For the impossible, the virgin untied knots and her prayer
The prayer to the virgin untied knots is a thank you to the Virgin for the number of favors granted to her faithful. If you want to know the origin of her story, the various prayers, how to pray the novena in her name and much more, continue reading this article and pay close attention.
Prayer to the Virgin untied knots
The prayer to Our Lady Undone Knots , like any other prayer, must be performed with faith and devotion so that it can be more effective. As a mother, she knows our fears, desires, doubts, and any other feeling that may dwell in our minds or hearts, so don’t fight any more against the current and any problem, situation or suffering, leave it in the hands of the untied virgin. .
The Virgin Untie Knots has the power to fill us with peace, lull us with her loving mantle, untie any knot that may disturb our lives and our spirits, because there is no one better than her to help us heal, who experienced pain firsthand, and who always She is willing to listen to our pleas and grant us the favor that we request.
To you, oh powerful, loving, merciful, compassionate, loyal mother, we give you thanks for never abandoning us. We thank you for taking care of us and watching over our dreams. We thank you for forgiving us and always welcoming us with open arms even when sometimes we deny you, or claim you for feeling abandoned.
Forgive us, for our stubbornness, for our human nature, for wanting things to be our way and not according to the will of our almighty and eternal father God, to whom we also owe so much, especially this experience on earth.
The prayer to the Virgin Untied Knots is also a thank you to our beloved Mother and Virgin Mary for having accepted from the first moment without any hesitation the will of God the Father. Accepting such responsibility should not have been an easy task, however, Maria, she showed that despite her youth, her faith, love and fear of God were greater than anything else.
Mother, to you, who accepted with that “fiat”, expressing your yes, I do, before God, assuming the responsibility on your shoulders not only of engendering the son of God and becoming the mother of all men and creatures on earth, but also, having to assume the pain and sacrifice yourself, giving your only son and seeing him suffer and die on the cross.
Oh, beloved and holy mother, how great must be your love for us, that even sinners and sometimes fools, you decided to accept the will of the father. How great and merciful is your love, that you are always willing to defend us against all evil and never gave in to the temptations that the evil one offered you.
Together with your son Jesus, that son that you conceived and carried in your womb, conceived by the grace of the Holy Spirit, that son, whom you cared for, loved and welcomed so that he would become a good man and love God in the way how only you could have taught him how to do it.
You, who intercede for us with your son in the face of the slightest difficulty that comes our way, and show us every day your love, your patience, your simplicity, your mercy and your kindness. To you, beloved mother, we give thanks because you and only you have the power to untie any knot that causes us pain, anguish or despair. Only you know what to do so that happiness sprouts from our skin.
Thank you, Mother of God and our Mother, for guiding us in our lives, for aligning our path, and allowing us to fall more in love with God every day; We ask you to continue untying any knot and to free us from all doubt, bondage or evil that prevents us from being happy and enjoying life in all its colors.
We ask you mother, that nothing can disturb our faith, union, devotion and love towards God, and if at any time it happens, we know that we can against you to offer us clarity, as well as forgiveness of our mistakes and sins by our father.
Thank you for filling our hearts with love, joy, happiness, service towards our brothers and sisters. Thank you for all this and much more, our love and devotion for you are infinite.
Story of the Virgin Untied Knots
Virgin untied knots, a title well deserved and granted thanks to the immense and inexplicable favors received. The origin of the virgin knot-breaker has its origin in Germany.
It all started when a man who felt extremely overwhelmed by marital problems (everyday arguments, lack of affection, details, among others), decided to pray with faith in the midst of his storm and despair. He prayed so hard to the Virgin Mary to grant him the joy of experiencing an improvement in her relationship with her partner.
He tirelessly begged Mother Mary to intercede in their lives, shower them with love and blessings, and so that they could once again enjoy themselves as companions in life. The Virgin, always attentive to our pleas, listened carefully and granted what the man asked of her.
