Human and Religious Formation according to Christians
In this article, everything about Human and Religious Formation will be shown and taught , according to the criteria of Christians, to have a notion about our identity both as human beings and as believers, and at the same time ensure that we have a better spiritual growth and improvement. staff, which are very present in our daily lives, so it is extremely important to have such training.
Human formation
Human Formation is the term we use for everything that is instilled in the smallest of the house from the family itself, to the values that teachers instill in them at school or at church, where they tell us the word of God while which in turn also present us with the main values and make us comparisons about what is good and what is bad.
Human formation is also closely related to attitudes and values which, depending on how they educate you, will have a great impact on your social and personal growth during the course of your life. For this reason, as a result of this, the person acts with more value schemes. , coherent, purposeful and many more of his own. All this will lead as a final result that the person recognizes her role in society or community, in the institution or company for which she works and above all in the family.
In order to better understand the meaning of what human formation is, in a nutshell this is the acquisition and development of the attitudes and values of the little ones, who with the passage of time acquire such knowledge that is of utmost importance to them. in the future, some of these attitudes can be described as follows: that he be responsible, that he always be honest, that he be fair, that he respect himself and others, that he does not stick with a single version but that he tries to search for different truths.
News of Human Formation
Human formation currently starts from the idea of developing internally in a balanced and harmonious way the various dimensions of the person, which leads to their formation in different areas such as intellectual, human, social and even professional, but to achieve this , first the subject must develop both informative and formative processes.
The informative processes refer to all those that have academic, cultural and disciplinary frameworks, while the training processes are all those related to the development of skills and at the same time to the development and integration of values expressed through the attitudes of said subject. Although it should also be noted that in the practice of these processes, the term skill is used only to denote the potential that a person possesses in order to acquire new knowledge and skills.
Meanwhile, the term attitudes is defined as a form of predisposition that in theory should be stable behavior which makes us react almost immediately to certain objects, situations or knowledge. Several attitudes are very basic and common for all individuals and at different stages of their development, although other of these attitudes may vary and be very different, but this would already depend on the educational level in which the person is and the context of the situation. .
As for the term values, which most people already know, here they are identified as abstract entities of vital importance for the human being, and are influenced by society itself, since these are the ones that define judgments and attitudes. of each subject, that is to say, what the person appreciates, recognizes, rejects and discards, so it can be said that the values in a certain way are a part of the decision-making and activities that the individual is going to carry out in any type of environment or situation in which you find yourself.
Importance of human formation
The human formation is of the utmost importance since, as mentioned above, this aims to promote in the individual, an integral and harmonious formation and development in the fields of daily life such as; intellectual, human, social and professional, so that in this way he can develop different knowledge in the course of his life as for example; skills, attitudes, skills and above all values, so that the individual in this way can achieve:
- Appropriation and development of the various values that exist such as human, cultural, social, artistic, institutional and environmental.
- Acquisition of logical, critical and creative thinking.
- Optimum performance based on basic knowledge and skills for their own self-training
- The establishment of interpersonal and group relationships with tolerance and above all with respect to cultural diversity.
- Last but not least so that the individual can achieve a harmonious, successful and very calm life.
Values that a secretary should have
Below is an example of the values that any type of employee should possess, after going through good human training during the course of his life, some of these values are of the utmost importance, both for the employee himself and For his colleagues, it can be said that these values that we will see below with the example of the secretary, can also be applied in other work areas.
Human quality
- Stimulate the free development of the personality of each employee.
- Be aware of the constant training of each and every one of the employees.
- Listen and pay attention to the opinion of staff and service users.
- Promotes and expands camaraderie in a positive way, so that a very close relationship is maintained between the same employees, which allows them to accept the agreements made as a team, without any kind of deterioration to the dignity of each individual.
- Seek to simplify in a good way all the procedures that the public generally carries out.
- Worry and take action for the satisfaction of each of the users in the services provided.
- Leverage available talent.
