Do you know what the prayer for wayward children is? learn everything here
The Prayer for Lost Children is the best tool we can use so that the protection and help of our Lord Jesus Christ guides the decisions of our lost child and allows love and peace to return to family life.
Prayer for lost children
I raise my hands and my voice with my heart full of love towards you my Lord and towards my beloved son, I ask God for you son, so that he pours out his love and protection on you and listens to our plea, which is nothing more than the request of parents who want their son to return to the path of the Lord.
You are an adored son, conceived of love, you are a desired and expected son, your life is blessed by the Lord and I ask him to protect you and favor you in good and return to the house and to the path of the Lord.
My heart suffers from sadness but is strengthened in love and hope. As parents we raise this prayer for the Lost Children, because our hearts know that the way of the Lord is the way that must be followed.
My soul sings a praise of gratitude to the Lord, because he let one of his angels go to give him to us, your parents, to make us infinitely happy with your arrival. Lord I recognize your immense love and I love you, my faith in you is unbreakable and that is why I ask you for my son to guide and protect him in his walk.
I ask my Lord that their actions be guided by you, that their decisions be based on your example and teaching. May his words be only the replica of yours. Cover my son with your wings of love and protection and make him return to your path. I ask you, Lord, that in your protective arms you take my derailed son and turn his rebellious soul into a docile soul that allows us to get closer and help you guide your angel on the right path.
I also ask you, Lord, to give us, his parents, the necessary wisdom to be able to understand what his attitude generates and with what words and actions we can approach him, make ourselves understood so that our son recognizes us as people who love him and only want his well-being.
May his spirit be noble my Lord, may his hands only build good my Lord, may his words be honest and supportive my Lord, may love be the feeling that guides his decisions Lord, never walk away from him my Lord. I ask you, my beloved Lord, with this prayer for misguided children, that you bless him and correct his behavior, so that he may be a son who walks on your teachings with love for the rest of his life.
Never forget to pray with all the honesty of your heart and soul and with all the hope and faith that you will be heard, in this way you will obtain the necessary tranquility to recognize the solution of your problems, which are nothing more than the answers of Almighty God to your prayers.
Next we are going to develop for everyone another Prayer for Wayward Children, so that you can pray with faith for your rebellious child who has strayed from the path of the Lord. In the name of the Father, of the Son, of the Holy Spirit, Amen
Example 2:
My Lord, I ask you for the salvation of my Son, please I ask you to take his soul and his heart under your control so that his mind is filled with your spirit and he can make the right decisions that bring him closer to your path again Lord. (See also: The Power of Early Morning Prayer )
My God, my Lord, keep away from my son that evil being that now guides his steps, take away his strength and make him disappear, my Son has always heard of your word, of your teaching, of the beauty of your will, of the good and in his education we have tried to make him recognize evil, I feel that we have failed in something my Lord and I ask forgiveness.
Take him back on your lap and forgive his sins, show him your greatness, he will know how to recognize it and accept your blessing. Give me strength to continue guiding him to return to your path Lord, my Son is only wrong and that is why I come to you, so that you make him recognize his mistake.
Pour your blessing on my son and show him again the right path so that he asks for forgiveness for his sins, repents and puts his mistakes in the past and from now on only walks the path of good and honesty.
How to do it?
The prayer for the Lost Children must be based on the moment we are living, there must be in it the recognition, if we feel so, of possible errors that have contributed to our son deviating from the path of the Lord.
In the prayer for the Lost Children, we must give thanks, because our children are angels that God has allowed to leave his side to give them to us. We must also recognize mistakes of absence if we have made them and perhaps they led us to suffer the moment we are living.
To pray for the Lost Children, we must open our hearts and strip our soul of all vain and insincere feelings, we must first have a sincere and frank attitude so that the words flow with honesty.
Close your eyes, bow your face, join your hands and begin by thanking the Lord, tell him that you are grateful for having given you one of his angels, thank him for the beautiful family that you have today thanks to his kindness and detachment to make us happy. Let us remember that our prayer can be raised out loud or through our thoughts, you can pray in the way and in the place that makes you feel more serene, more comfortable and closer to him.