He was so satisfied, furthermore, that he had no doubt that the Virgin had listened to him, that in order to repay the favor granted, from his human condition, he requested the help of a painter, that was: Juhann Georg Melchor Schmidtner, who also was nothing more and nothing less than a member of the German Church, can you imagine?
He asked this painter, the man, to please paint a splendid picture, the reason? The favor granted, of course! The artist, totally inspired by her story, began to draw Mother Mary, together with the intercession and grace of the Holy Spirit, surrounded by thousands of angels who guarded her, and powerful in every sense of the word.
He wanted her power to reflect that she could defeat all evil, so he drew her with her foot on the head of a snake, as a representation of her victories over any sin or evil. As a final touch, she added some ribbons that intertwined with each other, and in her hands they looked smooth.
That beauty! How much inspiration! But where do you think it came from? Of course, from God. Sometimes, we believe that the ideas, thoughts or inspiration come from us, but in reality, they come from God, from his messengers the angels, from the grace of the holy spirit and from our mother.
We, as human beings, are receivers, therefore, every time God, or in this case, our mother, grants us a favor, we must share it with joy, as a testimony, and invite others to know their story, learn to ask with faith, to pray and to love them unconditionally.
Thus, this image represented the faith and love of the divine Virgin towards humanity, capable of resolving conflicts just as if she were untying knots, and being a bridge of communication between men and God the Father. This image of the Virgin Mary from the year 1700 was given the title of “Mary, the one who unties knots”.
Since then, the Church of Saint Saint Peter am Perlach (Asbourg) preserves the image of the Virgin Untied Knots, and even this granter of miracles is often venerated there.
A curious fact: The popularity of the Virgin Untied Knots became so great that her veneration also reached the Americas in a somewhat strange way, perhaps (it is difficult to define). It turns out that a priest known as Jorge Bergoglio had brought with him from Germany an image of this virgin, have you understood who she is? Yes, today is Pope Francis.
The main festival in honor of the Virgin Undone is celebrated on December 8. The holy Catholic Church celebrates this Marian dedication feast under the name of the Holy Mother of God, who with her infinite love for us has the power to untie any “knot” in our lives.
Our beloved Mother Mary, us with any problem, circumstance, pain, or any feeling or suffering that we are going through. Of course, our mother, she is always willing to help us, but we must also help ourselves, do our part and be willing from the heart.
Every problem that we have in our life, every frustration, disappointment and wound, marks us and keeps us from the path of God, that is why it is important to request the assistance of God, our mother and the holy spirit, read the word, preach, but also practice by example, so that they keep our hearts clean, healthy and full of love.
Mary, Mother of God and of each one of the men and creatures of this earth, also known as the mother of good advice, and whom millions and millions of devotees ask her and pray with faith to help them with daily problems, solution of conflicts between the inhabitants of their community, neighbors or towns, differences between couples, among others, but with faith, miracles are not surprising.
Novena of the Virgin Undoing Knots
Now yes, we start with the prayers to the Virgin untied. More and more devotees share their testimony about favors received by the untied virgin.
As its name indicates, many believers in the virgin testify that they have managed to “untie” themselves from pain, which is why it has gained more and more popularity and thousands and thousands of devotees decide to make their requests and enjoy that it is heard and granted by his grace.
Since the election of the Pope, the novena and prayer to the Untied Virgin have gained great popularity, for which more and more people declare themselves fervently devoted to our beloved mother.
Mainly, the novena deals with nine consecutive days in which different “activities” are carried out, that is, each day contains:
- act of contrition for every day
- Opening Prayer
- prayer of the day
- Prayer to our lady who unties the knots
- Prayer to consecration Mary
Of course, each day has a different message and intention, let’s see one by one what they are and we will offer a brief reflection on each of them.
