Quick Healing Prayer For A Sick Baby
Regardless of who, we always hope that they have good health, that they lack nothing and that they enjoy happiness, so when they fall ill, we care about them. Now let’s imagine that it is our newborn baby that we are waiting for 9 months or that it is born prematurely. Prayer for a sick baby is necessary, it is not something we expect but there is always the help of God who sees everything and can hear our prayers.
Prayer for a sick baby
It is not easy but it is not impossible either if we entrust our health to our Lord, and if it is for the prayer of a sick baby . It is better to resort to all possible types of help before a misfortune happens in our lives, such as losing a child. It is important that each prayer is made with a lot of willpower, discipline and above all with a lot of faith, since this is the one that can move cities, mountains, oceans only if we believe.
God is in charge of guiding us through these difficult times and giving us the opportunities to get out of this and any situation that comes our way. What you are going through is a test of our Lord towards your will, you just have to have strength and pray, with just the thought that your baby will be healthy and will grow very strong.
The following sentences are for the obstacles generated if you have a baby that was born sick or if in the course of time you get sick. To overcome the affliction and concern for our baby since we have to be well to be able to take care of them. And pray for health, safety and blessing towards them. Everything is possible, the love of parents is great and that of God is infinite. And if you are praying for a baby close to you, do it sincerely and with all your heart.
Prayer for a sick newborn baby
From the moment we find out that we are going to be mothers, the world seems to change, the smells, the colors and even the people. We always want that when the time comes for our child to be born, the world will be a better place for them. We have them protected for 9 months without anything happening to them, in which we endure the immense pain of childbirth just for them and the most painful thing is when we find out that after they were born the world did its thing and our baby is sick.
There is nothing worse than finding out about it. They have to be strong right now. Perseverance should already be part of every day and above all pray with the hope and with faith that your newborn will get out of any disease or illness he has.
You can pray this prayer followed by an Our Father if you wish:
Lord, holy father that you are. You who know the soul of all your children. You who understand our afflictions. Just as you know the feelings that your own son, Jesus Christ, had on that cross.
Lord, you knew of my will to become a mother, to have a child and you fulfilled it for me. Father, I beg you to have mercy on me and my family. My creature is healthy all thanks to Jesus. Who died for each of his brothers on that cross. To be able to be healthy and strong beings. Mister
Almighty God heal (Please enter the baby’s name) I ask you my father. He is already healthy by the blood of your son Jesus Christ. In the name of God. Amen.
Prayer for a terminally ill newborn baby
Strength. Everything happens for a reason and the time that God has for each of us is perfect. The important thing about all the adversities we go through is to find ourselves as human beings and children of God. As well as keep in mind that we follow the path chosen by our almighty lord.
You can pray this prayer followed by a Hail Mary and a Creed if it seems better to you:
Father, I am thanking you for your mercy and for everything else you have put in my path. Lord, you who know and guide the plan that each of us has. And that for that reason my creature is not next to me, but in yours. I give it to you my lord.
I give you in fullness the life of my creature. I know he will be under your arms being blessed with your peace. In your heavenly kingdom. And I know that together from up there they will protect me and our family.
Lord, we thank you because you have given us the opportunity and the short time to have (Please enter the name of the baby) in my life. For having brought him into this world to love him eternally by meeting him. You who have the ability to guide my steps in this life. And of my feelings. Don’t just let my feelings be the only one as there are also other people just like me who are going through the same thing. Protect us. Father give us resistance in these difficult times. In the name of God. Amen.
Prayer for sick newborn baby who is about to die
Faith. It is more important in these cases. Leave everything in the hands of God, since sometimes we do not have the necessary strength to face these unfortunate events, only with God do we give everything without him nothing, since we would not be able to move forward and overcome our ailments.
You can pray this prayer followed by an Our Father and a Hail Mary if you wish:
almighty father. Glorious in power and vigor. I give you honor and praise, dominion and merit. Because you are deserving of the accolades generated by your name alone that we trust.
