A prayer to forget a love, treacherous and false
You are looking for a prayer to forget a love , you came to the right place because in this post we will take care of describing a series of prayers that can be useful to you in the situation you are going through. Do not stop reading the post that all the prayers that you will find are very effective.
Prayer to forget a love
Forgetting a love is not easy and even more so if we are very much in love with that person, sometimes we even have to resort to divine help to forget that person who did not do so much damage and remove him from our life forever. Next we will describe some prayers to forget a treacherous and false love:
Lord Jesus Christ you who are great, kind and merciful, like you no one else knows about true love. You who gave your life for each one of us Heavenly Father, today I prostrate before you to thank you for everything you do for us.
Lord, this day I come to you not only to thank you, on this occasion I also prostrate myself before you, my Lord, to ask you to help me in this difficult situation that I am facing, Lord. I beg you to remove from my soul this emptiness that hurts me so much, my father.
My heart at this time is totally broken, since seeing himself separated from the person he thought was his whole world, he is sad, afflicted, hurt and in a lot of pain, for this reason, Lord, I come to you to ask you to help me overcome this sadness that overwhelms my soul.
Help me Lord to overcome this difficult situation in which I see myself involved (o), help me so that I do not lose myself in the face of this stormy situation of heartbreak that I am experiencing because of that bad person who only played with my feelings for so long.
Lord, I ask you to help me overcome this bad streak in my life, give me the necessary strength to get ahead and thus be able to continue being part of your entourage. Lord heal my heart from all this lack of love so that I can find the person who will truly appreciate me, take care of my heart and appreciate the love and affection that I give him.
Lord, I ask you to accompany me on the path of my life, guide my steps, repair my heart and completely remove from my life that love that hurt me so much.
Help me forget that person, who never loved me and only knew how to play with my feelings and the love I gave him, Lord, listen to my pleas, I implore you.
I want to forget that bad love, so be it and so it will be, Amen.
Prayer to God to forget and forgive a love
You more than anyone know everything that I carry inside my heart, everything that I keep in my soul, Lord, help me so that each one of the wishes that are in the depths of my soul can be fulfilled, as soon as possible, Lord. don’t forsake me
Lord listen to the cry of each one of my words, and I ask my feelings to be purified so that this love is completely eradicated from my heart and that there is no trace left of what that person made me feel, a false and harmful love.
Get out of my heart all that love that only played with my feelings, take away from my mind every false word that he expressed to me in the moments that we lived together, erase from my mind all the actions that can revive that feeling again in my person, sir, listen my pleas, you more than anyone know how much I suffer day by day for this bad love
When love is reciprocated, it is the most beautiful thing that can happen to anyone, but when, on the contrary, that love is only full of betrayal, damage, anguish, mistreatment, hypocrisy, and falsehood, it becomes the worst thing that can happen to us in our lives.
Lord, heal my soul from all resentment, give me the intelligence and wisdom to be able to forgive that love and in this way be able to move on with my life, since resentment and anger do not leave us anything good in our lives.
Lord, I implore you to help me completely close this cycle in my life and to forget it completely.Amen.
Prayer to the virgin of oblivion
Oh Our Lady of Oblivion,
Most Holy and beautiful Mary who shines in infinite Glory,
oh blessed Mother of God and sweet hope of men,
for the Divine Son that you love and adore so much,
I ask you to be my light and consolation in this especially hard situation. I
hope and trust that you will accompany me and offer your particular support
to overcome and get out of this loneliness that overwhelms me,
I implore you to help me find peace in my life
and to cleanse and heal my heart that is so damaged.Holy Mother, Mother who gives us relief in anguish,
I want to forget a love relationship that has not been good,
I need to leave behind this depression, this anguish
and get away from me so much suffering,
I need to heal all the pain that I feel inside
and that My insecurities and fears disappear.For the sweetness and kindness of your maternal and pure Heart
and the strength of your power of mediation before your Son Jesus
I ask you for tranquility in my life,
peace in my feelings and clarity in my mind;
I ask for enthusiasm, new goals, new loves,
make me be surrounded by good people
who make me feel better and want to move forward
and give me strength not to give up and not give up,
make me find friends who are by my side ,
and help me start a new and happy stage.You who are sovereign adviser and our help,
You who grant more than what is asked of you,
pray to your beloved Son to grant me his Divine help
so that joy and moments of happiness return to me and
anguish and tears go away. I
want to resume my life ,
recover my self-confidence
and free myself from ties to be able to move forward
and, when the time comes, find true love,
a partner that complements me,
that gives security to my life in all aspects
and with which can live in love and harmony,
without discussions or infidelities, without abandonment and disappointments.I completely trust in You,
I know that your love for me is great,
therefore, especially, beloved Mother,
I ask for your mediation and your help in:(ask now what you want to get).
Blessed Virgin of Oblivion welcome my prayers and remember me, tell me
your strength of soul
so that my faith and hope are not overwhelmed by difficulties,
inspire me to have your same spirit of generosity
and please protect me so that I can rebuild my life
and forget my past love relationship that makes me suffer so much.Virgin of Oblivion, Triumph and Mercy,
do not stop praying for me,
You who are the Mother of the one who suffers and of the one who cries
and effective hope of the one who comes to You and at your feet implores,
make him receive your benefits
I beg you with all humility not leave me alone,
I expect a positive response from you, my Lady, as soon as possible,
I ask you in the name of Jesus, our brother and Lord.Thank you tender and pious Maria for listening to me,
I love you and I will never forget you.Amen.