Family bullying

Family bullying: what is it? and its consequences

Family bullying is the environment where the bullies and the harassed come from. Bullying is nothing more than mistreatment that can cause physical and psychological damage, usually children and adolescents suffer. This damage is caused by third parties (stalkers) intentionally and on different occasions to achieve some kind of benefit, whether material or not. What is family bullying? As…

Parent Obligations, Duties and Responsibilities

Parent Obligations, Duties and Responsibilities

In the holy scriptures one can find references in which the family is said to be the most important organizational structure in this life, as well as in eternity. The purpose of parents is to create an eternal family. In this opportunity we will teach you through this article all about the obligations of parents , responsibilities, duties and…

What is there after death, is there life

What is there after death, is there life? what happen?

What is there after death ? It is the big question that many ask themselves, until now it represents a mystery that we will integrate decipher in this article, take advantage and find out everything related to this topic. What is there after death? For thousands of years, attempts have been made to give an answer regarding…

Spiritual Retreat: What is it and its types? find out

Spiritual Retreat: What is it and its types? find out

A spiritual retreat is taking a break from our daily routine to analyze what am I doing with my life? In this article you will discover what is a spiritual retreat ? What are the types of withdrawal that exist? 10 reasons why we should enjoy an experience like this and much more. What is a spiritual retreat? A  spiritual retreat  is a moment…

The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price (Matthew 13:45)

The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price (Matthew 13:45)

For many, it is Christ who symbolizes the pearl of great price and sinful man, like the merchant, does everything possible to sell everything he has to Christ. Actually the parable is a teaching of Scripture, which teaches us that for the Lord there is no silver or gold that symbolizes wealth but the good deeds that we…

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