First Day of the Ninth of the Virgin Undoing Knots
To start day one we make the sign of the cross, we ask God to free us from all enemies or evil in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit and that he can purify our hearts.
act of contrition for every day
God is asked to forgive us for our sins and be merciful in the face of our fault, in the face of the offense of offending him, even knowing that he is kind and never abandons us.
We intend to serve him, glorify and praise him, and not offend him as we have done in the past. Be more obedient, avoid sin, and prefer to die rather than offend him.
Opening Prayer
Here, we then offer as many intentions as we wish. We must do it with faith, devotion and conviction.
First day
For a long time we have been talking about the “knots” and the prayer to the Virgin Desatanudos , but do we know what they mean? Our sins.
Mt 1,21 tells us about when the angel communicates to Mary the will of the father, by choosing her to give birth to a male child, whom she should call Jesus, and who would be the messiah and savior of all men on earth and in the world. the only one who would have the power to forgive each of our sins.
Here we pray an Our Father, ten Hail Marys and a Gloria.
Brief reflection:
As we mentioned, the knots represent our sins, and although God is the only one who can forgive us for her and “untie” these knots, our beloved Mary was the one who offered her body, blood and spirit so that God could transform from word to flesh and become the father’s instrument for our salvation.
The prayer to the Untied Virgin ends with an amen in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer to our lady who unties the knots
Beloved Virgin Mary, we thank you for accepting with unique humility the will of the Father, for always interceding for us; You are an example to follow in humility, responsibility and service.
Thank you for assuming not only your role as the mother of God, but also as our mother. You and only you, know how to calm us down, lull us to sleep and offer us the comfort we need.
Mother, we ask you to untie any knot that can disturb us. Thank you, we give you that with your mother’s heart you always listen to us, understand and make us feel loved.
With your guidance, we can always find the answers to any concern and our greatest happiness is to serve you and our brothers.
Prayer to consecration Mary
Beloved mother, we consecrate ourselves to you and prostrate ourselves at your feet and offer you everything we possess and are:
Our heart, to love you infinitely, our life, so that you work through us, our ears, to listen to your messages, our eyes, to appreciate life from love and our voice, to praise you.
We ask you to accept our offer, although we know that it is little for everything you deserve, but as humans, our capacity is limited, however, we offer you everything we have, we can and we are.
Mother, we ask you to protect us from all evil. Help us so that the evil one cannot enter our heart, harden it and move us away from the path of God. Enlighten us.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Second day of the Ninth of the Virgin Undoing Knots
To start day two we make the sign of the cross, we ask God to free us from all enemies or evil in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit and that he can purify our hearts.
act of contrition for every day
God is asked to forgive us for our sins and be merciful in the face of our fault, in the face of the offense of offending him, even knowing that he is kind and never abandons us. We intend to serve him, glorify and praise him, and not offend him as we have done in the past. Be more obedient, avoid sin, and prefer to die rather than offend him.
Opening Prayer
Here, we then offer as many intentions as we wish. We must do it with faith, devotion and conviction.
Second day
Lk 1,21 tells us that the angel told Mary that the Holy Spirit would descend on her, granting her grace and protecting her like a shadow at all times, he was just waiting to hear a yes from her lips.
Here we pray an Our Father, ten Hail Marys and a Gloria.
Brief reflection:
Mary, unlike all of us, was free from all sin, that is why God decides to choose Mary as his servant and mother of his son Jesus, who at
being fertilized in a pure womb, he would be born holy and without original sin. It is because of this original sin that at birth, he baptizes us, freeing us and allowing us to achieve our own holiness and enjoy eternity with the father.
The prayer to the Untied Virgin ends with an amen in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer to Our Lady who unties the knots
Beloved Virgin Mary, we thank you for accepting with unique humility the will of the Father, for always interceding for us; You are an example to follow in humility, responsibility and service.
Thank you for assuming not only your role as the mother of God, but also as our mother. You and only you, know how to calm us down, lull us to sleep and offer us the comfort we need.
Mother, we ask you to untie any knot that can disturb us. Thank you, we give you that with your mother’s heart you always listen to us, understand and make us feel loved.
