Various Catholic devotions and prayers for the day
Catholic prayers and devotions , are a series of reflections in the form of prayers and prayers where believers in God seek a form of communication, in order to obtain well-being and peace in their lives, get to know them through reading this article.
Catholic devotions and prayers
In Catholicism there are various forms of communication with God, many faithful, priests and believers use phrases that contain prayers, requests and various ways of asking God to seek peace and spiritual well-being.
Counting the Catholic devotions and prayers that exist in the world is an almost impossible task, various forms of prayers and blessings are rooted in the folklore and religious culture of many peoples, some thousands of years old, others formed from later centuries. to the death of Jesus.
Marianism, which is one of the largest Catholic movements of devotion in the world, endorses the Virgin Mary as the mother of Jesus who intercedes before him, to achieve some spiritual and material benefits, the Virgin Mary represents in the Catholic world the most important feminine spiritual image.
Thousands of devotions and prayers are dedicated to her, which the Catholic faithful dedicate daily with much faith and love, in many countries of the world, especially in Latin America, Marianism is well established with activities that mobilize millions of people and where the apparition of the Virgin has allowed to create very strong devotions and with an enormous spiritual treatment.
In the same way there are thousands of catholic devotions and prayers towards the disciples of Jesus archangels and holy priests, who for their miraculous actions have reciprocated people to attract favors, there are thousands and thousands of devotions of various kinds that Catholicism groups around the world.
Catholicism is considered the religious movement with the most followers worldwide, which is why it is considered to have a very important value and influence on the religious thought of today’s man, who have been delivering tradition and religious culture for many years through devotions and prayers
Differences Between Catholic Devotions and Prayers
Both represent exercises of spiritual surrender charged with faith and hope, they serve to reflect, give love and communicate with God, they are entrusted through the Virgin, the Angels and the Holy Spirit among others.
Devotions are a spiritual expression of surrender to God, the faithful interpret it in their own way, they are more popular than liturgical prayer, they are transmitted from congregation to congregation or from tradition to tradition, since they are repetitive and memorized quickly. .
Its content is very simple since with it the permanence of God in hearts is sought, devotions are generally accompanied by prayers, promises, acts of faith, petitions, etc. They focus on the life and work of the saints and the great miracles performed.
Devotions are a spiritual expression of surrender to God, the faithful interpret it in their own way, they are more popular than liturgical prayer, they are transmitted from congregation to congregation or from tradition to tradition, since they are repetitive and memorized quickly. .
Its content is very simple since with it the permanence of God in hearts is sought, devotions are generally accompanied by prayers, promises, acts of faith, petitions, etc. They focus on the life and work of the saints and the great miracles performed.
Devotions are considered Christian practices that are not mandatory within the Liturgy and religious services, Catholics can perform them at the most convenient time, helping each faithful to grow spiritually within the Catholic Christian life.
If a Catholic does not want to carry out a specific devotion, he is not obliged by anyone to carry it out, each person decides the moment in which he can do it, it is not imposed nor can he cohere for its realization, in this case only suggestions are made for its realization .
The devotions of Catholics contain within their structure, prayers as part of their way to strengthen faith towards God, among the most important devotions we have
The Angelus Prayer
The Angelus prayer consists of a prayer that recalls the annunciation and incarnation of the word, it takes its name from the first Latin version of it is a prayer of the Catholic religion in memory of the Annunciation and Incarnation of the Word. It takes its name from its first words in the Latin version, The angel of the Lord announced to Mary. (Angelus Domini nuntiavit Maria).
It is a text that contains the summary of three mysteries and they are recited alternately, with a specific verse that receives an answer, it is considered a devotion that is carried out daily through prayer.
The Angelus is also called the hour of the Hail Mary, and it is precisely the moment that the devotion is performed, the Angelus is described as follows:
“The angel of the Lord announced to Mary. And she conceived by the work and grace of the Holy Spirit. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.”
“Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen. “
“Behold the handmaid of the Lord. Let it be to me according to your word. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
“Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”
“And the Word became Flesh. And he dwelt among us. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you, blessed are you among all women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.”
“Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”
“Pray for us, Holy Mother of God. So that we are worthy of achieving the promises of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Let us pray: Instill, Lord, your grace in our souls, so that those of us who have known, through the announcement of the Angel, the Incarnation of your Son Jesus Christ, arrive through his Passion and his Cross, to the glory of the Resurrection. Through Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.”
“Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, now and forever, forever and ever. Amen.” (This last part is recited three times.)
The way of performing the Angelus is attributed to Pope Urban II and John XXIII, the tradition and custom to perform is attributed to the King of France Louis XI, who through a decree ordered that it be performed three times a day.
The rosary
Also called the Holy Rosary, it is considered one of the most important devotions of Catholicism, it is carried out through prayer referring to the main mysteries or facts of the life, death and glory of Jesus Christ as well as that of his mother the Virgin. Mary, are distributed in various mysteries called:
- joyful mysteries
- painful mysteries
- glorious mysteries
- Luminous Mysteries
Each interpreting the feeling and life of Jesus, contain a few (nuggets of wood or other material), which coincide in a Saint Benedict medal in the center of the cross. It is considered the perfect prayer and has two parts, the one that is developed mentally and the one that is done verbally.
The mental prayer consists of performing a meditation regarding the four mysteries and the verbal one in reciting the twenty tens (The beads or seeds contained in each rosary) or also called five decades, through the Hail Mary and an Our Father.
The Church performs the holy rosary in the current form due to the apparition that Santo Domingo had of the Virgin in the year 1214, giving it to the church as a powerful weapon against the heretics and sinners of that time, commending as an act of Catholic devotion , the way to perform the holy rosary is as follows:
- The crucifix is held and the sign of the cross is made, then the Act of Contrition is recited.
- The first account is long and is done by praying an Our Father.
- On each of the next three small beads a Hail Mary is recited.
- Later a glory is recited, prior to the next realization of the large account.
- The announcement of the first mystery of that day is made and an Our Father is recited.
- On the next ten small beads, a Hail Mary is recited while reflecting on the mystery.
- It continues with a glory, after the ten times of praying a Hail Mary, there is the option of praying the prayer to the Virgin of Fatima.
Later in each of the following decades, it is cited in the same way, previously announcing the mystery of the day recited in the same way: announcing the corresponding mystery, reciting an Our Father, ten Hail Marys and a Glory be while meditating on the mystery. When the fifth mystery has been concluded, the rosary usually ends with the recitation of the Litany and the Hail Queen.
The Via Crucis
Considered one of the most beautiful devotions of the Catholic Church, it refers to the various moments in which Jesus of Nazareth lived from the moment of his suffering to the crucifixion and death, the church relates these moments to the usual situations of human life .
It establishes different “stations of the cross” through the “Via Dolorosa”, as an act of piety that seeks through meditation regarding the passion and death of Jesus the path to salvation but at the same time the moment of everything the Calvary.
Each season is an event of the suffering that Jesus carried, and they are expressed through fourteen moments where the son of man must go through these moments to save man from all his sins. These stations are the following:
- First: Jesus is sentenced to death.
- Second: Jesus carries the cross.
- Third: First fall of Jesus with the cross on his back.
- Fourth: Jesus meets his mother Mary.
- Fifth: Simon the Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross.
- Sixth: A woman named Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.
- Seventh: Second fall of Jesus.
- Eighth: Jesus consoles the women who cry for him.
- Ninth: Third fall of Jesus.
- Tenth: Jesus is stripped of his garments.
- Eleventh: Moment in which Jesus is nailed to the cross.
- Twelfth: Death of Jesus on the cross.
- Thirteenth: Jesus is taken down from the cross and delivered into the arms of his mother Mary.
- Fourteenth: Burial of Jesus.
The way of the cross must comply with a series of regulations that allow access to indulgences, chapels, seminaries and temples, when preparing the process the way of the cross must take into account the following:
- Make the seasons as indicated by the sacred law and the word.
- Have fourteen crosses, which must have the specific images that the central council generally sends to the parish for its determination and realization.
- Each station contains pious readings that must be performed at the time of the cross, it is not required to meditate on each mystery in the stations.
- The movements from one station to another must be slow, avoiding disorder and the grouping of people who want to be as close as possible, the person who directs the way of the cross must lead the movements from one station to another.
- The person in charge of directing the process must be at least fifteen minutes before doing the devout reading and the meditation of the passion and death of Jesus.
- You can carry out other devotional activities that are related to the life, passion and death of Jesus.
- Other devotions can be established, so that they do not obstruct or limit the performance of the original Way of the Cross.
The sacraments
They represent actions of the faithful where through certain acts and functions, they grant divine life, offering their life as a child of God, they are administered only by qualified priests and are established at various times in the life of a Catholic.
It begins from the beginning of the life of any person, it begins when the first sacrament called baptism is carried out, and it concludes until the last sacrament called anointing of the sick (In case the patient is in a state of terminal health) .
However, this sacrament can be done in cases where the person is sick, in some years ago it was only applied to people who were in danger of death.
The only sacrament that can be administered by another person and authorized only by the high-ranking priest is baptism, another interesting situation is when the sacrament of marriage happens.
The contracting parties themselves are considered ministers of God. But let’s take a closer look at these sacraments, which are part of Catholic devotions and prayers.
The baptism
It is the first sacrament that allows a person to enter the Christian life, incorporating him into the Catholic community and the body of Christ, it is well known around the world where the priest adds water to the infant’s head, or also submerging it in water blessed, this act according to the bible means the following:
“The essential rite of Baptism consists of immersing the candidate in water or pouring the water on his head, while invoking the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, baptism means immersing in the death of Christ and rising with Him as a new creature.
The idea is to forgive original sin and all the sins that the person has committed up to now, it is an act where the Trinitarian life of God through sanctifying grace and incorporation in Christ and in the Church.
It grants Virtues of faith and theology where the Holy Spirit grants gifts. From that moment the person is considered a son of God, so his life must be focused on devotion to the Lord. He has no specific age, but Catholic Christians generally do it with their children at an early age, there are no limits to baptize.
Although the church insists that this sacrament must be taken as soon as the child is born, since it is highly recommended to eliminate original sin, baptism has certain important symbols that allow it to be considered an important sacrament, let’s see:
- Water: It is one of the importance of pagan life that passes through our body, serves to purify and elevate original sin.
- Oil: Represents the strength of the Holy Spirit. Helping the baptized to fight in the daily struggles against the threats of the evil one.
- White robe: It is the purity of the new life in God.
- The Candle: It means the Holy Spirit and the gift of faith, it allows us to appreciate the light of the main grace of God, so that the soul of a man is united with the glory of God.
