The Sermon of the Seven Words and its Teachings
There are many religious festivities which are characterized by being traditional and specific. The Sermon of the Seven Words and its Teachings, it is customary to listen to it during Holy Week, we will talk about it here and we will know much more about its teachings.
The Sermon of the Seven Words and its Teachings
This is referred, as its name indicates, to the Seven Words (Septem Verba in Latin), which is the common denomination of the words mentioned by Jesus at the time of his crucifixion, and before he died. They are contained in the canonical gospels.
The gospels that mention it are Matthew and Mark, however in them only the fourth word is mentioned. In the Gospel of Luke three are mentioned (first, second and seventh word). Thus the Gospel of John mentions the remaining three (third, fifth and sixth).
It has not been possible to determine their chronological order. The order of the same is translated in its originality in the Jerusalem Bible, below we mention them in this way:
“Father, forgive them because they dont know what they are doing”. – Pater dimitte illis, non enim sciunt, quid faciunt (Luke, 23: 34).
«I assure you: today you will be with me in Paradise». – Amen dico tibi hodie mecum eris in paradiso (Luke, 23: 43).
“Woman, there’s your son. […] Here is your mother”. – Mulier ecce filius tuus […] ecce mater tua (John, 19: 26-27).
«My God, my God!, why have you abandoned me?». – Eli, Eli! lama sabactani? (Matthew, 27: 46) – Deus meus Deus meus ut quid dereliquisti me (Mark, 15: 34).
“I’m thirsty”. – Siege (John, 19: 28).
“Everything is done.” – Consummatum est (John, 19: 30).
“Father, in your hands I entrust my spirit”. – Pater in manus tuas commendo spiritum meum (Luke, 23: 46).
A Brief History of the Sermon on the Seven Words and its Teaching
The priest and vicar of the Archdiocese of Cartagena, Sahabel Porto, comments on the message of the seven words that Jesus utters at the moment of his agony, after having suffered thousands of humiliations, humiliations, as all believers know in relation to what he suffered for the sole purpose of the salvation of mankind.
With the Sermon of the Seven Words, the phrases that Jesus pronounces on the cross are identified, identified in several of the gospels and commented by some authors as a Good Friday sermon, which is commemorated in the Holy Week or Holy Week festival of the Holy Week. Catolic religion.
It is a non-compulsory tradition, since the reading of the passion and adoration of the cross are also celebrated, this is commemorated on Good Friday.
However, it is a tradition of the Catholic Church which is very important, valued and appreciated in Colombia, which is presented by many stations, in Venezuela it is also customary to place it on radio stations on Good Friday, which has been done a highly respected tradition among believers.
These Seven Words are compared to the economic, political, family and cultural reality of the people, the preachers, who are mostly Archbishops, teach them with the sense that believers apply them to the daily lives of each person.
They must be heard with a prophetic sense, as well as a light of hope in the face of the crises of current times. This is affirmed by Father Sahabel Porto.
The Sermon of the Seven Words and its Teachings said by Christ himself at the moment of his agony, are taken from the 4 gospels, determined as follows:
The Gospel of Luke recounts three, the first, second and seventh.
In Juan’s, the remaining three are dealt with, the third, fifth and sixth.
Mark and Matthew only mention one, the fourth word.
Analysis of the Seven Words
They were carefully collected and determined in the 12th century by the Cistercian monk Arnaud de Bonneval at the affirmation of Father Sahabel.
Since that time the teachings of these words in theology and piety have multiplied. However, it was in 1542 and 1621 through Saint Roberto Berlamino, who promoted its application and practice when he wrote the treatise on the Seven Words Determined by Christ.
As a result of this, the custom of preaching on Good Friday the traditional “sermon of the seven words” grew, which takes place during the morning or noon of this Friday.
The Seven Words pronounced by Christ on the cross, at the moment of his agony, as we have already mentioned, are determined as follows:
first word
“Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34).
This is the greatest testimony or testimony of what Jesus announced and preached to his people: the greatest testimony of what Jesus announced and taught: “You have heard that it was said: you shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy; but I say to you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be children of your father who is in heaven”
This is a clear invitation to apply forgiveness to offenses and to prevail in a culture of reconciliation, love and peace.
This word is located or mentioned as we said before in the Gospel of Luke, specifically 23: 34.
This word was offered for those guilty of his death. Due to this, it is not difficult to think that this word was addressed to the Jews and Roman soldiers, all of which at the end of the verse can be seen as they appear in a playful attitude and the tunic of Jesus.
second word
“Today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43).
In this word the expression “Today” represents the meaning of salvation.
This word is said by Jesus to the thief at the time of his repentance, we could relate it to the rehabilitation of people who are in vices or crimes. It also shows us the great love of Jesus for sinners, especially those who have large debts with society.
