
It is also the gift of science different from what is known as theological science, because in this, reason is enlightened by God, the faith that is possessed and the new lights, which, for example, are granted to the Pope, bishops and others. religious to guide their people and fulfill their mission in life: to guide the sheep of the Lord, to be his representatives and voices of God on earth.
The gift of science by the grace of the Holy Spirit allows us to know without greater effort than our faith and putting aside our reason, not closing or denying ourselves to a reality that has been revealed to us completely naturally by God.
It allows us to understand that our life on this earth is ephemeral and is known by God from the moment of our birth, life mission and until our death, because we are not eternal, however God the Father is kind and promises us to enjoy after death. a life of love and joy, where there is no sin or pain by your side.
The gift of science has two effects that, contrary to what many believe, are not opposite, but rather complement each other. On the one hand, it generates a deep, sincere and personal reflection, which allows us to understand what we have been doing up to now, if we have acted correctly or incorrectly, and redirect ourselves if necessary.
It is understanding our world and our humanity from a deeper sense, from within, from our origin. And also, it allows us to become aware that our actions in the present can significantly affect our future, and even our “eternity”.
When we perceive the world from the perspective of the gift of science, we begin to realize trivialities, precariousness, among other things, that for the first time seem so clear before our eyes, or rather, our eyes of the soul, a look, through God.
Today, Christians, married couples, teachers, businessmen, politicians, boyfriends, children and young people, parish priests, bishops, theologians, religious in general and anyone regardless of their race, color, belief need the gift of God more than what they imagine, what they do not fully understand is that this gift must be perfected and developed.
Everyone, absolutely everyone needs the gift of science so that their mind can expand and open to a new level of understanding of themselves and others, but like everything else, a gift should not be used lightly, as it represents a great responsibility.
Just as it is clear to us that a surgeon, for example, cannot practice his profession because he has gone blind, that same level of clarity can give us the gift of science.
Juan de Santo Tomás called the gift of science, “the science of the saints”, referring to God in Wis 10,10; In I-II, d.18, 43,10 when he said that “God had given them the knowledge of the saints.
The gift of science has always shone, both before the educated and the uneducated, revealing God his invisible world. The world for those who perceive it from this different perspective cannot be perceived in any other way than through the love of God and the grace of the Holy Spirit.
For those chosen by God, the world ceases to be a world of temptation and distractions and becomes a life project where the most important thing is their relationship with God and that others know his word, his love, his mercy and his goodness.
For example, Saint Francis of Assisi, spoke with such devotion and love for God that it was inevitable to feel inspired by his wonderful speeches, his miracles, and despite the personal challenges, taking the word of God to each person where he was was part of your life mission.
This is a great example of what a person anointed with the gift of knowledge means .
Saint Francis of Assisi, as well as many other religious who were willing to die defending the love and power of God, invited others to know the word of God, to share his love and wisdom, his path to salvation and all that they professed did not come from a book, as now, but came from the divine source, from God himself.
Thomas of Celano, II Life cp. 124, tells us that Saint Francis of Assisi walked with a certain reverence and left candles, lamps and lights off because it was his way of not extinguishing what for him represented eternal light.
On one occasion, he called himself a “rock”, but the question arises how he could handle all this information?
How could a man be so wise and even perform miracles? The answer: is that this power came from God and the gift of knowledge, respectively.
And this gift makes all the creatures that are part of the visible world surrender and are moved, and feel attracted to learn about this invisible world.
Another great example of the gift of science would be San Juan de Cruz, he was a poet, but also a mystic, who knew perfectly how to find beautiful words to express his feelings.
Canticle 5,1 tells us that the first consideration to develop this gift of science and of our spirit is to want to know God and his infinite, kind, merciful and unconditional love, surrender to his creator and recognize his omnipresence and omnipotence.
Desire to know the world, to know its creatures, but not before knowing ourselves and recognizing ourselves as instruments of God, his servants and surrendering ourselves to him and his divine will.
Canticle 5,3 tells us that God works through men and angels, however, creating is a project that he does not do or will do by himself or independently, because he wants us to get involved and be part of this creation.
The soul of his creatures is filled with joy to enjoy the immensity and beauty of God’s creation, to understand that not only God did his part, but that we are part of that creation it is wonderful and divine to have been part of something so big. Being part of God’s divine plan is simply indescribable.
When contemplating the world, the soul of believers who is fortunate to enjoy the gift of knowledge, because it finds a genuine calm and wisdom that God gives us and that is always in perfect harmony with his grace, word and deeds (14,4 ).
