Novena to Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, know it
Many of our Christian beliefs are based on faith in what we believe and do, so the novena is a sign of our devotion to the power of prayer, for nine days to obtain some grace or special intention. Through this article you will be able to learn first hand, everything about the novena Padre Pio , Sacred Heart of Jesus, Pietrelcina and much more, do not stop reading it.
Novena Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
The Franciscan father, now a saint, is now known as Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, and that on his way to receive sanctification the marks of “stigmata” could be observed on his body, when he raised a prayer for the realization of a miracle of healing, said this powerful affirmation or heavenly decree:
“Put your trust in the divine goodness of God, and be sure that earth and heaven will fail before the protection of your Savior.”
Usually when we make a novena, we do it with a very specific intention, that also applies to the novena to Saint Pio of Pietrelcina . Many Catholic believers have a prayer with which we feel identified, and in which we fully trust. This can be a rosary, a prayer to Almighty God or simply an Our Father.
Padre Pio of Pietrelcina also had his favorite prayer and never tired of raising it to heaven when his faithful believers requested it. And to all those requests that he made, God always responded satisfactorily and worked on the health of his devotees.
Meditation of Padre Pio, regarding love
In the stories of Padre Pio de Pietrelcina, he expresses that it was through the deep love that our Lord Jesus felt for all of us, that he was able to offer his life so that we might be freed from our sins, and that it must also be that beautiful feeling , the one who moves us to be eternally grateful to Him, for having endured so much suffering for all humanity.
This delivery for love was internalized by Padre Pio, and he wanted to be in life another living example of Jesus to become an intermediary and thus appease the wrath of the divinity. This is how the Almighty God, he makes him live in his own body from everything suffered by Jesus Christ, and in this way expiate the sins of the infidels.
First day of the Novena Padre Pio de Pietrelcina
Like any novena, each day begins with the sign of the holy cross and an Our Father. The Act of Contrition, an opening prayer for each day, and a prayer at the end of each day should also be given.
The act of contrition is when every Catholic believer disposes himself from the heart to show his repentance before the faults against God, against the neighbor and faults to oneself.
Daily introductory prayer
It is mandatory, since with this prayer we become one with God and our novena intentions.
“Blessed Padre Pio, you are a witness of faith and love. We admire your life as a Capuchin friar, as a priest and as a faithful witness of Christ. Pain marked your life and we call you “A crucified without a Cross”.
“Love leads you to care for the sick, to call sinners, to deeply live the mystery of the Eucharist and forgiveness.”
“You were a powerful intercessor before God in your life, and you are still in heaven now doing good and interceding for us.”
We want to count on your help. Pray for us!Amen.
Prayer to end the novena
This prayer should be prayed to end each of the days of the novena to Padre Pio.
Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, we ask you to show us the humble of heart, to be taken into account among the little ones of the Gospel, to whom the Father promised to reveal the mysteries of his Kingdom .
Help us to pray without ever getting tired with the hunch that God knows what we need before we ask.
Reach us a look of faith capable of quickly admitting in the helpless and in those who have suffering in the very face of Jesus.
Protect us at the time of struggle and trial and, if we fall, make us have the joy of the sacrament of forgiveness.
Convey to us your tender veneration for Mary, Mother of Jesus and our mother.
Join us on the earthly pilgrimage to the happy homeland, where we hope we will arrive to observe for eternity the glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.Amen.
Padre Pio Novena: Prayer of the 1st day
Dearest and venerable Father Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, just as you have known how to wear with chivalry on your body the same marks of stigmata of Our Lord Jesus Christ. You have been chosen to carry on your shoulders the cross of all the sins committed by all of us, you have had the fortitude to gallantly endure all the physical and moral suffering to which you were repeatedly subjected in your soul and body, in a painful martyrdom. We ask you to mediate before Almighty God so that all of us also accept our crosses of life, modifying the suffering individually, in a firm bond that unites us to Eternal Life!
Prayer for the 2nd day
Blessed Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, you who are very close to our beloved God the Father, and have kept yourself pure and resisting the temptations of the evil one. To you who have suffered the beating of the demons of hell, who wanted to convince you to abandon the path of holiness. Implore God the Father for us, so that with your intervention and that of Our Lord, we may find the spiritual strength to move away from sin and to keep faith until the last day of our existence!
Padre Pio Novena: 3rd day
“Incorruptible Father Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, who loved Our Lady very much; and that throughout your life he granted you graces and consolations that only she could give you. We beg the Holy Virgin, that you cry out and place in her hands all our sins and our prayers, so that as in Cana of Galilee, her Son grants her Mother; and with that our name is recorded in the Book of Life”.
4th day of the Novena
“Most pure Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, you who loved so much and showed us how to love the Guardian Angel; the one who was your company, the guide, defender and also messenger. Advocate close to God so that we can also learn to communicate with our Guardian Angel, so that we know how to obey him forever, since he is the living light of God that constantly watches over us from committing sins. The Guardian Angel is always ready to show us the path of good and to keep us from doing evil”.
5th day prayer
Judicious Saint Pio of Pietrelcina. You who adore so much and transmitted that love for the Souls in Purgatory; for which you offered yourself as a victim to atone for their sorrows. Implore God Our Lord, to nest in our hearts feelings of compassion and love for these souls. We will also be the ones who help the Souls in Purgatory, to reduce the times of their exile and of great sadness. We will conquer for them, with martyrdom and prayer, the eternal rest of their souls; and the holy clemency to remove them from the place of suffering!
Sixth day of the Novena
Obsequent Father Saint Pio of Pietrelcina. Who has loved the sick so fervently; more than your life itself, since in them you saw Jesus. You, who in the name of God have performed miracles of healing in bodies, souls, and in their minds. In the here, in the now, in the past and in the future of the faithful; you returned the hope of life and recovery of the spirit, and in the probity of believers. Ask God for all the sick; with the intercession of Mary Most Holy, may they experience your energetic help and through the healing of the body, find heavenly graces and thank God forever.
7th day prayer
Blessed Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. Who carried out God’s project of salvation and offered yourself to suffer in your own flesh to free sinners from the jaws of Satan. He implores the Father so that men, of little faith, are touched by the Holy Spirit and repent in the depths of their hearts; and may just men continue on the path of salvation.
8th day
Most Chaste Father Saint Pio of Pietrelcina, who has had an affectionate affection for his spiritual children. Many of them have been won to your cause by the price of your blood. Grant those of us who have not had the joy of knowing you personally, to count us among your spiritual children. With your protection as a father, with your holy guide and with the integrity with which you will endow us, we will be able to find the gates of Paradise, at the moment of our departure from this earthly plane.
Last day of the Novena
Very simple Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, the one who truly loved Holy Mother Church. Cry out to God, our lord; to the Lord of the masterpiece so that he sends workers to work on his work, and gives gifts to each one of them; and thus the world may be filled with holy priests; gain the strength and encouragement of God. In addition, we ask you to intercede before the most holy ever Virgin Mary; so that you guide all the faithful on the way to the unity of Christians, grouping them in the house of God; and so the Church is the guide of light and salvation in this sea of adversities of life.
Novena of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
It is a belief of many that this prayer is extremely effective, since through it we invoke the Heart of Jesus to have mercy on us and our requests. Above all things, the novena Padre Pio Sacred Heart of Jesus must be done with great faith, with an unwavering and sincere faith as Padre Pio would have done. Let us not believe that God has a magic wand that fulfills how much desire we are able to ask for, rather he does it in response to the needs of each child.