In relation to this, what is involved is the response that Christ gives to the thief who was with him at the time of the crucifixion, when the thief said to him in a tone of supplication «remember me, when you come into your kingdom». With this response of Christ, salvation is assured to the thief without taking into account the sins committed by him, due to the faith placed in Jesus Christ.
third word
“Woman, here is your son”, and to the disciple: “here is your mother” (John 19:26 s.).
With this act of love Christ dying shows us and gives us his mother who always watched over him and now from that act of love intercede and protect his people. She is shown to us as a disciple and missionary, as well as a model of fidelity to Christ until the cross and the resurrection.
As a first sign regarding this passage, two particularities are seen, the social and ethical sense: what is interpreted as that Christ handed over the care of his mother to the one who entrusted it, in this case to one of the disciples, thereby determining a filial duty between them.
In relation to this teaching, it can be determined that not only should love be received, but it should also be given without seeing the circumstances or who it is, all of this is reflected in the love that should exist towards our neighbor, as we see it. Jesus teaches.
Since Jesus had no siblings and therefore his mother had no more children, Jesus rests the duty of caring for his mother; him and at the same time he grants her as a mother to the disciple John. Assuming this one that assignment with total self-sacrifice and real and true love.
fourth word
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mt 27,46).
This expression means supplication. It teaches us not to give pain and abandonment a sense of offering and intercession for others, since suffering is missionary. Likewise, this phrase is reflected in Psalm 22, which Jesus must have pronounced on the Cross. This psalm expresses pain, suffering, however, it also shows us trust in God, in the moment of silence.
It appears in the Aramaic language (Elohi, Elohi, lema’ šĕbaqtani) in the Gospel of Mark and in Hebrew in the Gospel of Matthew (‘Eli, ‘Eli, lĕma’ šĕbaqtani).
For theological studies, Jesus sacrificed himself freely for all of humanity, however in his human nature he feels loneliness and abandonment, as expressed in Gethsemane.
Jesus is considered the suffering servant of God, however he accepts such a sacrifice for the salvation of all humanity. This suffering of Christ also represents the suffering of humans even when there is greater faith.
fifth word
“I thirst” (Jn 19:28).
This word is taken from various Psalms 21, 16 and 69. It can be deduced that this word not only refers to the physiological thirst of the organism, but also to the spiritual thirst of Christ, which tries to consummate the redemption and achieve the salvation of all believers in him.
In Latin America and in the Church of Cartagena, missions have been carried out so that people who are far from believing in Christ drink from the source of living water which is Christ himself. We all have God and Christ thirsts for each one of his children.
Sixth Word
“Everything is finished” (John 19:30).
With the pronunciation of this word it is observed how Jesus fulfills his mission of redemption to the last. It is the last part of his life program, he fulfills the Scripture according to the will of the Father.
With this, we are invited to fulfill the will of God in all areas of our daily life, both with family, work, our civic duties, since in each step of our life there are different scenarios of missions to fulfill and we must give the best of us, even going through various sacrifices that are necessary.
seventh word
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit” (Luke 23:46).
The intimate, continuous relationship of God with the Father is striking. He always invoked him and Jesus always presents him with the characteristic of being a merciful God. With this word, believers must take it and apply it in our daily life as well as in our daily problems, projects, dreams, obligations in short in all areas of our lives.
With these words it is a question of making a comparison with the daily life of believers, as well as the specific situation that they are living at the moment. To these words has been attributed a prophetic vision of the Old Testament.
In relation to the belief and faith of believers about the passion and life of Jesus, these words are considered as “true words” of Jesus.
The Seven Words and their Teachings
Regarding this, and although at the beginning of this article some determinations were made as to what the Seven Words mean, we will try to illustrate to the reader other teachings that they present to us, according to the words pronounced by Jesus.
1st Word: “Father, forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing.” (Lk.23,34)
This happened in the Garden of Olives, one night and in the midst of a deep and sincere prayer, Jesus pronounced from the depths of his heart “Abba, Father”.
With this, Jesus demonstrates his surrender to the will of the Father, and thus begins his path to the Cross on the way to Calvary, accepting with resignation but at the same time as the lordship of being the Messiah and Savior of the world.
Likewise, with this he demonstrates the revelation of the loving heart of the Father God, making it clear that he was the son of God, when Pilate presented him before the annoying people, and Jesus mentions “Ecce Homo”. Thus, Man and God would be united on the cross.
It is known by all believers that Pontius Pilate places on the Cross “Jesus, the Nazarene, King of the Jews.” This writing was determined in three languages: Greek, Latin and Hebrew. It could be said that innocently the Procurator of the time named Jesus Universal King with it.
When Jesus says the first word, it is addressed to his Father: “Father, forgive them” in this way he is praying as he himself taught us and with the teaching that he left us of “Love your enemies, do good to those who they hate” (Lk.6, 27-35).
Jesus at that moment appealed to the loving and great heart of God as only he knew it. This word reveals to us the love of Jesus for his people and at the same time the love for the Father.