With your guidance, we can always find the answers to any concern and our greatest happiness is to serve you and our brothers.
Prayer to consecration Mary
Beloved mother, we consecrate ourselves to you and prostrate ourselves at your feet and offer you everything we possess and are:
Our heart, to love you infinitely, our life, so that you work through us, our ears, to listen to your messages, our eyes, to appreciate life from love and our voice, to praise you.
We ask you to accept our offer, although we know that it is little for everything you deserve, but as humans, our capacity is limited, however, we offer you everything we have, we can and we are.
Mother, we ask you to protect us from all evil. Help us so that the evil one cannot enter our heart, harden it and move us away from the path of God. Enlighten us.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Third Day of the Ninth of the Virgin Undoing Knots
To start day three we make the sign of the cross, we ask God to free us from all enemies or evil in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit and that he can purify our hearts.
act of contrition for every day
God is asked to forgive us for our sins and be merciful in the face of our fault, in the face of the offense of offending him, even knowing that he is kind and never abandons us.
We intend to serve him, glorify and praise him, and not offend him as we have done in the past. Be more obedient, avoid sin, and prefer to die rather than offend him.
Opening Prayer
Here, we then offer as many intentions as we wish. We must do it with faith, devotion and conviction.
Third day
Lk 1,38 tells us that Mary responded to the angel, just as God expected, proclaiming herself as a servant of God and authorizing him to act in her and carry out his mission.
brief reflection
The attitude of submission, obedience and service to God is an attitude that we must imitate from our mother. Anyone who does not know the word of the father, then, we must share it and accompany it with generous acts.
Mary, unlike all of us, was free from all sin, that is why God decides to choose Mary as his servant and mother of his son Jesus, so that he could come into the world and fulfill the mission that his son had entrusted to him. dad.
Being free of sin, and also being fertilized in a pure womb, would make it born holy and without original sin like its mother. It is because of this original sin that at birth, we are baptized, freeing us then, and allowing us to establish our own holiness as a goal to be able to enjoy eternity with the father, the son and the holy spirit in his kingdom here on earth.
Here we pray an Our Father, ten Hail Marys and a Gloria.
The prayer to the Untied Virgin ends with an amen in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer to Our Lady who unties the knots
Beloved Virgin Mary, we thank you for accepting with unique humility the will of the Father, for always interceding for us; You are an example to follow in humility, responsibility and service.
Thank you for assuming not only your role as the mother of God, but also as our mother. You and only you, know how to calm us down, lull us to sleep and offer us the comfort we need.
Mother, we ask you to untie any knot that can disturb us. Thank you, we give you that with your mother’s heart you always listen to us, understand and make us feel loved.
With your guidance, we can always find the answers to any concern and our greatest happiness is to serve you and our brothers.
Prayer to consecration Mary
Beloved mother, we consecrate ourselves to you and prostrate ourselves at your feet and offer you everything we possess and are:
Our heart, to love you infinitely, our life, so that you work through us, our ears, to listen to your messages, our eyes, to appreciate life from love and our voice, to praise you.
We ask you to accept our offer, although we know that it is little for everything you deserve, but as humans, our capacity is limited, however, we offer you everything we have, we can and we are.
Mother, we ask you to protect us from all evil. Help us so that the evil one cannot enter our heart, harden it and move us away from the path of God. Enlighten us.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Fourth Day of the Ninth of the Virgin Undoing Knots
To start day four we make the sign of the cross, we ask God to free us from all enemies or evil in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit and that he can purify our hearts.
act of contrition for every day
God is asked to forgive us for our sins and be merciful in the face of our fault, in the face of the offense of offending him, even knowing that he is kind and never abandons us. We intend to serve him, glorify and praise him, and not offend him as we have done in the past. Be more obedient, avoid sin, and prefer to die rather than offend him.