Also called in some religious places as Chrism, it consists of a reaffirmation of faith in Christ, the person is anointed during the ceremony and is performed after the first sacrament, the Christian receives the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, this function must be performed by a Bishop or an authorized priest, it is generally performed on Holy Thursday and oil is used as was done with baptism.
Confirmation strengthens the bond of the person with God, makes him a member of the Catholic family and commits his actions to the glory of God, just as baptism must be performed only once in a lifetime.
the eucharist
It establishes the act of celebration of the memory of Jesus, in it the last supper, passion and resurrection are commemorated, in this act the sacred host is received by all believers, however the culminating sacrament is granted to the faithful the opportunity to receive the body of Christ through the sacred Host.
This representation of the bread of Christ is distributed among the faithful who have previously made a confession of faith before an authorized priest, this confession is called “Act of Grace”, where the person receives forgiveness of their sins.
The process determines the moment in which the climax of the Eucharist takes place when the priest says:
“This is my blood, which will be shed for the forgiveness of sins” and this is my body…”
So that the act becomes the highest part of the Eucharist, where blood and body are transfigured into Bread and wine to give entrance to our body of the glory of the Lord, this process is called transubstantiation, where the faithful when ingesting the host, they take the body of Jesus.
Also called Reconciliation, Penance or Act of Grace, it is the confession of sins that every Catholic makes before a priest, who later, according to the category of sin, applies a penance, in order to seek reconciliation with God and Jesus Christ.
This sacrament gives the Christian the opportunity to recognize their spiritual mistakes, repent of negative actions and propose to amend them in order not to sin again, and thus be forgiven by God.
The process consists of kneeling before the priest, declaring the confession and the sin in order to be heard by him, who offers him good advice and spiritual guidance on what his conduct should be, establishing certain penances that are usually blessed by him. priest.
Confession is a purifying act used by the Church to redeem the sins of man, it must be done before the Eucharist so that the person can receive it with a clean soul. A very important religious ethic during confession and after it consists in the attitude and thought of the priest, who must keep secret and not reveal to anyone the sin described by the person.
Anointing of the Sick
It is performed by the priest, and it is a sacrament addressed to the sick in order to cure them. Some consider that when this function is performed, the patient is in his last days, but it is not really that way today.
Previously, the Anointing of the Sick was performed on very sick people and that their clinical picture was inevitable for death to come. This sacrament can be granted to anyone who has health problems and is required to alleviate their sorrows.
holy order
It is a sacrament that grants authority to exercise ecclesiastical ministries and services related to the worship of God within the Catholic Church, it can be carried out by anyone but must meet a series of requirements. The process to fully comply with the Holy Order is as follows:
- The Episcopate, grants the fullness of the order and the successor candidate of the apostles of Christ (as priests are considered), they confer the offices to sanctify, teach and govern everything related to the activities related to the Church.
- The Presbyterate is the action that the priestly candidate for Christ must carry out divine worship and submission to Jesus.
- The Diaconate, the candidate is ordained to the service of the Church through divine worship, which must be done through preaching, guidance and charity.
This sacrament so well known by many is considered the most vulnerable in the Catholic Church, it establishes and sanctifies the union between a man and a woman, in order to establish a new Christian family, it is celebrated in the Church as an indissoluble act, where both They promise never to part until death do them part.
Although some think that the act of marriage is officiated by the Catholic priest, this sacrament is actually officiated by both parties, the woman and the man who, at the moment of union in the ceremony, receive only from the priest the blessing for their eternal union.
the first communion
It is a simple ritual in which the person, who is generally a minor, participates for the first time in the activity of the sacrament of the Eucharist, receiving, body and soul, the blood of Christ.
It consists according to the Church, in that first encounter of any young Catholic with God, through the will of Jesus, this first communion must be done after having received baptism and Confirmation. The ceremony is carried out collectively where young people between 8 and 12 years old congregate in an Ecclesiastical enclosure to receive Holy Communion
Each young person must previously carry out the so-called apprenticeship of the catechism, where for a certain time, the boys learn everything related to the life of Jesus and what is related to how the philosophy of the Church is in the previous and current world…
The ceremony is performed along with the Sunday Eucharist or any other day and is officiated by an authorized priest, in other Christian religious currents such as the Orthodox Church, performs the first communion immediately after the children are baptized.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, also called the Universal Catechism, consists in the realization of the act of faith with respect to God, there everything related to the doctrine and morals of the Catholic Church is raised, based on the sacred scriptures, the apostolic magistracy and ecclesiastical tradition.
The Catholic catechism has been established as the years go by, it considers as time goes by, in the compilation of arguments based on the sacred writings, where everything related to the philosophy of Catholicism is restated.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church is also summarized in order to carry out previous activities for the first communion ceremony, where each faithful must really know the philosophy of the Church and its importance in the world.
The document that establishes these parameters can be seen and reviewed by any cleric who is a member of the Catholic Church, in such a way that it serves to increase their knowledge of theology, history and philosophy of Catholicism.
The Holy Hour
The holy hour is a devotion little known by the Catholic faithful, it has its divine origins in the very old religious tradition and culture, however, it is established in the Catholic Church from the moment that Jesus manages to appear to several Saints among Saint Margaret Mary of Alacoque, where he manages to hear the following words of Jesus:
“Every night from Thursday to Friday I will make you participate in the mortal sadness that I wanted to suffer in the Garden of Olives; sadness that will reduce you to a kind of agony more difficult to bear than death. And to accompany me in that humble prayer, which I then presented to my Father, you will prostrate yourself with your face to the ground, wishing to appease divine anger and demanding forgiveness for sinners.”
Pope Pius XI exhorted all Catholics to carry out this holy hour as a form of obligation of love towards Jesus, since then it has been carried out anywhere in the world, especially in sacred places, such as churches and chapels.
It consists of a moment of meditation next to God, for an hour, where Catholics must meditate and concentrate on all the events related to the true mysteries of Christ, especially when he felt in his last days loneliness towards God, so which is a time to be with God alone.
This hour is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus where the situation of Jesus is totally reflected on, the gratitude for his sacrifice is asked and in some way to learn from this important fact in the history of man.
To the Holy Trinity
The most holy trinity formed by God the Father, son and holy spirit, allows Catholics to carry out various devotions through prayers, these are manifested in various ways, among the most important are the novenas and the prayers themselves, which we will detail later on His composition.
There are devotions to the Holy Trinity that are also performed through Tedeum, Trisagions, Consecrations, Prayers, Feast, let’s see some examples of devotions to the Holy Trinity:
“To you, O God, we praise you, to you, Lord, we acknowledge you. You, eternal Father, are venerated by all creation. All the angels, the heavens and all powers honor you. The cherubim and seraphim sing unceasingly to you:
“Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord, God of the universe. The heavens and the earth are filled with the majesty of your glory. You are praised by the glorious choir of the apostles, the admirable multitude of the prophets, the white army of the martyrs. To you the holy Church, spread throughout the earth, proclaims:
“Father of immense majesty, only and true Son, worthy of worship, Holy Spirit, Defender. You are the King of glory, Christ. You are the only Son of the Father. You, to free man, accepted the human condition without disdaining the Virgin’s womb. You, broken the chains of death, opened to believers the kingdom of heaven. You sit at the right hand of God in the glory of the Father.”
“We believe that you will come as a judge. We beg you, then, to come to the aid of your servants, whom you redeemed with your precious blood. Make us associate with your saints in eternal glory.”
“Save your people, Lord, and bless your inheritance. Be his shepherd and exalted forever. Day after day we bless you and praise your name forever, for eternity of eternities. Please, Lord, on this day keep us from sin.”
“Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us. May your mercy, Lord, come upon us, as we expect from you. In you, Lord, I trust, I will not be disappointed forever. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Before describing the prayer to the Holy Trinity, it is important to mention that there are more than a thousand prayers dedicated to this devotion. We try to describe the following prayer as a way of expressing the faith and glory of each believer towards this religious concept. The sentence goes like this:
“I believe in You God the Father, I believe in You God the Son, I believe in You God the Holy Spirit, but increase my faith. I hope in You God the Father, I hope in You God the Son, I hope in You God the Holy Spirit, but increase my hope. I love you God the Father, I love you God the Son, my Lord Jesus Christ God and true man, I love you God the Holy Spirit, but increase my love.”
“Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit, Glory to the Most Holy and undivided Trinity, as it was in the beginning, now and always, for ever and ever. Amen.”
“Almighty Father, help my fragility and take me out of the abyss of my misery. Wisdom of the Son, straighten all my thoughts, words and deeds of this day. Love of the Holy Spirit, be the beginning of all the works of my soul, so that they are always in accordance with the Will of the Father.”
“To You Ingenuous Father, to You Only-begotten Son, to You Spirit of Holiness, one God in Trinity, I confess you with all my heart, I bless you, I praise you. To You, Holy Trinity, be always given all honor, glory and praise for all eternity. Amen.”
The novena is a prayer prayer that is performed for nine consecutive days and has a specific structure, it is used to intercede for some problem and request favors from the holy trinity, it goes like this:
Every day before making the request to the Holy Trinity, it is recommended to begin with the following prayer:
“O God, eternal Father! Bless me with the love that you have engendered your own Son from all Eternity, sharing with Him the fullness of your Divinity. Bless me with the love with which you have made us adopted children and sharers in the treasures of your Divinity.”
It then begins with the first novena of the Day with prayers similar to the following:
“Bless me with the love with which you sent us your Son and the Holy Spirit to work the miracles of your power and mercy with us. Make me always revere and honor you as my sovereign Lord and love you with all my heart as the best of parents. Eternal Father, grant me the particular grace that I now ask of you (mention the favor you desire).
“O God, eternal Son! Image of the splendor of the heavenly Father, bless me with the love with which you surround us, your poor creatures. You have become our Brother by becoming a Man like us; make us your brothers conforming to your Divinity and that we be the image of your splendor.
“Bless me with the wonderful goodness of your Sacred Heart, which made you choose death to bring us to life. Bless me with the wonderful goodness of your Sacred Heart, which made you choose death to bring us to life.”
“Bless me with the love with which You always intercede for us in the Blessed Sacrament and before the throne of God; and with the same love with which you give us yourself in Holy Communion. May all this love and all your bitter sufferings not stop taking advantage.
“Eternal son, grant me the particular grace that I now ask (Mention the favor you want) O God Holy Spirit! Mutual love between the Father and the Son, bless me with the love with which you proceed from the Father and the Son forming the eternal union.”