In this prayer he says to God regarding those who were crucifying him “they do not know what they are doing”, forgetting himself and the pain he asks the Father for forgiveness for all humanity, even for all those who had condemned him, crucified him, those who called for his death. What makes us reflect on the mercy of the Father.
2nd Word: “Today you will be with me in Paradise” (Lk.23,43).
Taking us a little by imagination and seeing in the distance the three crosses where three men seen as dangerous by the authorities of those times are found. At that moment, Jesus meets the two thieves, one on each side of him.
Going through the insults that they confer on him, until the moment in which one of them, at the moment close to death and turning eighty degrees, begs Jesus to take him with him to Paradise.
Here the teaching of the word tells us that that man who dies between two thieves, is the same one who has come to judge the world, which he will do with judgment and mercy. And a sign of this mercy is when he grants the thief who asks for salvation, he tells him: “Today he will be with me in Paradise.”
It becomes extremely important that the world listen and understand the strength and security as Jesus says: “I assure you.” She characterizes the majesty of Jesus, what he claims about the last word regarding man. Jesus at that moment gives a clear example that he is the only one who has the key to Paradise.
3rd Word: “Woman, there you have your Son… There you have your mother” (Jn. 19, 26).
In this word, Jesus continues to reveal his immense love for others, this time he gives us what is greatest and enormous for him: his mother. With this he would make sure that she would not be abandoned after her death, however, he sees in Juan, her best friend, and gives him the responsibility of caring for her mother.
Although Jesus more than a responsibility makes her see that she will be the Mother of all humanity and the intercessor before her son for each of her children on earth, for this reason he first addresses the Mother, calls her “woman” and says, “There you have your son.” Then, addressing him, he says: “There you have your mother.”
With this, Jesus leaves us Mary as the universal Mother of humanity as well as of the Church. Thus, in the case of John, the beloved disciple who received Mary in his house, in this case he represents each of the human beings in the entire world.
With this we can define how this was the last gift of Jesus to the world before his time came, this can be seen as the great responsibility that was entrusted to Mary. It can be taken as a second announcement.
Because it is no longer an Angel who does the ordinance, but the son himself who gives it, and this is seen as an even more complicated task dealing with receiving the entire humanity as children of his heart.
Mary, submissively accepting again due to her faith, she silently says “let it be done”, my Lord. Mary, like our mother, will help us to have true eyes of faith and understand these facts.
4th Word: “My God, my God! Why have you abandoned me?” (Mk. 15, 34).
It was three in the afternoon, and the death of Jesus was near. Few people were left in the place and in the place where the cross was, a lot of loneliness was already perceived. Jesus was alone.
There is a loneliness that only Jesus was able to live, since no man has lived it. This word is a bit confusing. According to theologians, this was not a painful phrase, it was serene compared to the others that Jesus mentioned. This is what this word of Jesus reveals to us.
This word was said by Jesus before a situation of effort, forcing his lungs and taking a deep breath, he gave a loud cry “Elí, Elí, lama Sabactani? Which means: My God, my God! Why have you abandoned me?” When this happened there was a great silence in the place.
5th Word: “I thirst” (Jn. 19,28).
Thirst is a terrible suffering that any human being presents on some occasions, however we can say that the thirst that Jesus experienced on the cross was not only physiological thirst, but also about the thirst of the spirit.
In relation to this word, Jesus shows all humanity the meaning of this word at the moment of agony. But we must ask ourselves, was Jesus talking about another thirst? Would it be a thirst for love, understanding or salvation? We need to think about this a bit.
In a certain way, the answer would be affirmative since Jesus feels in those moments or hours within his already exhausted heart, the truth that his salvation for many would not be recognized or it would be useless.
In that difficult moment for Jesus, one of the soldiers of the time, seeing the situation with some emotion, wets a sponge in a container with a mixture of water, vinegar and sour wine, which the soldiers used for their own relief, this soldier He brings it close to his mouth and another who was close to him says mockingly: “Let’s go, let’s see if Elijah comes to save him.”
Fulfilling in this way another passage from the psalms: “In my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink” (68, 22).
Let us keep in mind and seeing him from the cross, let us give him the joy of faith in union with all his people and let us ask him for all humanity Living Water.
6th Word: “Everything is finished, everything is completed” (Jn. 19, 30).
This sixth Word of Christ translates into the cry of the winner, the Son fulfilled the will of the Father. “I have come down from heaven to do, not my will, but that of the one who sent me” (Jn. 6, 38). “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to carry out his work” (Jn. 4, 34).
With this word Jesus arrives at the moment of his death. Jesus was killed by his own enemies, since they did not accept a God of love, of goodness, so human, so Father. They did not accept his teachings, so they took him to the gates of death. So that no one would believe in him, they preferred to take him to the cross.
7th Word: “Father, into your hands I commend my spirit” (Lk.23,46).
Considered the sweetest and most tender word expressed by Jesus at the moment of expiring. Death has always been seen by some as something tragic, however those of us who believe in Jesus should be seen not as an endless night or a leap into the void. Jesus himself places his trust in the hands of his Father.