- Promote delegation with great responsibility.
- Provide total quality in the services received by citizens.
- Eliminate the arrogant attitude at all costs, or in simpler words, do not abuse the power you have towards others as well as avoid abuse of any kind and neglect.
- Encourage constructive criticism in any way.
- Encourages the constant search for change.
- Encourage and recognize all kinds of initiative.
- Stimulate all that entrepreneurial spirit.
- Comply with current regulations.
- Provide good working conditions suitable for employees.
- Recognize the capacity and experience of the staff in the development of all its activities.
- Require ethical and appropriate behavior of the personnel who work in it.
- Generate preventive measures or combat corruption in the provision of services.
- Provide all staff with security in their work performance at all costs.
Human rights
Human rights are all those that offer us both institutional freedoms and claims to have a dignified life, these are inherent, that is, they include all people in the world without any kind of distinction, whether it is nationality, place of residence, origin national or ethnic, color, religion, or any other type of condition, so it can be said that absolutely everyone has human rights without any kind of discrimination. It should be said that these do not depend exclusively on the current legal system.
It can also be said that human rights are the conditions to have a relationship between people as with society itself, that is, it allows each individual as a person to be part of something as they can also identify with themselves and at the same time with the other people. These are fundamental so that a good human formation can be given to any individual since these are one of the main bases to follow so that said formation is carried out in an adequate and precise manner.
What are the Fundamental Rights?
As mentioned above, fundamental rights are those that belong to any type of person without any exceptions.
Which are my fundamental rights?
Next, each of the fundamental rights will be named, which everyone should possess and respect at all costs.
- Right to life.
- Right to ideological and religious freedom.
- Right to personal liberty.
- Right to privacy.
- To free expression.
- Right to identity and nationality.
- Right not to be discriminated.
- Education rights.
- Right to work.
- Right to defense.
- Right to live in peace.
- Right to a healthy and balanced environment.
Children’s rights
As human rights exist, children’s rights are also found in order for them to have a decent and pleasant quality of life, since they are the future of humanity.
- All boys and girls should have the same rights regardless of sex, color, religion or economic status.
- Boys and girls must have all the necessary means to grow physically, mentally and spiritually, in conditions of freedom and dignity.
- Boys and girls have the right to a name and a nationality from the moment of their birth.
- Boys and girls and their mothers have the right to enjoy good nutrition, decent housing and special health care.
- Boys and girls with physical and mental illnesses must receive special care and education appropriate to their conditions.
- Children must receive the love and understanding of their parents and grow up under their responsibility. Society must worry about children without families.
- Boys and girls have the right to education, culture and play.
- Children must be the first to receive protection in case of danger or accident.
- Boys and girls must be protected against any form of exploitation and neglect that harms their health and education.
- Boys and girls must be educated in a spirit of understanding, peace and friendship and must be protected against racism and intolerance.
Life Proyect
Every human being must have a life project which will drive them to move forward and it will also be the future that this will have depends on how it is carried out, although building a life project is not easy, that is why some get stuck and you don’t know exactly what to do with their lives, so here we will show the fundamental bases to be able to create this project, it should be said that this is related to human formation since if we do not have adequate human formation it will be almost impossible to create a project of life which will guide us to our future.
To be able to elaborate a life project, you would first have to consider several aspects of said person, which are; the environment and knowledge that he possesses, how much perseverance he has in terms of searching for doubts or concerns that he possesses together with the goals proposed by him, and his ability to solve problems. Some steps to carry out such a project are as follows.
- Make the starting point my situation.
- Make my autobiography.
- Identify my personality traits.
- Ask myself the question of who I am, and thus have a better vision of myself and my defects and advantages.
- Ask myself who I will be in the future and what I must do to achieve it.
- My life program, what do I need to do to start taking action now, while at the same time discovering my true purpose in life.
In case you have several doubts regarding the realization of a life project, this video that we will leave you just below could be of great help.