There are no material goods that can make us feel full, complete, and joyful, only the love of God is capable of making us enjoy the fullness of a harmonious and peaceful life. It is God, the only one who can offer us different perspectives in the face of our problems and who helps us to emerge victorious from them.
The gift of science allows us to recognize and understand the beauty and true meaning of a life filled with the grace of the Holy Spirit and the love of God. A clear example of this is Santa Catalina de Siena.
Saint Catherine of Siena, was an exemplary woman, loving and fearful of God, surrendered to her will, and on a certain occasion she commented to Blessed Raymond, who was her director, the following:
That if I knew the charm that a rational soul possesses, possessing the gift of knowledge, then I would not hesitate for a moment to do everything possible to save that life, because there is nothing in the world that can equal such a thing: a language of love and devotion, a language of inspiration (Legend 151).
Saint Teresa, also shared this thought, and said: that the soul that a just person possesses, can be compared to a paradise and its divinity (I Mansions 1,1)
For his part, Saint John of the Cross expressed that there was nothing more beautiful in this world than a beautiful soul, anointed in the grace of the Holy Spirit and the Gift of knowledge, the gift granted by God (Canticle 1,7).
Without exception, Jeremiah affirms that all those who are considered Saints have managed to understand one thing: that there is nothing more beautiful, nothing greater and nothing more wonderful than God. His creatures and everything that surrounds us is small compared to the immensity of God (1 Subida 4,3).
There is no more pure, unconditional, wonderful love that fills us with joy than the one that God offers us day by day and at all times, despite our defects, despite our sins, despite denying him and claiming him for things what we should do ourselves.
While the world is perceived by the majority in a banal, basic way, where the only important thing seems to be the pleasures of the body, satisfying our needs and accumulating goods, where science is the light that guides us and allows us to see vanity, indifference, contempt, the superfluous, and transmit this new truth that has been revealed to each creature that inhabits this world.
The gifts of the Holy Spirit
Since we are children and enjoy a Christian life we have heard about the Holy Spirit, his grace and his gifts, which is the messenger of God, however, on this occasion we will know him from a different point of view, granted, by the perspective of the gift of knowledge.
Nature of the Gift of Science
The gift of science is a supernatural gift granted by God, and has nothing to do with a philosophical science or a human science, nor with a theological science, but with a knowledge that goes beyond our understanding and that is granted by God. through the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit invites us to visualize the world and understand ourselves better, to support our brothers and sisters and to be better, to make ourselves more humble, to perceive and discover the world like a child, from love and without questioning, in freedom and devotion to our Father.
The gift of knowledge as a habit refers to the understanding of ourselves, the strengthening of our faith and a virtue granted only to the humble and little ones.
Under the grace of the Holy Spirit means that he is the only one who can grant and set in motion said gift. Obviously, this new knowledge, this new vision and perception of life brings with it a great responsibility that should not be used lightly.
This gift expands our mind with a divine, new, pleasant touch, which at first disturbs us a little because our whole life until now seems like a lie.
Many of the things that seemed important to us before now seem trivial, and the only way we feel inspired to follow is God’s way and our duty with this new Gift is to “enlighten others” so that they too can love and glorify God. Father and love him without measure.
Who judges us righteously: This is the reason that marks the great difference between the gift of understanding and the gift of knowledge. The gift of understanding is based on a great intuition, but this does not represent anything supernatural and does not pass judgment.
On the other hand, the gift of science judges the divine, but not the creation and the information that is received, that new perspective and a life full of new possibilities is granted by God through the holy spirit, it is not information that can be deduced or intuit in any way.
Importance and Need
The gift of science plays a very important and vital role in allowing our faith to develop, grow and expand in the right way. It is not enough to have information, but to use it for and for the good of our brothers and sisters.
It is not just about possessing the gift but about using it responsibly, humbly and without any intention of aggrandizing ourselves or believing ourselves superior to any other human being.
This instinct, habit or supernatural gift allows us to judge the divine and is what makes our faith not shake, but on the contrary strengthened.
Effects of the Gift of Science
The effects of the gift of science are quite extensive, therefore, we will dedicate an explanation to each of these effects, in order to be able to better understand this gift of science.
It teaches us to judge correctly of the things created by God
Father Philipon affirms that the gift of knowledge shocks our mind and soul, and shows us how small we are before the power of God and makes us feel empty, and how can we fill this emptiness? Of course! With the love of God.
It is this gift of science that made Saint Francis of Assisi and thousands of martyrs die feeling happy for having kept their faith and the love of God and if they had had the opportunity of one more life, they would not have hesitated even for an instant to love him. , serve him and give him their lives as they did that time.
