Spiritual warfare, what is it and what does the Bible say?
Spiritual Warfare, we invite you to know what it means, where it takes place, what is its importance, how we can wage Spiritual Warfare and much more, here.
What is Spiritual Warfare?
In the Universe there must be a balance and that is why, before the mercy and love of God, evil and the rebellion of the fallen angel are opposed, which seeks to counteract the divine presence of God in our lives. Therefore, we are in the presence of a spiritual war, which is not visible to the naked eye, but it is a war that Almighty God wages against Satan who is in rebellion and looking for disciples.
Now that we put into context what Spiritual Warfare is all about, we can identify that it is not actually in sight, but it is absolutely real. In the Bible we can find how Spiritual Warfare is waged in various places, however, they speak to us directly about it in Ephesians 6:12, “For we do not fight against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the governors of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly realms.”
As we can recognize in Paul’s words, there is a war against a spiritual army of evil and we must therefore be very vigilant and protect ourselves in order to come out of each of the battles that we must face in this Spiritual War.
We cannot ignore the existence of a spiritual war, it is a great mistake not to be aware of it, it is our responsibility to be attentive and give it its true meaning, we cannot underestimate the enemy and we cannot overestimate him and blame him for everything, to free ourselves from responsibilities.
We must be honest and recognize that on occasions we have been able to be part of that legion that faces God and so that it does not happen again, we must protect ourselves, we must use the armor and weapons that allow us to defend ourselves from spiritual attack. You may be wondering what armor and weapons we are talking about, in Ephesian chapter 6, verses 16 to 18, they clearly detail it:
“Stand therefore, having your loins girded with truth , and put on the breastplate of righteousness ; and shod feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace . Above all, take the shield of faith , with which you can extinguish all the fiery darts of the evil one. And take the helmet of salvation , and the sword of the Spirit , which is the Word of God; praying at all times with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit …”. As we can see our armor is made up of truth, justice, gospel and faith and our weapons are the helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit and prayer.
what the bible says
In the Bible, we can find many examples of how weapons are used to defend the word of God, as well as how armor really protects us when we face the various entities and forms of evil. We can’t underestimate war because we don’t see it before our eyes, but if we really pay attention, we can recognize it and the enemy is strong, so we can’t underestimate him.
Nor should we underestimate warfare as spiritual warfare. In the Bible we find evidence of how Christ freed people who were imprisoned by demons that made their lives miserable, but we also find testimonies of how Christians were called to fight battles against their own demons or sins.
Based on this evidence, we must then find the balance that allows us to recognize the enemy and win the battles that we must face. In the scriptures we find in Ephesians chapter 6 verse from 10 to 12 how it is declared that we must use the armor of God, that we must strengthen ourselves in God, to be able to defend ourselves from all the evil intentions in harming us, but also in making us part of his plan.
We must be vigilant, because without realizing it and by being careless in the face of this spiritual war, we can be used as instruments of evil. We are facing armies of evil, we have to be vigilant to fight the battles that are promoted by the rulers of darkness. We should not fear, because we are strengthened by the power of God, we are protected by armor, so we are prepared to fight against those legions of evil.
Very clearly in Ephesians chapter 6 verses from 13 to 18 it is described what that armour is composed of that allows us to face the legion of evil in this spiritual war, we have a belt of truth, a breastplate of justice covers us, we wear the gospel of peace, a shield of faith, a helmet of salvation, the sword of the Spirit and prayer.
It is conducive then to say God with me who against me, just reading what the armor is made of and what our weapons are, gives us the security of being able to come out of the battles with flying colors. We must be able to recognize the truth and being convinced of it and believing, we only have to declare it. By the sacrifice on the Cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ we were declared righteous, therefore, our actions have that origin of justice, on a spiritual level.
When we proclaim the Gospel of peace, we strengthen the presence of God and we must be strong no matter who denies it, our faith must be strong, because we will find opposition, they will make us doubt, fall into uncertainty, but we must always trust in God.