The death of Jesus is described as a quiet death, to the point where he bows his head to the Father and gives his Spirit to all of humanity. The Orthodox poet Eugeeny Evtushenko, a Russian national, said:
“When a person dies, God has just kneaded his existence for eternity… And in the hands of God… not a tear, not an effort, not an illusion, not a suffering, not an instant of life is wasted…” .
We can summarize that in the hands of God nothing is lost even less after his death. It is our duty to believe in trusting him as he trusted his Father in that difficult moment.
At the time of Jesus’ death, the Centurion who was watching praises God, this is said by Saint Luke. We must take this example of the Centurion and give praise to God the Father, for teaching us and imparting to us love, feeling of paternity.
We must praise the Holy Spirit at all times, since through him it was possible for this Good News to reach all of humanity through the ages.
To you, Lord, all honor and all praise forever and ever. Amen.
Meditation on the Seven Words of Jesus on the Cross
Prayer has always been taken very important since the times of Jesus, since in those times Jesus himself prayed directly to his Father in times of difficulty or anguish.
In current times, prayer has also become the communication step between people and religious figures such as Saints and even the image of Jesus Christ.
The people of God every day clings more to them in difficult times, trials that are going through, even of gratitude for some reason. All of which makes these have taken an important moment in the life of every believer.
There is the prayer of the seven words, which names at the beginning each of the words that Jesus himself pronounced at the moment before he died, and makes a prayer at the end of each of them as well as a very brief description or teaching.
We will leave it to the reader to serve as a guide and help him in moments of difficulty if he considers it to his liking.
7 word sentence
Jesus on the Cross pleads:
gives to the thief: bequeaths his Mother:
complain: thirst drowns him:
fulfills: surrenders the soul to the Father
Calvary must be reached
because Christ, our Light,
today he also wants to talk to us
from the altar of the Cross.
Virgin of sorrows and my Mother! May, like You, always accompany your Son in life, redemption and death. And after being glorified on earth, I glorified him for all eternity, together with him and together with you. I ask you for your affliction and martyrdom, at the foot of the Cross. Always assist me especially in this last moment of the Christian combat that will open happy eternity, in the company of your Son. So be it.
Lord I sinned, have mercy and mercy on me.
first word
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Lk 23:34)
Although I have been your enemy,
my Jesus: as I confess,
pray for me: that, with that,
Forgiveness with me.
When crazy I offended you,
I didn’t know what I was doing
I know, Jesus, from my soul
and pray to the Father for me
Lord and my God, who for my love agonized on the cross to pay with your sacrifice the debt of my sins, and opened your divine lips to obtain for me the forgiveness of divine justice: have mercy on all men who are dying and on me when I find myself in the same case: and by the merits of your most precious Blood shed for my salvation, give me such intense pain for my sins, that I expire with it in the lap of your infinite mercy.
Lord I sinned, have mercy and mercy on me.
second word
“Today you will be with me in Paradise” (Lk 23, 43)
Turned to You the Good Thief
With faith I implore your mercy:
me too of my evil
I ask you, Lord, forgiveness.
Yes to the repentant thief
you give a place in heaven,
me too, now without fear
salvation today I ask you.
Lord and my God, that for my love you agonized on the Cross and with such generosity you corresponded to the faith of the good thief, when in the midst of your redeeming humiliation he recognized you as the Son of God, to the point of assuring him that that very day he would be with you in Heaven: have mercy on all men who are about to die, and on me when I find myself in the same trance: and by the merits of your most precious blood, kindle in me a spirit of faith so firm and so constant that it does not waver before the suggestions of the enemy, I surrender myself to your redemptive company of the world and I can reach full of merits the prize of your eternal company.
Lord I sinned, have mercy and mercy on me.
third word
“Here is your son: here is your Mother” (Jn 19, 26)
Jesus in his testament to his Virgin Mother gives:
And who can understand Mary’s feeling?
Your son I want to be,
be your my mother lady:
that my soul from now on
with your love it will flourish.
Lord and my God, that for my love you agonized on the Cross and, forgetting your torments, you left me with love and understanding to your sorrowful Mother, so that in her company I would always come to You with greater confidence: have mercy on all men who struggle with the agonies and anguish of death, and of me when he sees me at the same moment; and for the eternal martyrdom of your loving mother, revive in my heart a firm hope in the infinite merits of your most precious blood, until thus overcoming the risks of eternal damnation, deserved so many times for my sins.
Lord I sinned, have mercy and mercy on me.
fourth word
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (Mt 27, 46)
Helpless he looks
of his Father the beloved Son,
damn always sin
that this was the cause.
who would like to comfort
to Jesus in his pain,
say in the soul: Lord,
It weighs me down: sin no more.
