Christian Human Virtues

Christian Human Virtues: Full List Here

The Human Virtues are a series of firm attitudes that are deposited in people by the grace of God. In the following article we will know everything about the Human Virtues and what they are.

The Human Virtues

These are the ones that provide happiness, as well as control and joy to be able to lead what is a morally good life. Human virtues consist of firm attitudes, stable dispositions, the most common perfections of understanding and also of the will that come to regulate human acts, are those that order the passions and also the safe conduct as a result of faith.

The man who is virtuous becomes one who freely practices good. The moral human virtues are acquired through human forces. These are the fruits and genes of morally good acts. They are those who have all the powers of the human being to be able to harmonize with what divine love is.

In Baptism, God is the one who instills in the soul, without any type of human merit, the human virtues, which become the habitual and firmer dispositions to be able to do good. The infused virtues become theological and the moral. In the case of evangelical Christianity, it has the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which are the ones that come to facilitate the most perfect exercise of all the virtues.

What is Virtue?

Virtue becomes a habitual and very firm disposition to succeed in doing good. Human virtues become the moral heritage of men. They are the ones that help him to be able to behave well in all circumstances, that is, to make him good in the truest and most complete sense.

No man is born good or bad, just as no one is born a doctor or even a craftsman, however, from nature one receives the ability to become one. And the duty to be virtuous, that is, good in the authentic sense, must become everyone’s commitment because everyone has to seek to improve morally. There is no other kind of possibility: either one becomes a better person or one becomes a worse person. This comes to mean either that the virtues are acquired or we abandon ourselves to all the vices.

The man finds himself in front of a kind of bifurcation: one cannot not choose. The good, of improvement, is chosen; otherwise it gets worse. For example, whoever chooses to be measured at the table, today, tomorrow, etc., becomes a sober and free person before all the attractions of food. On the contrary, whoever becomes disorderly, today, tomorrow, etc., becomes vicious and a slave to the impulses of the moment.

The virtuous man becomes a truly free person. On the other hand, a person who is a heavy smoker is subjugated by tobacco, the alcoholic does not become a free person to be able to choose in terms of alcohol, the drug addict becomes a chained person. They are all examples of slavery.

The acquisition of human virtues is the only way to become truly free, mature people, masters of their own actions. It is understood then of the vital importance of the mandate of the Lord Jesus who says: “Be perfect as your Father who is in heaven is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). What it means: that we must become virtuous, which means, good, do good always imitating your heavenly Father.

Virtue becomes a good habit that makes man a person capable of doing good in a much easier and more rewarding way. Virtue consists in integrity and also in moral excellence, in power and in strength; even in chastity or in purity.

It is also a quality that allows those who possess it to help them in the most difficult situations in order to change them in their favor. The virtuous person is one who is on the way to being a wise being, because he already knows how to reach each of his goals without stepping on those of others, because he places others on his side and leads them to be able to achieve. a different goal. The virtuoso becomes the one who “knows how to row against the current”.

Virtue becomes the capacity or even the strength of the human being, it consists of a way of life that comes to identify people with their way of being. In the same way, a virtuous person is usually one who knows how to deal with any kind of problem that comes his way.

He is a person who has many kinds of qualities and puts them into practice in his day to day life. The person who wants to become virtuous struggles to acquire that same good habit that makes human beings capable of doing good. Virtues come to be seen as positive qualities, and are often opposed to vices. The human virtues are about the good qualities and the most sensitive of the human being.

What are the Holy Spirit Gifts?

The gifts of the Holy Spirit consist of permanent dispositions, which are linked to charity, which make man docile to be able to follow all the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. The gifts of the Holy Spirit are made up of 7 gifts or fruits that are:

  1. The wisdom
  2. The intelligence
  3. The advice
  4. Strength
  5. The science
  6. piety
  7. the fear of god

The gifts of the Holy Spirit are located in all those who have charity. Like charity they can become many more or less intense. His greatest influence is characterized in the mystical life. The 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit that we previously described are those that fully belong to Christ.

It is the third and most important of the Divine virtues that are listed by the apostle Paul in the book of 1 Corinthians 13:13, it is commonly called charity and it comes to be defined as: the divinely infused habit, the inclination of the will of man to have to love God for Himself above all things and also man for the love of God.

What are the Evangelical Beatitudes?

