Prayer to the soul alone for love, money, luck and more

Prayer to the soul alone for love, money, luck and more

Celestina Abdénago is a woman who stars in one of the most well-known magical-religious stories in Latin American countries and which has been taken to other parts of the world, where prayer to the soul alone continues to transcend time. This much-mentioned story recounts the action of Abdénago, a woman who is a member of…

What is holiness and what does it consist of?

What is holiness and what does it consist of? where is recognized

Holiness considered that quality of one who is Holy and who brings together a large number of virtues, is basically for many to live in accordance with the teachings of Christ and love as he loved. If you want to know interesting aspects about what holiness is , be sure to read this article. What is…

Saint Nicholas of Bari

Saint Nicholas of Bari: Who Was He?, Prayers and Festivals

Saint Nicholas of Bari , is a bishop who is known worldwide by various names, including Saint Nicholas of Myra or Bari, and becomes the original figure of the well-known Saint Nicholas or Santa Claus. In the following article we will know everything about San Nicolas de Bari Misas and more. Saint Nicholas of Bari Saint Nicholas,…

Jesus I trust in you, the catholic prayer, know it

Jesus I trust in you, the catholic prayer, know it

Jesus I trust you, it consists of a very beautiful prayer where Jesus Christ is praised and requests are made to him to solve spiritual, emotional and material problems, discover everything related to this Catholic prayer by reading this interesting article. Jesus, I trust you Through the years, a number of devotees have been formed…

Prayers of the holy death for an effective mooring

Prayers of the holy death for an effective mooring

The prayers of Santa Muerte are prayers that are made in order to request a favor, especially to tie someone up, it is considered a religious tradition rooted especially in Mexico, learn more about this topic by reading the following article. Prayers of the Holy Death Every day people encounter various adverse situations that limit their…

An Analysis of The Urantia Book and Brief Description

An Analysis of The Urantia Book and Brief Description

The Urantia Book , a philosophical and spiritual work that shows us our origin as human beings and relationship with God. It tells our story and gives a perspective on what our destiny as humanity could be. Origen The Urantia Book is a literary work that reveals many of the mysteries of science, humanity, and about Jesus Christ…

What is the asterisks diet? And what is its origin?

What is the asterisks diet? And what is its origin?

The asterisks diet is a simple, practical and easy-to-understand method that will allow you to improve not only better control of your eating habits, but also improve your physical appearance and obtain well-being. Do you want to know more? Then continue reading. The Asterisks Diet Asterisk diet , have you ever heard of it? Today, we are going to explain…

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