“Bless me with the love with which you give us Yourself as our greatest Gift, dispense by giving us all your divine graces and transforming us from sinners into children of God. Bless me with the love with which you have made your dwelling in the Sacred Heart of Jesus: with his merits the earth is filled with grace and becomes a dwelling for the God of heaven. Make me always let myself be guided by You to progress in virtues and achieve eternal happiness. Amen”
Each day the novena can be concluded by praying three Our Fathers and a Hail Mary.
To God the Father
Within the devotion to the Holy Trinity there are devotions that are dedicated to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which really make up the Holy Trinity, each with a number of different prayers and prayers let’s see
They are manifestations of devotion through prayers and novenas that serve to request favors and requests to faith with respect to God the father as the main element in the Catholic Trinity, one of the prayers that are established are:
Prayer to God the Father
Below we show a list of all the prayers dedicated to God the father, and at the end we will detail one of the most important, so that the reader can know how faith is expressed through a prayer, some names of these are the following:
- Open our eyes Lord
- Act of abandonment Act of Trust in God.
- Saint Claudius of Colombiere
- Worship and trust God
- I bless the Lord
- Dear to Cara
- How can I not thank you Father?
- With empty hands
- With your power, my God
- Heart of a repentant child
- Give me the grace to be compassionate
- god friend
- creator god of all things
- God is love
- God, faithful husband
- God is present everywhere
- God, strength of the one who suffers
- God, illuminate your people with the light
- My God, I believe in You.
- oh my god i’m happy
- My God, You love me!
- Merciful God
- The Lord is…
- In search of the Lord God
- In your hands Lord!
- Teach me oh God to pray
- Teach me Lord how to seek you, Saint Anselm of Canterbury
- Teach me Lord God
- You are with us
- Glory to God in heaven
- Gratitude
- let’s pray
- Lord enlighten your people
- God’s peace
- Our Mother
- Merciful God
- Oh God
- Oh God of tenderness you are my joy
- Oh God, in You I trust
- OH Word of God Beloved
- Prayer to God the Father
- Prayer to God the Father
- Prayer to God, Merciful Father
- Prayer to Divine Providence
- Prayer to the Father
- Prayer of love to God, Saint John Mary Vianney
- prayer of trust
- prayer of surrender
- Divine Mercy Prayer
- Promise prayer to God
- Prayer of the blood of Christ
- Supplication prayer to God
- Quarter Hour Prayer
- Prayer to ask God for generosity
- thanksgiving prayers
- Prayers to gain trust
- good father
- good and merciful father
- Father, I abandon myself in your hands
- Our Father, bless us…
- My father
- For today, give me Lord
- For the world to believe
- Prayer to Divine Providence
- Because it’s late, my God!
- ¡OH Father!
- Oh God, teach me to be brave
- Dear God…
- Holy Father
- perfect resignation
- wisdom of god
- Saint
- Simple and Humble
- Lord, give us the grace of unity
- Lord God Most High
- Lord God, our Father
- Lord teach me to live
- Lord teach us to pray
- Lord, make me recognize the way
- Holy Lord, Almighty Father
- Prayer of Saint Bonaventure
- Lord and our God
- Silence and Peace
- Your kingdom is in our midst
- The Creator came
- Returned to the Father, Prayer of Saint Augustine
As we stated at the beginning of this title, there are thousands of prayers composed by many faithful and devout Catholics, then we are going to show only the “Prayer to the Father” so that it serves as an example of what we are reviewing
“Lord, I am no longer a child! I have the impression that I am reaching the fullness of my days. My home, my children, my wife, my job, tell me that I have already accomplished something. Today I turn my eyes towards the children that Your goodness granted me. I cannot hide the overwhelming joy of being a father! When my first child was born, my heart nearly burst with joy. Then others and others came, and the joy continued.”
“Lord, on this day I thank you for the children you gave me! I cannot hide, at this time, a certain concern. They are so fragile, they have so many riches hidden in that fragility! “
“At night, when they are sleeping, I go to watch them in their bedroom. I close my eyes and think about the future. Who will they be? What does life hold for them? I want to be friends with my children, I want to listen to them, I want to serve each one of them. I want to laugh when they’re laughing. I want to cry with them.”
“Lord, make me know how to respect the personality of each one of them. Make me, Lord, be patient and understanding. On this day, I implore your richest blessings for the children of my life. Amen.”
To God the Son
This is one of the Catholic devotions is one of the most used by those of that religion, more than 4,000 prayers have been made to her, among which we can count are:
- Consecrations Jesus.
- Our Lord
- Consecrations to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
- consecration of homes,
- Consecration of families.
- Devotion of the first Friday of the month to the Sacred Heart.
- Litanies to Jesus.
- Litanies to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
- Novenas to Jesus.
- Novenas to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
- Promises of the Sacred Heart.
- Feast of the Sacred Heart.
- Devotion Jesus Child.
- Devotion to Divine Mercy.
- prayers, seven words on the cross,
- Shroud of Turin.
It is important to mention that within each of these prayers and devotions to God the Son, between 50 and 60 varieties of prayers, that is, in the Litanies there are more than 30 variables that can be performed by any believer, we show what we consider to the more important:
“Lord, have mercy, Lord, have mercy. Christ have mercy, Christ have mercy. Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy. Christ hear us, Christ hear us. Christ hear us, Christ hear us. Heavenly Father God, have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, God the Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, one God, Heart of Jesus, Son of the eternal Father:”
“Heart of Jesus, formed by the Holy Spirit in the womb of Mary, Heart of Jesus, substantially united to the Word of God, Heart of Jesus, of infinite majesty, Heart of Jesus, holy temple of God, Heart of Jesus, sanctuary of the Soaring.”
“Heart of Jesus, house of God and gate of heaven, Heart of Jesus, fiery furnace of charity, Heart of Jesus, tabernacle of justice and love, Heart of Jesus, full of love and goodness, Heart of Jesus, abyss of all the virtues.”
“Heart of Jesus, most worthy of all praise, Heart of Jesus, king and center of all hearts, Heart of Jesus, where all the treasures of wisdom and science are found, Heart of Jesus, where dwells all the fullness of the Divinity, Heart of Jesus, in whom the Father has been fully pleased.”
“Heart of Jesus, from whose fullness we have all received, Heart of Jesus, desire of the eternal hills, Heart of Jesus, patient and full of mercy, Heart of Jesus, magnanimous with all those who invoke you, Heart of Jesus, source of life and holiness, Heart of Jesus, propitiation for our sins.”
“Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Forgive us Lord.”
“Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Hear us Lord. “
“Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Have mercy on us.”
“Jesus, meek and humble of heart. Make our hearts like yours.
It ends with the closing prayer:
“O God, that in the heart of your Son for our sins, you have deposited infinite treasures of charity; We ask that, by paying homage to him with our love, we offer him a full reparation. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.”
To the Holy Spirit
This Catholic devotion is carried out only through Consecrations and Prayers, they are considered a part of those dedicated to the Holy Trinity, like other devout activities of Catholicism, it represents vital importance for the search for the integration of the person with God.
Consecration is a dedication that the person makes to the service of God, in the case of Catholicism it serves to carry out Transubstantiation during the Eucharist, which allows people to be considered at the moment in which they are receiving Jesus through the Host, is complemented with supplications and prayers.
Worldwide there are no more than 10 consecrations to the Holy Spirit, below we will describe only one, where at first glance the person can detail its form and essence, so that it can be used in moments of emotional and spiritual restlessness:
“Holy Spirit, divine Spirit of light and love, I consecrate my understanding, my heart, my will and my whole being, in time and in eternity. May my understanding always be submissive to your divine inspirations and teachings of the doctrine of the Catholic Church that you guide infallibly.”
“May my heart always be inflamed in love of God and neighbor. May my will always be in accordance with your divine will. May my whole life be a faithful imitation of the life and virtues of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him, with you and the Father be given all honor and glory forever.”
“God the Holy Spirit, infinite love of the Father and the Son, through the most pure hands of Mary, your immaculate wife, I place myself today and every day of my life on your chosen altar, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, as a sacrifice in your honor, consuming fire, with firm resolution now more than ever to hear your voice and fulfill your most holy and adorable will in all things. Amen.”
It consists of the remission before God of the momentary penalty of sins already forgiven, where the infidel must copy certain conditions through the mediation of the Church, which is considered the administrator of redemption.
The indulgence can be partial or total, depending on how sins are released, so that all the faithful can use or apply it to the deceased or to other people, as a vote for partial or total indulgences, also called plenary indulgences.
The indulgence uses certain sentences in order to establish the application of the indulgence. For many years, this procedure has been analyzed by various theologians and even by the Catholic Council, which has developed a long and extensive content on this subject. For many years, indulgence has been established as a non-compulsory form of devotion.
So that the commitment of the faithful must be personal, carrying it out implies being a volunteer to obtain it, where the Church determines its reason and subsequent response.
They are Actions within the activities of the Church that are carried out outside of religious services and mass, in order to honor Jesus and his presence in the Blessed Sacrament. Eucharistic devotions allow to establish the respect of each faithful to Christ.
In them requests are made, constructions are offered (Repentance for having acted in disagreement with the will of God), they seek to strengthen spiritual ties with Jesus, these activities do not seek to replace the mass as a religious ceremony, rather they serve to reinforce and support to further promote the mass and get many to come to it.
Eucharistic devotions use the following tools of prayers and prayers let’s see:
- Eucharistic Adoration,
- Nocturnal Eucharistic Adoration.
- Eucharistic Adoration by countries, Prayers
- Sacrament of the Eucharist.
- Eucharistic Miracles
- ancient catholic prayers
Let’s see a way of how the Eucharistic devotion is performed, in this case the “Eucharistic Adoration”:
It consists of an approach to God in order to offer life, commune with the entire Christian community and have solidarity with each human being, these are moments in which each faithful must do the following:
- The first Friday of each month between 6 and 7 pm and the first Thursday at 9 pm, worship the Blessed Sacrament.
- The first Friday of each month between 8 pm for young people only.
In these adorations, a visit to the Blessed Sacrament must be made, and then the acts of contrition, adoration, hope, faith and supplication are made, in each one prayers and supplications are made. You can also visit Jesus in the sacrament, where acts of charity and gratitude must be performed, the visit concludes with a final prayer like this:
“My Jesus, give me your Blessing before I retire and may the memory of this visit that I have just paid you remain in my memory and encourage me to love you more and more. Make it so that when I visit you again, I come back holier. Here I leave my heart for you to constantly adore you and make it more pleasing to your divine eyes.”
Goodbye, my Jesus. Most Holy Virgin, Mother of God and my Mother, who through your intercession have attained the grace to perform this adoration, grant me that I may repeat it every day of my life.”