Lord and my God, who for my love agonized on the Cross and torment after torment, in addition to so many pains in the body, you suffered with invincible patience the deepest interior affliction, the abandonment of your eternal Father; have pity on all men who are dying, and on me when he also finds me in agony; and by the merits of your most precious blood, grant me to patiently suffer all the sufferings, loneliness and contradictions of a life in your service, among my brothers from all over the world, so that always united with You in my combat until the end, share with you as close to You your eternal triumph.
Lord I sinned, have mercy and mercy on me.
fifth word
“I thirst” (Jn 19, 28)
Thirst, says the Lord, who has;
in order to quench the thirst that makes him talk like this,
give him tears is appropriate.
Gall give him, he has already been seen: the test, but he does not drink it:
How do I want Christ to taste the gall of my sins?
Lord and my God, who for my love agonized on the Cross, and not content with so many opprobriums and torments, you wanted to suffer more so that all men might be saved, since only in this way will the thirst of souls be quenched in your divine Heart; have mercy on all the men who are dying and on me when I arrive at that same hour; and by the merits of your most precious blood, grant me such a fire of charity towards you and towards your universal redemptive work, that I only faint with the desire to join you for all eternity.
Lord I sinned, have mercy and mercy on me.
Sixth Word
“Everything is finished” (Jn 19,30)
With a firm voice announced Jesus, bloodied,
that of man and sin
redemption consumed.
And his mission accomplished,
Christ can already die,
and open your heart
to live in his chest.
Lord and my God, that for my love you agonized on the Cross, and from your height of love and truth you proclaimed that the work of redemption was already concluded, so that man, son of wrath and perdition, may come to be a son and heir of God; have mercy on all the men who are dying, and on me when I find myself in those moments; and by the merits of your most precious blood, make me fulfill my mission on earth in my dedication to God’s saving work in the world, and at the end of my life, make the dialogue of this loving correspondence a reality in me: You couldn’t have done more for me; I, although at an infinite distance, could not have done more for You.
Lord I sinned, have mercy and mercy on me.
seventh word
“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit” (Lk 23, 46)
To his eternal Father, he already entrusts the spirit;
if my life is not amended,
In whose hands will it end?
In yours from now
I put my soul, my Jesus;
I would keep there I trust
for my last hour.
Lord and my God, that for my love you agonized on the Cross, you accepted the will of your eternal Father, resigning your spirit in his hands, to later bow your head and die; have mercy on all men who suffer the pains of agony, and on me when your call comes; and by the merits of your most precious blood grant me to offer you with love the sacrifice of my life in reparation for my sins and faults and a perfect conformity with your divine will to live and die as you please, always my soul in your hands.
Lord I sinned, have mercy and mercy on me.
Closing Prayer
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory Be
Sermon of the Seven Words
Good Friday!…Sermon of the Seven Words!.
It is a Christian tradition that has existed since ancient times that on Good Friday the Sermon of the Seven Words is heard on radio stations. In some cases they are not only pronounced by a Father or representative of the Church, but they are usually explained in detail about what Jesus said or taught in each of them.
Good Friday is seen as a day of pain due to the apprehension of Christ, having been judged, condemned and tortured, then carrying that heavy cross towards Calvary, to later be crucified on it where after several hours of agony he dies. on the cross, for the redemption of the world.
However, this Good Friday is also considered a day of love because with this act of Jesus dying on the cross, he saves all humanity from sin and death, and with his sacrifice he gives us a life of grace and forgiveness. .
May these seven beautiful words pronounced by Christ from the cross be cause for true reflection in order to worthily commemorate his passion and death, and thus prepare us to celebrate the Easter of his resurrection through an authentic conversion to God.
During the time that Our Lord was nailed to the cross, he pronounced seven short words of great meaning, so each one has immense value that help us and guide us in our walk in the Christian faith in the day to day of our existence.
The Way of the Cross of Jesus to Calvary
It refers to a Christian devotion on the Passion of Christ or what is the same the Sorrowful Mysteries of Christ, in current times the parishioners represent it, commonly at the time of Holy Week, for which they walk while meditating on the episodes represented by the Passion.
This custom of the Way of the Cross has and has had a lot to do with the Franciscan order. However, we must tell the reader that it was not Saint Francis who instituted it, but who developed with it the devotion of believers and particularly to the mysteries of Calvary and Bethlehem.
Similarly, Saint Francis composed a Way of the Cross determining the Passion with a biblical character, characterized as a “Franciscan Way of the Cross”, praying daily every hour, invoking the Virgin. The Franciscan Order, taking into account the spirit of its founder, propagates this custom, in which Saint Leonard of Porto Maurizio stood out.
The Way of the Cross is made up of 14 stations, in which an episode of the Passion of Christ is recalled, when he was on his way to Calvary. On some occasions, one more station is added to commemorate the resurrection of our Lord Jesus.
Within this Christian devotion, a characteristic is presented and a Gospel passage taken from the same Christian tradition is taken into account, this leads us to meditate and contemplate the life or most impressive moments of the Passion of Jesus.