Opening Prayer
Here, we then offer as many intentions as we wish. We must do it with faith, devotion and conviction.
Fourth day
Lk 2,15-19 tells us about the birth of Jesus. Seeing him, it was inevitable that they would comment on what was said about the birth of this messiah.
Brief reflection:
As good Christians our mission is to share and celebrate with joy the birth of the baby Jesus, because our savior has finally arrived. We must feed daily on his word, participate in the mass and keep Mary in our hearts.
The prayer to the Untied Virgin ends with an amen in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer to Our Lady who unties the knots
Beloved Virgin Mary, we thank you for accepting with unique humility the will of the Father, for always interceding for us; You are an example to follow in humility, responsibility and service.
Thank you for assuming not only your role as the mother of God, but also as our mother. You and only you, know how to calm us down, lull us to sleep and offer us the comfort we need.
Mother, we ask you to untie any knot that can disturb us. Thank you, we give you that with your mother’s heart you always listen to us, understand and make us feel loved.
With your guidance, we can always find the answers to any concern and our greatest happiness is to serve you and our brothers.
Prayer to consecration Mary
Beloved mother, we consecrate ourselves to you and prostrate ourselves at your feet and offer you everything we possess and are:
Our heart, to love you infinitely, our life, so that you work through us, our ears, to listen to your messages, our eyes, to appreciate life from love and our voice, to praise you.
We ask you to accept our offer, although we know that it is little for everything you deserve, but as humans, our capacity is limited, however, we offer you everything we have, we can and we are.
Mother, we ask you to protect us from all evil. Help us so that the evil one cannot enter our heart, harden it and move us away from the path of God. Enlighten us.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Fifth Day of the Ninth of the Virgin Undoing Knots
To start day five we make the sign of the cross, we ask God to free us from all enemies or evil in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit and that he can purify our hearts.
act of contrition for every day
God is asked to forgive us for our sins and be merciful in the face of our fault, in the face of the offense of offending him, even knowing that he is kind and never abandons us. We intend to serve him, glorify and praise him, and not offend him as we have done in the past. Be more obedient, avoid sin, and prefer to die rather than offend him.
Opening Prayer
Here, we then offer as many intentions as we wish. We must do it with faith, devotion and conviction.
Fifth day
Mary and Joseph were filled with love and emotion for the arrival of Jesus and amazed at everything they said about him. Simeon, an old man who was nearby, blessed them and told them that this child who had just been born would generate fall for some and elevation for the people of Israel.
brief reflection
From a very young age, Jesus was very clear that part of the mission entrusted to him by his Father was to preach the word, but he was also very aware that this word would not be accepted by everyone, and in fact, this would lead him to his death. death.
Let us ask God that our beloved Mother Mary intercede for us and help us lovingly accept those circumstances that we cannot change and that she grant us the wisdom to intelligently and cunningly change what we can, that is, ourselves.
The prayer to the Untied Virgin ends with an amen in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer to Our Lady who unties the knots
Beloved Virgin Mary, we thank you for accepting with unique humility the will of the Father, for always interceding for us; You are an example to follow in humility, responsibility and service.
Thank you for assuming not only your role as the mother of God, but also as our mother. You and only you, know how to calm us down, lull us to sleep and offer us the comfort we need.
Mother, we ask you to untie any knot that can disturb us. Thank you, we give you that with your mother’s heart you always listen to us, understand and make us feel loved.
With your guidance, we can always find the answers to any concern and our greatest happiness is to serve you and our brothers.
Prayer to consecration Mary
Beloved mother, we consecrate ourselves to you and prostrate ourselves at your feet and offer you everything we possess and are:
Our heart, to love you infinitely, our life, so that you work through us, our ears, to listen to your messages, our eyes, to appreciate life from love and our voice, to praise you.
We ask you to accept our offer, although we know that it is little for everything you deserve, but as humans, our capacity is limited, however, we offer you everything we have, we can and we are.