Despite the martyrdom, the suffering, the humiliations and rejections, they felt true joy, of having dedicated and given their lives to God. And it is that when the universe reveals its mysteries to us, our life is never the same again.
When we understand that our mission is to carry God’s message to others, everything else, including our lives, seems to take on a different meaning. It was also the gift of science that manifested itself in Santa Teresa and gave her the facility to express herself and make others understand the immensity of God, relying on similarities and comparisons taken from the visible world, from what has already been created.
It guides us accurately about what we have to believe and not believe
This point does not require much explanation, since the title itself tells us what it refers to. The gift of knowledge guides us in what we should believe, but also in what we should not believe. It is not necessary to take a course or study theology, because it is about feeling, following a doctrine with devotion and without questioning.
It is not necessary that we be studied or not, we simply must know how to listen and fulfill the will of the father as indicated to us. Surrender to him and submit to his wishes.
It makes us see with promptness and certainty the state of our soul
The gift of knowledge makes us perceive the world so clearly that our soul seems to be almost transparent, not only before God, but also to ourselves.
For the first time, we can be an open book, truly honest, and understand our strengths and weaknesses, honestly, responsibly, and focus on improving, on building a better version of ourselves.
Recognizing ourselves as sinners, imperfect, weak and small before God, being honest, allows us to grow, serve more, want to contribute more, contribute significantly, do good without looking at who, love more and in a better way.
Our heart, our actions, our joys and sorrows, our achievements and defeats, absolutely everything takes on a new meaning and invites us to reflect deeply on it.
Inspires us to lead together with others to achieve our sanctification and eternal life
The gift of science is practical, it is about feeling and being prudent, allowing its influence in our lives, allowing God to work through us by the grace of the Holy Spirit who grants us a new level of understanding, new lights and perspectives, to not only better understand our life, but also to help others to boldly solve their problems, face them with intelligence, faith and wisdom.
The gift of knowledge inspires us to follow God’s path and help others also to follow and guide them in the most prudent way to achieve our own sanctification, and of course, enjoy eternal life, the promise of the father of a life without pain and without suffering by his side, in his kingdom on earth.
It detaches us from things on earth
Getting rid of some things here on earth is nothing more than the consequence of this new consciousness, to call it in some way. It is inevitable that after our mind expanded we decided to abandon certain things: habits, friends, relationships, ways of being, acting and thinking, among others.
It teaches us to make holy use of creatures
This feeling is a complement to the previous point, since just as we get rid of some things we also acquire others, and this, too, is inevitable.
We, as human beings, are so small before the Power and immensity of God that we could say that we are a grain of sand in an ocean, that is how small we are before him.
So, to what does this refer to “holy use of creatures?” Well, let’s see it with stories, in all the life examples of those who were later named and recognized as Saints or martyrs. As these, they exerted a positive influence on others and invited him to follow God, to have faith, to fear him.
It fills us with contrition and regret for our past mistakes
Of course! Once we are given the gift of knowledge and we have so much clarity, we become aware of many actions that were apparently “good” or pious but in reality, from this new perspective, seem to be not so good.
Making us aware of our past mistakes is good and even necessary, they should serve as lessons, and show us that we have to start being and acting differently.
Judging others is also judging ourselves since our brothers are a reflection of us. Everything we see and point out from others is because there is a lack of it in us. Everything that bothers us about others is because it also exists in us, even if we deny it and close ourselves off from recognizing it.
Learning from our mistakes, accepting our responsibility, becoming more aware and beginning to act consciously serves as a lever to reach God more easily.
This mainly refers to the fact that the third evangelical beatitude concerns the gift of knowledge. Matthew 5:5 tells us that blessed are those who cry because they will be comforted. Tears, because when man becomes aware of his sins he cries and implores his forgiveness to God, he accepts himself as a sinner.
And he cries, because he wants to enjoy eternal life with his father and feels that his past mistakes could prevent him. And consolation refers to the fact that despite the mistakes made and having sinned, we can be forgiven, do things differently and enjoy God.
Vices contrary to the gift of science
Sins, guilt, ignorance, are the main vices that oppose the gift of knowledge. Not accepting our responsibility, blaming others for our actions and mistakes. Deny the existence of God. We can be very studious, but if we are weak-minded then we are empty.
Means of fostering this gift
There are various means that allow us to promote the gift of science, among them, we can mention:
- Consider the vanity existing in earthly life
- Learn to relate to God as the creator of everything that surrounds us and of each creature that inhabits the earth.
- Give up any unhealthy space or person that takes us away from the path of God.
- Recognize that God is always by our side, both in good times and not so good.
- Always seek the purity and cleanliness of our hearts.
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