The evangelical beatitudes that are proclaimed by the Lord Jesus in the sermon on the mount which can be found in the book of Matthew 5:3-10 consist of the following:

  • Blessed are the Poor in the Spirit, because theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
  • Blessed are the Sufferers, because they will inherit the Earth.
  • Blessed are those that weep, for they shall receive consolation.
  • Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst for Justice, because They will be Satisfied.
  • Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.
  • Blessed are the Pure of Heart, because They Will See God.
  • Blessed are those who work for peace, because they will be called the Sons of God.
  • Blessed are the Persecuted for the Cause of Justice, because They are the Kingdom of Heaven.

How many Kinds of Virtues are there?

There are 2 classes of virtues that are the theological virtues and human or moral virtues.

The Theological Virtues

In the case of the Theological Virtues, they are made up of the following 3 virtues, which are:

  1. Faith
  2. The hope
  3. The charity


Faith becomes the theological virtue by which all human beings believe in God, in everything that He has come to reveal to us and that his Church teaches us as an object of faith.

The hope

Hope becomes the theological virtue by which many desire and expect from God, with a very firm trust, eternal life and also in the graces to deserve it, because God has come to promise it to us.

The charity

Charity becomes the theological virtue by which human beings love God above all things and also our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God, with filial love and in the same fraternal way that Christ loves us. He has commanded.

In relation to the theological virtue of charity, that is, of what love is, it must be taken into account that love towards God and love towards one’s neighbor become the same thing in such a way that one is going to depend of the other; for this, a person will be able to love his neighbor as much as he loves God; and, at the same time, we will love the Lord God as much as we truly love our neighbor.

  • Can Charity reach perfection in this life?

It goes so far as to say that in this life charity becomes perfect when it excludes not only everything that is mortal or deliberate venial sin, but also everything that can prevent us from loving God with all our hearts. The Christian who has managed to reach this type of degree of love fully lives the evangelical beatitudes.

  • To whom is the virtue of Charity directed?

The virtue of charity is directed first of all to God, and then it is equally extended to ourselves and even to our neighbor, that is, to all men in an indistinct way, as in the same way to the angels of heaven.

  • How can charity be lost?

Charity is lost when a person commits any kind of mortal sin.

  • How can the lost Charity be recovered?

The charity that is lost can be recovered only with the sacrament of Penance or even with Confession, or at least with a type of act of perfect constriction that is linked to the purpose of confessing. This is according to Catholic beliefs.

The definition is the one that highlights the main characteristics of charity which are:

Its Origin by Divine Infusion:

“The love of God has been shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who has been given to us.” Book of Romans 5:5. It is therefore different from and superior to the innate inclination or habit that is acquired to come to love God in the natural order.

The great theologians come to agree when they say that it is infused together with sanctifying grace, with which it is intimately linked either by real identity, or by certain ones who come to support or agree to an idea much more common, by means of a connatural emanation.

Its Abode is the Human Will:

Despite the fact that on certain occasions charity becomes intensely emotional and is constantly the one that reacts on the sensory faculties, since it resides properly in the rational will, a type of fact that should never be forgotten by all those who make it a impossible virtue.

Your Specific Act:

This means to say, the love of benevolence and also of friendship. To love God is to wish him all honor, all glory and all good; and come to strive, as far as we can, to obtain it for Him. The book of John in chapter 14:23 and 15:14 is where the trait of reciprocity is emphasized that makes charity an authentic friendship of man with God our creator.

Your Reason:

This means, that Divine goodness or kindness is absolutely taken and how it becomes known to us by faith. It does not matter if that kind of goodness comes to be seen in one, or in many, or in all Divine attributes, but in all cases, we have to adhere to it, not as some kind of source of help or a kind of prize or a happiness for ourselves, but as a kind of good in itself, infinitely worthy of our love, in this same and unique sense, God becomes loved for Himself.

However, the distinction of the 2 loves: concupiscence, which comes to incite hope; and benevolence, which is what animates charity, should not be forced into a kind of mutual exclusion, since the Church has come to constantly condemn any attempt to discredit the works of Christian hope.

Your Scope:

This means that the 2, both God and man. While God alone is all the lovable, since like all men, by grace and by his glory, whether they actually share or at least become capable of being able to share divine goodness, it follows that love supernatural is the one that rather includes them than excludes them, according to the book of Matthew 22:39 and Luke 10:27. Therefore, one and the same virtue of charity are those that conclude in the 2, God and man, mainly in God and secondarily in man.