At the very moment of the representation of the Viacrucis, prayers are recited as well as songs, especially religious ones, between the passage of one station and another, it can also be from the beginning to the end of the walk.
This practice is also one of the most common devotions performed among Catholic parishioners. It is the summary in a represented way of the moments that Jesus lived from the moment of the apprehension until the crucifixion and subsequent burial.
Likewise, the expression is used in all kinds of difficulties or specific situations, when trying to achieve objectives.
Likewise, the Way of the Cross is known as the “stations of the cross” and the “painful way”, we must see it as a pious representation, the path to prayer in search of meditation on the Passion and death of Jesus Christ on his way to Calvary.
On this path, the 14 stations are represented with images or pictures used by parishioners, called stations, which deal with particular incidents of suffering of Jesus, which is based on traditions and evangelical stories.
Generally this customary act is done through a group tour, which can be inside a temple, church, as well as it can be done and often we see it, in the different streets of the cities.
The tour, as we mentioned before, is about praying and representing each station or Passion of Christ, generally it is one hour each station. In it prayers or reading of the word of God in the Bible are made.
If we talk about the representation of images that are used in the representation of the different scenes of the Via Crucis, we see that in relation to this art left many specific representations of the life and Passion of Jesus.
There are immense Stations of the Cross in many places in the world, such as Lorca, which ends in a unique place in the world such as Ortigueira, which makes a tour of the main coastal streets, keeping Jesus Nazareno company.
In the 17th century, a series of hermitages were built on Mount Calvario, serving as a possibility for pilgrims who cannot reach the Holy Land, or Merida. Another famous Way of the Cross is that of Lourdes Montserrat.
In order for the reader and believer to have better clarity about what the 14 seasons are, we will list them according to their chronological order that appears in Catholic history, these are:
First station: Jesus is sentenced to death
Second station: Jesus carries the cross on his back
Third station: First fall of Jesus
Fourth station: Jesus meets Mary, his mother
Fifth station: The Cyrenian offers help to Jesus and carries the cross
Sixth station: Moment in which Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.
Seventh station: Second fall of Jesus
Eighth Station: Jesus Comforts the Weeping Women
Ninth station: Third fall of Jesus
Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped of his garments.
Eleventh station: Jesus is nailed to the cross
Twelfth station: Jesus dies on the cross
Thirteenth Station: Jesus is taken down from the cross and placed in the arms of his mother Mary.
Fourteenth station: Jesus is buried or entombed
Reform of John Paul II
A new Way of the Cross is created with fourteen stations based on situations collected from the New Testament, this is created on Good Friday in 1991, made by the Supreme Pontiff of the time John Paul II, these stations are based on situations from the Christian tradition, broken down in the Gospels.
This new Way of the Cross begins with the prayer of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, ending with the burial or burial of Jesus. It was an attempt to approach Christian ideologies in a general way, and although it is used alternately from the traditional Way of the Cross, it has not been its substitute in any way.
Some traditional references
There are traditions around the celebration of Holy Week, in which it is highly respected, especially on Good Friday, the date on which the reading of the Seven Words is carried out by radio and television stations, although for the latter it is not very common. .
Likewise, Good Friday is considered the day of the procession of both the Nazareno de San Pablo as well as the Santo Sepulcro, where he is accompanied by different places in the city and followed by a group of parishioners belonging to the Church.
In some places on Good Friday, as well as the next day, it is customary to preach spiritual retreats as well as confessions by priests, and then listen to the homily or Mass.
On both Good Friday and Holy Saturday, it is customary not to celebrate mass, as a symbol that there is mourning for the death of Jesus. It is also customary not to ring the bells or the internal musical organs of the Church.
Way of the Cross
This tradition or experience of Jesus precedes the moment of his crucifixion, moment in which, as is well known, he proclaims the Seven Words. On Good Friday, the tradition of the stations of Jesus on the way to Calvary is commemorated, in which some people are characterized by carrying the cross while walking while praying.
Main Easter traditions
Although this is not the subject that concerns us in the development of this article, as an illustration for the reader we are going to deal with some traditions that are practiced in religious festivals, specifically Holy Week.
Olive branches and palms
A week before Jesus’ death, he was received with olive branches and palms. In current times this day is commemorated with the beginning of Holy Week which begins on Palm Sunday.
The tradition is that a group of people climbs the mountain, belonging to the palmeros of Chacao (in Caracas), who go to look for blessed palms, this group when they go down they distribute the palms in the different churches of the city, to be blessed. and handed out to parishioners.
These palms are placed at the entrance of the houses as a sign of protection and as a symbol of blessing for those houses and families that live there. There is also the tradition of looking for rosemary sticks, although this practice is no longer so common.
It was customary every Good Friday to go to the field in search of rosemary branches (generally 7), with this the lightning and sparks were removed.
