Prayer to the Infant Jesus of Prague for his Favors
The Prayer to the Infant Jesus of Prague is a prayer widely used by Catholic believers who come to him in order to obtain his help. In the following article you will know everything about how to do this theme.
Prayer to the Infant Jesus of Prague Effective
Oh blessed Child Jesus, we approach you, through this humble prayer, we ask that this need (the need you have must be mentioned), we trust with all our hearts that only you have the power to help each of your children. according to your majesty.
We also ask your forgiveness for the sins that we commit daily and for the faults that may offend you, we beg you to help us to be faithful to you, that we may serve you with complete freedom, oh dear Jesus, give us your help and that we come out of this with good situation. (The circumstance must be mentioned).
Oh great divine child Jesus of Prague, on this day your faithful approach you, with great devotion and respect, we ask that all the prayers and supplications that they make you please be heard, that you fill them with peace and well-being, Please show your infinite love, forgive all the offenses, all the mistakes that you give us every day the confidence and allows them to move forward and be able to achieve all the goals set in their life.
I ask you to forgive all sins, oh good Jesus, I know that many have offended you, however, you, my Lord, promised to forgive whoever came to you with great faith and with much love. Your children require your grace and your strength to be able to continue the path of good and not evil.
They know very well, oh Lord and Master, that you guide through this world of darkness and confusion. The example of your childhood becomes for many their norm and memory in all activities and daily concerns, and make them worthy of your promises such as the one that says:
“The more you honor me, the more it favors you.”Amen.
Act of Consecration
Kind Infant Jesus of Prague, the great acclaimed by all as the good miraculous for the countless and for the extraordinary favors that you came to grant to those who invoke you. Captivate the soul of your children with your great wonders as a child, they will never forget you and today they welcome you under your mantle of King to be able to enjoy the peace that you have promised us for those who follow you, and there the power they can receive for your blessing, that as from God, you are going to make her grow in holiness and virtues.
That is why your devotees consecrate themselves in a surrendered way to your holy service; so they will be your ardent devotees of Prague. Children of your love, please everyone will respond to your predilection for their souls, offering you from this day and forever what they are, what they yearn for; the life of their senses, the aspirations of their hearts, as well as the loves of their souls that belong to you by the right of filiation and the debt of conquest, when you come to create and redeem them.
Divine Child, King of Prague, the God of Childhood. We ask you to receive the offer, do it effectively with your great infinite power to be yours forever on earth and also in heaven. Amen.
Chaplet of the miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague
This is another of the prayer to the infant Jesus of Prague. Which we establish with faith that it is to Honor the Mysteries of his Childhood. That is why with the sign of the Holy Cross, from our enemies deliver us Lord, Our God.
Lord Jesus Christ, thank you for your infinite love, only you are great that is why we accept you as God and True Man, we thank you for your kindness in allowing your love to fill the lives of those who accept your redeeming work with faith, we know you love us above all things, we ask you to help us at all times and that we may receive your divine grace to advance along the path of good.
Open, Lord, my lips and my mouth. And my tongue will pronounce your praise. Come, oh God, to my aid. Please hurry Lord to help me. Adored and also glorified be the Holy Trinity, which is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, for all centuries of centuries. Amen.
Adored and also glorified be the Father. The word became flesh and dwelt among all of us.
Our father
- 1º Divine Child Jesus, blessed and praised be in the mystery of Your incarnation.
Ave Maria
- 2nd Divine Child Jesus, blessed and praised be you in the mystery of your Visitation.
Ave Maria
- 3rd Divine Child Jesus, blessed and praised be you in the mystery of your Birth
Ave Maria
- 4th Divine Child Jesus, blessed and praised be in the mystery of the adoration of the shepherds.
Ave Maria
Adored and glorified be the Son.
Our father.
- 5th Divine Child Jesus, blessed and praised be you in the mystery of your Circumcision.
Ave Maria
- 6th Divine Child Jesus, blessed and praised be in the mystery of the Epiphany.
Ave Maria
- 7th Divine Child Jesus, blessed and praised be You in the mystery of Your presentation in the temple.
Ave Maria
- 8th Divine Child Jesus, blessed and praised be You in the mystery of Your flight to Egypt.
Ave Maria
Adored and glorified be the Holy Spirit.
Our father
- 9th Divine Child Jesus, blessed and praised be You in the mystery of Your stay in Egypt.
Ave Maria
- 10th Divine Child Jesus, blessed and praised be You in the mystery of Your return to Nazareth.
Ave Maria
- 11th Divine Child Jesus, blessed and praised be You in the mystery of Your hidden life in Nazareth.