Mother, we ask you to protect us from all evil. Help us so that the evil one cannot enter our heart, harden it and move us away from the path of God. Enlighten us.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Sixth Day of the Ninth of the Virgin Undoing Knots
To start day six we make the sign of the cross, we ask God to free us from all enemies or evil in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit and that he can purify our hearts.
act of contrition for every day
God is asked to forgive us for our sins and be merciful in the face of our fault, in the face of the offense of offending him, even knowing that he is kind and never abandons us. We intend to serve him, glorify and praise him, and not offend him as we have done in the past. Be more obedient, avoid sin, and prefer to die rather than offend him.
Opening Prayer
Here, we then offer as many intentions as we wish. We must do it with faith, devotion and conviction.
Sixth day
Jn 2,4-5 Jesus had answered his mother asking her, what did they have to do with all this? Her mother simply told her servants to obey Jesus.
Brief reflection:
Mary, despite being the Mother of Jesus, was always obedient to him. Let us then imitate her conduct and submit to the will of our father, let us actively and consciously listen to her message through his word, because it is through the gospel that God constantly communicates with us.
The prayer to the Untied Virgin ends with an amen in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer to Our Lady who unties the knots
Beloved Virgin Mary, we thank you for accepting with unique humility the will of the Father, for always interceding for us; You are an example to follow in humility, responsibility and service.
Thank you for assuming not only your role as the mother of God, but also as our mother. You and only you, know how to calm us down, lull us to sleep and offer us the comfort we need.
Mother, we ask you to untie any knot that can disturb us. Thank you, we give you that with your mother’s heart you always listen to us, understand and make us feel loved.
With your guidance, we can always find the answers to any concern and our greatest happiness is to serve you and our brothers.
Prayer to consecration Mary
Beloved mother, we consecrate ourselves to you and prostrate ourselves at your feet and offer you everything we possess and are:
Our heart, to love you infinitely, our life, so that you work through us, our ears, to listen to your messages, our eyes, to appreciate life from love and our voice, to praise you.
We ask you to accept our offer, although we know that it is little for everything you deserve, but as humans, our capacity is limited, however, we offer you everything we have, we can and we are.
Mother, we ask you to protect us from all evil. Help us so that the evil one cannot enter our heart, harden it and move us away from the path of God. Enlighten us.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Seventh Day of the Ninth of the Virgin Undoing Knots
To start day seven we make the sign of the cross, we ask God to free us from all enemies or evil in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit and that he can purify our hearts.
act of contrition for every day
God is asked to forgive us for our sins and be merciful in the face of our fault, in the face of the offense of offending him, even knowing that he is kind and never abandons us. We intend to serve him, glorify and praise him, and not offend him as we have done in the past. Be more obedient, avoid sin, and prefer to die rather than offend him.
Opening Prayer
Here, we then offer as many intentions as we wish. We must do it with faith, devotion and conviction.
Seventh day
Mt 7, 7-8 expresses a message from Jesus: If we ask him, he will grant us; whoever seeks God, he will find him, and whoever calls him, he will always be received with love and open arms.
Brief reflection:
There is no way to converse intimately with our Mother Mary or with God other than through prayer. Each prayer made with faith becomes the most powerful weapon to face our enemies.
God always listens to us and never abandons us, what happens is that he does not always give in to our desires, but as a good father, he offers us what we really need, that which will help us and also teach us a valuable lesson.
The prayer to the Untied Virgin ends with an amen in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer to Our Lady who unties the knots
Beloved Virgin Mary, we thank you for accepting with unique humility the will of the Father, for always interceding for us; You are an example to follow in humility, responsibility and service.
Thank you for assuming not only your role as the mother of God, but also as our mother. You and only you, know how to calm us down, lull us to sleep and offer us the comfort we need.
Mother, we ask you to untie any knot that can disturb us. Thank you, we give you that with your mother’s heart you always listen to us, understand and make us feel loved.
