Juan Minero, prayer, for money and love
Juan Minero is an entity that keeps suffering. He is part of the Venezuelan culture (religious). He is part of “La corte de los Juanes” and is known for granting favors to his devotees.
John Miner
Juan Minero is a single soul (according to the Christian religion), that is, a soul in pain. Throughout his life, he was carried away on several occasions by anger, and even profane the Catholic Church on several occasions, which is why it considers him a somewhat complex figure.
Juan Minero was a thief who stole altars, candles and discarded holy water, however, his death was tragic and he could not ask God to forgive him and was sentenced to a life in purgatory, and his task is to light the whole eternity the flames of hell.
The Catholic Church mentions Juan Minero, however, it does not speak of him as a character to pay him devotion or grant favors. This has not prevented many people from praying to him, and even from being able to find in this “conversation” with the souls that consolation that they so much require.
Juan del Volteo, like Juan Minero , is part of the so-called “court of the Juanes”, who, according to their devotees, have the power to grant them favors.
Those who believe in Juan Minero and his powers pray to him to ask for love, although they also ask him for money. These prayers are complemented with rituals and materials such as magic powders, candles, among others. The idea of these rituals is that the spirit manifests itself and attentively attends to our request.
Prayer to Juan Minero
Juan Minero is a very popular soul, so many people every day decide to ask him for favors in love or in the economy. In general, the reasons for which a prayer is made to the lonely soul of Juan Miner is to recover a lost love, business, money, fortune, lost love, among others.
All of us, at some point, go through a difficult situation, which escapes our hands and makes us feel that the world is falling on us, we cannot find a solution and in the midst of our uncertainty, our anguish and despair, we can find comfort, hope and favors in the help of some entity that is in another plane.
On this occasion, Juan Minero is a lonely soul who can help you, listen to you and grant you all the favors you require and thus achieve a harmonious, calm, joyous and happy life again.
Prayer to Juan Minero for business
The prayer to Juan Minero on economic issues is the most popular, and also the most effective. The result of this is almost immediate, and can be used either for an economic crisis or simply to improve our economy.
The main intention of this sentence is to achieve immediate solutions to difficult circumstances, whether in employment or economic matters.
If we are going through a bad spell at work, where we do not feel valued, taken into account or that we are being paid what we deserve, it is important to include this prayer and ask Juan Minero with faith to intervene and grant us a quality change and Lifestyle.
Also, we can use this sentence when we want to generate more income or get a new example, whether we need it urgently or not. It is up to us to communicate the favors that we require as detailed as possible.
Prayer to Juan Minero to attract money
Light a candle and repeat until it is consumed “Juan Minero, bring me money”. The room where you perform this ritual must be completely dark.
Prayer of Juan Minero for love
To effectively carry out this prayer to Juan Minero for love , we request the assistance of Divine Providence and then, we invoke Juan Minero, we ask that we may dwell in the heart, the body, the mind, the soul, the thoughts and in his spirit and that all this of the other person belongs to us.
We ask you , Juan Minero , that our loved one may not have peace until he decides to return to us and accept that our love is genuine and unconditional.
Prayer to Juan Minero to recover the loved one
Dear Juan Minero, soul alone, I present myself to you in the most humble and respectful way possible, because I know that you are generous in the favors that you grant to your devotees, therefore, I ask that with your power, you help me to conquer the heart of (name of the person) whom I love madly.
I know that because of my past mistakes, this person is far from me, but I ask your forgiveness and I wish, with all my heart, that (person’s name) decide to come back to me and we can start over and do things right in this situation. new opportunity.
Guardian angel of (name of the person) I beg you, not to give him rest until he is finally where he belongs: by my side and has taken as much love for me as I have for him/her. May you be happy with my company again and we can enjoy our relationship.
I beg you, soul of Juan Minero , to come to my aid, in this pain and anguish that wrinkle my chest a little more every day, slowly transform me into a bitter being and with a shell in my heart, preventing him/ she or anyone else comes near me.
I ask that he/she take me with him/her in his/her thoughts at all times, times and places. That you accept that my love is genuine and that together we can enjoy maximum happiness, joy and happiness.