You must include in your prayer the words of recognition to the Father as a being who gives his love, his goodness, a Father of mercy, of justice. It is also important to let them know how you feel and how your child’s attitude and actions affect the family nucleus.
Include in your prayer testimonies of the strength of your faith and trust and never stop giving thanks for all those you do not know and who are going through a situation similar to yours. Ask him to help you overcome the moment, ask him for strength, peace and trust.
Finally, depending on your situation, make a request so that your derailed Son returns to the path of good, honesty and Love. Do it with great faith, the power of prayer is stronger than we really believe, God never leaves to respond to our requests.
Adolescence is a stage in the growth of our children that can become a real storm if we do not have at our hands the advice and tools that allow us to guide and cope with situations that may arise and that may cause our children to deviate from the correct path.
At this stage of life our children are defining their criteria, their peer group and their personality, therefore, a series of cognitive, psychological and behavioral changes take place, which if they are not well accompanied, they can make wrong decisions, or be influenced by unsuitable people.
For these reasons and other factors that accompany this stage of growth, make this period of development a difficult stage in the life of Parents and Children, it may be that from then on the youngsters go astray, but as a response to the same situation.
At this age, parents should be very aware of the people who are in the nucleus with which their child identifies, since young people are very easy to influence and if within that group of peers there are friends with bad habits, they can become bad company and can lose control of their actions completely.
Therefore, as parents, we must ask God for wisdom to be able to identify this type of threat that may be lurking around the environment where our child unfolds and develops. A little more wisdom to make them understand that we are not interfering in their lives and their decisions, but rather we are warning them that they can take a wrong path and make many mistakes. (See also: Prayer to the Holy Spirit for love )
It is very sad when we cannot reach the hearts of our children and some of those mistakes cannot be corrected, bringing consequences that can mark their lives irreversibly, however, we cannot lose hope in God, for that reason, parents They pray for the lost children, so that they do not lose their way.
As parents we must try very honestly to remember what we felt at those ages and play it down. Lack of communication is one of the most common causes, day to day distances us from our children, which is why it is very necessary that they are included in our day to day.
We as parents know that the presence and word of God is always found in our home, but we are not sure that it is the same in the rest of the places where our children spend the day, such as school, high school. , the university or the same street.
Therefore, our children are always vulnerable to evil approaching them and making them doubt, that is why we must create spaces in which we coincide with our children and communicate through the word of the Lord and in this way guide their steps to prevent them from getting out of the way.
The evil one is always on the prowl and if we leave him time and space to act, obviously he will gain the space that we leave empty, that is why it is so important to always be present in the lives of our children.
It is important then to strengthen our children with the word of God, because evil recognizes when they are vulnerable. If we strengthen our children in the values of the family, in the word of God, most likely we will not need the prayer for the lost children.
Let us remember that the family is the first ministry that exists, we must take care of it, protect it, feed it, take care of it. The family is the priority, however, if our son is in trouble and we see that he has strayed from the path of the Lord, we must do everything possible to keep the family together and together help the son return.
The whole family must pay attention to the son who is derailed, he must be flooded with love by all, if we leave him alone, evil will win in his stalking, let us remember that in Christ we are strengthened. There is not a single prayer to ask for help for a child, there may be thousands, we just have to open our hearts and tell the Almighty what is happening, it does not matter that he already knows it because the omnipresent God never abandons his children, you let him know your situation.
We must remember the power of prayer, prayer for the Wayward Children is the starting point for him to take the situation into his hands and help and guide us. Some of the challenges that we are going to face is the identity crisis so they will show parental detachment, in the creation of their own identity they begin to generate distance, spending more time with friends than with parents, so it is important to maintain spaces meeting, to pray as a family.
A lot of understanding and empathy must be shown with our children, remember that it is only a passing stage, because Christ the King is going to help us so that our son gets back on track, no one is going to say that it will be an easy road, but we recommend additional to prayer for Astray children, avoid focusing on punishments that can further alienate the young person from the house.
