The Biography of Saint Paul of Tarsus: Who was he?

The Biography of Saint Paul of Tarsus: Who was he?

In this article we leave you with extremely important information about Saint Paul of Tarsus , whose apostle became an iconic character for the expansion of the word of God in the world. In addition, you will find details of his life before his evolution and devotion to the Christian faith, which will surprise you. For this reason, we…

The Best Short Pastorelas for your Christmas

The Best Short Pastorelas for your Christmas

The Pastorelas Cortas, are a series of Christmas plays that deal with the birth of the Child Jesus, in the region of Bethlehem. Learn in the following article all about how to make Pastorelas Navideñas.  4 Scripts for Christmas Pastorela In this article we are going to present 4 types of Short Pastorelas Scripts that can be made with…

Los Sacramentos de Iniciación Religiosa Cristianos

Los Sacramentos de Iniciación Religiosa Cristianos

Los Sacramentos de Iniciación Cristiana son el corazón de la fe católica, ya que mediante ellos el Señor concede su gracia, hace presencia y actúa en nosotros. Los rituales visibles por medio de los cuales son oficiados los sacramentos representan y ejecutan las gracias particulares de cada uno de ellos. Entérate de mucho más al continuar…

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