Guardian Angel: What are they? History and Prayer
You are very devoted to the Saints and you pray every day but you want to pray for the Guardian Angel and you don’t know what their history and prayer are, don’t worry here we will teach you everything.
Who is the Guardian Angel?
Said Angel can be said of the guard as a custodian, everything will depend on the beliefs held in the Christian world, this was the one sent by God to protect, guide and be the guardian of each person during the passage of their lives within the earthly plane and thus be able to facilitate their arrival in heaven when they die. Despite being a Christian belief, this Angel is given more devotees in the Catholic religion.
References in Scripture
In what leads to the category of these angels, they are taken in a descriptive way to be the guardians of human beings, for the most part the way of seeing them is usually changed depending on the book that is read.
in angelology
In the fourth and fifth centuries, these angels were described in a work called The Celestial Hierarchies which was created by the theologian Dionysius Areopagite, these angels were shown from an angelic order that was given from the first section called angelology. On the other hand, Catholics often say that within the Bible, what is the belief of the Guardian Angel is usually supported at different times.
In the Catechism of the Catholic Church
Within the Catholic Church, the existence of Guardian Angels can be understood, but nevertheless, Father Francisco explained that the Guardian Angel was the same and he used to be with each person on the planet, taking care that each one was safe. of demons and missteps. In general, today a large part of the people do not believe in it, but nevertheless, when a miracle happens, they have a brief moment of belief, so they usually pray something very short and give thanks.
The Feast of the Guardian Angel in the Roman Rite
Said celebration towards the Guardian Angels is carried out from Spain where it began from the 5th century, at that time a small celebration was held for the day of the Guardian Angel which joined together with the festivities of the Archangel Michael on September 29. Not to mention that these festivities have been held since the year eight hundred.
By the twelfth century it was even said that God had written that every soul with a body should trust its Guardian Angel, since his mission was to lead it on the path of good to face all the bad and move forward. Then, in the 13th century, Saints Albert the Great, Thomas Aquinas and Peter Damian wrote that if a person performs an act of bad faith and acts contrary to what the Bible cites, the Guardian Angel must also stay to give him a or otherwise the feeling of regret to the person.
Between the years of 1475 to 1521, father Leo X created the doctrine for the existence of the Guardian Angel, then father Paul V approved that the existence of guardian angels should be taken seriously at a universal level and then in the year 1970 the new Papa Clemente X will proclaim that the feast day of the Guardian Angel will take place on October 2 every year.
Grassroots Devotion
By the year eight hundred in England the day of the Guardian Angel was already celebrated and by the year 1111 a prayer was created so that the devotees were very faithful to perform it, after this the celebration was taken to all countries thanks to the father of that time in the year 1608. The prayer to the Guardian Angel is as follows:
“Angel of the Lord
that by order of the pious divine providence,
you are my guardian
keep me this day [this afternoon or this night],
illuminate my understanding,
direct my affections,
rule my feelings
so that I never offend the God and Lord. Amen.”
Other Prayers to Pray to the Guardian Angel
Over the years, the prayer to the angels has been modified into shorter verses and even into a prayer so that the smallest of the house could recite it at the time of praying before bed, these prayers are the prayer to the Angel Custodian.
“Holy Angel of the Lord,
my jealous guardian,
since I entrust divine mercy to you,
light me, keep me
rule and rule Amen.”
And in the case of the prayer for children, which from a very young age is instilled in them to pray, it is called the Angel of my Guardian prayer, this is usually done before going to sleep:
«My guardian angel , sweet company,
do not forsake me night or day.
Do not leave me alone, I would lose myself.
Until dawn in the arms
of Jesus, Joseph and Mary
8 Reasons why you should not remove your Guardian Angel from your life
- accompanies you from conception
Always keep in mind that your Angel is with you from the day you are born as it appears in the Holy Bible until your hour of death, so he will take care of you and guide you along the good paths of life and help you overcome every bad decision.
- Its existence is not an invention, it is based on the Bible
For ever and ever it is said that the existence of Los Angeles is completely certain, since there is a vote of faith towards them as it appears in numerous quotes from the Bible and the Old Testament where it is spoken of all those angels who have the job of guarding a person.
- They are Close Companions of the Saints
Along with these there are also infinities of saints who help them take care of people, some of these Saints are considered for help with any type of problem, some of these are Santa Teresita del NIÑO Jesús, San Francisco de Sales, San Josémaría Escrivá, among others. In addition to these, it is said that the great caretaker of the drivers Santa Francisca Romana was able to see her own Angel, for what she described as a great beauty that was inexplicable.
- Protects in difficult moments
For the fourth century, the great Saint Bernard of Clairvaux used to say that the Angels taught as God did not neglect them and that he would always be there to help them, so these were the purest and most celestial spirits that he sent to be heard. One of the miracles that they took very seriously is when two workers from San Juan Bosco were in a moment of life and death, since the scaffolding where they were had fallen, so one of them recited the prayer of my Guardian Angel and He was safe while his companion had died, said man did not stop saying that when he prayed he felt like they had grabbed him and put him on the floor without a scratch.
- They are Mighty Servants of God
Within the catechism, Los Angeles is named as the great servants, since these are recognized by God as the holiest spirits in the world, therefore they have the powers to help and they cannot be deceived or defeated, so the people who pray by their Angel they are heard at every moment.
- They Come Quickly When Called
In general, based on theology, the speed of an Angel is not measured by the power it possesses, but by the faith and will of the person to pray. In spite of this, the Angels are not usually internal to an earthly body to move fast, since they go at speed if they are kept in mind. In very specific cases, if the person asks for help for another person, these are usually done immediately so as not to lose sight of their guardian.
- The Veneration of the Guardian Angels is Legitimate
Within the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments for the year 2002 they managed to decree before the Directory of Popular Piety and the Liturgy that the Holy Angels were completely legitimate. Despite this achievement, the devotees were told that they should not think about wrong things such as thinking that life was kept in a fight between the demons and the Angels while people are hurt in these battles, attributing to small contradictions of life in the bad and the good.
- They can be summoned at any time and place
Los Angeles has always appeared at every moment when they are asked, so these are to protect us in every situation despite the fact that in the church they always recommend asking for help from them only during the day, since for they say that at night they can be bent by demons.