As for the way and the degree of influence that charity should exert on the virtuous actions of a person, to make them worthy of heaven, theologians are very far from agreeing, some of them even maintain that only the state of grace, or habitual charity, is required; others are those who insist on the more or less frequent renewal of the different acts of divine love.

Of course, the meritorious power of charity becomes, like virtue itself, capable of indefinite growth. According to Catholic beliefs, Saint Thomas comes to mention 3 main stages:

  • First Stage: Freedom from mortal sin through tenacious resistance against temptation.
  • Second Stage: Avoid deliberate venial sins by the assiduous practice of virtue.
  • Third Stage: Union with God through the constant repetition of acts of love.

The Human or Moral Virtues

The human virtues, also called moral virtues, become stable dispositions of the understanding and also of the will that are the ones that regulate our actions, they are the ones that order our passions and also guide our behavior according to reason and faith. Human virtues are usually many, however, they can be grouped around 4 main ones, which are called cardinal virtues:

  • Prudence
  • Justice
  • Fortress
  • Temperance

What is Prudence?

Prudence becomes the virtue that has a practical reason to be able to discern, in all kinds of circumstances, our true good and to be able to choose the right means to achieve it.

What is Justice?

Justice becomes the virtue that consists in the constant and also in the firm will to come to give God and the neighbor what is due to them.

What is the Fortress?

Strength becomes the virtue that ensures firmness and also perseverance in the practice of good, even in times of greatest difficulties.

What is Temperance?

Temperance becomes the virtue that contains the attraction to sensible pleasures and is the one that seeks moderation in the use of created goods. The fundamental distinction becomes between the acquired human virtues, this means that they are obtained with the effort of the person through the repetition of good actions, and the infused virtues, this means that they are received as a gift. of God along with sanctifying grace.

List of Human Virtues (Positive Adverbs)

At this moment we are going to present a list of all the human virtues in Spanish, this becomes useful in case you need to describe someone and be able to say some positive things. In this way it will be very easy to be able to choose between the following examples of human values ​​and you will look great, the list is arranged in alphabetical order as follows:

Letter a )

Accommodating – Positive Attitude – Adaptable – Amiable

Affectivity – Affective – Pleasant – Joy

Kindness – Kind – Ambitious – Friendly – ​​Friendship

Friendly – ​​Love – Loving – Peaceful – Harmonious

Attentive – Bold – Authenticity – Self-confidence

Self-knowledge – Self-control – Self-criticism – Self-esteem – Adventurous

Letter B )

Beauty – Well-being- Kindness – Kindness – Brilliant

Good Character – Good Communication – Good Person – Good

Letter C )

Warm – Calm – Capacity – Character – Caring – Caring

Caution – Circumspection – Collaborator – Comedian – Fellowship

Compassionate – Understanding – Commitment – ​​Communicative – Conscientious

Reliable – Confidence – Considered – Constancy – Contentment

Cordial – Sanity – Courteous – Creativity – Creative – Constructive Criticism – Caring

Letter D )

Decency – Decisive – Detachment – ​​Determination – Determinant

Devotion – Diligent – ​​Dynamic -Diplomatic – Disciplined

Discreet – Fun – Docility – Gift of Command – Sweet

Letter ( E )

Ecology – Educated – Effectiveness – Emotional – Empathy

Entrepreneur – Charming – Energetic – Enthusiastic – Fairness

Balanced – Hope – Spontaneity – Ethics – Exuberant

Letter ( F )

Happiness – Loyalty – Faithful – Flexibility

Strength – Frankness – Strong

Letter ( G )

Generosity – Generous – Gracious – Gratitude

Letter H )

Honesty – Honest – Honesty – Humility – Humble

Letter I )

Imaginative – Impartial – Independent – ​​Resourceful

Initiative – Integrity – Intellectual – Intelligence – Intuitive

Letter ( J )


Letter I )

Industriousness – Loyal – Liberal

Letter M )

Meticulous – Moderate – Modest – Moral

Letter ( N ​​)

Noble – Nobility

Letter O )

Obedience – Objectivity – Optimism – Ordered

Letter p )