Mass and procession of El Nazareno
Holy Wednesday is characteristic of Holy Week, this day people put on their purple robes, attend churches and religious acts. Some are seen fulfilling strong promises, even arriving on their knees or It is another of the traditions of Holy Week. On Holy Wednesday, people and pilgrims attend religious acts wearing purple garments. These are symbols of penance.
After the Eucharist, the procession leaves accompanied by various parishioners carrying an image of Jesus on the cross. This is a tradition that most attracts the faithful.
In the Basilica of Santa Teresa in Caracas, there is the highly venerated image of the Nazarene of San Pablo, which has a date from the 17th century, many religious anecdotes are attributed to this image.
Among the best known is El Limonero del Señor, referring to the fact that on a certain day the image was taken out of the church in procession. By then there was a very big plague in Caracas, the parishioners asked Jesús Nazareno to cure them.
At that moment the cross of the image became entangled in the branch of a lemon tree and fruits began to fall from it, they made healing drinks and began to heal.
At that very moment, people shouted Miracle, Miracle!, hence the legend about the Lemon Tree of the Lord began.
Another highly revered image is El Nazareno de Achaguas, in Apure state. It is said that the Nazareno de Achaguas has been seen by many people on the roads and highways of that town. He is considered equally very miraculous.
These two images are characterized by the fact that every Holy Wednesday they are adorned with Orchids of many colors.
Visit to the seven temples
A very particular but very tender tradition of feelings is the symbolic act performed by parishioners on Good Friday. It is about visiting seven different temples or churches. This symbolizes the stay of Jesus on the Mount of Olives before his capture.
There is another practice in the Andes, about eating seven soups or stews, this tradition includes seven different meals that can contain sweet and salty dishes. With this the last supper of Jesus is remembered as well as the seven people who were on the way to Calvary.
burning of Judas
This is a tradition of the past of the religious festival of Holy Week, specifically it is practiced on Easter Sunday, it is about the families of a sector making a large doll “Judas”, which after some funny rituals usually be burned
Generally, it can have characteristics of a specific character such as authorities or political figures as a form of criticism.
Application of The Seven Words today
Regarding the Christian and Catholic traditions mainly, there is an event worth remembering such as the last “Seven Words of Jesus”, this happens during the season of Lent.
With these words or phrases we have been able to have a strong impression of the man Jesus, who spends the last moments of his life characterized by love, a spirit of love and fear. The part where Jesus exclaims, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” it has been uttered for many centuries.
Each phrase is enclosed giving a living example of the Christian ministry or doctrine of Christ. This should lead us to compare the time of Jesus as well as the suffering and injustices that even today continue to appear before the human condition.
With these Seven Words we must always be reflecting on each of the messages that Jesus wanted to share with us and leave at the time before going to the Father. We must know how to establish these Seven Words in each of the situations of our lives in difficult moments, but always having as our guide the beautiful love that Jesus gives us and his noble and wonderful mercy for each one of us as his children.
For this reason, the reflection of the last “Seven Words” of Jesus must also allow us to delve into the selfless love and deep mystery that Easter is about.
Jesus and prayer since ancient times
Some people sometimes tend to think or say “I don’t know how” to pray. Talking with God can be through the prayer that he himself left us, such as the Our Father. However, direct contact with Father God can be in a direct conversation between him and each one of us as his children.
Although there are many prayers, either to ask for a favor or to ask for health, a specific situation that we are going through should not lead us to reflect on each of the words mentioned by Jesus in his agony.
If we detail each one of them and the way and the moment that Jesus said them, it is so that we, like him, fully trust in his power, since in several texts of the Bible, it is seen how Jesus always prayed directly to the Father:
“Going a little further, he fell on his face, praying and saying: “My father, if it is possible, I have passed this cup from me; but not as I want, but as you”. (Mt.26:39).
In this prayer it is clearly seen how Jesus addresses the Father in a direct, sure and confident way, but accepting at the same time that the will of the Father is what must prevail.
Another biblical text where Jesus is also seen addressing his Father directly, we see it in this other argument from the Bible:
These things Jesus spoke, and raising his eyes to heaven, he said:
“Father, the hour has come; glorify your Son, that your Son may also glorify you” (Jn. 17:1).
Likewise, we see a Jesus crying out to his Father with all love, and in turn with a security in the response to receive what is summed up in true faith and trust that we must take as an example to follow, of this beautiful teaching.
What is prayer, how to pray?
In relation to the Catholic Church, prayer is seen as the dialogue that must exist between God and man. Man was created to glorify God, this will be done through prayer, from all of which it could be said that the human being has benefit in the spiritual part; receiving the love of the Father through being in communion with Jesus through the Holy Spirit.
In the Bible, specifically in the New Testament, Jesus explains to us how we should talk to our Father-God. Many people have had experiences praying throughout the centuries, however sometimes the human being does not know how to address God or we think that he does not listen to us.
Man in general or humanity is called to communicate with God. God calls everyone from the beginning of time to the present. After man has lost, through sin, the resemblance to God, man continues and will continue to be the image of the Creator.
