Novena to the Blessed Souls in Purgatory
The Novena to the Blessed Souls , this is a prayer made to Jesus for all the blessed souls that are locked up in purgatory so that God may have mercy and free them from their pain and torment. In the following article you will know everything about how to make this prayer.
Novena to the Blessed Souls in Purgatory
The Novena to the Blessed Souls in Purgatory or also known as the Novena to the Holy Souls in Purgatory, consists solely of a prayer addressed to God the Father, his beloved son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit so that they may have mercy on all the souls that are or are in purgatory.
This prayer is frequently performed by people who have lost a family member or a loved one and pray for God to have mercy on them and give them a peaceful rest in their next spiritual life for all eternity.
How to make the novena
Now, many will wonder how the Novena to the Blessed Souls is done, because the answer is that there is an order to be able to perform the Novena to the Blessed Souls of purgatory and it is the one that is found below:
- First: The Opening Prayer
This is the way to start with the Novena and it has to be done every day, that is, during the 9 days that the novena lasts.
The initial sentence is made up of about 3 sentences that we will later put as “Prayer No. 1 – 2 – 3”.
- Second – Daily Prayer
In the same way as the initial prayer, this type of offering must be made during the 9 days that the Novena to the Blessed Souls lasts.
- Third – The Prayers of the Day
After the 2 previous prayers have been made, the prayer of each day will proceed from 1 to 9, this must be done and culminated with the prayers of 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory.
- Fourth – Meditation
Then you will meditate on what you really want to achieve through the realization of this novena.
- Fifth – The Laments
Then the laments of the blessed souls in purgatory will be read. (clarification: the laments have to be read every day after what is the consideration of the corresponding day).
- Sixth – The Final Prayer
After having done all of the above, we will proceed to make the final prayer of the day.
- Seventh – Other Prayers
If the person wants before finishing with the novena according to their day and before saying the final prayer, they can do some of the prayers and then finish with the final prayer of the day. Of course, they are always done after the laments to the blessed souls in purgatory.
Offer for Every Day
This is the prayer for every day before starting the Novena to the blessed souls. It says as follows:
Celestial father! Loving father! that in order to save souls you wanted your only-begotten Son to become a man, to subject himself to the poorest and most mortified life and that he shed his blood on the cross of Calvary for love of us!
How would you let the souls that cost your son Jesus Christ so much, who are in purgatory and who are also your beloved sons and daughters, suffer for a long time?
How would you allow blood of such great value to be wasted?
I ask you to take pity on all of them and free them from the slavery and torment in which they live. And you, O Holy Mary, the Mother of God! I ask you to help her with your powerful prayers. Amen.
It ends with 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and also 1 Gloria. At this moment, each one is going to make an effort in his devotion, so he is going to ask Christ crucified beforehand what he wishes to obtain through this Novena to the Blessed Souls in Purgatory.
First day
Starting with the first day, the first thing is to make a series of 3 prayers that are the following:
Prayer #1
By the great sign of the Holy Cross of all our enemies I ask you to free us, oh Lord, our God. I ask this in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer #2
Lord my God Jesus Christ, the true man, only because of who you are, because I love you above everything and everything, getting to know how much I have sinned against you through my own fault, 1 and a thousand times, I tell you in this day that if I have truly offended you it weighs me down, I beg you for mercy. I truly and firmly propose the amendment of my life, as long as it is helped by your divine grace. Amen.
Prayer #3
Oh guardian angel, my great sweet company, I ask you to never forsake me, not even day or night. Until there is peace and joy in me, together with all the saints, with Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Amen.
Second Day
Now for the second day of the Novena to the Blessed Souls, the following will be done:
The second penalty that comes to afflict these blessed souls in a high degree is the time they lost in their lives, during which they would have been able to obtain greater merits for the kingdom of heaven, and the thought that it is lost and is irreparably forever, ending with the life of the time to deserve.
For this second day the following prayer will be performed:
Unhappy me, oh Lord, that for a space of many years I have lived on earth and have only deserved the punishments of hell! At this moment I thank you because you still manage to grant me time to be able to remedy the evil that I have come to do and also the good that I have come to stop doing.
I ask you to grant me your help so that what is in my life, I used it only to come to serve you and love you. I ask you, oh my lord, to have mercy on me and also on all those blessed souls who come to burn in Purgatory for not having been able to use their time that you, my lord, gave them for their sanctification as they should. And you, oh Mary, Mother of God! I ask you to help them with your powerful prayers.
Now there is an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be.
third day
First, as everything, it will begin with the initial prayer, then with the prayer for every day and once these 2 prayers are finished, it will begin with the prayer of the corresponding day.