Saint Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, pray for us. Jesus, Mary, I love you, save our souls Amen.”
to the Blessed Virgin
Devotions to the Virgin Mary have different forms of expression, they represent a moment of intimacy with her, in order to offer a service of love towards the need for a living faith, which leads to love and translates into imitation. As the mother of all men.
The cult of the Virgin Mary has been developing for many centuries, where the Church considers that it is not venerating an image or painting as such, but the person represented in the Virgin, this allows among other things:
- Obtain greater benevolence from the virgin, obtain the thanks of God through her intermediation.
- Reaching the grace of conversion to sinners, always helping them and leading them to the path that leads to God, Mary is considered the refuge of sinners.
- Seeking the grace of perseverance to those who invoke it, that is why he prays for us becomes an act of help that the faithful evoke when they pray.
Devotion to the Blessed Virgin represents the will to deliver everything we possess to the service of God, it is a sign of predestination, so that you can get some words from Father Benedict XV when in 1918 he expressed:
“The opinion is very constant among the faithful, proven by long experience, that those who have the same Virgin as Patron will not perish forever”
For his part, Pope Pius IX expresses the following regarding devotion to the Blessed Virgin:
“We have ascertained thing that, wherever the Most Holy Mother of God is presented with sincere and diligent piety, there the hope of salvation cannot fail.”
Marian devotions were born many centuries ago, when the church began to take its first steps and was preparing to consolidate itself as a very strong spiritual current, people who shared Christianity, sought ways to achieve peace through devotion to the virgin
The customs were rooting the actions and over the years, many actions currently maintain these traditions to the virgin in a very particular way, which has been maintained over the years. The Marian apparitions have consolidated this belief and devotion, which are now part of the lives of many faithful.
The most important devotions that are performed worldwide are:
- The festivities of the Virgin, celebrations where the life of Mary is praised, can be seen mostly in almost all Latin American countries and Latin European countries.
- The Holy Rosary, which is a very popular and constant devotion in the Catholic world, is performed in almost everyone in order to obtain divine grace, it can be prayed freely and privately, the Church recommends certain hours to perform it .
- The Scapular of the Virgen del Carmen, this devotion allows each person to carry an image of the Mother of God on their chest, it consists of a medal or an image of the Virgin, it is carried out with an imposition from any priest.
- Three Aves Marias, generally performed on Saturdays, it is recommended that the faithful do it even before going to bed, in some European countries it has become a custom.
- Saturday is considered the day of the virgin for the church, this devotion implies dedicating this day to the consecration and devotion to the mother of God, prayers related to her are made.
- Consecration of the virgin, is an act that can be performed in two ways, first by considering Mary as queen which is a consecration of Marian slavery and the second as Mother, which represents the faithful piety of Marianism, glories and Hail Marys
- Pilgrimages and visits to the sanctuaries, this devotion is performed freely by the faithful, where there is no specific date, nor obligation to go, each one goes to the places where the virgin has supposedly appeared and performs the devotion through requests and prayers
In these Catholic devotions they use the following elements to venerate the Blessed Virgin:
- rosaries
- Consecrations to Mary as mother
- Consecrations to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
- Consecration of families, Seven Joys, Seven Sorrows, Three Hail Marys.
- consecration of homes
- Litanies.
- Novenas to the Sacred Heart of Mary.
- Feast of Via Matris and Mary Our Mother.
- Scapular of the Virgen del Carmen
- Miraculous Medal.
- Prayers
- songs
- poetry.
Let’s look at one of these spiritual tools called the Prayer of Mercy to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary:
“Oh most benevolent and merciful Heart of Jesus, stamp on our hearts a perfect image of your great mercy, so that we can fulfill the commandment you gave us: You will be merciful as your Father is.”
“Mother of mercy watches over so much misfortune, so many poor, so many captives, so many prisoners, so many men and women who suffer persecution at the hands of their brothers and sisters, so many defenseless people, so many afflicted souls, so many restless hearts.”
“Mother of mercy, open the eyes of your mercy and contemplate our desolation. She opens the ears of your goodness and hears our plea. Most beautiful and most powerful lawyer, show us that you are truly the Mother of Mercy. Amen”
to the saints
In this part we will show the way in which the faithful have been worshiping the saints as witnesses of the presence of Christ on earth, this devout action implies that each person surrenders by oath, vow and promise, to comply with the given commandments by God through some Catholic saint.
The saints represent the part of witnessing in the faith around the world, among all the saints there are blessed, venerable, servants of God and with them they are accompanied with actions that are complemented through Litany Consecrations, Novenas Saints, Blessed, Servants of God , Venerables, Devotions, Medal of San Benito, Prayers, Triduums among other elements of paste.
It is important to mention that the religious traditions and the customs and beliefs of a spiritual and Catholic type in each country have allowed to establish a particular characteristic in the devotions of the saints, each region of the world contains diverse spiritual figures that, due to their religious actions and their dedication to God has allowed them to become saints.
There is no country in the world where there is no devotion to a figure called saint or saint, but the first saint verified and who represents an important religious influence is the Virgin Mary, and as we have already detailed all her description within Marianism, we have to establish to the devotion of the matters in this part.
There are few similarities between devotions to saints in various countries of the world, these traditions are born of the people and are later assumed by the church, in the same way that they receive requests to sanctify or beatify a person according to their qualities and actions during their life. life.
To consider a devotion, a sanctification or a beatification, the Church requests that the person or the tradition as such meet a series of specific requirements. Then it is subjected to processes of analysis and study and depending on the results that these throw, it can be adopted by the church as they throw, saint or Catholic legal devotion.
So if a devotion is not approved by the Church, many traditions in various regions continue without taking into account the decision and mandates of the Catholic authorities, hoping that one day it will be recognized as participating in the activities of Catholicism and the Church.
Each country in the world has many saints, and within each country there are various peoples that maintain these traditions and devotions, so that the variety of elements that make up this devotion extends by thousands throughout the world, below We show one of the ways in which the devotion of the saints is done.
Litany to Saint Joseph
“Lord have mercy on us. Christ have mercy on us. Lord have mercy on us. Christ hear us. Christ hear us. Heavenly Father God, have mercy on us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, God the Holy Spirit.”
Holy Trinity, one God, Saint Joseph, pray for us, Incredible descendant of David, Luminary of Patriarchs, Spouse of the Mother of God, Custodian of the Virgin, Nurturing Father of the Son of God, Loving defender of Christ, Head of the Sacred Family.”
“José most just, José most chaste, José most prudent, José most faithful, Mirror of patience, Model of the workers, Honor of domestic life. Custodian of virgins, Protector of families, Comfort of the unfortunate, Hope of the sick, Advocate of the dying, Terror of demons, Protector of the Holy Church.”
“Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Forgive us Lord.”
“Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Hear us Lord.”
“Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world. Have mercy on us.”
“He made him lord of his house. And he was chief of all that he owned.”
“OH Saint Joseph! Make us live an innocent life, always assured under your patronage. Amen.”
It is a spiritual tool of a pastoral type that helps to cultivate the practices of penance in daily life, penance is a sacramental element that helps the faithful to reconsider and take back control of their lives given to God.
These practices are reflected in various ways and are assumed as devotions because they must be practiced constantly, they are established when:
- He apologizes to those who were hurt.
- Eliminate differences between family members.
- Fast during Lent.
- Accept with humility and patience the daily activities and tasks of life.
- Reconciliation with a family member or neighbor
- tears of regret
- Taking responsibility for the salvation of our brothers and sisters
- Make prayers to the saints for their intercession
- Accept and reflect on the patience of the cross that we bear to be faithful to Christ
- Uphold justice and right
- Admit sins to God and others
- Offer and acceptance of forgiveness
- Enduring persecution for the kingdom of God
- Develop a spirit of penance
- Testimony of a Christian way of life
The real purpose of penance is to lighten life, enrich it and make it more viable, through reflection, so that day by day you grow in the Lord, and allows you to ward off the temptations that do so much harm to a person.
Penitential devotions are accompanied by short prayers, in addition to being used a lot in the Via Crucis and Via Lucís, which are two very beautiful devotions within the activities of Catholicism.
Way of the Cross
It is centered on the sorrowful mysteries of Christ, the devotion is carried out contemplating and observing, walking and reflecting during the passage through the so-called stations that for the church represent from the praetorium to Calvary, and are part of the most important episodes of the passion of the mister.
Via Lucis
It is a devotion where meditation on the Resurrection of Jesus is encouraged, called “path to Light”, it recreates the moments after the death of the Lord, his appearances and the episodes recounted in the new testament, the Via Lucís complement the seasons of the “Way of the Cross”
In this case, all the stations of the Resurrection are based on events recorded in the four canonical gospels and in the Acts of the Apostles. This devotion does not have a fixed or static form, like the others, it is dynamic and is represented each time the next station is reached, with elements of prayers as short prayers.
Songs or hymns with prayer lyrics or certain passages from the Bible are also used. Below we describe one of the prayers that are used while making the stops on the Via Lucís:
Begin the devotion with an Opening Prayer:
“We Christians are aware that the Way of the Cross of the Son of God was not simply the way to the place of execution. We believe that every step of the Damned One, every gesture or word of his, as well as what all those who took part in this drama saw and did, speak to us continuously. “
“In his passion and in his death, Christ also reveals to us the truth about God and about man. Today we want to reflect with particular intensity on the content of those events, so that they speak with renewed vigor to our minds and hearts, and thus be the origin of the grace of authentic participation.”
“Participating means having a part. And what does it mean to have a part in the cross of Christ? It means experiencing in the Holy Spirit the love that hides behind the cross of Christ. It means recognizing, in the light of this love, the cross itself. It means carrying it on one’s back and, moved more and more by this love, walking… Walking through life, imitating the One who endured the cross without fear of ignominy and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Then proceed to walk to the first station and say the following prayer:
“We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you. For by your holy cross you redeemed the world. He is guilty of death, the members of the Sanhedrin said of Jesus, and, since they could not execute anyone, they took him from the house of Caiaphas to the Praetorium.”
“Pilate found no reason to condemn Jesus, and even tried to free him, but, faced with the threatening pressure of the people instigated by their leaders: «Crucify him, crucify him!», «If you let him go, you are not a friend of Caesar», pronounced the sentence they demanded of him and handed Jesus over to them, after flogging him, to be crucified.”
“Saint John the Evangelist tells us that, a few hours later, next to the cross of Jesus was Mary his mother. And we have to assume that she was also very close to her Son throughout the entire Way of the Cross.”