Dear Santa Inés del Monte Perdido, I ask you to intercede for me and help me so that the love that has gone from (name of the person) can return to me.
Body, spirit and soul of (name of the person) that his affection, his love, his kisses, his fortune, his dedication, his thoughts, and everything he possesses be mine and no one else’s, that he belongs to me, and that he is not able to feel for anyone other than me, because I love him and I love him truly, with passion and madness, if it were not so, it could not be called love, and neither would I be begging you.
Flesh and soul of (name of the person) listen to me well, you will not be or love anyone else other than me, your only, genuine and eternal love.
By the shadow that takes over the night and the light that the day projects and in the name of God the Father, I ask you to keep all evil spirits away from me, my fortune changes, and my luck too, so that everything that I want it to be granted to me.
Soul of Juan Minero , I ask you, that if he/she ever comes to think of someone other than me, I beg you, that with your power you take him/her away from his/her thoughts and desires forever.
If one day, I were in another house, with someone other than me, I ask you to whisper my name to him, so that this disturbs him and nothing else happens.
I ask you, once again and with all my strength and faith, not to give him any peace of mind, not even when he is sharing with friends or family. When you eat, drink, walk, work or sleep, until you decide to return to me like a sheep to its shepherd.
In the name of God, I invoke you Juan Minero and I ask you to change my luck in love, money and luck. So be it and so it shall be.
Important: We must perform this prayer for seven days in a row, and preferably at night, and offer a red candle for each prayer.
Powerful prayer to Juan Minero for a love to return
Soul of the 4 winds and Juan Perdido, with all my faith, strength and my wounded heart I ask that any man or woman who tries to steal the affection of (name of the person) bring him before me, humiliated, surrendered at my feet, surrendered and kneeling as soon as possible.
Before performing this prayer we will do a small ritual, what does it consist of? Light five (5) candles, we will place them in such a way that it looks like a cross and we will pray a Hail Mary and an Our Father.
Powerful prayer to Juan Minero to tie
Before making this powerful prayer to Juan Minero to tie a man or a woman, it is important (although not essential) to light a white candle, keep your head slightly bowed when the invocation and prayer are made, and then, a sign from the cross.
Immediately after the sign of the cross, we proceed to make our request, which will be more effective if our mind remains focused solely and exclusively on the request, immediately afterwards, you can blow out the candle.
We must perform this prayer at least once a day for fifteen (15) days so that the mooring is extremely effective and the person who wants to tie remains totally and absolutely at the wishes of his will.
In this prayer, we must ask Juan Minero, who does not matter the cost of our words, to listen to us carefully and cause such uneasiness and despair in (name of the person) that he has no choice but to be by our side to feel peace and happiness. It is also requested, so that his devotion to us is eternal, and no one else, except (your name), can enjoy his body, his company and his love.
More catholic prayers about love and money
Although it is strange to believe, there are some Catholic prayers that can also help us to satisfy our desires, such as attracting money or love.
Prayer to San Judas Tadeo for urgent money
Saint Juan Tadeo, apostle of Jesus and martyr, I turn to you today, to ask you to have compassion on me and help me out of this difficult economic situation, who more than you, grantor of favors in the most difficult moments can help me with this situation that anguishes me and makes me feel miserable and powerless.
I beg you because I am the breadwinner of my family and they deserve all my support. Please help me out of this situation and I promise to share this prayer with others.
Prayer to Santa Eduviges for money
Beloved Santa Eduviges, I beg you today, to help me with my economic difficulties, to you, who were, are and continue to protect the most needy, the indebted and the helpless.
Intercede for me and grant me the favor that I am requesting. I promise you, that each person will share your prayer and talk about you so that they know you. I thank you, because I know that you will grant me your help.
Prayer to San Cipriano for love
Oh, Saint Cyprian, kind, who never forsakes me, I ask you to help me so that (name of the person) feels love and need for me, let him realize that I love him truly and genuinely. I thank you, because I know that the favor I ask of you, you will grant me.