It can help the rapprochement that parents talk to the young about their fears when they were their age and this will generate a meeting space, the children will be able to see them as a closer person. Also telling him about his relationship with his grandparents will make his son feel closer because he identifies with the experience.
Creating family moments and staying calm in case an uncomfortable situation arises is a good option to guide the child who is off the rails. They should not impose themselves and deny you everything you request, negotiating is the best option.
Young people are generally full of energy and sometimes this leads to aggressive attitudes. Therefore, one recommendation is to guide him to do some sport, this will allow him to release that accumulated energy, as well as start new social relationships that guide him to improve his behavior.
You should avoid yelling and the child yelling at his parents, this does not help and enhances the conflict situation, when a situation is going to get out of hand, they should get closer to God and ask for serenity, with a deep breath and the energy of God. at the moment, ask your child not to raise his voice and to remain calm, if at the first request he does not respond, it is best to ignore that behavior until he has calmed down. (See also: Prayer to Jesus for work )
Family education is essential, but we must be careful that education is not coercive, characterized by low vigilance and little attention, also without getting involved in the lives of children, this makes the young person develop aggressive behavior. Additionally, if we go to the other extreme and the education we impart is overwhelming, intransigent, punitive, they will also develop a behavior of rejection.
What is recommended is a flexible but respectful education, attached to religion that allows the young person to identify in the word of God the correct path that allows them to stay away from problems and bad habits.
Do not forget to promote good behaviors, reward achievements even though they are your child’s responsibility to do well in school, maintain order and cleanliness at home, among others, it is always good to let them know that we recognize their effort and how well they are doing.
more sentences
Our Father, today I find myself before you Lord to thank you for my Son, and all the blessings received. I want to apologize if I have any responsibility for the current behavior of my son, and the distance that exists between him and the path marked out by you, my lord Father.
Lord, I want to give you the well-being of my son, you who know him, who know his heart, I ask you Lord to accompany him and show him the way, that you be the light that guides his steps, the word that comes out of his mouth, be yours my Lord.
I beg you, my Lord, give me the strength to help me get him out of the wrong path he has taken, give me my God the tools I need to make my son understand that he is wrong. You who saw your son crucified to cleanse all our sins, today I know of your suffering and pain, you who love us allow my son to recognize his sins and receive redemption from you.Amen.
Prayer is powerful before our Lord, they cannot lose hope of obtaining the answer that alleviates our sorrows. When children see their parents praying for them, this will surely move their interior and make them reconsider to return to the right path. We must also pray and accept our responsibility.
Beloved Holy Spirit, today I come kneeling before you with my spirit full of sorrow, so that you fill my soul with hope and strengthen my faith. I need your strength to help my son who is far from God’s path today.
Lord, I confess that perhaps I have been unfair, unobservant, it is possible that I did not protect you from bad people who today guide your steps and I regret having left the path clear for them to imprison my beloved son.
I ask you to help me recover my son and lead him along the path of your example and your teaching, do not allow evil to take him definitively, I understand my Lord the message you sent to see my son so far away of you. I promise that I will never again allow evil to come near us. I believe in you my God, in your power, in your justice, I have learned the lesson. Amen.
We leave you another prayer for those children who are rebellious, for them you have to ask to release all ties that keep you attached to evil and that God Almighty frees you and transforms you into a child of Good.
Oh! Heavenly Father, I consecrate my Son to you so that you can free him from any ties that keep him away from you, my Lord. I ask your forgiveness for my sins, if they have contributed to the life that my son has decided to lead, I assume all responsibility my God.
Cover him with your blood, beloved Christ, and transform him, may your power take command, Lord, cast out of his heart and soul everything that disturbs him, may that spirit of rebellion come out and stay far away from my son.
May the power of your glory, return him to the path that you have asked us to follow my Lord, allow him to honor your name, respect your authority, return to being an obedient and loving son, may the Holy Spirit be his guide and guide him to fulfill your purpose, beloved Jesus Christ.
Today I declare Lord before you, that my son is under your care and protection and his actions will now be according to your word, we will be a united family, bathed in your light and your peace. Amen.