The Best Sentence to Pass an Exam or Partial
The Prayer to Pass an Exam is a kind of prayer that will help you achieve the desired results in studies and exams. In the following article we will know some of the prayers that can help us with this.
Prayer to Pass an Exam
This is a prayer to pass an exam which is addressed to Saint Joseph of Cupertino, who is the holy model of patience and also of humility, who prays for me. So you can say the following sentence:
Saint Joseph of Cupertino, the great treasure of grace, the one who prays for me. Saint Joseph of Cupertino, who is at the stake of God’s love, who prays for me.
Glorious Saint Joseph of Cupertino, the good benefactor of all students, in addition to being the great protector of the examinees, do not dismiss the pleas that I find addressing you, which I implore for your help in the exams of my studies that I find doing.
Reach me oh Lord that, as the true source of light and great wisdom, that dissipates the 2 kinds of darkness that are in my understanding, sin and also ignorance, which is instructing my tongue and at the same time spreading in my lips what is the grace of his blessing.
I ask you to give me sharpness to be able to understand in my studies, and also grant me the capacity to be able to retain, what is the method and the faculty to achieve learning, and at the same time give me subtlety to interpret, and at the moment of the completion of the examination, give me complete grace and abundance to be able to speak.
And that I may be right at the beginning, I ask you to give me full direction as I progress and in perfection at the moment of finishing, if that way suits the greater glory of God and that it is of benefit to my soul. Saint Joseph of Cupertino, source of all charity, who prays for me.Amen…!!
It is recommended that the person pray the 3 Our Fathers, about 3 Hail Marys and the 3 Glories, after having recited this prayer to Saint Joseph of Cupertino.
Prayer to Pass an Exam and Studies to Saint Joseph Calasanz
This is a prayer to pass a difficult exam which is addressed to Saint Joseph Calasanz, and it is the one that will help you overcome any kind of obstacle in school and university studies. The sentence goes as follows:
Oh great and glorious Saint Joseph of Calasanz!, you who came to experience in your life the great call of the Lord Jesus, who became captivated by the same look of the little street children and, without thinking twice , you put everything aside in order to follow the master, you who during the required childhood managed to discover what Divine Love is,
The Path towards the same new mission and that is gratifying, forgetting all your things and without a doubt you did not hesitate at any time to serve them, to help them, since you gave yourself in soul and body, in order to offer them a formation in what which is the Christian faith and in the knowledge of the letters of humanity
I ask you today to listen to my request, to attend to my prayers. Oh great memorable and blessed educator Saint Joseph Calasanz, you who know everything and who know what it truly means to study and be able to pass exams, I ask you today to grant me complete peace and to accompany me at all times. , so I humbly beg you to intercede for me before the Lord God
And ask him to be my guide and my own support, to give me the courage and also the perseverance that you require to be able to take advantage of every minute of my studies, that I can calmly reflect on what comes to me. teach my teachers
And when the time comes for the exam I ask you to strengthen my memory and also my ability to be careful, efficient and creative in what I am going to answer. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Thank you I give you my Lord Amen….!!
It is recommended that when you are going to perform this prayer to pass an exam, you pray with great confidence in what is being asked and pray the creed, in addition to the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory. This prayer can be performed at any time that is merited.
Prayer to the Virgin Mary to Pass an Exam and Pass Studies
This is a prayer that is addressed to the Virgin Mary so that she helps us to pass any kind of exam that we have to present at the school or university study level. The prayer consists of the following:
O Holy and Immaculate Virgin, who, for having come to receive in your bosom the Word of God your son Jesus Christ, are the Throne of Glory and also of Wisdom, which listens to all my most sincere prayers.
I ask you that my plea reaches you in these moments of great difficulty, that you give me your holy consolation and pour out your great blessing on me, for which I request that you reach me with your grace so that I can study with order and with perseverance. , with an intensity and full of the presence of God With purity of intention and with a good desire for learning and progress.
May my effort and also my dedication in my studies bring me closer to your presence and to your divine Son every day in the same way, may they be hours of use and great responsibility, and having come the time for the exams, I can Thanks to you, I will demonstrate my knowledge and in this way be able to achieve good results in order to continue advancing.
I ask you to protect me, protect me and also take care of me, so it increases my perseverance and in the same way my desire to improve, just as you teach me to follow in the footsteps of both your blessed son and yours with the virtues of full dedication, charity and finally humility, and in this way I can achieve the happiness of being able to praise you and to love you forever in Heaven. Amen….!!!
For this prayer it is recommended to pray the 3 Hail Marys, the 3 Our Fathers and the 3 Glories.