Prayer for a wish to come true quickly
The prayer for a wish to come true is one of the most honest conversations that should be carried out with God and in this article we will teach you how to make it so that your requests are heard and your wishes are fulfilled quickly.
At the end of the article we leave the YouTube videos made by us so you can listen to the prayers.
Prayer for a wish to come true
Prayer is the most intimate way we have to communicate with God and with all the saints who help us carry our requests so that they are heard. It is important that when we go to pray for a wish to be fulfilled, that our wishes must be aligned with God’s commands, we cannot request unhealthy wishes or to harm other people, because we will be heard, but not attended to in our desires, but rebuked by them because they are desires to harm and not to do good.
We cannot forget that although we think that we are not being listened to, this is not true, our wishes are always listened to, but God’s times are unrelated to our needs, only he knows the moment in which he should fulfill our wish, because it is the ideal moment, of greater benefit for us.
It is important to remember that the human being sometimes has needs that are not real, that is why if our desires are loaded with banalities, it is very possible that the Almighty recognizes that in reality it is not necessary and not in response to it, which It does not mean that we have not been heard.
It is important then to pray with faith, that our desires are directed to do good and are real needs, that is why we must be honest in our requests. Below we will leave several prayers to make a wish come true, so that you can select the one with which you feel most identified and that is a spiritual channel of effective communication.
Prayer for a wish to come true
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Powerful arm of Jesus Our Father, before you I come with the faith that overwhelms my soul humiliated and inclined before you Eternal Father, to seek your consolation that I need so much in this difficult situation.
Beloved Father, do not forsake me my good Jesus, I know that when one door closes others open, I ask you please that the doors that have to open in my path be you with a powerful arm who opens and closes them, according to your designs , to give me Father the peace of mind that I long for. Today that I am before you I come to ask (here make the request of his wishes).
Deign, Lord, to receive these pleas that I ask from my heart, which is afflicted by the hard blows it has suffered due to this human struggle that we must face every day. Do not allow Divine Father, to succumb due to lack of help, do not abandon me Father. Powerful arm of Jesus, help me, protect me and assist me. Amen
As we have pointed out, prayer is the means to communicate with God or with some other divine being, either to make a request or to express feelings and thanks, this affirmation is based on the sacred book, in the very words of God the Almighty Father .
“Call to me and I will answer you and show you great and hidden things that you do not know”, these are words found in Jeremiah 33:3, as it says, we cannot wait silently for things to happen by themselves , it is necessary to make a prayer so that a wish is fulfilled and God will make the universe organize everything in our favor, to achieve what we long for from the heart.
Since we are talking about the universe conspiring to make our wishes come true and this organization comes from divine intervention, we are going to leave a prayer to the universe below to make a wish. If it was not your knowledge, we can direct our prayers to the universe, we can also ask for wishes, our positive thoughts aligned with God and with what we want, generates a spiritual force so strong that things are fulfilled.
It is possible that you have heard at some point that we can attract what we think and it is as simple as that, as long as you have a true conviction and faith that what is being requested from the universe will sooner or later come, you can be sure that it will will be, that is, we are the main architects of making our wishes come true and come true. Our mind is powerful and our faith is strong so we can make everything come together for our well-being, our prayer will be heard and the universe will act in our favor.
Prayer addressed to the Universe
“Today I ask the universe, God and all the divine forces to work in my favor, so that (you must ask for what you want) that I so desire and need come true. My thoughts are in perfect harmony and are aligned with what I am asking for (you can repeat your wish), that is why, by the strength and power of God and my mind, I am certain that it will come true.
I have no doubt that from this moment the universe will conspire in my favor, so that what I long for so much becomes a reality. I find myself in peace and tranquility because I know that in the end, my confidence and credibility are strengthened, because I know that everything will work out. So be it.
If you are one of the people who prefers a very intimate conversation with our Creator Father, then you should address God specifically, but you should also have an honest attitude with requests and strengthen your faith that you will be heard and address God directly, Then we leave a prayer for a wish to be fulfilled, requesting it from God.
Prayer to fulfill a wish addressed to God.
There are several scientifically based studies that have studied the ways of proceeding and the personalities of the human being, many of the results obtained from them show that the human being by nature is dissatisfied, always wants something more than what he has and many explanations are they are based on the survival instinct of the human being, which makes him feel constantly vulnerable, therefore, he will always want more than he has and wishing for different things.
Despite being such an earthly and scientific analysis, it is not detached from the spiritual, as the scientific priest Georges Lemaitre said very well, “religion and science only have different paths to reach the truth” therefore, if they have the same objective they do not have to enter into conflict.
Based on this, desires can be achieved by one’s own strength, but in other cases, divine intervention is needed and why not use both, therefore, we can turn to God to grant us those impossible desires that you can only achieve with your help. Here is a prayer for a wish requested of God to come true.
Beloved heavenly Father, you who are my creator know because you are your son that I have limitations and I have struggles that with my strength I cannot overcome, if I do not have your help, that is why I ask you, my Father, to help me obtain what I want so much. (make the wish request).
Look inside my heart so you can see that I have no bad intentions, that my wishes do not harm anyone, but that they will improve my life, it is only a request that I make to you, beloved Father, full of faith and trust because I am sure that that you will hear my prayer.” Amen.
As we know there are other miraculous deities who also receive our messages through prayer, there are people who are devoted to various saints and their faith becomes strong through them, so it is also valid to make our prayers addressed to those saints to whom which we have faith in, one of them is San Expedito, it is customary to pray to this miraculous saint to intercede so that our requests are fulfilled.
Saint Expeditus is a handsome soldier who carries a cross in his hand and a palm of martyrdom in the other. If he decides to ask this saint, he will go to battle so that your wish is fulfilled. Here is a beautiful prayer for a wish to come true.
Prayer to make a wish to Saint Expeditus
Oh, dear Saint Expedite, you who faced great battles and achieved victory for your soul and were recognized by the Heavenly Father, today I come to you to ask you to help me on this occasion to obtain (request what you want to obtain).
You who advocate and fight for great situations, I ask Saint Expeditus to intercede for me, before God the Father, so that my wish may be fulfilled soon. I have faith in your strength, I know you fight all your battles and today I give you mine so you don’t leave me alone, I ask Saint Expeditus to take my prayer and let God the Father know of my requests. Amen.
Prayer to the Guardian Angel
Each of us has his Guardian Angel permanently by his side, so if we have someone so close and so exclusive that he loves us and protects us, why not ask our beautiful Guardian Angel to fulfill our wishes. Here is a beautiful prayer for you to make a wish come true.
Beloved and beautiful Guardian Angel, you who know my sorrows and needs, I beg you to help me with your great power of protection to come true (make your wish). Guardian Angel you my sweet company, you who know my actions and you know that it abounds in my heart and therefore you know if I am worthy of what I am asking of you. You who are always by my side and do not abandon me do not abandon me beloved Guardian Angel, Thank you for always staying by my side and fulfilling my wishes. Amen