“How many topics for reflection are offered by the suffering endured by Jesus from the Garden of Olives to his death sentence: abandonment of his own, Peter’s denial, scourging, crown of thorns, harassment and contempt without measure. And all for love of us, for our conversion and salvation.”
An Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory are performed. And continues
“Jesus, I sinned: Have pity and mercy on me. Blessed and praised be the passion and death of our Lord Jesus Christ and the pains of his most holy Mother, sad and afflicted at the foot of the cross. Amen.”
Liturgy of the hours
Also called “liturgy horarum”, they make up a considerable group of prayers declared official by the Church, which must be in direct connection with the so-called canonical hour.
Each prayer has a different form, depending on the rite or ceremony, they are performed outside of mass and are only made by priests and bishops chosen in a specific way. They pay special attention to the communities that are more isolated from religious centers and churches, an example of this are the priests who live in communities and monasteries far removed from the hustle and bustle.
This type of legal prayer, so to speak, presents a very particular structure, they are observed on two levels, one called the major hour and the other the minor hour, however for the Vatican Council: “Lauds and Vespers… must be considered and celebrate as the principal Hours.”
The office of readings is also established as a major hour. While in the so-called minor hour, the Terce, Sixth, and None hours must be indicated in addition to the prayer of Compline. The hours are made up of the following:
- Initial Invocation, which consists of a very short preamble indicating the start of the hour
- Hymn, which can be a specific chant selected by the priest.
- Psalmody, where biblical texts are added, not psalms, called canticles at the highest hours.
- The Biblical Reading and the Patristic Reading are carried out in the office of reading.
- Responsory, composed of small evangelical songs, prayers and Our Father in the case of Lauds and Vespers
- It concludes with the final prayer and farewell.
older hours
The offices of biblical readings that were formerly called Matins are considered, the Lauds are performed, which corresponds to the first praises of the morning from 3:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
The major hour concludes with Vespers, which is the evening office in the liturgy where the Catholic Church determines the evening services before going to the minor hour.
minor hours
It begins with the intermediate hours that follow after Eve until reaching the Third Hour which begins at 9 in the morning, then at 12 m the sixth hour begins, and at 3 in the afternoon the Ninth hour, the calls continue ” Compline”, which represent the last prayers of the Liturgy of the hour.
In that part the entire ecclesiastical community meets and asks for divine protection for rest during the night, where prayers are made before going to sleep for a short time during the night.
The prayers in other times used their name depending on the time they were performed, for example, the Lauds were made at 6 in the morning, then the third was made 3 hours later, followed by the sixth hour that was at 12 noon. indicating the siesta, at nine hours of the day (3 in the afternoon) the ninth hour, ending with the full one after 6 in the afternoon.
The prayer of the Liturgy is a prayer that has an obligatory character, only for priests who lead their lives dedicated solely to the Church, called “Sub Gravis”, they represent a very responsible way to do it, omitting the prayer implies falling into sin according to established by the congregations of the Clergy.
The liturgy of the hour also uses Hymns, Canticles, Psalms that complement the set of activities of this activity, these can be as follows:
- Hymn, they are grouped in an approximate amount of fifteen hundred, declared as legal by the Church, they form a group of exciting lyrics with melodies that can be performed during the celebration of the Liturgy of the hours, we see an example:
“The beautiful flower that was planted on the ground was seen withered and returns, is already resurrected, and its smell floods the sky. It was covered with earth, but it did not bear fruit at all, until it was left in a grafted dry tree. And, although in the eyes of the ground it later became withered, it returns, it resurrects, and its smell floods the sky.”
“The party is all about flowers, flowers with fine scents, but not everything will go in flowers, because this is the flower of fruit. And, while his Church cries out begging for some consolation, he returns, he resurrects, and the smell of her floods the sky.
“Let no one feel dead when God resurrects, that, if the ship reaches the port, we arrive together with you. Today Christendom has taken off her mourning garments. It returns, it resurrects, and the smell of it floods the sky. ”
- Songs, are taken from some fragments of the Bible, where melody is placed and expresses in some way the experiences and the expression of the sacred word, as an example we see the following:
Good Shepherd Canticle is the Most High God, taken from Isaiah. 40, 10-17
“Look, the Lord God comes with power, and his arm rules. Behold, his wages come with him, and his reward precedes him. Like a shepherd tending the flock, his arm gathers them together, he picks up the lambs and makes their mothers lie down.
“Who has measured the sea by handfuls or measured the sky by palms, or the dust of the earth by quarts? Who has weighed the mountains in the balance and the hills in the scales? Who has measured the breath of the Lord? Who has suggested his project to him? With whom did he seek advice to understand it?
“To teach him the exact path, to teach him knowledge and suggest the intelligent method? Look, nations are drops from a bucket and are worth the dust on the scale. Look, the islands weigh as much as a grain, Lebanon is not enough for firewood, its beasts are not enough for a holocaust.”
“In his presence, all nations, as if they did not exist, are before him as nothing and empty. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Amen”
- The psalms, together with the Lord’s Prayer, represent one of the most beautiful and faith-filled ways to pray, they put the spirit in contact with God, they serve to complement many deficiencies that day to day can present us, a psalm for the realization of the Liturgy of the hours.
Spiritual retirement
They are considered non-binding and light devotions, where the faithful are not committed or obliged to perform it, it consists of a practice of isolation for a few hours, days or weeks, where the devotees come in order to renew their faith in God.
In the activity prayers, meditations and small activities related to religion are carried out, although in many other spiritual currents the spiritual retreat is also carried out, for Catholicism it implies a moment of religious isolation, leaving aside the activities and material situations of momentary way.
It is a way of approaching God, through concentration and mental relaxation, sought through prayer. For some years this activity has been carried out as a tool to bring the faithful closer to the Church, it also combines activities where food, drinks and life experiences are shared.
Spiritual retreats have some principles that must be respected, let’s see:
- It should be done in places where there is a lot of silence, generally in houses far from the city or haciendas removed from all hustle and bustle.
- Solitude is sought in order to obtain maximum concentration and be able to connect with God.
- A work schedule must be made, where each participant knows the religious activities that are going to be carried out.
- The final part of the retreat must be made up of a mass, if the retreat is for one day, if it is daily, the mass must also be done every day at the end of the afternoon.
- It is complemented all the time, carrying out devotions such as the way of the cross, spiritual readings, exhibitions and some experiences related to miracles or special healings.
- They should only be organized and managed by religious authorities, at no time should the organization be in the hands of the faithful, unless the authorized priest allows its development to another person.
It is known as the sermon, conversation or talk of height that the priests explain to the faithful, in them certain passages of the Bible and other religious topics are described in a very specific way.
It is generally offered by priests, bishops and priests, during the mass service, it is not considered as prayer or prayer, nor is it a type of religious devotion directly, rather it is established as an important structure within the activities of the mass
Its name comes from the Greek “Homily”, which means “short sermon”, it is part of the liturgy and is performed between the reading of the word and the prayer of the faithful, it is understood by many as a way of preaching the word and give meaning to the current times, in order to make the faithful understand the meaning of the word.
In some places deacons can also give the homily. It is performed every Sunday or during the day of obligation. In many parts of the world they make weekly publications of the homilies given on Sunday Mass, so that any faithful can be aware of what is said in the Sunday service.
Sign of the Cross
More than a devotion The sign of the cross represents a ritual-type gesture that Christians around the world perform at the beginning of any ceremony or spiritual rite, it is considered a sacred act where the person performs a movement with the right hand in the name of in front of the face, or touching the forehead, the chest, the heart and the right side of it.
In other religious currents, the gesture of making the sign of the cross is considered very sacred, where the fingers are crossed and the imaginary cross is drawn from top to bottom and then from right to left, very different from those made by Catholics. This movement is called persign.
It is used at the beginning and closing of prayers, when entering religious premises, beginning a devotion, mass or any important religious act, it is considered an act of liberation where Christian situations are entered into actions.
In Catholicism it is a sacramental sign that strengthens faith in Christ, others use it as a sign of protection, and in some places it is established as a custom, when the action is performed in some important ritual the movement takes the name of cross.
the sprinkling
It consists of performing the same movement of the cross but holding a container containing liquid that comes out through the holes in the container as the movement is made, this movement is carried out in the ceremonies of the Christian Orthodox Church and other currents of shamans in various religions.
signal type
There is a short form called, as we said before, “crossing himself” and it consists of the movement of the cross where the touch is imagined at four points of the body above, below, left and right, in turn accompanied by the following:
“In the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.”
The long form is a kind of more extended version used for the realization of Rosario, and people make two taps in different places saying the following:
“By the sign of the holy cross from our enemies deliver us, Lord our God. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
Its origin according to some historians comes from the past Tertullian, who was a Father of the early Church who lived between 160 and 220 AD: this priest said the following:
“In all our travels and movements, in all our departures and arrivals, when putting on our shoes, when taking a bath, at the table, when lighting our candles, when lying down, when sitting, in whatever tasks we are engaged in, we mark our foreheads with the sign of the cross.”
From that moment on, the way of making the sign of the cross began to spread, everywhere he went he taught how to make it, in order to manifest his faith in Christ and present himself as a true Christian.
It is an act of devotion that consists of refraining from eating food for a considerable period of time, it is a tradition used in many religious currents such as the Jewish, the Orthodox and even in Buddhism, but for Catholics it simply represents an act of love goodbye.
Demonstrate that we are faithful to divine existence. Fasts are classified in that various forms can last several days of abstinence, where no food is consumed, others to pronounce any word, drink liquids, and even to have sexual relations.
The fast can last for several days and is complemented by the intake of small portions of food called Parvos, which allows the fast to last. It is an act that is performed on special occasions and is very common to observe in monasteries and religious that are isolated.
The church determines it as a devotion of faith towards God allowing the person to face in himself the value of controlling and limiting access to certain things and food, this as an act of faith.
Other Catholic Devotions
Apart from those described above, Catholicism contains another number of minor devotions that are also carried out by believers, and Christian movements throughout the world, they are still important and develop according to the characteristics of each country, they are assumed as their own and in At no time do they seek the substitution of the mass.
The Church has allowed these devotions for many years and they are an important part of pastoral and Catholic activities throughout the world, so we have:
- Festivals of Precept
- Theological Virtues
- Cardinal Virtues
- Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Fruits of the Holy Spirit
- Beatitudes
- sacramentals
- works of mercy
- Mortal and Venial Sins
- Deadly Sins and Opposite Virtues
- Sins against the Holy Spirit
- Sins that Cry to Heaven
- Offering of the Day to Maintain the Presence of the Lord
- Acceptance of God’s Will
- Act of faith
- act of hope
- charity act
- Offering of Our Works
- Symbol of the Apostles
- Let us pray for the Pontiff
- Psalm
- Night Exam
- Preparation for the Holy Mass
They represent popular expressions full of liturgy that can have an individual or collective type of character, are dedicated in most occasions to God and are carried out for their own convenience or to help other people, they can be carried out within spiritual precincts (Churches , chapels, temples) and outside of them.
