The Prayer to Saint Lucia for Vision Problems
The Prayer to Saint Lucia is a powerful prayer that is performed by devout Catholics in order to obtain through the work of this Saint the healing of the eyes or sight since she is the one indicated for this type of healings. In the following article you will know everything about how to make this kind of sentences.
Saint Lucia Prayer
Oh Blessed and very kind Virgin Saint Lucia, who are universally recognized by the Catholic Christian people as special and the great powerful advocate of sight, full of confidence many come to you; asking you for the grace to keep hers healthy and to give her the use of it for the salvation of her souls, without ever disturbing her mind in dangerous spectacles.
And that everything they get to see becomes a healthy and very valuable reason to love our Creator the Lord God and Redeemer Jesus Christ more and more each day, whom, through your intercession, oh the great protector of many; They hope to be able to see and love eternally in the heavenly homeland. Amen.
Prayer to Saint Lucia to Heal Eye Diseases
Over the centuries, Saint Lucia has come to be invoked on many occasions for a person to be cured of eye diseases. She is considered as the patron saint of all blind people. The glorious virgin and also martyr Santa Lucia, becomes one of the most brilliant ornaments of the Catholic Church.
She was born to very wealthy and honorable parents in the city of Syracuse, and also came to be educated from her cradle in the faith of Christ. Saint Lucia came to lose her father in her childhood, however, her mother took her under her care and managed to provide her in that way with tender and sublime feelings about piety and religion.
Because of the first impressions of faith that she received in her childhood and the strong kind of influence of divine grace, Lucia did not discover any other disposition than towards Christian virtue, and even as a child she offered to God the flower of her virginity. This kind of vow she managed to keep secret. Saint Lucia was also very well known for her beautiful eyes. It was said that her eyes always radiated her love for Christ.
Prayer to Saint Lucia for Eye Diseases
First you must pray about 3 Our Father, 3 Hail Mary and 3 Glory. Then the sentence is as follows:
O Glorious Saint Lucy, the Virgin and Martyr, you greatly glorified the Lord by preferring to sacrifice your life rather than become unfaithful. Come to the aid of many and, through the love of the Grace of our Lord, save them from all the weaknesses of the eyes and also from the danger of losing them.
(At this time they will make their request)
That, through your powerful intercession, the faithful may spend their lives in the peace of the Lord and be able to see him with their transfigured eyes in the eternal splendor of the Heavenly Homeland. Amen.
Saint Lucia and the Miracle that Led her to Martyrdom
When Saint Lucia reached her teens, her mother (without having to know Lucia’s vow), wanted to get her married to a young gentleman who was a pagan. Saint Lucia at all times sought the moments to prevent this plan from being carried out.
After some time, his mother became ill with a problematic blood flow, under which she worked for 4 years without finding any type of remedy, resorting to all possible doctors. Finally, she was persuaded by her daughter to go on a pilgrimage to the tomb of Saint Águeda and in that place she came to offer her prayers to God so that she could find relief.
The mother accepted Santa Lucia’s proposal that if she was cured she would let her exercise her vow of virginity. Saint Lucia accompanied her to the aforementioned place, and her prayers were successful, her mother managed to heal instantly and allowed Lucia to exercise her vocation.
The Martyrdom of Saint Lucia
The suitor found out about this and, being very enraged, denounced her before the local Roman authorities, who were the ones who condemned her to be transferred to a brothel and in that place be forced into prostitution. This order became frustrated by a divine intervention; Lucia became as immobile as a statue that not even the strength of about 5 men could move her, that way, she could not be outraged.
Saint Lucia was later sentenced to death by fire, however, her body turned out to be impervious to the flames that grazed her flesh without causing her the slightest damage. Many came to be the tortures that were inflicted on the Saint, and in the course of the torture, Saint Lucia’s eyes were gouged out, however, God, in his infinite love, restored her sight and also gave her eyes. new ones in place.
Finally, her neck was cut with a sword and that is how she died. For centuries, Saint Lucia has become widely invoked for people to be cured of eye diseases. She is often regarded as the patron saint of blind people and also those with sight problems.
Prayer of Saint Lucia to Obtain a Great Favor
The prayers and also the prayers are made in 3 days in a row and you must confidently ask for the special favor that you want to get are these. Which consist of the following:
Prayer I
Oh blessed and very kind Saint Lucia!, the one who becomes universally recognized by the Catholic Christian people as the special and powerful advocate of sight; Many are full of confidence, so they come to you asking for the grace to keep theirs healthy and that the use they make of their eyes is at all times for the good of their soul, without ever disturbing their minds. or the dangerous spectacles. Amen.
Prayer II
Oh God, our Creator and also Redeemer, please we ask you to listen to the prayers of your faithful with mercy when they come to venerate your servant Saint Lucia, for the light of faith that you shed on her. With Your goodness, give us the ability to increase and preserve that same light in our souls, so that we can avoid evil, do good and hate the blindness and darkness caused by evil and sin. Amen.
Prayer III
Saint Lucia, who came to receive your name from the light, trustingly they come to You so that you reach them the heavenly light that preserves them from sin and the darkness of error. Likewise, you are implored to preserve them with the light of your eyes, with an abundant grace to use them according to the will of God. Make, Saint Lucia, that, after having venerated you and having thanked you for this prayer, I can finally enjoy in Heaven the eternal light of God. Amen.