Prayer to God in difficult moments to bear
Prayer to God in difficult times is an excellent tool when we find ourselves in quite hard and difficult life situations, this prayer can come from your heart, but if you do not know how to do it, in this article we will tell you what to do.
Prayer to God in difficult times
At some point in our lives we have had to face difficult and compromising situations, where friends and family get involved. Uncertainty invades our minds and stress begins to take its toll, which can cause worry and even make us sick.
Precisely at that moment is when we need the presence of God to be able to reduce anxiety and emotional suffocation, opening our hearts implies letting ourselves be carried away by the orders of the creator, so that help comes from his hand and to increase that help it is important to know that through a prayer to god in difficult times, the balance of emotions can be achieved.
Having days without worry in these times is a bit difficult, so in order to be calm it is important that we seek the help of God, who will surely reach out to us and help us achieve our goal.
The best way to achieve this is through prayer to God in difficult times , which must be inspired by faith and hope, where gratitude is accompanied by requests that help us solve problems. God gives us help and comfort without noticing it, hence the importance of seeking his help in difficult times.
Below we will describe some prayers that can help resolve these situations, although they can be created and elaborated by any believer who is very clear about the concept of faith in God, we present you with some recommendations and prayers that can serve as an example when you fall into a difficult situation.
Prayer “My Lord I trust in you”
It is the name of a prayer in difficult times that has become very popular, it consists of a prayer that requests before the creator, joy and peace through his glory, the prayer has a beginning where it names God as the highest supreme creator of the universe let’s see:
“Lord, Holy Father, I come before you at this very complicated moment in my life and that only you understand, only you know, and only you can provide the answer to situations and problems over which I have no control. ”
“God you are good, merciful, and great, there is nothing impossible for you, and even if I see before me an immense wall, even if I see an impenetrable wall, even if I feel that my hands are chained, even if my mind is filled with negative thoughts , I believe in you and in your power.”
“Your word is a declaration of life, that despite making so many mistakes, nothing can separate me from you, nothing can separate me from your love, and nothing can tear me from your powerful hand. All my family and myself are safe in the palm of your hand, your blessings flow allowing us to be surrounded by health and hope despite the fact that our enemies attack us.
Then it is said repeatedly “Lord, I trust in you”, “Jesus trusted in you” , and thanks to God is made as follows:
“Thank you God because you will give me the exit; You are my refuge in time of need. You are my coat, you are my Almighty Father. Lord, you are my shepherd and I declared that I will lack nothing in my life.”
Then the following praise is performed:
“I praise you my Lord because there is no difficult moment or problem so serious, or impossible situation that you cannot solve. Thank you Lord because this test will be good for me and for the growth of my soul and my family. Thank you Christ Jesus, for the powerful miracle that I will soon see in my life. Because yours is the power, the honor, and the Glory, forever and ever, Amen.”
Prayer for Freedom from Fear and Anxiety
In this case, prayer to God in difficult times allows to establish the liberation of anxiety and fears, it consists of a prayer of rejoicing, which gives security to those who pray it, this prayer goes like this:
“Heavenly Father, When I am torn apart by my own worries, you will take my mind off me and help me see reality, When fear imprisons me and I feel immobile, you give me freedom and help me to live one day to the Once again, if I cannot express the pain with words, calm me down with your beautiful words of love.”
“I trusted you, every moment, every hour, every minute and second, all my internal burdens I give them to you, you take my thoughts of anxiety and free me as your son of the cross did, I trust you because I know that I live in your grace, I feel forgiven and restored by the sacrifice, you have broken the chain of anxiety, through Christ our Lord, Amen.”
A prayer that comes from the heart
This type of prayer is part of the inspirations that any faithful can have to carry it out, as its name says, they have to come from the heart, taking the spiritual elements of faith, the grace of the Lord, and the feeling of love. that each person has towards the creator.
We will describe a small prayer that comes from the heart as an example of how it can be elaborated without the need to correspond obligations of specific words and verses, it is considered a prayer of encouragement in difficult moments, let’s see:
“Thank you heavenly Father for all the things that you give me day by day, thank you for my children, my parents and for that wonderful husband who shares the joys, thank you for this day, thank you for my children, my Fathers and for that wonderful husband who I have, thanks for the food you give us every day, for the air we breathe.”
“Thank you Lord for everything you give us, I also ask you to forgive all my mistakes, it’s sins and my faults, which sometimes I try to change and I can’t, my arrogance and my rebellion surpass me, so I ask you to forgive me and help control them.”
Lord, you are my engine, my hope, my joy, my salvation. Help me….. (And here the favor is requested), so that your healing hand can exert all the energy so that this request can be granted, free me from all evil energy that can compromise my physical integrity. Thank you for taking care of me moment by moment, I only ask for your blessing and protection, amen.”
Prayer to God for a woman who suffers
This prayer is recommended for women who suffer for various reasons, generally due to a disappointment or the loss of a loved one, women express their feelings totally differently than men do, they are the closest manifestation of how God establishes feelings in the human being.
Their sensitivity makes them of vital importance to life on the planet, they are bearers of the greatest value granted by God on the planet, although some men may be suffering at any time, it is also suggested that they can carry it out if they are troubled by a situation. .
The prayer to ask God for help in difficult times is presented as a conversation with the Father where with all confidence, the person expresses himself in a simple way, in order to resolve the situation that is arising, it says like this:
“God I am troubled (o), today I had a not very good day, I had family problems, and although the person with whom I argued is good, today I observed that he had behaved in a different way, however I ask you to protect him, that nothing bad happens to him, take care of his family and his children, amen.”
This is a small example of how a small prayer can be made towards a person who suffers, it can also be established in the following way:
“My Lord, I ask you to make the decisions that I can make. …(The name of the person is given). They are the correct ones, it eliminates the anguish of his soul, so that he can overcome the problem that he is presenting” (The problem is detailed here).
The prayer is a request for help to a person who is experiencing an uncomfortable and abnormal situation, it can also be personalized if the situation is with whom the prayer is made. You can also develop a prayer for a woman who suffers on a general level, which includes various forms of requests and flattery, let’s see:
“My Lord, I ask you to help me bear this burden, only you are capable of comforting me and lightening the weight that I carry on my back, do not allow my family to be unprotected, give us light to be able to solve the various problems, my Lord in you I trust, since everything that happens is for a reason, you have prepared something better for me, your designs are just, amen.”
Prayer for a woman who wants her husband back.
These types of situations are constantly present in almost everyone, women suffer from the loss of a love, who thought they would be with them all their lives, prayer can help if not bring back the loved one to cope and overcome this situation :
“Heavenly Father, I thank you for one more day of life, thank you for the joy that you give my life day by day, I ask you to restore all that was lost, bless the irretrievable so that it can return, but I want to thank you for having removed that person who was causing problems in our romantic relationship.”
“In the name of Jesus, I ask you for loving reconciliation towards my husband, I promise to forgive him, but touch his heart so that he can return to my side, allow us to talk and resolve differences, in order to reach an agreement, keep him away from grudges and hate them.”
“Have mercy on me and grant me this favor, that I will take it as a miracle that only you can do, since for you there is nothing impossible, in the name of Jesus, Amen.”
To conclude, we recommend that these prayers be done in total solitude, so that the person feels that he is conversing with God, that he is sending him a message of gratitude, flattery pleases God, try to do it between two and three times a week, where no one can bother you.
Involve people who have problems to develop prayer to God in difficult times, it is a great spiritual tool that helps many people to solve problems that are sometimes considered impossible to solve.
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