I need to make an appearance in front of you, with this gigantic suffering that is stuck deep in my chest nailed to my heart. I’m just aware that my crying has no way to stop. My lord, all this is already of your full knowledge. You who know everything and nothing that is clandestine for you.
Father you who know who my baby is and who know him in a way that I will never be able to. Since I have only had him for a very short period of time in my arms and in my heart. But you my lord have sustained it far beyond my comprehension in your thoughts since before the creation of this world and many more. Precisely for this reason I come before you Heavenly Father so that you grant him the right to live much longer, in which my son can always be by your side, serving you from here and loving you as intensely as each of your children do.
Because my God, how can I be of use to you being in the grave? Those who are there have no idea of your heavenlyness, of your powerful presence in us, or of your mercy. Lord, only you are aware of my afflictions at this moment and that is why I come before you with the hope that you can calm my pain, with your mercy fill my lungs with the blessed air of life itself that only you can grant. .
May the doctors and nurses stand in awe of your incredible jurisdiction and influence in this life as you place my baby’s life in your heavenly hands. Father that baby who is also your son, before even imagining that he was mine. Don’t take it away from me so quickly. Just give me the opportunity and the time to see it in all its magnitude in this life. May he grow up and may he praise you.
Heals every corner of her tiny body. May your lungs prosper and give us the blessed miracle that we so much hope for that reduced life. My family and I have believed in your manifesto and we know it very well. We know that for you my God nothing is impossible since you created the seas and rivers where we drink, the earth where we lie and the skies where we look to implore you. Just by raising your glorious words, we beg you.
Father, if your virtues remain before all the things that we come to know or not. Give us your blessing in words that live in my baby and in those who also need it. My lord sends your healing word on my creature. In the name of God. Amen.
Prayer for the health of your baby
Hope. It never hurts to ask our lord for health. So be it for us, for our relatives and for the people close to us and those who are not, who also need it. Especially those babies who have just been born and who, due to their condition, are very fragile to any external or internal disturbance. So that they improve in all unimaginable ways since in this life everything is possible with the favor of our father.
You can pray this prayer followed by a Hail Mary if it seems better to you:
My glorious lord. I come to you today to beg you for the well-being of my creature. I am aware that I am not the only one to ask you and that it is certain that you are overwhelmed with these requests. But what I am so very confident about is that you, my Lord, listen and are attentive to all those prayers that are made to you with full faith. I kneel before you with admiration, venerating and always acknowledging your great jurisdiction regarding the care of those who need you. I modestly beg you to recover the well-being of my creature in all aspects.
Dad. The welfare of my creature, her innocent soul is crumbling before my eyes. I implore you to go to her room, to approach her bed and to place your pious hands all over her body so that she heals from all ills and has a lot of vitality. Please father. I ignore all reports that my baby can no longer continue in this world by my side, without hope. I’m just going to pay attention to your mercy. Oh father.
I will leave everything in your hands my lord. And that is why I will not fear in these moments of uncertainty. As long as everyone does it, I will be the only one who leaves my full trust in you. My ears will not listen to another voice but yours, since I know that if I do, the other voices will try to extinguish my hopes and my faith towards you and the healing of my baby. Those faces that do not believe in the existence and power that only you have my God, I will not look at them.
I will always be by my creature’s side praying for him and to bless that tiny body, I will not move away. Even though everyone around me shudders, I will bless him in your name. That everyone is lamenting, I will bless it in your name. That others suffer, I will bless it in your name.
The blessing of your name will cause health to grow and spread throughout your body. Everything will be for your glorious miracle. Oh father. My heart and my words will have strength since I believe in you; our baby will be healthy if that is your decision. My creature will rise! Get up gift of God. He walks in mercy for him. Rise up and may all who pray to you thank you for your great mercy. In the name of God. Amen.
Prayer to Saint John of God to ask for the healing of a sick child
Saint John of God, was born in the year 1495, of Portuguese origin and a nurse. He is a saint considered by the Catholic Church. Since he began receiving and caring for the sick with many needs, people in extreme poverty. Even the cause of death of this great character was trying to save a child who was drowning. For this reason he contracted pneumonia and died, saving lives.