Patience – Patient – ​​Passionate – Perfectionist

Perseverance – Persistent – ​​Insightful – Pioneer

Powerful – Practical – Providence – Prudence – Neatness – Punctuality

Letter R )

Rational – Reason – Receptivity – Recognizes its Errors – Reserved

Resilient – ​​Respect – Respectful – Responsibility – Romantic

Letters )

Knowing how to listen – Knowing how to think – Knowing how to forgive – Knowing how to feel

Wisdom – Sacrifice – Sagacity – Healthy Fun

Safe – Simplicity – Sensible – Sensitivity – Sensitive

Serenity – Helpful – Sincerity – Sincere

Sobriety – Sociability – Solidarity – Overcoming

Letter ( T )

Temperance – Tolerance – Worker – Calm – Transparency

Letter ( V )

Courage – Courageous – Brave – Truth – Shameful

Versatile – Virtues – Will

This great list has gone very well for many people when at the beginning of the summer, some children ask to be told some of their values ​​to be encouraged. With this list it was very easy to be able to find the nice words and also the most appropriate ones to be able to describe the good things that have been seen in each of them and I think they hit the dedication much better because they felt very satisfied.

What is the Usefulness of these Virtues?

The cardinal virtues, and generally all the other human or moral virtues that are linked to them, are those that allow us to be able to do good quickly, with greater naturalness and with joy.

Is it possible to do good without virtues?

Without any of the human virtues, the human being cannot do any good deed, if he wants to, however, most of the time he can do it only with immense fatigue and effort, for which he cannot become constant in good.

Is it Necessary to believe all the Revealed Truths?

It is necessary to come to believe all the truths that are revealed by God and those proposed infallibly by the Magisterium of the Church of Christ. If you deny just 1 truth you cannot call yourself a Christian.

How can you be a believer again?

You can get to recover what is the lost faith and also return in that way to being a Catholic believer as long as you are repenting of your sin committed and at all times believing again everything that the Church has taught you. However, it is usually necessary to keep in mind that whoever has come to expressly deny the faith must in the same way ask the competent authority for the absolution of the excommunication in which he has come to incur with said sin.

However, the prerogatives of charity should not be interpreted in a way that includes what is inadmissible. What was said by the apostle John in the book of 1 John 3:6 which says: “Whoever remains in Him (in God) does not sin” , which certainly means the special permanence of charity, mainly in each of its higher degrees. elevated.

However, it does not become an absolute guarantee against the possibility of losing it; while the habit that is infused never becomes diminished by venial sin, 1 single serious fault becomes sufficient to be able to destroy it and thus end the union and also the friendship of man with God.

However, man must come to raise himself far beyond his natural life to what is the Divine life for what he says: “Be perfect as my Father who is in heaven” (Book of Matthew verse 48 ). Therefore, it is necessary then to have certain human virtues in the midst of the social virtues that become human, and the exemplary virtues that become divine.

These classes of intermediate human virtues are usually of 2 degrees of perfection: the minor ones that are in the soul, which are the ones that struggle to rise from the life of sin towards the likeness of God, these become the purificatory virtues; the greatest are found in the soul that has already been located in the likeness of God. These same virtues tend to be the virtues of purified souls.

To a lesser degree, prudence, moved by what is the contemplation of Divine things, which leaves all earthly things and comes to orient the thought of the soul only to the Lord God; temperance or also known as temperance is the one that abandons, as long as nature allows, the things that become required by bodily needs; strength is the one that removes the fear of abandoning this kind of life and is the one that faces the life beyond; justice is that which approves the provisions described above.

In the high degrees of perfection of souls that are already purified and also firmly united with God, prudence does not get to know anything other than their great belonging to God; temperance is the one that ignores all earthly desires; strength does not get to know the passions; justice is found in what is within the Divine mind in a permanent contact, in order to do things in a more consistent way.

This kind of degree of perfection belongs to those who are sanctified in heaven or also to a few who have a fundamentally perfect kind of life. These few perfectionists become the so-called heroes of virtue, the candidates for honors at the altar, just like the saints of the earth.

Together with the 4 cardinal virtues, the Christian saint is the one who must have the 3 theological virtues, especially with the Divine love that is charity; the virtue that informs us, the one that baptizes us and also consecrates us in all the other virtues; in this way it is possible to obtain the association and also the unification to get to participate in the Divine life.