It can be said that there are only various forms of prayer, it can be composed of prayers of petition, thanksgiving or praise, the faithful try to elevate their spirit in order to obtain great spiritual benefits,
protection prayers
It consists of a prayer that requests God’s blessing on any person, the Catholic priests endorse it by carrying out the movement of the cross on the forehead of the faithful, the word “God bless you” is used, where an energy of protection to those who receive it.
Christians are obliged to request the blessing of God for themselves and their relatives, the people they love must reciprocate by granting and requesting the blessing of God, some priests bless certain elements and figures in order to seek the spiritual protection of the Lord .
These prayers of Blessings are established by Christianity in order to ask for health, for the family, for work, for priests and bishops, for life on the planet, for children, for children, for pregnant women. , for men of good will, for the homeless, for the sick, in short, there are many prayers that serve to bless people.
Others do it in the name of Jesus and by order of the church, various blessing prayers exist in the Catholic world that serve as support for petitions and devotions. Below we will detail two examples of blessing prayers since the space in this article would not be enough to describe each of them:
Prayer to receive all kinds of blessings
“Lord, I ask you to bless me, bless everything that my hands touch today, also bless my work and help me to do it correctly, not to make mistakes.
“Bless all my co-workers; Father, bless each one of my thoughts and feelings, so that I don’t think or feel bad, so that everything that is inside me is only love; bless each one of my words, so as not to say things that I may later regret.”
“Lord, bless every second of my life, so that with it I can take your image and word to all those who need it. Bless me Lord so that I can be in your image and likeness, to bring positive things to all the people around me and so that all of them may be blessed by you.”
“My Lord, I ask you so that each person who is in my heart may be blessed by you, the Holy Spirit and the Virgin; Amen.”
Prayer to start the day with God’s blessing
“Thank you my God for giving me the blessing of having one more day, thank you because today I can see again how great your creation and love is. Today, I am a happy, lucky and grateful person for having a new opportunity to lead a day full of peace, love, protection and most importantly, your guide.”
“Lord, give me strength to overcome every obstacle that stands in my way, make me brave and strong as you are, make your love cover my whole life and all those around me and in my way.”
Heavenly Father, every day that begins I pray that you listen to me and respond to me with your great generosity and kindness. I know that my soul needs you every day, and you grant me all the blessings. In the name of Jesus, amen.”
Prayer to receive God’s blessing
“Lord, in your hands I place each day of my life, each of the works that I carry out today, I ask you to guide all my actions so that with your love, I can achieve each of the purposes and goals set.
“My Lord, keep away all the people who want to see me fall, keep away the envious and ill-intentioned and take me only along paths of light, love and peace. Also, sir, I pray, that your protection is always over me, to be in your care always. I trust you and I know that with you I will be safe, I know that by your side I will be able to accomplish everything; Amen.”
Prayer of blessing for the family
“Lord, thank you for my children, thank you because they are healthy and good, I ask you so that they see only love in me and can love you as much as I do. If I fail, forgive me, and if they fail, forgive them sir, show them that we learn from mistakes and that we all make mistakes.”
“Father, I also ask you to help them in all their activities, so that they can do everything they set out to do, so that you keep away from their lives people who come with bad intentions, with problems or envy, keep all evil away from them. ”
“And thank you sir, because I know you love my children as I love you, because every day you give your love and place your hand on my family so as never to leave us unprotected, With the power of God, Amen.”
These prayers allow to maintain faith in God, they are spiritually connected with the human being and are part of the life of a Christian, their importance allows each faithful to be awarded tranquility, peace and religious well-being, hence its importance.
Prayer according to your category
The prayer or ejaculation as it is called by the Church, has different forms to express, its category expresses what it is dedicated to and what it is used for, we do not intend to show each one but we do describe the names of each one and show an example of how it is Let’s see each sentence according to its category.
Dedicated to the Holy Trinity
Where prayers, requests and praises are made to the father, son and holy spirit, the faithful represent through this prayer the total devotion to the glory of God, among the prayers that are made to the Holy Trinity we have
- Prayer to the Father
- Prayer to the Son
- Prayer to the Holy Spirit
- Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Divine Mercy
- basic sentences
Each line contains more than 20 prayers that make up a very extensive conglomerate of prayers that can exceed a thousand prayers, including Tedeum, litanies and many more, of course these have been built based on the needs of man by the devotion and faith of each Catholic region, Let’s see a prayer dedicated to the Holy Trinity:
“O eternal Trinity! You are a bottomless sea in which, the more I sink, the more I find you; and the more I find you, the more I seek you still. You can never say: enough! The soul that is satisfied in your depths, desires you without ceasing, because she is always hungry for you, eternal Trinity; it is always willing to see your light in your light.
“As the deer sighs for the living water of the fountains, so my soul yearns to leave the dark prison of the body, to truly see you… Can you give me something more than yourself? You are the fire that always burns, never burning out. You are the fire that consumes in itself all self-love of the soul; you are the light above all light…”
“You are the dress that covers all nakedness, the food that gladdens all who are hungry with its sweetness. Well, you are sweet, without any bitterness! Redress me, Eternal Trinity, redress me with yourself so that I may spend this mortal life in true obedience and in the light of the most holy faith, with which you have intoxicated my soul! Amen.”
To Mary Eternal Mother
The prayers dedicated to Mary are part of the Marian movement throughout the world, they are performed in order to request favors and praises where the Virgin Mary is the protagonist, in it Litany Novenas and various short and long prayers are established in order to obtain the benevolence of the Holy Mother.
Among the prayers that we will name below, there are more than 20 prayers per line, where all his love and faith is dedicated to the Holy Mother, these prayers are:
- Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
- Prayer to Our Mother.
- Hymns to Mary
- Prayers of Dogmas to Mary
- Prayers to Marian Advocations
In each country of the world there is the so-called patron saint, who is the protector of people at the regional level, so that by counting the prayers dedicated to Mary we obtain a total of more than 5,000 prayers dedicated to the Mother of Jesus, A prayer to Maria is established as follows:
“My mother, Mother of the Universe, who with the light of your womb illuminates the darkness of sin; carrier of rivers, sun and stars, nucleus of love, music for the soul, water for thirst and the truth to find you.
“Under the rich edges and waves of your mantle I cover myself together with my family, from darkness, cold, disease, fire, water and all imminent danger. The universe of your womb placate evil and let us be preserved by the grace of God. Amen.”
Prayer for the Liturgy
They take place during mass and comprise a fairly long group of prayers that complement each other in the Catholic calendar and are presented in various ways to support the following:
- Advent
- Lent
- Easter, Christmas
- Ordinary Time
- priest before mass
- priest after mass
- Supreme Pontiffs
- laity before mass
- Prayer before reading the Bible
- laity after mass
- Liturgy of the hours.
Like other prayers, these prayers dedicated during the liturgy also represent a very important spiritual concept in the life of a Catholic, let’s see an example of a liturgical prayer:
Family Christmas Prayer.
“Lord Jesus, You are love and life. You wanted to be born as we all are born, from a woman. In this way you have blessed the family. Make each family become a true sanctuary of life and love. Make your grace guide the thoughts and actions of the spouses, towards the good of their families.”
“Make the young generations find strong support in the family for their growth in truth and love. Let the children be that seed of hope in the family, and thus, with our love, renew their innocence.
“Make the love sanctified by the grace of marriage, prove stronger than any weakness and any crisis. Amen”.
sacrament prayer
It is used in order to reinforce faith, and is performed during the ceremonies of the sacrament (Previously seen), it accompanies these devotions when it is performed:
- The baptism
- the first communion
- Confirmation
- Repentance
- Commune
- Sorry
- Blessed Sacrament
It also includes a large number of variants and forms depending on the condition of the sacrament, a sacramental prayer is established as follows:
Prayer for spiritual communion
“I believe, my Jesus, that you are really and truly in heaven and in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I love you above all things and I strongly desire to receive you within my soul, but not being able to do so now sacramentally, come at least spiritually to my heart.”
“And as if I had already received you, I embrace you and join you completely. Lord, do not let me ever separate from You. Amen.”
Prayer to the Church
The Church represents the largest spiritual structure for all Catholics. Pray for the vision of your church, hence the importance of praying for it. For her protection, her maintenance and permanence over time, like other prayers, she is dedicated through Novenas, prayers, among others.
It is offered to praise and request before God the protection of Cardinals and Bishops, Religious Orders, Priestly Vocations, Acolytes, Catechists, Evangelizers, Saints, Blesseds, Venerables, Servants of God, Missions and Missionaries, Christian Community, Movements and Apostolic Organizations.
The faithful usually pray for all its members, for the permanence of the leadership, for the ministers, for the faith and the fury of the Church. These prayers are very short and are rarely used, however in some litanies it can be seen how members of the Church are included in the prayers.
Prayer for the Church community
“Lord, you call me to live in community. And you want me to build community. You want me in communion with others, not to be better or stronger, but to be myself. The community is strong if it waits. The community is true if it loves. The community is holy if each one is holy.”
“To be a community is to exist for others. It is meeting others. It is praying with them. It is showing signs of one’s own hope. Only in this way can we approach those who did not receive the faith and place them in your hands. Only in this way can we sustain it in those who hardly conserve it. Amen!”
In defense of human life
The prayers dedicated to the life of man are directed in order to maintain the values and existence of people on earth, as well as supplications to protect the homeless, avoid abortion, protect pregnancy, doctors, and combat The diseases.
This type of prayer is used by many faithful through petitions to saints, as well as to Jesus Christ and God Himself, let’s see one of the most used and that is related to abortion:
“Holy Mary, Mother of God and of the Church, Our Lady of Guadalupe, you were chosen by the Father for the Son through the Holy Spirit. You are the Woman clothed with the sun about to give birth to Christ while Satan, the Red Dragon, waits to ravenously devour your Son.”
“So did Herod seeking to destroy your Son, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, massacring many innocent children in his attempt. Abortion does the same thing today, killing millions of innocent children and exploiting their mothers in its attack on life and on the Church, the Body of Christ.”
“Mother of the Innocents, we praise God in you for His gifts to you from your Immaculate Conception, free from sin, full of grace; your motherhood of God and of the Church, your Perpetual Virginity and your Ascension to Heaven in body and spirit.”