If he did so many works of charity and to save people while he was alive. Being next to God in his heavenly kingdom, his power must be even greater to be able to heal those who need it most and especially the little innocent souls who have just been born into this world without any evil. Leave it in the hands of Saint John of God. Trust in his prayer and more than anything in your devotion, that he be present.
You can pray this prayer followed by an Our Father if you wish:
Blessed Saint John of God, you who have a soul full of purity and nobility. You are a being that God holds in great esteem and for that reason he gives you power and virtues from him. You assimilate what other people outside of you suffered, you shared their emotional burden. Since you are with Jesus Christ, who admires and respects you. That he does not deny you absolutely anything. Please intervene in the face of well-being and illness. I implore you to pray for the welfare of this little boy who is sick. Do everything in your power to heal as quickly as possible (Please enter the baby’s name).
You what gifts you want among the people who come to you. Who beg your kindness and mercy. For your constant contributions to those most in need. They are miracles created by you and with the help of our Lord that have been seen through the years, territories and people. Pierce my baby with your compassionate gaze and assist him with your great devotion from the heavenly realm.
Support him in this fight against diseases. Do not leave him alone on this path full of obstacles. He calls the archangel San Rafael to prostrate himself on his bed, take care of him and protect him as he did with you when you were on this earth. May he become his guardian and companion in this process and always.
Saint John of God, blessed of all the sick. You who chose to guide and care for those who need it most. Give them your love, protection and care as well as the attention they deserved. You who saw them and assimilated them with the suffering that Jesus Christ went through. You took care that everything was in good condition for them. Shelter (Please enter baby’s name) with many loving and prosperous sentiments. Pray for him, I ask you, so that he has his well-being, his energy back. And be filled with joy for that.
Saint John of God, brother of Jesus Christ and son of Mary. He enthusiastically implores the glorious Virgin herself. Since she gives us the protection of our being. May she hold (Please enter the baby’s name) in her merciful arms and rock him with them so that he is free from pain. Plead with Jesus Christ, who is the hope and mercy of the one who is sick.
May with his glorious love purify your little body from all evil that comes. May he heal his suffering and return his well-being. So you can have a life as full and long as God dictates. We appreciate and need him on our way to (Please enter baby’s name) as he is the source of our energy and joys.
Saint John of God, glorious and pious. I leave it in your hands and in your heart so that they don’t let go of them. It cushions your pain. And enlighten the doctors and nurses who take care of him, so that you can guide them on this journey. Give them your heavenly wisdom so that they can promote those medicines that are essential for the recovery of my baby. Fill me and my family with your strength. We need it to be able to face these adversities without falling down. More than anything I implore the almighty lord, who sees everything. Help my baby so much that she deserves it.
Saint John of God I know that my prayers will be heard by you. And from now and always I will be grateful for your mercy. I will hope with my faith held high that everything will turn out well and that my baby will recover her health.
Oh father. Fulfill our prayers. Just as Saint John is an example of his miraculous works. You expand the heart of those who need it. Like the poor, the sick and above all the little one I talk to you about so much. Protect them, shelter them and heal them who are affected by the diseases of this world. And exchange it for all the well-being, happiness and joy that exists. In the name of God. Amen.
Prayer to bless a newborn baby
If we trust in the words of Jesus Christ granted by God, we can trust that ours will be just as efficient as they are being on behalf of our Lord. Blessing the soul of our baby at birth costs nothing and brings everything. May God keep him!
God and our father, how glorious and merciful you are. You who give these parents the blessing of your ability to create for life. Thank you father for the smiles and tears of happiness shed that bless our hearts.
We implore you father to bless this newborn baby body and soul. With your best blessings to him. Since with us you do not have to bless us anymore for this glorious miracle and blessing that you give us. These gifts that we will not leave them.
We thank you father for your blessings and for all those goods you share with us. Thank my Lord!