With your guidance, we can always find the answers to any concern and our greatest happiness is to serve you and our brothers.
Prayer to consecration Mary
Beloved mother, we consecrate ourselves to you and prostrate ourselves at your feet and offer you everything we possess and are:
Our heart, to love you infinitely, our life, so that you work through us, our ears, to listen to your messages, our eyes, to appreciate life from love and our voice, to praise you.
We ask you to accept our offer, although we know that it is little for everything you deserve, but as humans, our capacity is limited, however, we offer you everything we have, we can and we are.
Mother, we ask you to protect us from all evil. Help us so that the evil one cannot enter our heart, harden it and move us away from the path of God. Enlighten us.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Eighth Day of the Ninth of the Virgin Undoing Knots
To start the eighth day we make the sign of the cross, we ask God to free us from all enemies or evil in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit and that he can purify our hearts.
act of contrition for every day
God is asked to forgive us for our sins and be merciful in the face of our fault, in the face of the offense of offending him, even knowing that he is kind and never abandons us. We intend to serve him, glorify and praise him, and not offend him as we have done in the past. Be more obedient, avoid sin, and prefer to die rather than offend him.
Opening Prayer
Here, we then offer as many intentions as we wish. We must do it with faith, devotion and conviction.
Eighth day
Jn 19, 26-27 Jesus, seeing his mother’s great pain at seeing him die slowly on the cross, tells his most beloved disciple (Peter) that his mother was there, and told his Mother Mary that he had found his son and from that moment, Pedro, receives María in his house. Jesus needed to leave people he trusted in charge of him so they could continue preaching and converting others, and this was his way.
Brief reflection:
Jesus’ love for us was and is so great that before he died, he decided to leave his mother in charge, so that she would guide us, take care of us and continue the preaching of his word even after his death, so that we could follow the God’s plan and fulfill His will.
The prayer to the Untied Virgin ends with an amen in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer to Our Lady who unties the knots
Beloved Virgin Mary, we thank you for accepting with unique humility the will of the Father, for always interceding for us; You are an example to follow in humility, responsibility and service.
Thank you for assuming not only your role as the mother of God, but also as our mother. You and only you, know how to calm us down, lull us to sleep and offer us the comfort we need.
Mother, we ask you to untie any knot that can disturb us. Thank you, we give you that with your mother’s heart you always listen to us, understand and make us feel loved.
With your guidance, we can always find the answers to any concern and our greatest happiness is to serve you and our brothers.
Prayer to consecration Mary
Beloved mother, we consecrate ourselves to you and prostrate ourselves at your feet and offer you everything we possess and are:
Our heart, to love you infinitely, our life, so that you work through us, our ears, to listen to your messages, our eyes, to appreciate life from love and our voice, to praise you.
We ask you to accept our offer, although we know that it is little for everything you deserve, but as humans, our capacity is limited, however, we offer you everything we have, we can and we are.
Mother, we ask you to protect us from all evil. Help us so that the evil one cannot enter our heart, harden it and move us away from the path of God. Enlighten us.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Ninth Day of the Ninth of the Virgin Undoing Knots
To start day nine we make the sign of the cross, we ask God to free us from all enemies or evil in the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit and that he can purify our hearts.
act of contrition for every day
God is asked to forgive us for our sins and be merciful in the face of our fault, in the face of the offense of offending him, even knowing that he is kind and never abandons us. We intend to serve him, glorify and praise him, and not offend him as we have done in the past. Be more obedient, avoid sin, and prefer to die rather than offend him.
Opening Prayer
Here, we then offer as many intentions as we wish. We must do it with faith, devotion and conviction.
ninth day
Acts 1, 14 and 2, 1.4 tells us how Jesus, in the company of his disciples, his Mother and other women were praying, and when the day of Pentecost arrived, the Holy Spirit filled their hearts with his grace, gifts and blessings.
brief reflection
Pentecost is the party in which the Father invites us so that we find the strength to preach his word, and the wisdom to understand (and accept) that many will not want to listen to us, and like him, they will accuse us, however, following his example. we must be loving and willing to continue despite adversity.