Another of the greatest sorrows that come to afflict these blessed souls is the horrible sight of the sins they are atoning for. In the present life, the ugliness of sin is not known, however, the other is very well known, and this type of knowledge becomes one of the most vivid pains that souls suffer in purgatory. The prayer for this third day is as follows:
Oh my God! I love you above all things because you are pure infinite goodness; I mourn with all my heart for having offended you; I ask you to grant me holy perseverance; have mercy on me and also on all those holy souls who find themselves being tormented by the sight of the sins they could not avoid and with which they committed without horror.
And you, O Mary, the Mother of God! I ask you to help them with your powerful prayers and to pray in the same way for all the people who are in danger of being condemned.
It ends as we said in the explanation at the beginning with 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory Be.
fourth day
First, as everything, it will begin with the initial prayer, then with the prayer for every day and once these 2 prayers are finished, it will begin with the prayer of the corresponding day.
One of the pains that generally comes to afflict the souls that are in purgatory, who became part of the bride of Christ, is to think that, in their lives, through their own faults, they came to displease to every person who is a child of the Most High God and whom he himself loves.
It has been possible to observe penitents who have died of pain at some point thinking about what would have offended the very God who is good on every occasion. A large number of people who do not get to know know a lot about the souls in purgatory when they loved God and therefore they came to love him with the infinite love of his strength; for this same reason, at the moment of coming to think of that same great power of his strength; for that same reason; when the owner of the house arrives.
Much better than some people get to know the souls in purgatory since God is enormously kind and therefore they love him with all their might; for this same reason, thinking that they came to dislike him in life, they come to experience a strong pain to any other pain.
Oh, my God! And I who have offended you so easily, without being moved by how much you did for me, nor by the pains that await me in Purgatory; So I ask you to have mercy on me and on those holy souls who tend to burn in that fire because of the contempt they made for their venial faults and also who now love you wholeheartedly.
And you, oh holy Mary the mother of God, I ask you to protect me so that we can succeed in leading a perfect life and that you help them to mitigate all their pains.
Now it will culminate with the prayer of 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and also 1 Glory.
Fifth Day
First, as everything, it will begin with the initial prayer, then with the prayer for every day and once these 2 prayers are finished, it will begin with the prayer of the corresponding day.
Another of the enormous sorrows that come to afflict all those blessed souls is that of suffering in the fire without knowing when their torments will end. It is true that they have the certainty that one day they will be free of them; however, the uncertainty of the time in which they will end is what causes a very serious torment to their lives.
Oh, Lord, what a great misfortune it would be for many people if they had gone to hell, to that prison of enormous torments, with the full certainty of never getting out of it ever again! I thank you for my life; I ask you to forgive me, that I would like before I die to offend you again.
I ask you to have mercy on me and also on the blessed souls who on earth have not come to fear enough the pains of Purgatory. And you, oh Mother of God and also my Mother, I ask you to help them with your enormous power and shorten the time that awaits them for the eternal possession of God himself.
Finally, this day culminates with the prayer of 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory to finish the Novena to the Blessed Souls on the 5th.
Day Six
First, as everything, it will begin with the initial prayer, then with the prayer for every day and once these 2 prayers are finished, it will begin with the prayer of the corresponding day.
The greater the consolation that all those blessed souls get from the memory of the Passion of Christ, by virtue of which they managed to save themselves, and of the holy Sacrament of the Altar, which came to provide them and still gives them the graces, through the masses and also the communions, the more the thought of not having come to correspond in life to these same 2 benefits of the love of Jesus comes to torment them.
Oh my God! You who also died for me, and you who have given me on several occasions in Holy Communion, and I have always come to reciprocate you with black ingratitude; more now that I truly love you above all things, oh my Supreme Good! I repent very greatly with all my heart for having offended you and with your grace I propose the amendment.
Give it to me, my Lord, and I ask you to have mercy on me and also on the souls that come to burn in the fire of Purgatory because of the low esteem they came to make of your painful passion and because of the many communions that are omitted due to total negligence, or made with great lukewarmness.
And you, oh Mary, the Mother of God and also the Mother of all devout people, so I ask you to intercede for them so that they can obtain forgiveness. Amen.
Finally, this day culminates with the prayer of 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory to finish the Novena to the Blessed Souls on the 6th.
day seven
First, as everything, it will begin with the initial prayer, then with the prayer for every day and once these 2 prayers are finished, it will begin with the prayer of the corresponding day.
In the same way, the pains of those blessed souls increase all the particular benefits that they came to receive from God, such as having received what baptism is, being born in a Catholic country, having waited for God in penance and power achieve what is the forgiveness of sins on several occasions; since all these favors are what make them know a better ingratitude with which they have come to correspond to God.
However, my goodness! who has become more ungrateful than me? You have come to wait for me with so much patience, you have forgiven me on many occasions with love, and I, after so many promises, have offended you again.