Ave Maria
- 12th Divine Child Jesus, blessed and praised be in the mystery of Your loss and finding in the Temple.
Ave Maria
Glory to the Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, now and forever, for ever and ever. Amen
Prayer for a Sick Person
Oh the dear and sweet Child Jesus, here is a poor sick person who finds himself before your presence asking you deeply and moved by the most vivid faith, for your help so that he can be healed of his illness, who on this day invokes you for through the prayer to the infant Jesus of Prague so that you may come to him.
All trust is placed in You. Knowing that you can do everything and that you are very merciful, you are the same infinite mercy. Great little one, for your great divine virtue, for the immense love you have for those who suffer, for the afflicted, for all those in need, listen to me, and also bless me, help me, comfort me. Amen.
Prayer of the Sick
Oh powerful and kind Child Jesus: we recognize that you are a great healer, that your power is immense, that is why we beg your infinite mercy on each one of the sick, we pray that you help them increase their faith every day, and that they may receive their miracle by invoke your divine presence.
Today we place all our trust in you, we know that you can do great wonders only you help all the afflicted you love with all your heart, please listen to your devotees, bless them, help them and comfort them. Amen.
A prayer to ask for health
Oh great Child Jesus of Prague, the owner of life and also of death, although unworthy and sinful, many are those who prostrate themselves before You to be able to implore the health of (the person for whom the grace is requested is named) whom I love so much with all my heart.
The person who is entrusted to you suffers a lot, who is afflicted by pain, and cannot find another way out but in your omnipotence, in which he or she puts all his hopes. Please relieve, oh Celeste doctor, all her sorrows, free her from all her sufferings and please give her perfect health, if this is in agreement and in accordance with the divine will and the true good of her soul. Amen.
Prayer to the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague for Difficult Requests
This kind of prayer to the infant Jesus of Prague was revealed by the Virgin Mary to Father Cyril of Prague in the 17th century. Since then Father Cirilo was a faithful man devoted to this holy Child for the various amounts of help, spiritual and material, that he and his convent had come to receive, and for the many miracles that the faithful had managed to obtain through him. the powerful intercession of the Miraculous Infant Jesus of Prague.
Whoever places his hope in this holy Child will never, will never be disappointed. Oh Holy Infant Jesus of Prague! On this day there are many who turn to you, and they pray to you for their Most Holy Mother, that you assist them in this great difficulty: (say what you want to achieve) because they truly believe firmly that your divinity can come to their aid. They wait with great confidence to be able to obtain your Holy Grace. Amen.
Prayer for Help
Oh great sweet and miraculous Child Jesus, we ask you to look at their miseries and have mercy on everyone. Make your holy grace come to us, keep illnesses, needs and sorrows away from all of us and from our families and homes. Amen.
Prayer to the Child that is Prayed Every Afternoon in the Sanctuary of Arenzano
Oh glorious Child Jesus, only you have the power to help all those who invoke your holy name with faith, that is why we ask you to listen to our pleas, prostrate before you we ask for your favor at all times, Lord listen to our prayer and that we may receive the answer we long for.
We ask you with faith that you also listen to all those in need, those who raise their cry to you and who trust in your immense power, show your mercy to the whole world, oh great Lord, and that the grace of your love be present from now on and forever. Amen.
Powerful Novena of Child Confidence
This is a small novena of prayer to the infant Jesus of Prague which is prayed every hour for about 9 hours in a row on the same day. The ninth says as follows:
O holy Jesus, who has said “Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you,” through the strong intercession of Mary your Holy Mother, many call, many seek, many ask you to grant them this grace. (Petition.)
Oh Jesus, who have come to say “Anything you ask the Father in My Name will grant it” through the intercession of Mary, your Holy Mother, humbly and urgently many beg your Father in your Name to grant them this Grace. (Petition.) Amen.
Prayer of the Holy Father Benedict XVI to the Infant Jesus of Prague
Oh great and powerful Lord Jesus, today we approach your beautiful and holy presence we want to tell you that we recognize you as a child and also as the great son of God, who shows his mercy and divine favor to all humanity, we believe with faith that you you are the only savior and that you can help us at all times.
Great Lord, only you know our needs, that’s why you became poor to give us the opportunity to be rich and be full of blessings: that’s why we ask you never to forget the poor, nor forsake any person who suffers and needs you. . Protect at all times each of the families that cry out to you with faith, also fill each heart with love and mercy.
Allow, oh Jesus!, that all people recognize that only you are the truth, and that you gave your life as a sign of your immense love, full of joy and well-being to each one of your faithful, also allow us to achieve peace and that always your protection is manifested in us. Amen.