The prayer to the Untied Virgin ends with an amen in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer to Our Lady who unties the knots
Beloved Virgin Mary, we thank you for accepting with unique humility the will of the Father, for always interceding for us; You are an example to follow in humility, responsibility and service.
Thank you for assuming not only your role as the mother of God, but also as our mother. You and only you, know how to calm us down, lull us to sleep and offer us the comfort we need.
Mother, we ask you to untie any knot that can disturb us. Thank you, we give you that with your mother’s heart you always listen to us, understand and make us feel loved.
With your guidance, we can always find the answers to any concern and our greatest happiness is to serve you and our brothers.
Prayer to consecration Mary
Beloved mother, we consecrate ourselves to you and prostrate ourselves at your feet and offer you everything we possess and are:
Our heart, to love you infinitely, our life, so that you work through us, our ears, to listen to your messages, our eyes, to appreciate life from love and our voice, to praise you.
We ask you to accept our offer, although we know that it is little for everything you deserve, but as humans, our capacity is limited, however, we offer you everything we have, we can and we are.
Mother, we ask you to protect us from all evil. Help us so that the evil one cannot enter our heart, harden it and move us away from the path of God. Enlighten us.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer to the Virgin untied knots to recover the marriage
Mother, make this prayer to the Virgin Untie Knots so that you intercede for me with your grace so that you untie any knot that we may have woven in our relationship: distance, mistreatment, love without taste, and that you help us to understand each other better and to enjoy the presence of the other.
I beg you, as your son, to forgive my sins, and to allow me to slowly untie each knot that makes my life partner suffer, and to grant us the joy of a happy marriage and with our vows renewed; Enlighten us and do not doubt that our love for you and for God is genuine and unique.
to achieve happiness
This prayer to the virgin untie knots to achieve happiness is a request to the virgin to untie the knot of our sins and grant us the grace of a full, happy and peaceful life.
As her children, we do not doubt for a moment that a mother, although she is sometimes firm with us, always rebukes us for our own good, and our Mother Mary is no exception, she guides us with a strong hand, but she is also compassionate, kind and loving.
to attract love
This prayer to the Virgin Untied Knots to attract love requests the assistance of our beautiful and beloved Mother Mary, Mother of God and our Mother so that she allows us to fully love ourselves, so that later, we can attract love into our lives.
This love not only implies a couple, it also refers to the love towards God, the love towards her, the love towards our brothers, neighbors, friends, and neighbor, whom according to the word we must love with our soul and all our intellect. , and that this love surrounds us just as his mantle does, which always covers us and floods us with his infinite and unconditional love.
to get a job
This prayer to the virgin untied knots to obtain a job is a plea to the Virgin Mary to intercede before the triune God (Father, son and holy spirit) so that they grant us a decent job, where we feel comfortable, valued and listened to, and that also allows us through this to help others and contribute our grain of sand to humanity.
For the health of loved ones
This prayer to the virgin untied for the health of loved ones so that they enjoy good health, and heal any illness of ours or our loved ones and we can praise him with joy and peace.
for impossible affairs
This prayer to the virgin untied knots for impossible matters we can make our requests at the beginning, and then express to our Mother to help us untie any limitation that comes from us or has developed as a result of harsh words, criticism and remarks from others.
He is also asked that the gifts that he gives us may be accepted with joy and responsibly assume all that this implies, in order to then be able to enjoy a simple but happy life, without limits, remorse or resentment.
To overcome each day
This prayer to the virgin untied knots to overcome each day is a plea to our mother, the Virgin Mary, to allow us to follow the path that God has left traced for us through his word, but that we can do it in peace, with courage , optimism, emotion, happiness, desire to improve ourselves, and build a better version of ourselves, not only for personal reasons, but because others also deserve it.
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