No matter how strong the battle is, we are saved and keeping faith gives us security and confidence in the battle, so from the beginning we have a great advantage against these spirits. Our prayer is another of our strengths, it must be based on the power and will of the Holy Spirit, that it be he who guides our words.
It is very important to keep in mind that the battles that we must wage in the face of this spiritual warfare will require our honesty, love and dedication. We cannot use the name of Jesus as if it were a word with magical powers. In him is the power to fight them, we cannot give them the opportunity to talk to us, the Lord is the one who rebukes them.
If we face them without being convinced of the word and power of God, the battle is already lost. In addition, we cannot face them with part of the armor and part of the weapons, the battles are fought with all the armor on and all the weapons and since we do not know when we will be attacked, we must always be prepared and dressed to wage spiritual warfare.
We can also find in the words written in Acts chapter 19 verses 13 to 16, Jude chapter 1 verse 9; Genesis chapter 3 verses 1 to 7; James chapter 4 verse 7; Psalm chapter 62 verse 2, in all of them we will find reference to spiritual wars, as they have faced them, being the common protection and strength in God.
How to recognize Spiritual Warfare
It is of utmost importance that we are aware of the Spiritual War that God Our Lord wages against evil, we can recognize it in the effects that are generated in our lives. When we are able to recognize that our relationship is deteriorating, that our emotional stability weakens in the face of temptation, when we feel so exhausted that we are unable to thank and pray.
Also when pride comes before forgiveness, when fear paralyzes us, when hatred is found in our words, when discord is part of life. We can continue naming effects, everything that clearly in the eyes of God, is not good in the world, is the evidence of the presence of evil.
They can identify that in the list of consequences generated by the spiritual war that is waged at this time and for centuries, there is no fight against flesh and blood, in reality, it is a war against darkness, against spiritual forces, as the Bible indicates.
As we can see, we are and are prone to letting ourselves be carried away by feelings and actions that feed evil and although we can trust that God is the winner of the spiritual war, we are called to fight the battles that arise in our lives. We cannot let all the battles be faced by God, when we are the ones responsible for fighting them and showing our Lord victorious against evil, through our actions.
That is why it is necessary to pray to ask God to allow us to recognize evil and to see what spiritual resources are used to combat it, with the weapons that God has provided us. We can only win the spiritual war by strengthening ourselves in the spirit, in faith.
Evil has one of the most powerful weapons, deception, but we can fight it with the truth, but we must have the ability to recognize the truth, believe in it and defend it. The temptations that appear before you, in moments of weakness, are not a coincidence and you must be able to recognize the deception to which you are being subjected.
A very simple example, but more common than you think, is when we are a bit distant from our partner and we meet someone who makes us feel comfortable, who is kind, who offers to cover the absences we feel.
If we are not able to identify the trap, the lie, then we can easily fall into the sin of infidelity, but if we ask God for help and protection, we will be able to see the deception and we will go home and talk to our partner and tell him we will let you know what we feel and because we are a little apart and between the two of you you will be able to rebuild the love that united you, then you will be able to say that you have won a battle in the spiritual war. By winning every battle, we gain opportunities to experience eternal and abundant life in Christ.
We must be able to recognize our weaknesses and work on them to make ourselves strong, for this we must make use of prayer. We must also be aware of our strengths, it will always look for those two aspects to attack us. Since prayer is one of the weapons we have to fight battles, we cannot leave it aside, let us remember that we must use all our armor and all our weapons, we cannot underestimate the enemy.
how to pray
We know what our armor is made of and we know what our weapons are, one of them is prayer, through prayer we can strengthen ourselves to face spiritual warfare. We know that prayer is the way in which we can talk to God, it is him who we are going to ask in the face of evil, we are protected and able to identify it, but it is God who can defeat it.
For this reason, when praying, we must be completely honest and pour out our hearts towards Our Savior Father, we must be frank, he knows our concerns and disagreements, but he wants to hear them from us. The prayer that we are going to direct to God must be sincere, through it we will be close to the Lord and his protection will not be lacking.