“O Help of Christians, we beg you to protect all mothers of the unborn and the children in their wombs. We beg your help to end this holocaust of abortion. Holy Mother, we pray to your Immaculate Heart for all mothers and all unborn children so that they may have life here on earth and through the Precious Blood shed by your Son that they may have eternal life with Him in heaven. ”
“We also pray to your Immaculate Heart for all those who perform abortions and those who support them, that they may convert and accept your Son, Jesus Christ, as their Lord and Savior. He defends all your children in the battle against Satan and all evil spirits in these times of darkness.”
“We wish that the innocent unborn children who die without Baptism could be baptized and saved. We ask you to obtain this grace for them and God’s repentance, reconciliation and forgiveness for their parents and their murderers.”
“May the power of Love be revealed once more in the world. May he put an end to evil. May he transform consciences. May your Immaculate Heart reveal for all the light of hope. May Christ the King reign over all of us, our families, cities, states, countries and the whole of humanity.”
“O merciful, O full of love, O sweet Virgin Mary, hear our prayers and accept this cry from our hearts! Our Lady, Protectress of the unborn, pray for us! Amen.”
of passion and pain
These sentences are developed with the purpose of expressing their support or rejection of the situations of human life that lead to pain or the valuation of virtues and life, these good or bad situations with:
- abandonment,
- Gratitude.
- Thanksgiving
- Praise
- Happiness.
- Amiability.
- Distress.
- Confidence.
- Deceased.
- sick.
- Intercession.
- To young people.
- Meditations.
- Situations in difficult times
- Kids.
- Offering.
- Patria.
- Paz.
- spiritual peace.
- sinners.
- Pilgrim.
- Solidarity.
- Suffering.
- supplications
Next we will show two sentences that represent the actions towards the good and another one towards the adverse situations:
Prayer of Confidence
“In your power and in your kindness I found my life; I hope in them trusting as a child. Admirable Mother, in you and your Son in all circumstances I believe and trust blindly. Amen.”
prayer for sinners
“O God of great mercy, who deigned to send us your only-begotten Son as the greatest testimony of your unfathomable love and mercy, you do not reject sinners but also to them you have opened the treasure of your infinite mercy, from which they can collect in abundance both justification and all holiness to which a soul can come.”
“Father of great mercy, I wish that all hearts trustfully turn to your infinite mercy. No one will be able to justify himself before you if he is not accompanied by your unfathomable mercy. When you reveal to us the mystery of your mercy, eternity will not be enough to thank you for it properly. Amen.”
For the family
It is considered that praying for the family brings us much prosperity and peace for many years, the family is the soul of the spiritual society and God protects it when we request his intervention, so the importance of praying for the family is rooted as a way of constant request in petitions to God.
The prayer for the family allows us to pray for the Family, the spouses, the children, the grandparents, the Couples, the Pregnant Women, the Woman, the Fathers, Mothers, Boyfriends, Holy Family, Young People, Homes, Work in the home, Friendship.
We will show below two short sentences that are used in order to protect all the components of the family, let’s see:
Prayer to the spouses
“Lord, our God we bless you for taking our love into your hands. Help us fulfill our mission. Come share our life. Help us to form our children, to be witnesses of your love in our family and in the community. Give us strength in discouragements, Share our joys. Lord, bless our love. Amen.”
Prayer to the Holy Family
“Holy Family of Nazareth, communion of love of Jesus, Mary and Joseph, model and ideal of every Christian family, we entrust our families to you. Make each family a sanctuary where life is welcomed and respected: a community of love open to faith and hope, a home where understanding and solidarity reign; and in which the joy of reconciliation and peace is lived.”
“Grant us that all our families have a decent home in which they never lack enough bread and what is necessary for a truly human life. Open the hearts of our homes to prayer, to the reception of the Word of God and to Christian witness; that each one of our families be an authentic domestic Church in which the Gospel of Jesus Christ is lived and proclaimed. Amen.”
To education
The prayers dedicated to education are directed to the entire environment and represents Education in any country, it is requested for the protection and the granting of wisdom and light to those who teach and direct educational centers.
In Catholic schools (which exist in the thousands in the world), an attempt is made to educate in Christian philosophy, and prayer is part of the activities that students must develop along with their daily academic learning.
This helps to form people with a high value of spiritual property and respect for the figure of God. As the only entity capable of granting peace and glory to people, we see how a prayer dedicated to education is manifested:
Student Prayer
“Oh Mary, my Mother, Throne of Eternal Wisdom… Obtain for me the grace: To study diligently, To learn easily And to retain firmly and securely, For the Glory of God And the salvation of my soul…Amen.”
For all days and other daily dates
Although similar in certain aspects to other prayers, this type of prayer is used to ask for daily situations, as well as protection when blessing the table, to bless food, when getting up, before going to sleep, for a birthday, for a year. new, for the culmination of a project etc.
They are very short and small actions that serve to support the situation in which people find themselves doing daily in their routine, let’s see an example of what a prayer for every day is like:
offer of the day
“Lord! May my eyes see that You are the light that illuminates my path. May my soul feel the joy of carrying you deep inside. May my heart receive with humility the Love that You give me. May my thoughts be to glorify and bless you. May my silences be to talk to you and listen to you. May my prayers cry out to You for the change I must have.”
“Lord! I want to live under your gaze. Walk tirelessly until I find you And thus feel peace and joy. That your infinite Love gives me. Amen.”
For the media
Those in charge of keeping the world population informed through their news also need protection and spiritual help, for all that communication movement that moves around the world there are very simple prayers that help keep this profession up.
For this, a simple request prayer is used where journalists and the entire environment can be included, which allows them to obtain light from God and be able to faithfully carry the most important information. Here is one of the sentences dedicated to the media, specifically to journalists:
“Lord, behold, you have put me on the path of being a missionary of your light and your truth in the Media of the press. Grant me then the gift of satisfying in everyone the most noble need for intelligence to know the truth of human events.”
“So that by doing it with respect and opportunity, you are daily expanding the domains of Truth and preparing domains for the wills at the service of good. Make my writings defend the noble causes of the people.”
“Make him report to guide. That criticize to build. That provokes laughter with the transcendent purpose of avoiding crying. And may he become from the columns of the newspaper that teacher, that worker, that soldier, that brother of the people whose mission guidance and teaching is expected.”
“So, Lord, let my work be inspired by the Light of your Truth and the Law of your justice; so that in this way, I can make what is solid agile, make what is serious attractive, make what is Holy joyful, and give the Eternal Truths the air of exciting surprise of the latest news.”
“You who are the Way, the Truth and the Life, give me all that, Lord, so that I can carry out my mission as a journalist. Amen.”
to bless
These prayers allow you to use the prayers in order to promote God’s blessing through petitions full of passion and love, the blessings are protections that God sent to his faithful and allow them to lead a full and peaceful life.
These prayers can be used for the Blessing of a new house, family, work, friends, Church, among other situations, they are widely used, they are very short and they are only responsible for giving the blessing of the Lord through the word, they are granted by priests or by persons authorized by the Church.
For the Holy Hour
We have already seen the description of the Holy Hour, in it you can include some short prayers of meditation such as the following:
“Almighty Eternal Father, you have created us to know you, love you and serve you. That you have created all things for our good. That you love man so much that you have given him your own Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.”
“We beg you, Lord, that since you have created us for yourself, take us to you; and since you have given us your Son to save us, do not allow us to be lost, but rather through his merits and with the Grace of the Holy Spirit, we may reach your Glory and in it we will praise you eternally.”
An Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory are prayed. It concludes with the following song:
“Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts. Full are the Heavens and the earth of your Glory. Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit.” (This chant is repeated 3 times).
God’s prayers for every day
These prayers serve Catholics to face every morning the situations that life presents to them in their daily walk, they make up a large number of prayers that allow us to offer different forms for each day.
The prayers included in this line are very similar to those used in the part of the devotions where it is established as a way to dedicate some moments to God, it means that the prayers of the devotions of Father God can be used in this line. The clearest example for this type of sentence is the following:
“My God, my friend, we wait for each and every one of us. We go together, side by side, united as a cluster. Together we make a path, a path, stone by stone, as long as our lives.”
“Your love will be the cement that binds the stones, it will be the one who unites our voices, in the same prayer. In the end it will be your arms that receive us all and your eyes will look, lest any be missing. Then you will say with joy: “The way is already done; you have arrived, my children.”
“And we will be able to see your face, a young and joyful face, a face of a Father. Well, Jesus will come with us, your son, our brother and friend, the same one who taught us to say to you very united: “Our Father, You love us, Make us we all love each other We want to fulfill your will, we are going to share what we have. And just as you forgive us, so we must forgive ourselves, Amen.”
To conclude, it is important to mention that prayer is a conversation with God, you should think of him with love, you should find a way to pray as Jesus did, praising his father, requesting forgiveness of sins, imploring to obtain his glory, so that he might establish the union of man with God.
There are ancient Catholic prayers that can reflect a unique feeling towards the creator and help solve many problems, their maintenance over time has allowed to form a historical criterion of beliefs regardless of time, the most common ones that you can search for to be closer of God are:
- Act of reparation for the affronts that Jesus Christ has suffered in his Holy Face
- Acts of reparation to the dying Heart of Jesus
- Let us adore Jesus Sacramentado
- Praise be to the august
- Praises to the Blood of Christ from Father Garcia
- Some prayers with plenary indulgences
- Soul of Christ and other prayers of Saint Ignatius of Loyola
- Last night when I slept, Poem by Antonio Machado
- I had a dream last night
- Aspirations for the coming of the Child God
- Blessing of my home
- Five things today I ask of you Sacred Heart of Jesus
- spiritual communion
- with a little of your love
- Consecration to the Divine Will
- Consecration to the Blood of Jesus shed on the way to Calvary
- Consecration to the Holy Cross
- Consecration to the Sacred Pierced and United Hearts of Jesus and Mary
- Consecration to the Holy Angels
- Consecration to the Holy Guardian Angel
- Consecration of our countries to the Sacred Heart of Christ the King
- Conversation with Christ in the Tabernacle
- Songs of the soul that sorrow to see God – Saint John of the Cross
- Saint Patrick’s Breastplate
- Having breakfast, lunch and dinner with the Holy Trinity
- Devotion to Divine Mercy, Crown of Mercy
- Devotion to the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Barnabas)
- Devotion to the Holy Face (Face) of Jesus
- Devotion to the Holy Trinity (Trisagio)
- Devotion to the Holy Angels
- Devotion to San Joaquín and Santa Ana
- Devotion to Saint Joseph
- Devotion to Saint John the Baptist
- Devotion to the Holy Spirit
- Devotion to the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar
- Devotion during the elevation of the Host
- Devotions of the Five Joys of Santa Ana
- Devout exercise in times of scourges and tribulations
- Sweet Jesus of my life
- my sweet jesus
- Exercise that a Pope did and that exempted him from the penalties of Purgatory
- God’s Alphabet
- the praised
- The power of God protects me
- The Lord condemns rash judgments
- The Lord is My Shepherd
- The Via Crucis of Our Lady of Sorrows
- The Via Crucis meditated by San Alfonso de Ligorio
- In your Wounds, in your Holy Wounds
- Meeting; beautiful prayer of Mary Paz
- clarify the dawn
- Holy Spirit, invocation and surrender
- Holy Spirit; attached to you
- brief exorcism
- Exorcism of Pope Leo XIII
- How to baptize children who have died without baptism
- Joys to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Devout and Ancient Joys of the Immaculate Conception of Mary (1762)
- Brother Andrew
- Hymn at the hour that Christ rises
- Holy Hour Part Four: Litanies to the Sacred Heart
- Holy Hour Final Part: Supplication, Concluding Prayer and Magnificat
- Holy Hour Part One: Adoration
- Holy Hour Part Two: Act of Faith and Adoration
- Holy Hour Part Three: Miserere
- Invocation to God Supreme Being
- Jesus Christ help me!
