Learn how to make the Prayer to ask the Holy Spirit of God for my husband
Knowing the Prayer to ask the Holy Spirit of God for my husband has become an indispensable requirement in every married couple, and it is extremely important to know that thanks to it, we present our requests to the Father of Heaven.
Prayer to ask the Holy Spirit of God for my husband
Eternal God, Knower of every heart,
that you seek in the depths of each human being,
Today I come to ask you for the loved one, who for my heart
it is extremely unique and highly prized.
Who I chose because of you to accompany me on this beautiful journey;
To whom I dedicate every day and night.
I need to ask for your heart
examine his heart and make it sensitive to your voice,
brings to your memory the most outstanding memories we have.
Also, give him the happiness and joy that he can proclaim with his lips.
make him adore you,
with the aim that your words, your signs,
Be remarkable to many.
help him recognize your love and share it.
Fill him with your forgiveness for when he doesn’t know how to do it,
allow me to honor you,
may he never take his eyes off you Holy Spirit,
with the aim of making him feel appreciated by you.
Attract him to the source of your love,
at all times;
keep it close to you
Put in it thoughts of peace, kindness and love towards me and towards your children.
Take her hand and guide her steadily
so that as a father and partner,
spend time with yours
Besides, with only your love,
Motivation, audacity and security, I know that everything will be better.
Let his family go to him,
As help and guidance, quality and help.
In any circumstance,
allows our children to go to him without problem
to the ideal model of love.
that in his arms they acquire security with value to work and loyalty,
also, that by his words
respect it.
It favors your work and so your hands will not get tired step by step;
May each of their paths be honored by you.
furthermore, I hope that I, as a spouse, find each day in him…
The genuine and incessant adoration that she usually wanted from him.
Let me understand and love him.
Without trying to transform it, rather accept it.
Give me opportunity to appreciate it and drive it always
With my requests and model,
Towards our end, which is heaven,
Where love will be incessant.
meeting in it
the source of human love,
May your heart not be disturbed.
Also, that our hearts.
they limit themselves to adoring you as only you deserve it,
In order that the individuals who offer our lives,
find excellence in us
every day and every moment.
In the Name of Jesus who can do everything,Amen!
Sentence 2: Rebellion
Merciful God
of the smallest actions and of love,
today I feel that I have lost hope and that I must do the same as Abraham,
who dared to dream and after he lost expectation again,
wanted to accept what seems difficult to happen.
I reject, by Jesus Christ, that the lack of concern and the indifference of my better half influence me,
I revoke it to support my partner, I do not anticipate anything from him, I expect everything from you, Lord,
Help me! since not obtaining anything, it still influences in an extremely profound way
and dying everything he does in me,
So much so that I have learned not to take care of it.
But from now on and for the foreseeable future, I’ll just take care of him.
When I remember, I observe the absence of caresses, misunderstanding,
his treatment is brutal, he evidenced despondency and numerous long periods of infidelity,
starting now and for the foreseeable future.
From now on I want to ask you for the future that awaits us,
it is necessary that we be one with you, my Lord, my God,
my Redeemer and my Strength in times of anguish.
Your arrangements and purposes will be with me, I trust that.
Very grateful, Lord, since you are with me,
you are my consolation
Today I felt so weakened by reasoning that I wasn’t doing things directly for you,
And you sent me a message that has filled me with so much happiness!
In the midst of agony and dissatisfaction, I feel you warn me:
“I am satisfied with you, proceed, do not faint”,
and this makes me feel extraordinarily.
Thank you very much, Lord, in light of the fact that you realize
how to send us comfort when we need it most.
They have also sent me help and there are people who are asking God for my better half.
I realize that it is an indication of what he will do,
Even though today I see everything against the appropriate response and I feel very alone
I perceive how my great love stands firm in its defiance and sin,
pride, arrogance, alcoholism and skepticism.
God, Lord, turn off and stop the evil works that are plotted,
as he did with Joshua when his adversaries, the Amorites, occasioned the need to contend with him,
you asked that you stop the moon in Ajalon and the sun in Gibeon and you did.
I ask you to stop infidelity, liquor addiction, disbelief,
desire, witchcraft and everything that is tied to it.
I changed my partner in order to show his greatness and his ability.
My God, you know well that I have suffered long periods of misfortune, misunderstanding, my house is divided.
You know what I have struggled with, In fact, I feel myself fighting against the current… Help me, dear Lord, to
consider it as you see it, give me your look and that today I can consider myself as your daughter,
as your creation, blessed for you with all my being,
for the reason that I need to continue advancing on your path.