Evidence such as “heroic evidence” is required in the type of beatification process, which comes to serve to illustrate in great detail the general principles that have been exposed.

In this way, as love is found in the culmination of all human virtues, faith is found in the essential aspects. It is by faith that the Lord God is apprehended, and that the soul becomes raised to supernatural life. Faith is often the secret of consciousness; for the world, it becomes manifest in the good works in which one comes to live, “faith without works is dead faith” as the book of James describes it, 2:26.

Such works become the outward profession of faith, the strictest observance of God’s Divine Commandments, prayer, filial devotion to the church, great fear of God, horror of sin, as well as penance for the sins committed, patience in adversity, among many others.

All these or certain of them are linked to what heroism is when they are practiced with great perseverance, over a period of time, or under certain circumstances in which the perfection of the ordinary man would have reached him. prevent from acting.

There are people who come to the opinion that human virtues consist of about 10, which are the following:

  • The resilience

Moving on when we only get to see the darkness in our future. Accepting that disappointments and also setbacks are what are part of any kind of human life. Don’t get to scare other people with our fears.

  • Empathy

The ability to connect with the other person’s experiences. And also what is the courage to put yourself in someone else’s place and always look at yourself with great honesty.

  • Patience

With perseverance we lose our nerves because we always believe that things are going to have to be perfect. Human beings have always advanced a lot in certain types of aspects (for example, in what technology has been) however, very little in others: such as, for example, in the ability to be able to accept that things are not at all times they become what we want.

  • The sacrifice

Naturally, everyone comes to seek their own benefits. However, we also have a great miraculous ability to, at certain times, forget our own personal interests and sacrifice ourselves for another person or for a cause.

  • Good manners

Good manners are those that have a bad reputation. Generally, people come to assume that “being polite” becomes synonymous with “being false” and the opposite of “being ourselves.” However, manners consist of a necessary rule for any kind of civilization and are closely related to what tolerance is: which is the ability to live together with people with whom they will never agree.

  • The sense of humor
  • Self Awareness

Do not hold others responsible for all your problems or mood swings.

  • The forgiveness
  • The hope

Pessimism does not specifically become a kind of sign of “intellectual intelligence and depth”, nor does optimism become a kind of reflection of foolishness.

  • The trust

On certain occasions we do not manage to reach our own dreams for the simple fact that we do not dare to just try. Confidence does not amount to a kind of arrogance, but rather the awareness that our lives are usually short and that, in reality, we have a lot to do since there is very little to lose when we risk fighting for what we truly love. we want.

  • The trust

On certain occasions we do not manage to reach our own dreams for the simple fact that we do not dare to just try. Confidence does not amount to a kind of arrogance, but rather the awareness that our lives are usually short and that, in reality, we have a lot to do since there is very little to lose when we risk fighting for what we truly love. we want.

The fruits of the Spirit become perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in each one of us as the first fruits of eternal glory. The tradition of the Church is the one that comes to list about 12 that are:

  1. The charity
  2. the joy
  3. Peace
  4. Patience
  5. long-suffering
  6. The goodness
  7. The Kindness
  8. the meekness
  9. The Fidelity
  10. Modesty
  11. continence
  12. chastity

You can see this in the book of Galatians chapter 5 in verses 22 to 23, where they list each of these 12 gifts.

The Virtues According to Aristotle

According to Aristotle’s theories, the dianoetic or intellectual virtues are the following:

Those that are characteristic of the Theoretical Intellect:

  • Intelligence
  • Science
  • Wisdom

Those that belong to the Practical Intellect

  • Prudence
  • art or technique
  • Discretion
  • Insight
  • Good advice

The Virtues of Ethics or Character are some 2 kinds of groups consisting of the following:

Those that are Own of the Self-control, such as:

  • Strength or Courage
  • Temperance or Moderation
  • Modesty

Those that are typical of human relations

  • Justice
  • Generosity or Liberality
  • Amiability
  • Veracity
  • Good humor
  • Affability or Sweetness
  • Magnificence
  • Magnanimity

Saint Thomas Aquinas and the Virtues

Have you ever heard the phrase “A virtue without prudence is not a virtue”? Perhaps when you hear this for the first time it may seem confusing, however, after thinking about it and thinking about it for a few seconds we will realize that it is true. Doesn’t the virtue of Magnanimity become the central point between arrogance and what is pusillanimity? However, how can we come to classify and even conclude that the virtues are usually just that?