- Jesus, think about it
- The Ascension of Jesus to Heaven Poem by Fray Luis de León
- The daily Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Saint Margaret Mary
- The convocation of the Holy Angels
- The Crusade Prayer
- The Devotion of the 33 Creeds
- The Devotion of the Thousand Jesus
- The Devotion of the Nine First Fridays
- The Sponge of your Passion
- The Hour of Peace
- The Hour of the Angels
- The Hour of the Damned
- San Jose Time
- The Holy Hour to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by Father Mateo Crawl – Boves
- Death is not the end, Saint Augustine (For people who are in danger of death)
- The Prayer of the Three Nails
- The Unknown Prayer of Jesus on the Cross
- The Miraculous Prayer
- The promise of the 5 Our Fathers, Hail Marys and Gloria
- La Setena The devotion of the Seven Rosaries of Jacareí
- Beloved Lips of the Crucified
- The Five Hail Marys in Honor of the Blood of Christ
- The thorns of your crown
- The Hours of the Passion dictated to Luisa Piccarreta
- The Night Hours of Repair
- The Nine Prayers of Saint Gregory the Great (El Maremagnum) a sea of indulgences
- The Prayers dictated to Saint Bridget by Jesus to pray for twelve years
- The Fifteen Prayers dictated to Saint Bridget by Jesus to pray for a year
- The Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross
- The Three Prayers
- Book of Prayers for the Dying
- Liturgy of the Hours (Lauds, Vespers and Compline)
- Keys to Your Sacred Heart
- The Oils: San Rafael and San José
- The ten Our Fathers in reparation to the Ten Commandments of the Holy Law of God
- The Seven Sundays to San José, Dolores and Joys
- my baby jesus
- Nothing disturbs you – Saint Teresa of Jesus
- Nicola D’Onofrio
- Don’t ask God
- Offering in union with the Heart of Jesus
- Pray like this to the Holy Trinity
- Prayer to God the Father for the salvation of souls
- Prayer to Jesus Crucified
- Prayer to Powerful Jesus
- Prayer to Jesus the Redeemer
- Prayer to the Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Prayer to the Wound of the Holy Side and Heart of Jesus Christ
- Prayer to the Miraculous Medal
- Prayer to the Most Precious Blood of Eternal Life (indulgences)
- Prayer to the Holy Night of Resurrection
- Prayer to the Holy Trinity
- Prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe for the times of Purification
- Prayer to the Holy Hosts of God
- Prayer to the three theological virtues: Faith, Hope and Charity
- Prayer to Our Lord Jesus Christ bound and whipped
- Prayer to Saint Augustine
- Prayer to Saint Francis of Assisi
- Prayer to Saint Francis Xavier
- Very old prayer to Saint Joseph and other prayers to the Saint
- Prayer to Saint John the Evangelist
- Prayer to Saint John the Evangelist: the beloved disciple of Jesus
- Prayer to San Judas Tadeo
- Prayer to San Judas Tadeo: For work and family
- Prayer to Saint Paul
- Prayer to Saint Clare of Assisi
- Prayer to St. Eduvigis
- Prayer to Saint Joan of Arc, when we lack Faith
- Prayer to Santa Rita de Casia; lawyer of the impossible
- Prayer to the Christ of Calvary
- Prayer lighting a candle
- Prayer to the Holy Spirit
- Prayer to the Just Judge
- Prayer to the little Jesus of Prague
- Prayer to the Child God to obtain a favor
- Prayer to the Sacred Heart I trust in you
- Prayer to the Blessed Sacrament
- Prayer to the Most Holy and Miraculous Christ
- Prayer before leaving home
- Prayer with indulgence giving the clock the hour
- Prayer against the influence of evil
- Prayer against the sins of the flesh
- prayer against all evil
- Prayer of Adoration to Jesus and Mary
- Prayer of repentance Healing and Liberation dictated by Jesus
- Consecration Prayer to Saint Michael for his devotees
- Prayer of consecration of our whole life to God
- Prayer of consolation and adoration to Jesus Adorable
- Fidelity Prayer
- Prayer of Jesus for every day
- Spiritual Armor Prayer
- Full Spiritual Armor prayer for spiritual combat
- Ancestral Curse Release Prayer
- Prayer of deliverance and protection
- Prayer of protection against all evil
- Prayer of protection when the days of tribulation arrive
- Prayer of Protection delivered by an Angel
- Prayer of protection for our children with the power of the Blood of Jesus
- Protection Prayer over the Wounds of Jesus
- Prayer of renunciation of negative attitudes
- Reparation Prayer for the Crown of Thorns
- Prayer of Reparation for the sins of the world Kneeling prayer
- Saint Ambrose Prayer
- physical healing prayer
- Healing prayer for the sick Emiliano Tardif
- Healing and Protection Prayer to the Archangel Saint Raphael
- Sealing Prayer with the Blood of Christ
- Sealing Prayer in the power of one and Triune God
- Prayer of the Good Thief
- sinful man’s prayer
- Prayer of the child who wants to be born
- Daily prayer taught by Jesus to be protected from all cataclysms
- prayer against temptation
- Prayer Litanies of the Victory of the Blood of Jesus (Mother Basel Schlink)
- Prayer for a good death
- Prayer to help not change religion
- Prayer to fall asleep in the manger
- Prayer to keep the Faith
- Prayer for inner healing Emiliano Tardif
- Prayer after confession
- Prayer to stop the war delivered by Jesus
- Prayer for the Calendar
- Prayer for the permanent good health of the body in the Light of God the Father
- Prayer for salvation given by Jesus
- Prayer to release fifteen souls from Purgatory
- Prayer to Lovingly Carry Our Cross
- Prayer for loved ones who came before us on the Camino
- Prayer to obtain all the graces of the masses in the world
- Prayer to ask Jesus for help and solve problems
- Prayer to ask for all graces – Pope Clement XI
- Prayer to ask Saint Padre Pio for a favor
- Prayer to repair own sins and those of others
- Prayer to request great favors
- Prayer to defeat Satan and his agents
- Prayer for Pope Francis
- Prayer for the conversion of our families during the great warning or warning given by Jesus
- Prayer for inner healing
- Prayer for the healing of the family tree
- Prayer for the souls in Purgatory – Santa Gertrudis
- Prayer for the vocations of Pope Paul VI
- Prayer for those who have abandoned the Faith
- Prayer for Priests
- Prayer that the Lord dictated to Santa Gertrudis
- Prayer and Novena to Saint Vincent de Paul
- Prayer: The sentence given will be revoked Prayers to God the Father
- Prayers to the Mournful Heart of Jesus
- Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
- Prayers of adoration to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ (II)
- Prayers of consolation to the Agonizing Jesus Christ part 1
- Reparation Prayers to the Dying Jesus Christ: Distressing Calls
- Prayers of reparation to the Agonizing Jesus for the Crown of Thorns
- Prayers for Intergenerational Healing and Deliverance – Father Robert De Grandis
- Prayers of Saint Thomas Aquinas (includes Adoro te Devote)
- Prayers for the Siege of Jericho
- Prayers to go to confession and examination of conscience
- Prayers to break the chains of masturbation
- Prayers for the souls in Purgatory
- Pray and repair for the souls involved in the horrible crime of abortion
- Our Father of Liberation
- Padre Pio Prayer written by him: “Stay with me, O Jesus
- Padre Pio: Prayer for the sick and messages
- Our Father for the blessed souls in Purgatory (Saint Matilde)
- Words of Life
- Comforting Thoughts
- Thoughts that Mother Teresa of Calcutta had in her cell
- liberation prayer
- Repair for the souls that do not recognize me as the Lord of their lives
- Sacrifice, Prayer and Reparation for our countries and the whole world Sacred Heart of Jesus give me Your blessing
- Psalm Miserere (Psalm 50)
- Saint Albert Hurtado
- Saint Alphonsus Liguori: Visits to the Blessed Sacrament
- Saint Anthony of Padua, Prayers, Litanies and Devotion of the 13 Tuesdays or Sundays
- San Cayetano; the saint of the poor
- San expedito
- Saint Joseph: May families be consecrated to my fatherly protection Saint Lazarus: risen by Jesus
- Saint Angela of Foligno: Reflections on the sufferings of Jesus Christ
- Saint Barbara and Saint Mary Magdalene
- Saint Margaret and Saint Philomena
- Santa Rosa de Lima
- Saint Teresa of the Andes
- Holy Brother Pedro de Betancur
- Lord of Angustias: Patron Saint of Otavalo
- Seven offerings of the Blood of Christ with seven Glory
- Sonnet to Christ Crucified – I do not regret Lord
- Supplication to the Holy Angels
- Plea to the Lord of May
- Touch me with your eyes, Jesus
- Three recent prayers from God the Father and Jesus for every day Your Blood, Oh Lord!
- Come Holy Spirit; Love of the Father and the Son
- Dressing the Baby Jesus
- soul vote
- I am your only wealth (Jesus)
Catholic devotions and prayers allow the human being to become stronger, to be able to defeat evil and obtain much grace, if for some reason you did not see in this a prayer that you could request to solve a health problem or of another type, we invite you to review the following link that can help you find the prayer according to your need.