Trust the promise that if I trust you and believe in you, my family will be saved.
It will be a reality in my home!
Listen to me, Lord, I have an extraordinary problem in my heart, I would prefer not to continue like this,
I have groaned and poured out my spirit and my heart before you,
I need things to change so I can support myself at home and in my family.
You have told me that the battle with the Amalekites will support me,
that the Egyptians that I am seeing today in my house and in my Beloved I will never see them again.
You told me you would surprise me abruptly, like you did with Joshua!
who was suddenly appointed substitute for Moses!
You revealed to me that unexpected and unforeseen things are wishing me,
so I have been sitting well accompanied by an important and sudden motivation.
I receive and accept the word that you have given me through your word,
on the grounds that his statement says that we do what his prophets say and we will be flourished.
At this time I feel discouraged, tired of rowing against the human current,
against the mental current of my partner towards you,
I feel like I’ve been rowing and rowing and rowing,
fasting and questioning and admitting his statement.
Suffering afternoons of battle, dismissal and mortification,
Kindness Lord, how long?
I ask you as you did your worker David,
that people who feel tight for you do not get confused
to keep pleading and fasting
I accept that I will not stop doing it until the day you call me to your essence,
what I do not need is to feel exhausted, what I need my beloved Lord Jesus Christ,
is that the flow and the breeze turn to support me.
What I need is for you to give the water a chance to level down,
to calm my storm and that no one but you
That offers harmony to my storm and that no one but you can do it,
You ask the breeze and the ocean to calm down.
I have chosen to express these feelings and requests to you,
so they are observant of what you will do with me and my partner.
Master, I adore you.
My spirit is joining you,
in light of the fact that your right hand has continued me.
As the apostle Peter let you know, I let you know:
Where will I go and who will I go to?
On the off chance that you only have expressions of Eternal Life.
Help me out of this emergency, apart from you I can sit idle.
In you I trust, in you I trust, in you I have my expectations.
I will get a great Blessing
as the time has come to show kindness.
For the sake of Jesus Christ. So be it.
Sentence 3: Infidelity
I come before you, Lord, realizing that you are my peace of mind,
my happiness and my salvation, Lord, you know our hearts,
you know them better than anyone.
your statement says that when we are stubborn about our work and weight,
each of us come to you and that’s what I come to do.
Let me rest in you, I feel very tormented, change it with your recovered love,
with your benevolent love, help me to see my beloved as you see him.
Forgive how obnoxious we’ve been,
in the same way that we have excused people who have treated us terribly,
consider every detail Lord,
the knowledge that only originates in you,
give answer, expel from my heart what is not yours.
It becomes difficult when infidelity enters the home Lord, in our family, in our lives,
do not give us the opportunity to discuss, on the contrary, that with love we can mediate.
there can be no discord in our vocabulary,
don’t give separation a chance
since we realize that the main thing is restoration,
Beloved Holy Spirit, you can dominate me with your tranquility and your affection.
Direct my means, my options
fix my heart and do not allow the father of lies to continue deceiving me,
making me feel terrible
taking my concerns into account
discouragement, apathy.
Judging and drawing attention to signal emotions such as
Disgust, hate, guilt, torment,
since you made me in the image and likeness of you, Father of greatness.
I realize that you are satisfied that relational unions are for life,
and that he has a reason of his own,
I accept that you will move to save and strengthen our marriage,
I ask you in the name of Jesus to take it.
The necessary steps to secure and safeguard this marriage
and detect a security fence in our home and our family.
I thank you, since you are a God of Covenant and you remain faithful
to your obligation regarding our marriage,
your will will be done and restored,
I proclaim to God that you are not a man to lie,
nor a son of man to lie.
Excuse me, that’s the reason why I give you my heart
and I do what you want in my marriage, Father.
In the Name of Almighty God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit Amen.
To more likely understand the advantages of begging for your accomplice, your loved one, how about we see how you can rebuild your marriage? (See Article: Prayer of serenity and tranquility )
The petition unites you deeply before God. Probably the best motivation behind why you have to beg was when Jesus said:
When we implore together, we usually coincide when we transmit our petitions before the Lord. Truth be told, it is absurd to expect to plead together and on the most fundamental level without creating the habit of prayer.
Also, when they approach God together, they usually unite their hearts for a similar goal. Such solidarity appeared in the congregation in the book of Acts, and was the product of union and perseverance. The moment the messengers were oppressed, the devotees gathered and raised their voices to God.