This became possible thanks to a Saint named Saint Thomas Aquinas, a type of theologian and also a philosopher of Italian origin, who was born in the year 1224. This man was the son of a very influential family, who came to oppose that he enter the Order of Brother Preachers, in the place where he intended to study theology. Being put in jail by his brothers, he made the decision to learn many phrases of the Bible by heart, so his brothers could not get rid of the idea that he became a religious person.

At the time of his release from prison, he was taken to study in the regions of Germany, where he stood out and graduated with a major in theology, later obtaining a doctorate and being able to teach at the University of Paris. This man came to be recognized as a Saint by the Catholic Church. His contributions that were mostly highlighted appear in the different subjects such as:

  • metaphysics
  • The logic
  • psychology
  • Ethics
  • The reason
  • Natural Law

In addition to the 5 ways to get to know God. On the virtues, this man Saint Thomas came to define them as the midpoint between the 2 opposite vices.

This means that 1 virtue must be lived with great prudence, since at the moment of taking it to the negative extreme (which is the case of the absence of virtue) it becomes a type of vice, in that way as it is also in the extreme that we could call positive (although it does not become so), which is what usually happens when virtue is taken to the extreme, when one lives without any kind of prudence. A very clear example of this becomes modesty. First we are going to define modesty and its 2 extremes.

  • Modesty: “Humility, the lack of vanity and the lack of ostentation of one’s own merits”. Modesty becomes the midpoint between these terms since, at one point, what is owed is not accredited, and at the other it is ignored, or more than deserved is attributed to it.
  • Shameless: “The lack of shame and also of insolence.”
  • Shyness: “It consists of a lack of self-confidence, a difficulty in being able to speak in public or to relate to other people.”

In addition to this, all the virtues were classified as moral and intellectual and the theological were added. He comes to define the intellectual virtues as the habits of understanding, the consequences of the practice of the same, which are possible because of the will due to knowledge.

The morals as they become the habits of the soul that are acquired at the moment of exercising them and that enable a morally good life. And also the theological ones that are defined as those that God manages to grant to the human will and intelligence in order to be able to act in a divine way by detaching ourselves from all earthly selfish impulses.

These same classifications are what help us to understand the virtues much better, and to be able to differentiate when a habit becomes positive, or when it is taken to one of the 2 possible extremes and becomes a type of vice. In addition to coming to identify if one lives because the intelligence sees it as something that is good, or because it is morally very good to live that virtue.

The study of these virtues are what leads us to a wide field of conclusions and also of new unknowns. Without a doubt, this comes from a great contribution from Saint Thomas Aquinas, and that he has a type of immense value to reach various subjects, which continue to be studied today, based on these concepts.

Distinction in the Cardinal Virtues

The 4 virtues play a fundamental role. That is why they are called “cardinals”; all the others come to group around them. These become prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance. “Do you love justice? The virtues become the fruit of her efforts, since she is the one who teaches temperance and also prudence, justice and finally strength. Under the other names, these virtues come to be praised in numerous biblical passages of Scripture.

Prudence becomes the virtue that disposes the root to discern the true good in all kinds of circumstances and to choose the right means to achieve it. “The cautious man is the one who meditates his steps.” “Be sensible and also sober so that they give themselves to prayer”. Prudence becomes the straight rule of action which Saint Tom writes following the philosopher Aristotle.

It is not confused even with shyness or fear, not even with duplicity or dissimulation, which is called “auriga virtutum”: which is what leads the other virtues indicating the rule and the measure. It is prudence that directly guides the judgment of conscience.

The prudent man gets to decide and is also the one who orders his conduct following this judgment. Thanks to this kind of virtue is that we apply moral principles to particular cases without error and overcome it by doubts about the good that should be done and the evil that we should avoid.

Justice becomes the moral virtue that is about the constant and firm will to get to give God and others what is due them. Justice towards God is called the virtue of religion towards men, justice comes to dispose to respect all the rights of each one and to establish in human relations what is the harmony that promotes equity of respect towards people and the common good.

The just man, who is frequently evoked in the Holy Scriptures, is usually distinguished by the general rectitude of his thoughts and also of his conduct with his neighbor. “Being the judge, do not do injustice, neither in favor of the poor, nor out of respect for the great: with justice you will judge your neighbor.