I ask you my God that you never throw me into hell because I want to truly love you and in hell I could not do it. Please have pity on my soul and at the same time have mercy on those who are in Purgatory, who due to their many sins have become less deserving of your mercy.
And you, oh Mary, the Mother of God and also the Mother of all devout people, so I ask you to intercede for them so that they can obtain forgiveness. Amen.
Finally, this day culminates with the prayer of 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory to finish the Novena to the Blessed Souls on the 7th.
Eighth Day
First, as everything, it will begin with the initial prayer, then with the prayer for every day and once these 2 prayers are finished, it will begin with the prayer of the corresponding day.
Another of the sorrows, in great bitterness for all those blessed souls, is to think that in the course of their lives God used with them the many sins that forced them to be condemned to hell, despite the fact that later the many mercies He has forgiven them and also saved them, coming to see them repentant.
Oh my God, see me here, I who am considered like those ungrateful ones who, after having come to receive many graces from you, have despised your love and have forced you to condemn some to hell.
I truly thank you for the mercy and enormous patience you have had in waiting for me. I ask you to have mercy on me and also on all those blessed souls who, having managed to reach a high degree of perfection on earth, now deserve to spend much longer in purgatory due to continuous infidelity to the appeals of your grace.
And you, oh Mary, the Mother of God and also the Mother of all devout people, so I ask you to intercede for them so that they can obtain forgiveness. And that you interpose your merits in her favor. Amen.
Finally, this day culminates with the prayer of 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory to finish the Novena to the Blessed Souls on the 5th.
day ninth
First, as everything, it will begin with the initial prayer, then with the prayer for every day and once these 2 prayers are finished, it will begin with the prayer of the corresponding day.
Enormous are the pains that come to suffer all those holy souls, who find themselves in the tedium, the darkness, the fire, the uncertainty of the time in which they have come to see themselves free from all that prison; however, of all, the greatest for those wives, is that of becoming separated from their divine Husband and deprived of his sight and her presence.
Oh my God! How have I been able to live so many years separated from you, at the same time deprived of your grace? O infinite Goodness! I love you above all things, I am sorry with all my heart for having offended you and I would rather regret it than offend you again.
I ask you to grant me holy perseverance and never allow me to fall into disgrace again. I ask you my God to have great mercy on the souls in Purgatory, especially my parents, my brothers, all my relatives, as well as all my friends and also all those for whom my heart and like my conscience force me to ask you with much more effort.
That it is not because of my indifference or because of my faults that they come to stay there away from you. I ask you to shorten the time of their exile and to admit as soon as possible the joy of loving them forever in heaven in your kingdom. And you, oh sweet Virgin Mary, comforter of the afflicted, Mother of our beloved Savior Jesus and of all the faithful.
You who are also the Mother of the poor souls who come to suffer in Purgatory, on this day I implore you with great confidence for the immense goodness of your Heart and I beg you to intercede with your divine Son, so that, through the merits of his holy sacrifice on the cross, you get to obtain relief and freedom to which they come to aspire. Amen.
Finally, this day culminates with the prayer of 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory to finish the Novena to the Blessed Souls on the 9th.
Listen, pious mortals, and help us to achieve the following:
May God bring all these souls out of their sorrows and take them to rest. Oh you walkers, suspend, listen, stand up, it will be enough just to hear us move his pity! Today he asks for his affliction that you want to cooperate:
May God take them out of sorrows and take them to rest. Woe to mortals, woe to severe God, oh voracious, active flame, oh well-deserved fire, woe to conscience, which is always alive! May God take them out of their sorrows and take them to rest.
Faithful Christians, friends, give the necessary credit to these lamentations, work for the good, without blame, to be able to flee from these torments. The souls of this place say Help, mercy, relief! We end with screaming. Listen oh pious mortals and help them to reach: May God bring them out of their sorrows and take them to rest.
Closing Prayer for Each Day
This is the prayer that will be performed when it will culminate with the Novena to the Blessed Souls in Purgatory each day. There are 2 sentences that are made and they are the following that are presented in the following sentence:
Receive, oh Lord my God, your great beloved how many sacrifices the holy church has come to offer and even offers throughout the entire world, for which I ask you to apply to the relief and rest of the afflicted souls for whom I make this novena in this day.
For the bitter pains of your holy mother Mary on the day of your painful passion, I ask you to give her, oh my lord, refreshment. That you convert sinners, that you save the dying and that you grant me sanctification in my current state and the very particular grace that I ask of you, if it is of your good pleasure. Amen.
Abbreviate, oh kind Father! All the anguishes that come to suffer the dear souls that are in Purgatory. I ask you not to delay, Lord, the end of all her sorrows, that the blood of Calvary manages to satisfy your Justice and that you deign to admit her in your Holy Glory, where in the end all human beings are going to see each other and that we can praise your mercies forever. Amen.