The statement of the Scriptures is that when supplications were made in this way, “they showed a certain kindness and a spirit.” Supplication cultivates modesty and trustworthiness. In marriage, having one heart is not something that happens as a result. To do that requires them to have an extremely unique disposition. (See Article: Prayer of faith )
Jesus instructed that having a genuine and humble heart is essential for a powerful request. He told the story of two men who inquired in Jerusalem. One of them felt at this time, and ended up begging for nothing more, since God had no desire to listen to him. The other man crouched down and shouted to God:
The second was received and supported by God essentially because he genuinely and submissively admitted his need. Supplication creates and develops character. The great correspondence is a key to the entrance to genuine cooperation, and the supplication is the hand that opens the way to a better entrance. (See Article: Prayer of faith to accept Christ )
To perceive how the request will produce effect, you must read a part of the supplications recorded in the Bible. Observe what happens: it improves the individual who is imploring, since he is seriously transmitting something from his heart.
An instance of this is found in Solomon’s request when they attacked the Temple in Jerusalem. There were disputes present that day, who, after hearing his plea, united in one feeling. The Bible says that when the supplication process was over, all of them.
Also, to have the option to examine this request of Solomon, to have the option to understand a little bit of his heart, is also a gift for us. Our heart is full of energy with the argument that Solomon sincerely conveyed the depth of his spirit before God.
He offered praise, confirmed his trust in God, and proclaimed his decision to give God his whole heart. In fact, even today, Solomon’s plea conveys an amazing message to us. As Solomon conveyed in petition, today we know his heart. (See Article: Psalm 91 of the bible a night prayer )
The request creates an additional association, so we must think: what are the approaches that disrupt the communion between you? Don’t they have to do things with pride, autonomy and absence? We’ve just examined this in the last three focuses.
As you humbly inquire together, communicating your needs to God, you will usually develop into an otherworldly solidarity that translates into a deeper partnership. Keep in mind that brotherhood is the most important explanation behind your marriage.
The prophet Malachi mentions this reality when he reminds men that their partner is their “companion.” In the event that he needs camaraderie in his marriage, pleading is one of the ways to create it. In the event that you refrain from joining your partner in supplication, something will be constantly missing in your relationship.
Keep in mind that as we get closer to God, we become closer to our partner. Your marriage will be reunited, in light of the fact that you will be enlightened. You will never lose the chance to contribute the time to plead with his accomplice. The Bible emphasizes this statute: when you ask, the result is enlightenment.
In the letter of Saint Jude, we read that we must enlighten ourselves in confidence, imploring in the Holy Spirit, asking and approaching God for his needs, and keeping in communion with him, so you will always be enlightened.
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit is given by supplication: “How much more will your wonderful Father give the Holy Spirit to people who ask him?” Luke expresses it. On the off chance that they are both charged with the Holy Spirit, their lives will demonstrate the product of the Spirit.
Find a decent time for both of you. It is the initial step; It makes no difference what your work routine is, regardless of whether you have children or not, whether you or your accomplice feel better at the beginning of the day, in the evening, or in the evening; You have to find out what will be the best calendar for you. Try to pick the least tumultuous time.
Couples frequently express What time is it? My life is an unadulterated tumult. Obviously, many lead a royal existence of numerous duties on a consistent basis. When you create the possibility that you won’t discover an opportunity to plead together, you should set aside a few minutes.
Just as you effectively save time each day to eat or wash, you need to set aside time each day to beg with your accomplice. I suggest that, in case you wake up early, pray in time before the “races” of the day start.
Or, again, if this doesn’t work for you, pray together before you go to sleep. Perhaps this means that you need to do a little penance, for example, get up a little earlier or watch TV earlier.
Give him the time you can implore together, be brief. It is noted that some fall into the trap of trying to beg for a ton of time together from the first starting point. On the off chance that someone is not used to making a request, you may feel overwhelmed by the off chance that they reserve a lot of effort to beg.
Either way, it will also help them focus more on the topics of their petitions. Contemplate the last time you heard someone appeal to God for a long time. Wasn’t it kind of hard to chase your thoughts and focus on what you were saying?
On this line, go straight to the point, say what you are going to declare, and let your accomplice plead as well. This allows your accomplice to add a request to yours, and subsequently they will be much closer.
Keep in mind that in case you ask for all you can, get information about a circumstance, there is nothing left to say; So why do you need your accomplice to ask with you? Because without a doubt two are better than one.
You do not need a large amount of time but only the willingness to want to do things, to fight for your family, for your home, for your loved one as Christ did for the church. In the end you will realize how important it is to pray for each other, and of course, the results are highly distinguishable.