The word of God says: “Masters, give your slaves what is just and equitable, bearing in mind that you also have a Master in heaven .” Fortitude becomes the moral virtue that ensures firmness in difficulties and also constancy in good. It reaffirms what is the resolution to resist temptations and also to overcome all obstacles in the moral life. The virtue of strength is what makes one capable of overcoming fear, even death, and of facing trials and persecutions.

It enables one to go to the point of renunciation and also the sacrifice of one’s own life in order to defend a just cause. “My strength and my center is the Lord.” In the world you will have tribulations, but the Lord has said: I have overcome the world (John 16:33).

Temperance becomes the moral virtue that is the one that moderates the attractions of pleasures and seeks what is the balance in the use of created goods. Therefore, it ensures the domain of the will over all instincts and is the one that maintains the desires in men of honesty.

The moderate person is one who directs each of his sensitive appetites towards the good, keeps a healthy discretion and does not allow himself to be dragged away in order to follow the passion of his heart. Temperance is generally praised in the Old Testament when it says: “Do not go behind your passions, your desires you restrain ”. In the New Testament it is called “moderation and sobriety.” We must live with moderation, justice and mercy in the present century.

Living well does not become anything other than loving God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your actions. Who does not get to obey more than Him (which is what belongs to justice), who watches to be able to discern all things for the simple fear of letting himself be surprised by cunning and lies (which is what belongs to prudence), he surrenders him to an entire love (for temperance), which no kind of misfortune can overthrow (which belongs to strength).

Virtues and Grace

Human virtues come to be acquired through education through deliberate acts, and through a perseverance, which is maintained at all times in effort, which are purified and also elevated by divine grace. With the help of the Lord God himself, the virtues are what forge the character and come to give ease in the practice of good. The virtuous man is a very happy person when practicing them.

It is not easy for the man who is wounded by sin to be able to keep his moral balance. The gift of salvation by our beloved Lord Jesus Christ is what gives us the necessary grace to be able to persevere in the goodness of the virtues. Each one must ask at all times for this kind of grace of light and strength, in addition to resorting to the sacraments, having to cooperate with the Holy Spirit, continue with his invitations to love good and always beware of evil. .


Virtue becomes a kind of habitual and also firm disposition to be able to do good. The human virtues consist of stable dispositions of the understanding and also of the will that are the ones that regulate our actions, in addition, they order our passions and guide our behavior according to reason and faith. They can be grouped around 4 cardinal virtues as we mentioned before, which are:

  • Prudence
  • Justice
  • Fortress
  • Temperance

Prudence is the one that has the practical reason to be able to discern, in all kinds of circumstances, our true good and the power to choose the right means to achieve it. Justice is that which consists of the constant and very firm will to give to God and also to the neighbor what is due to them as such.

Strength is one that ensures, in difficulties, in firmness and also in constancy in the practice of good . Temperance is the one that moderates the attraction towards all sensible pleasures and becomes the one that seeks moderation in the use of created goods. The moral virtues come to grow through education, through deliberate acts and with persevering effort. Divine grace comes to purify and elevates them.

The theological virtues are those that dispose Christians to be able to live in relationship with the Holy Trinity. They have as origin, motive and object, God known by faith, always expected and loved by Himself. The theological virtues as we already mentioned consist of 3 main ones that are:

  • Faith
  • The hope
  • The charity

Which are the ones that inform and also vivify all the human moral virtues. By Faith we believe in the Lord God and we also believe everything that He has come to reveal to us and that the Holy Church proposes in the case of Catholics as an object of faith. Through Hope we wish and also hope from God with a strong and firm trust to eternal life and also to the graces to get to deserve it. Through Charity is that we love God above all things and our neighbor as ourselves for the same love of God. Which becomes the “bond of perfection” (Colossians 3:14) and the form of all virtues.

Against pride, Humility Against greed, Generosity Against lust, Chastity Against what is anger, Patience Against gluttony, Temperance Against what becomes envy, Charity Against sloth and Diligence . The tradition of the Catholic Church unanimously affirms that the infused virtues, with the exception of faith and also of hope, disappear with mortal sin and that they cannot “diminish” since they do not come from the repetition of sins. acts.

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