God is the one who initiates the process of prayer in us, giving us the desire to talk to Him about our personal problems, situations, that we have in our lives. When people pray and listen to God and prepare to speak to him, they respond to this divine initiative.
When speaking of the place from which the prayer is given in the scriptures, it speaks of the soul and the spirit. However, it is the heart directly that prays.
The heart of every living being or child of God is a hidden place where only God enters and probes and knows it. It is considered the site of decision regarding psychic tendencies. It is the site of truth, our meeting place with God, where each of us relates personally to God.
prayers of faith
All men are called to communication with God. By creation, God calls every being from nothingness into existence. Even after having lost, through his sin, his likeness to God, man remains the image of his Creator. He retains the desire of the One who created him and seeks him.
God tirelessly calls each person to the mysterious encounter of prayer. God is the one who takes the initiative in prayer, putting in us the desire to seek him, to speak to him, to share our lives with him. People who pray, who are willing to listen to God and speak to him, respond to this divine initiative.
When we pray, that is, when we talk to God, the one who prays is the whole man. To designate the place from which prayer springs, the Holy Scriptures speak sometimes of the soul or spirit, and more often of the heart (more than a thousand times): It is the heart that prays.
The heart is our hidden center, only the Spirit of God can probe it and know it. It is the site of decision, deep within our psychic tendencies. Site of truth, where you choose between life and death. It is the place of encounter with God, of the relationship between God and each one of us personally.
We must understand as a final point regarding this that prayer must be seen as the most direct communication of God with man, since it is from heart to heart. Prayer is considered very powerful and is named in many places as the force that moves the hand of God.
All this is achieved by also having a true faith in God and confidence that our pleas will be heard, we will do this without any doubt.
Final comments
In the article that we have developed we have exposed to the reader beautiful anecdotes of the life and Passion of Jesus. Although some moments in the life of Jesus are also denoted in painful and sad situations, nevertheless he lives them and endures them with that characteristic love that only he felt towards all of humanity.
Hence, as is known, all the humiliations, vexations, painful situations of the Passion of Christ, were lived by Jesus for the redemption of the world, just as it was the Father’s will that his only Son be chosen for the salvation of the souls from sins in general.
However, in these reflections that have been made in this article called the Sermon of the Seven Words and their Teachings, a brief explanation of each of them is made and it is about making the reader see the importance of applying these beautiful words in the life of each of God’s children.
We hope that this article has been helpful to the reader to learn a little more about the life and Passion of Jesus.
In the same way that he has acquired knowledge about some traditions celebrated mainly in religious times such as Holy Week, also some peculiarities: the Nazarene of San Pablo, of Achaguas.
Each of these traditions become beautiful testimonies about Jesus’ appearances, his miracles, although in this case there are people who think that the miracles of Jesus were only at a certain time. Or when Jesus was still in the world.
We want to give the reader as wise advice, already entering a little into the current times, the importance that we must give to God in our lives, since as is known by all the world is going through multiple situations, which make us think in the soon coming of Christ.
For this reason and taking us through what the apocalypse says in the Bible itself, Jesus gives certain messages to his disciples about his return to earth. If we go to the biblical texts, it would not be unreasonable to think that it is totally true, since we see situations of illness, hunger, disbelief among humanity itself.
That is why we must seek more now than ever the teachings that Jesus himself gives us through his word, trying to go through life correctly and above all taking his word to the most needy people, as well as doing works of faith.
It is good to have Christ present in our hearts not only in times of difficulty, as happens with some people, no, this should not be the case; We must keep Christ present in our lives at all times and make him participate in all our daily activities.
Jesus must be seen as a friend and considered as such among us, giving him the place in our lives that he deserves. honor him, adore him, have true faith in him, and when we ask for something in prayer, truly wait confidently for the response of that wonderful God that we have as a friend, Father, brother.
Let us spread his word to people in need, let us be true soldiers of Christ, let us defend his word and show him that we are willing to serve him, to believe in him.
We must not let ourselves be carried away by bad influences, since the devil uses some weak souls to commit his harmful acts against humanity. Therefore, let us show God-Christ that we are his faithful soldiers at all times.
In this case, although we know that the readers will be clear, Jesus is the same yesterday today and always. Since Jesus in times past led a life where he not only preached his word, but performed miracles, it is the same today as Jesus today is still among all mankind, just as in times past.
It is only the duty of man to know how to look for him, and understand the messages that he continues to give us through his word, as he himself said so many times. That is why today more than ever, we must apply his word, his teachings, of love towards others.
We must be faithful servants of his word and become true soldiers of Christ, and that our only thought be for him, we truly defend the faith in Christ-Jesus.
We must also apply the commandments to our lives, which are clear and precise laws, where each of these laws must be seen as an obligation for each child of God, although all this is summarized in a single Commandment that is: “Love your neighbor like yourself.”